
muslim gold

Jul 9th, 2014
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  1. Mohammed Maher : konkey can i trade for ur gold gun
  2. Konkey : no
  3. CoffeeMug : pls konki trade
  4. Mohammed Maher : why not
  5. Konkey : because i like it
  6. Konkey : and now im gonna use it to make you jealous
  7. Mohammed Maher : i will give so much for it
  8. Konkey : wat do you give
  9. Mohammed Maher : i wont name all but i have so much for one
  10. Konkey : so much is not enough
  11. Mohammed Maher : how much do u want
  12. Konkey : 3 buds
  13. Mohammed Maher : what r buds
  14. Konkey : exactly
  15. Mohammed Maher : what r they
  16. Konkey : friends
  17. Mohammed Maher : whats that got to do with this
  18. Konkey : i want friends
  19. Konkey : :(
  20. Tawp Dawg : i can give you 10 buds for friendship
  21. CoffeeMug : toty
  22. Mohammed Maher : konkey ill add u
  23. Konkey : why
  24. Mohammed Maher : becoz i wana be ur friend
  25. CoffeeMug : pls konki i scem
  26. CoffeeMug : I wanna be friend
  27. CoffeeMug : totally not for golden gun
  28. Konkey : ok )
  29. CoffeeMug : konki pls
  30. Mohammed Maher : konkey add me plz
  31. Konkey : how?
  32. Mohammed Maher : wait ill add u
  34. ~ 3 minutes pass ~
  36. Mohammed Maher : did u get my friend request
  37. buiminh : ne
  38. Konkey : no :(
  39. Mohammed Maher : wait
  40. Tawp Dawg : Konkey will u give me some>?
  41. Konkey : if u add me within 5 seconds i give gold gun for free ok?
  42. CoffeeMug : konky will u give hat pls
  43. Konkey : too late sry no trade for u
  44. CoffeeMug : pls I ned gold itm
  45. CoffeeMug : for friend ))))
  46. Tawp Dawg : so do i
  47. CoffeeMug : totely not scem
  48. Konkey : ok trade )
  49. Tawp Dawg : my hamster is dyin
  50. CoffeeMug : )))
  51. Konkey : send money on my bank
  52. Mohammed Maher : konkey im not adding u for the gold gun im adding u for friend ship
  53. Konkey : what is ur credit card numbr?
  54. Tawp Dawg : Konkey i need 10 hats to make your penis bigger
  55. Tawp Dawg : it works
  56. Tawp Dawg : really
  57. Tawp Dawg : no lie
  58. *DEAD* Konkey : my penis cannot get bigger
  59. CoffeeMug : legitism ))
  60. Mohammed Maher : konkey add me
  61. Konkey : how ?
  62. Konkey : (
  63. Mohammed Maher : go on to steam at top left it sais freinds hover over that click add friend type my name then look for my avatar then add me
  64. Konkey : cant u add me?
  65. Konkey : i dont have internets
  66. Mohammed Maher : i cant find u
  67. Mohammed Maher : ill try
  68. Konkey : bcoauz i am SPY XD
  69. Mohammed Maher : i cant add u plz try add me
  70. Konkey : it sais i ned to buy game on staem
  71. Mohammed Maher : or im leaving :(
  72. CoffeeMug : oh noe
  73. Mohammed Maher : by a game on steam then
  74. Konkey : reported
  75. Konkey : scamer
  76. Mohammed Maher : who me
  77. Konkey : yes
  78. Mohammed Maher : oh i didnt know what scamming was
  79. CoffeeMug : of course
  80. Mohammed Maher : no i didnt im 11 years old
  81. Konkey : me too
  82. Konkey : but i know
  83. Mohammed Maher : well i didnt what does it mean
  84. Konkey : the police will come to ur hause
  85. Konkey : u try to take my money
  86. snaxel62 : you are wrong
  87. Mohammed Maher : NO THEY WONT LOL
  88. Konkey : yes
  89. Konkey : you must give me free hat or i repoter
  90. Mohammed Maher : IM NOT DUMB
  91. JUNGLE | Panda : selling one key
  92. Konkey : no.
  93. Mohammed Maher : SREW U KONKEY
  94. Konkey : wtf u not want be friend?
  95. Mohammed Maher : NO ONE LIKES U U HAVE NO FREIND
  96. Konkey : :'(
  97. Konkey : you shit on my feeling
  99. *DEAD* Konkey : why??? :'((((((((((((((
  100. *DEAD* Konkey : i cry now i
  101. Mohammed Maher : BECOZ UR A SNITCH AND REPORT ME
  102. snaxel62 : dont listen to him konkey
  103. Mohammed Maher : FUCK U CUNT
  104. Player Mohammed Maher left the game (Disconnect by user.)
  105. Konkey : i dont hav to make repot we can make fierned
  106. Konkey : rofl
  107. Player The update is more beta than me has joined the game
  108. P
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