

Mar 7th, 2019
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  1. - Added command **cs_run** (Allows you to run csharp code at runtime.)
  2. - Added command **getcompiler** (Get the current roslyn compiler path.)
  3. - Added command **settimescale** (Syntax: 'settimescale <value>' Change the game speed (Default is 1).)
  4. - Added command **kill** (Kill yourself.)
  5. - Added command **noclip** (Toggle the noclip.)
  6. - Added command **gotoraft** (Teleports you to your raft.)
  7. - Added command **dotnetversion** (Get the current .NET version.)
  8. - Added command **exit** (Exit the game.)
  9. - Added command **bind** (Syntax: 'bind <key> <command>' Bind a console command to a key.)
  10. - Added command **unbind** (Syntax: 'unbind <key>' Unbind a console comand from a key.)
  11. - Added command **unbindall** (Unbind all commands from all keys.)
  12. - Fixed Serverlist.
  13. - Added **EVERYONE CAN JOIN** option to the dropdown in NewWorld and LoadWorld menu. (If this option is choosen your server will be registered on the public serverlist.)
  14. - Updated to .NET 4.5.
  15. - Completely removed injection process.
  16. - Updated the loading process. (RaftModLoader will not work anymore on older raft versions.)
  17. - Added a basic DRM to prevent cracked users to play the game.
  18. - Added a new notification system to show errors.
  19. - Removed Richtext from the console inputfield.
  20. - Changed from WWW requests to UnityWebRequest.
  21. - Updated ItemAPI class.
  22. - Updated RAPI class.
  23. - Renamed main class to **RML_Main**
  24. - Removed the **[ULog]** prefix from Unity Errors in console.
  25. - Added a new type of mod (**\*.cs files**) (Its almost the same as .dll, just put them in **Raft/mods**)
  26. - Added Hotreload support for **.dll** mods. (You need to change the assemblyName each time you want to reload.)
  27. - **New .cs mods are compiled on your PC. They also are recompiling each time you load them.**
  28. - Added RawSharp class for CSEvaluation aswell as .cs mods.
  29. - Fixed DevTools.
  30. - Completely removed injection process.
  31. - Updated the loading process. (RaftModLoader will not work anymore on older raft versions.)
  32. - Added a basic DRM to prevent cracked users to play the game.
  33. - Added a new notification system to show errors.
  34. - Removed Richtext from the console inputfield.
  35. - Changed from WWW requests to UnityWebRequest.
  36. - Updated ItemAPI class.
  37. - Updated RAPI class.
  38. - Renamed main class to **RML_Main**
  39. - Removed the **[ULog]** prefix from Unity Errors in console.
  40. - Added a new type of mod (**\*.cs files**) (Its almost the same as .dll, just put them in **Raft/mods**)
  41. - Added Hotreload support for **.dll** mods. (You need to change the assemblyName each time you want to reload.)
  42. - **New .cs mods are compiled on your PC. They also are recompiling each time you load them.**
  43. - Added RawSharp class for CSEvaluation aswell as .cs mods.
  44. - Fixed DevTools.
  45. - Removed RaftModLoader.dll file.
  46. - Updated **Harmony** to the latest version.
  47. - Added sunrise time in the mainmenu (So it looks different from the vanilla version.)
  48. - Removed the deprecated warning message for `RConsole.registerCommand()`
  49. - RaftModLoader now loads REALLY faster.
  50. - ModLoader is now asynchronous. That means you shouldn't have freezes while loading a mod.
  51. - Added a new notification system (`RNotify`)
  52. - Modified the error notification. It won't spam your screen anymore.
  53. - Fixed error displaying in the console. It won't show the HEX stacktrace anymore.
  54. - Removed some placeholders from the Home page.
  55. - Fixed `registerCommand(typeof(YourModClass))` not properly unloading.
  56. - Removed console message prefixes ([Warning], [Error] etc...)
  57. - Added Console & MainMenu Open/Close animation.
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