

Apr 27th, 2017
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  1. Kobia Shamaru - 04/19/2017
  2. Hey...
  3. appocuplis - 04/19/2017
  4. o7
  5. Tired?
  6. Kobia Shamaru - 04/19/2017
  7. No... but i'm having to deal with rl along side... so i'm afraid my responses may be somewhat slow... But there's no rush. We can take our time here.
  8. appocuplis - 04/19/2017
  9. Giggidy? But um, there's a little bit of a rush as in I'll be leaving in 45 mins
  10. But we can stretch the conversation over multiple conversations
  11. Kobia Shamaru - 04/19/2017
  12. Indeed... that's is exactly what i was expecting to happen... i'm sorry i can't give you my full attention just now, tomorrow will be easier for me, but that's no reason not start now. Depends how impatient you are to get through this.
  13. appocuplis - 04/19/2017
  14. Well tomorrow I have obligations as well. Seems our schedules are opposite. No worries tho, RL takes precidence
  15. I figured discord would be easier to begin with since trying to be online at the same time would be difficult
  16. Kobia Shamaru - 04/19/2017
  17. yeah absolutely... Still... we can get through it like this. I'm cool with that if you are.
  18. appocuplis - 04/19/2017
  19. 100%
  20. appocuplis - 04/19/2017
  21. Still alive?
  22. Kobia Shamaru - 04/19/2017
  23. Heheh... just about.
  24. appocuplis - 04/19/2017
  25. I went to the movies and back, man. I got worried about you! :stuck_out_tongue:
  26. Kobia Shamaru - 04/19/2017
  27. lol
  28. still here... still dealing with rl. Bit less now though
  29. ok... so what are you looking for in a corp?
  30. appocuplis - 04/19/2017
  31. A family
  32. A bunch of people who think everyone else is nuts, but would happily throw their lot in with them anyways
  33. Kobia Shamaru - 04/19/2017
  34. heheh... yeah, that's pretty much ch3ss
  35. appocuplis - 04/19/2017
  36. Yeah, that's why I chose Ch3ss
  37. You guys feel like my kind of corp
  38. April 20, 2017
  39. Kobia Shamaru - 04/20/2017
  40. I know you're comming from Holesale... but that's pretty much all i know. But i do know that we don't have anything like the content that hs offered. How do you feel about the fact that for a good amount of time, there won't be much going on?
  41. appocuplis - 04/20/2017
  42. Perfectly fine, I occupy myself.
  43. Are you aware of my situation between HS and me?
  44. Kobia Shamaru - 04/20/2017
  45. Somewhat... but only from what i've been told... and that's a long way from having been there to experience it for myself.
  46. I'm not particularily interested in the past... i'd be more interested to hear about how you see your future if you were to join ch3ss
  47. appocuplis - 04/20/2017
  48. Fair enough. My future? Idk. First, I'd like to establish myself as a valuable member. Be someone other members and leadership can rely on. And obviously have fun along the way.
  49. Then I guess eventually transition into a member that others can use as an example
  50. Kobia Shamaru - 04/20/2017
  51. What would you be doing to occupy yourself during quiet times?
  52. appocuplis - 04/20/2017
  53. Ratting, pvp, indy stuff
  54. Kobia Shamaru - 04/20/2017
  55. Have you fc'd many/any fleets in your time?
  56. appocuplis - 04/20/2017
  57. PvP fleets? No. But I've been responsible for PvE fleets, and I used to lead raids in WoW, back when I played that.
  58. At least none that I can remember. I've taken charge of like 3-5man squads ganking solo ships in HS's chain, on occasion.
  59. Kobia Shamaru - 04/20/2017
  60. What do you think are qualities a good FC needs to have?
  61. appocuplis - 04/20/2017
  62. Above all: A level head. But also, patience and an ability to recieve multiple sources of information, and understand what he/she's being told/see. A general knowledge of the fleets capabilities and overall game knowledge certainly helps :stuck_out_tongue:
  63. Can I ask why all the questions about FCing?
  64. Kobia Shamaru - 04/20/2017
  65. all?
  66. I only count 2...
  67. Surely you meant to say... Both.(edited)
  68. appocuplis - 04/20/2017
  69. Yes, both :stuck_out_tongue:
  70. Can I ask why the questions about FCing?
  71. :stuck_out_tongue:
  72. Kobia Shamaru - 04/20/2017
  73. Yes... you can ask :stuck_out_tongue:
  74. appocuplis - 04/20/2017
  75. ....You think Sey would still recruit me if I strangled you through the computer...? :stuck_out_tongue:
  76. Kobia Shamaru - 04/20/2017
  77. Yes... she would. But things would not end well for you.
  78. appocuplis - 04/20/2017
  79. #worth
  80. If it's standard issue to ask, so be it. But I personally don't believe I have the game knowledge to FC much of anything.(edited)
  81. Just to nip that whole idea in the bud.
  82. Kobia Shamaru - 04/20/2017
  83. Ah... so you're a miner then!
  84. appocuplis - 04/20/2017
  85. For a long time, I was. Lol
  86. I'm not saying I'm trash at the game (cus honestly, who would?) but to put it in perspective for ya, I have 20m sp. So I'm new to the game. My total time playing is something like 2.5hrs, but I took a very extended break.
  87. Probably actual time subbed is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5yrs
  88. Sey may have told you, but I absorb information quickly. I like to THINK I know a lot about the game, and the way things work and the rock-paper-scissors of it all, but I'd be lying to you if I told you I was a professional :stuck_out_tongue:
  89. Kobia Shamaru - 04/20/2017
  90. What do you think is your best quality as an eve player?
  91. appocuplis - 04/20/2017
  92. Loyalty. When you've become a member of my family, you really have to work hard to break away. It's that drive to want to see the people I care about succeede together to overcome challenge.
  93. Btw, I am availiable to talk on TS if that'll work better for your RL stuff
  94. Kobia Shamaru - 04/20/2017
  95. So this is where i'm at right now... I've been made aware of what you said to sey...
  98. appocuplis - 04/20/2017
  99. Jokingly, of course :stuck_out_tongue:
  100. Kobia Shamaru - 04/20/2017
  101. my response to sey...(edited)
  102. Kobia Shamaru - Today at 5:08 PM
  103. if he's doing it to the interviewer... then he's not taking the interview seriously. He's relying on thinking that you alone will let him into corp regardless, so whats the point of an interview?
  104. now that i know that, i'm not sure i want to contiue with the interview.
  105. Your thoughts
  106. appocuplis - 04/20/2017
  107. I had assumed I was a shoe-in. I apologise. Thought this was more of a formality than anything
  108. I realize that this hurts my chances greatly. I accept that. If you're still not willing to continue I understand.
  109. Kobia Shamaru - 04/20/2017
  110. This is not a formality.. This interview was tasked to me specifically becuase i don't know you anywhere near as well as the others. I have a an unbiased view.
  111. Some of the questions i asked are standard... some are my own. This is more designed to see if you will 'fit in' with us as a group... rather than your eve skills and activities.
  112. Asking about things like fc'ing are good ways to get to know someone better, using a topic we're both familiar, with to bring out diffrences in opinions about things we have going on in the corp.
  113. Diffrences that can be good or bad... but they must fit.
  114. Having a piece that doesn't fit wouldn't be good for either party involved.
  116. It's late for me here... 01.36... lets sleep on this and continue tomorrow.
  117. appocuplis - 04/20/2017
  118. I apologise again, and I appreciate you giving me a second oppertunity. This one I won't treat so carelessly. Truly didn't mean to offend. And of course I'll be here tomorrow ready for more questions. I appreciate your time, and I'm looking forward to it. Goodnight, Kobia.
  119. Kobia Shamaru - 04/20/2017
  120. Goodnight Appoc.. Talk to you tomorrow.
  121. appocuplis - 04/20/2017
  122. o7
  123. Kobia Shamaru - 04/20/2017
  124. Sorry i've not been around today. Not into it atm. I'll catch up with you over the weekend. I'll be able to stay up late, so hopefully times will be cool.
  125. In the mean time... could you add your api to our website...
  127. Imgur
  128. Ch3ss Application Process
  130. April 21, 2017
  131. appocuplis - Last Friday at 4:08 AM
  132. That's all added. I put in a application too, I wasn't sure if that was nessicary or not.
  133. Weekends are tough for me. I work weekends... but we'll try to connect.
  134. April 23, 2017
  135. appocuplis - Last Sunday at 9:49 AM
  136. Busy weekend for ya?
  137. Kobia Shamaru - Last Sunday at 10:25 AM
  138. Yeah kinda... I'm waiting for Kevin to look at your Api... It's firing an error at me when j go to check it out
  139. appocuplis - Last Sunday at 10:25 AM
  140. Spooky.
  141. Kobia Shamaru - Last Sunday at 10:26 AM
  142. Spooky?
  143. appocuplis - Last Sunday at 10:26 AM
  144. :shrug: I'm very tired, lol.
  145. Kobia Shamaru - Last Sunday at 10:26 AM
  146. Lol
  147. Go get some sleep.
  148. appocuplis - Last Sunday at 10:27 AM
  149. But.... agility...
  150. Runescape grind is real
  151. Plus, I'm looking for new music while I do it
  152. Kobia Shamaru - Last Sunday at 10:37 AM
  153. A'ight.. But you'd best not complain about being tired any more young man.
  154. appocuplis - Last Sunday at 10:37 AM
  155. Complaining about being tired is like half my life.
  156. Kobia Shamaru - Last Sunday at 10:38 AM
  157. Woah... Then you'll need to be careful with the half you have left
  158. appocuplis - Last Sunday at 10:38 AM
  159. Alcohol and work.
  160. Kobia Shamaru - Last Sunday at 10:38 AM
  161. So where does eve fit in?
  162. appocuplis - Last Sunday at 10:39 AM
  163. Alcohol.
  164. April 24, 2017
  165. appocuplis - Last Monday at 9:58 PM
  166. o7
  167. April 25, 2017
  168. Kobia Shamaru - Last Tuesday at 10:20 AM
  169. Hey Appoc... Sorry about this. Seems we're not connecting as much as I'd hoped... But anyway, we've reviewed your api, which checks out, so that's good.
  170. We noticed a 1bil payment from holesale as you left them, could I ask what that was for?
  171. appocuplis - Last Tuesday at 10:21 AM
  172. Oh yeah. I had buyback that I passed to tornas. Lots of m3 I didn't want to haul out :smiley:
  173. They were kind enough to take care of that for me
  174. I left on very amicable terms with HS
  175. Btw, can you please not start sentances with "sorry about this". I had a heart attack :stuck_out_tongue:
  176. Kobia Shamaru - Last Tuesday at 10:23 AM
  177. Lol, did you think I was going to tell you it's a no re joining?
  178. appocuplis - Last Tuesday at 10:23 AM
  179. I mean.... yes. lol
  180. Kobia Shamaru - Last Tuesday at 10:25 AM
  181. We figured the payment was something like that, so that's cool.
  182. I'm aware you left on good terms which is good as we of course don't want to hurt our relationship with hs
  183. appocuplis - Last Tuesday at 10:25 AM
  184. Yes indeed. We "went through the proper channels" as they say.
  185. Kobia Shamaru - Last Tuesday at 10:29 AM
  186. There's something I'd like to get your thoughts on...
  187. Should you join us, and you find you have a complaint of any kind, you'd not be permitted to take that complaint to Seyek in person.
  188. You would instead be assigned a point of contact in the form of one of our officers... Namely, Phillip Drake. How does that sit with you?
  189. appocuplis - Last Tuesday at 10:30 AM
  190. Doubt there'd be much complaint, but that seems alright.
  191. Kobia Shamaru - Last Tuesday at 10:32 AM
  192. Ok, I'm glad you agree with that.
  193. I'm at work right now, my break is nearly over so I'll have to go for now, but feel free to ask any questions you have. I'll do my best to answer it/them when I'm next available.
  194. appocuplis - Last Tuesday at 10:33 AM
  195. No problem. I should be going to bed (should already be there :tired_face: ).
  196. Kobia Shamaru - Last Tuesday at 10:33 AM
  197. What time is it for you?
  198. appocuplis - Last Tuesday at 10:34 AM
  199. I must admit, I'm not really used to that managment structure. My previous corps were more relaxed. Except Holesale, where I honestly didn't have much contact with Nykke anyways.
  200. Timezones. :shrug:
  201. It's 5:30 am
  202. And I have work at 1pm
  203. Kobia Shamaru - Last Tuesday at 10:35 AM
  204. Damn dude! Go to bed!
  205. appocuplis - Last Tuesday at 10:35 AM
  206. I'm basically a euro recruit :stuck_out_tongue:
  207. Kobia Shamaru - Last Tuesday at 10:36 AM
  208. Heheh, ok gotta go, talk again soon.. Please ask your questions.
  209. appocuplis - Last Tuesday at 10:37 AM
  210. You as well. So long as you're comfortable not getting answers for hours, feel free to leave questions to help with this interview. We clearly are having trouble connecting :/
  211. Have a good day Kobia. Maybe I'll get some sleep :stuck_out_tongue:
  212. Kobia Shamaru - Last Tuesday at 6:38 PM
  213. What do like doing in eve the most?
  214. Are there other areas you'd like to focus on?
  215. How old are you?
  216. What hrs do you usually play? (in evetime plz)
  217. appocuplis - Last Tuesday at 7:56 PM
  218. Uh I like fleet fights the most I think. 10-20 people. Um, I kinda do everything I want to right now so now. I'm 21, and I typically play in the evening Eve time
  219. Kobia Shamaru - Last Tuesday at 10:34 PM
  220. We spoke breifly on what qualities you thought a good fc should have, but what qualities would you say you have?
  221. appocuplis - Last Tuesday at 11:32 PM
  222. Well I like to think my loyalty is my best quality. I'm always there for friends in need. But I also think that I have a level head on my shoulders and can think through situations and look at things from differentโ€‹ angles.
  223. April 26, 2017
  224. Kobia Shamaru - Yesterday at 7:59 AM
  225. How would you handle opsec regarding corp business?
  226. appocuplis - Yesterday at 7:59 AM
  227. Opsec is opsec
  228. Silence is silence.
  229. appocuplis - Yesterday at 8:00 AM
  230. Good morning, btw
  231. Kobia Shamaru - Yesterday at 10:17 AM
  232. Good morning!
  234. So you're chatting with somebody random who starts asking about the Corp and what we do... How would you respond to them if what they are asking is considered to be opsec sensitive?
  235. appocuplis - Yesterday at 10:18 AM
  236. Inform them that I have no idea what they're talking about and wish them a good day. Praise Bob, for flavor.
  237. Or if they seem like they're interested in joining, point them in the direction of a recruiter
  238. I've personally found that even telling someone that something is "opsec" gives more information than I'm comfortable. Deny everything :smiley:
  239. Kobia Shamaru - Yesterday at 1:01 PM
  240. Think I know the answer to this already, but would you be willing to train into corporate doctrines?
  242. Also... I'd like you to ask questions as well. This is a two way street after all, and aside from asking why the fc questions, I've yet to see any from you.
  243. appocuplis - Yesterday at 8:59 PM
  244. Of course. And sorry, I dont really have many questions about how chess is as a Corp, since iv flown with you guys for months :)
  245. appocuplis - Yesterday at 9:00 PM
  246. What class wormhole do you live in, and what are the statics?
  247. Kobia Shamaru - Yesterday at 11:00 PM
  248. Hmm... Haven't you been there before?
  249. appocuplis - Yesterday at 11:01 PM
  250. Never :/
  251. Kobia Shamaru - Yesterday at 11:29 PM
  252. Ok... well i can tell you we live in a c4, but not what the statics are.
  253. We live in a c4.
  254. appocuplis - Yesterday at 11:35 PM
  255. #opsec :stuck_out_tongue:
  256. Kobia Shamaru - Yesterday at 11:36 PM
  257. #No proof!
  258. appocuplis - Yesterday at 11:36 PM
  259. nono, it's #NoProof
  260. All one word
  261. Kobia Shamaru - Yesterday at 11:36 PM
  262. #No proof!
  263. appocuplis - Yesterday at 11:36 PM
  264. :face_palm:
  265. April 27, 2017
  266. Kobia Shamaru - Today at 12:48 AM
  267. What are your best and worst moments in eve to date?
  268. appocuplis - Today at 12:50 AM
  269. Best moments: any of the fights where I feel like my jams are making a difference
  270. Worst: Getting kicked out of HS :stuck_out_tongue:
  271. Kobia Shamaru - Today at 12:50 AM
  272. Whatโ€™s something your ex-CEO would say about you; positive and negative?
  273. appocuplis - Today at 12:50 AM
  274. No idea, never really talked to him.
  275. Tiirz was an ex-CEO of mine(edited)
  276. So I think he'd say that I learn well as a positive, but I'm a bit head-strong as a negative
  277. Whats the plan for Chess at the moment? I know there have been talks about joining Holesale. How do you think that'll effect me, coming from Holesale?
  278. Kobia Shamaru - Today at 1:28 AM
  279. I'm afraid those are both questions for upper leadership... as for how that might effect you, i'd only know if you were to tell me.
  280. Could you elaborate on why he thought you are a bit headstrong?
  281. appocuplis - Today at 1:29 AM
  282. I don't fly Amarr, because I don't like lasers :stuck_out_tongue:
  283. I play the game my way and don't respond well to being told HOW to play. If you tell me: alright, bring an armor ship, I've got no problem with that. But being told: Hey, you have to spend the next two months training this specific fit....... eya, that won't fly with me very well.
  284. That's not to say I won't fly doctrine ships, but I'll take the non-amarr option almost all the time.
  285. I'm sure you've seen in my API the lack of cross-training in Minmitar and Amarr.(edited)
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