
Terezi Butt Peeing

Nov 3rd, 2011
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  1. POST SUBJECT: Me/Terezi, buttpeeing
  2. COMMENT BODY: A second person ("you") fic about me peeing in Terezi's butt.
  4. God, Terezi has such a nice ass. Firm and thick and each cheek fit right into the palms of your hands. You squeeze hard, reveling in the moans coming from the gray-skinned girl before you. Her back is arched, her ass in the air and pushing against your hands, and her own hands furiously working pert breasts. You are still toying with her cheeks when she mumbles around her moaning,
  6. “4R3 YOU GO1NG TO PUT 1T 1N OR NOT!” It was more of command than a question, but you scoff anyway. Rearing a hand back, you quickly slap it down on her ass, hearing her gasp and you just know she's going to start shouting again. Not giving her the chance, you spank her again, and again, watching her ass start to turn a dull blue. By the time you decide she's had enough, her ass is burning hot under your palm, and her thighs are streaked with copious amounts of light blue wetness.
  8. You still keep one hand on buttcheek, alternating between massaging gently and gripping it tightly, and let your other hand wander to between her legs. You don't hesitate to slide two fingers into her at once, feeling her clench around you and hearing her let out a low sigh. It's a little hard to manage both rubbing her ass and thrusting your fingers at the same time, but soon you're able to get a rhythm going. Terezi, on the other hand, is not as collected as you are and is thrashing her hips from side to side, bucking backwards onto your fingers, groaning and sighing in pleasure.
  10. She's gotten so into it that she's actually starting to form a small puddle of blue wetness on the floor beneath her, her thighs and your hand saturated in the fluid. You finally decide to stop messing around and get down to business, removing your fingers and using your clean hand to pull one cheek apart from the other. Her hole is just barely tinted blue, twitching in anticipation as Terezi makes a few needy noises. You take a single, slicked up finger, and press it experimentally at her opening and watch as she tenses up for a moment before going slack. You press harder, your finger passing through with relative ease, and slowly pull back out. She's just as tight as any human ass, she's much slicker inside, her anus closer to a pussy. It slowly dawns on you that troll asses are fucking weird self lubricating for whatever reason.
  12. With that knowledge, you immediately put in your middle and index fingers at once, thrusting quickly and stretching her as best you can. She's practically screaming now, her head thrashing and one of her hands reaching down to her seed flap. You add another finger and continue to stretch and scissor inside of her until you're certain she's ready. When you pull out all three fingers with a loud sucking noise, Terezi pops her head up,
  14. “1S 1T T1M3 NOW” Instead of answering, you push her forward and grab her hips, pushing your dick to her seed flap. She flails about for a minute, but you hold her steady and manage to enter her. You only thrust a few times before pulling out completely and repositioning yourself. You release her hips, and instead use your hands to spread her cheeks apart, and from there it's really only a matter of pushing slowly through the intense tightness of her choice ass. If you thought she was screaming before, you were wrong. As soon as you are completely sheathed inside of her, she starts yelling at the top of her lungs, her words slurred and incoherent for the most part. When you pull out and push back in, she calms a little, so that now you can understand what she's saying;
  16. “OH GOD H4RD3R H4RD3R H4RD3R” Repeating like a mantra, and how can you not oblige such a request. You tighten your grip and pump into her as hard as you can, going as far as possible before pulling out all the way, and then slamming down into her. You settle into a rhytm, varying speed and roughness, before you start to feel a tickle in your bladder. You'd been fooling around with Terezi for most of the day and hadn't gone to the restroom in hours. It'd be a shame to abandon such a prime piece of ass for something as stupid as a piss.
  18. And then the idea dawns on you.
  20. The most obvious course of action.
  22. After thrusting into her once more, you still and relax. It takes a moment and a little bit of force, but you manage to get your flow started. As you start to pee a little harder, you can move somewhat, pulling out and pushing in and feeling the pee sort of slosh about inside.
  24. “WH4T TH3 H3LL DO YOU TH1NK YOUR3 DO1NG?” She isn't as angry as she sounds, you can tell because she's still fingering her seed flap and groping her breast and her body is shaking under your hands. You don't bother to answer, letting your bladder empty while you start to thrust faster. The feeling is completely incomparable to anything else. Her ass contracting around your dick, the feeling of your pee floating around you and every time you pull out far enough some of it manages to leak out.
  26. It's too much for you and almost as soon as you finish peeing you start cumming, your dick twitching wildly inside of her and your mind swimming in the haze of orgasm. Terezi starts yelling and moaning again and you can tell she's gotten herself off too. You pull out slowly, body still tingling from climax and watching in fascination as the mixture of your cum and piss and her blue genetic material spreqad on the floor, pouring from her stretched anus.
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