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globals js

a guest
Jul 6th, 2020
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  1. var globals = PanelProperties.get_instance();
  2. var pref = PanelProperties.get_instance(); // preferences
  3. var tf = PanelProperties.get_instance(); // titleformating strings
  5. var currentVersion = '1.1.8';
  6. var updateAvailable = false;
  7. var updateHyperlink;
  9. var g_component_playcount = utils.CheckComponent('foo_playcount');
  10. var g_component_utils = utils.CheckComponent('foo_utils');
  11. var componentEnhancedPlaycount = utils.CheckComponent('foo_enhanced_playcount');
  13. // these used to be initialized in js_marc2003/js/helpers.js
  14. var doc = new ActiveXObject('htmlfile');
  15. var app = new ActiveXObject('Shell.Application');
  16. var WshShell = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell');
  17. var fso = new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');
  18. var vb = new ActiveXObject('ScriptControl');
  20. globals.add_properties({
  21. version: ['_theme_version (do not hand edit!)', 'NONE']
  22. });
  24. // THEME PREFERENCES/PROPERTIES EXPLANATIONS - After initial run, these values are changed in Options Menu or by Right Click >> Properties and not here!
  25. pref.add_properties({
  26. locked: ['Lock theme', false], // true: prevent changing theme with right click
  27. rotation_amt: ['Art: Degrees to rotate CDart', 3], // # of degrees to rotate per track change.
  28. aa_glob: ['Art: Cycle through all images', true], // true: use glob, false: use albumart reader (front only)
  29. display_cdart: ['Art: Display CD art', true], // true: show CD artwork behind album artwork. This artwork is expected to be named cd.png and have transparent backgrounds (can be found at
  30. art_rotate_delay: ['Art: Seconds to display each art', 30], // seconds per image
  31. rotate_cdart: ['Art: Rotate CD art on new track', true], // true: rotate cdArt based on track number. i.e. rotationAmt = %tracknum% * x degrees
  32. cdart_ontop: ['Art: Show CD art above front cover', false], // true: display cdArt above front cover
  33. show_debug_log: ['Debug: Show Debug Output', false], // true: show debug output in console
  34. show_theme_log: ['Debug: Show Theme Logging', false], // true: show theme logging in console
  35. hide_cursor: ['Hide Cursor when stationary', false], // true: hide cursor when not moving, false: don't
  36. show_flags: ['Show country flags', true], // true: show the artist country flags
  37. // check_multich: ['Check for MultiChannel version', false], // true: search paths in tf.MultiCh_paths to see if there is a multichannel version of the current album available
  38. use_vinyl_nums: ['Use vinyl style numbering (e.g. A1)', true], // true: if the tags specified in tf.vinyl_side and tf.vinyl_tracknum are set, then we'll show vinyl style track numbers (i.e. "B2." instead of "04.")
  39. start_Playlist: ['Display playlist on startup', false], // true: show the playlist window when the theme starts up
  40. show_progress_bar: ['Show Progress Bar', true], // true: show progress bar, otherwise hide it (useful is using another panel for this)
  41. show_transport: ['Transport: Show transport controls', true], // true: show the play/pause/next/prev/random buttons at the top of the screen
  42. show_transport_below: ['Transport: Show transport below art', false],
  43. show_random_button: ['Transport: Show Random Button', true], // true: show random button in transport controls, ignored if transport not shown
  44. show_volume_button: ['Transport: Show Volume Button', false], // true: show volume button in transport controls, ignored if transport is not shown
  45. show_reload_button: ['Transport: Show Reload Button', false], // true: show a button that reloads the theme when clicked. Useful for debugging only
  46. transport_buttons_size: ['Transport: Button size', 32], // size in pixels of the buttons
  48. show_timeline_tooltips: ['Show timeline tooltips', true], // true: show tooltips when hovering over the timeline that show information on plays
  50. menu_font_size: ['Menu font size', 12],
  52. freq_update: ['Frequent progress bar updates', true], // true: update progress bar multiple times a second. Smoother, but uses more CPU
  53. time_zone: ['Time-zone (formatted +/-HH:MM, e.g. -06:00)', '+00:00'], // used to create accurate timezone offsets. "Z", "-06:00", "+06:00", etc. are all valid values
  54. hyperlinks_ctrl: ['Playlist: Hyperlinks require CTRL Key', false], // true: clicking on hyperlinks only works if CTRL key is held down
  55. darkMode: ['Use Dark Theme', true], // true: use a darker background
  56. use_4k: ['Detect 4k', 'auto'], // auto: switch to 4k mode when window width wide enough, never: never use 4k mode, always: always use 4k mode
  57. checkForUpdates: ['Check for Updates', true], // true: check github repo to determine if updates exist
  59. lyrics_line_height: ['Lyrics: Line height', 32],
  60. lyrics_normal_color: ['Lyrics: Text Color', 'RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255);'],
  61. lyrics_focus_color: ['Lyrics: Text Highlite Color', 'RGBA(255, 241, 150, 255);'],
  62. lyrics_h_padding: ['Lyrics: Padding Between Lines', 24],
  63. lyrics_glow: ['Lyrics: Glow enabled', true],
  64. lyrics_text_shadow: ['Lyrics: Text Shadow', true],
  66. show_weblinks: ['Playlist: Show weblinks', true],
  68. font_size_playlist: ['Font Size: Playlist', 12],
  69. font_size_playlist_header: ['Font Size: Playlist Header', 15],
  70. lyrics_font_size: ['Font Size: Lyrics', 20],
  71. });
  73. if (pref.art_rotate_delay < 5) {
  74. pref.art_rotate_delay = 5;
  75. }
  77. // Lyrics variables
  78. // lyrics color definitions
  79. var g_txt_normalcolour = eval(pref.lyrics_normal_color);
  80. var g_txt_highlightcolour = eval(pref.lyrics_focus_color);
  81. var g_txt_shadowcolor = RGBA(000, 000, 000, 255);
  83. //Tag Properties
  84. tf.add_properties({
  85. // added: ['Tag Fields: Added', '$ifgreater($if(%lastfm_added%,$replace($date(%lastfm_added%),-,),999999999),$replace($date(%added%),-,),[%added%],[%lastfm_added%])'],
  86. added: ['Tag Fields: Added', '[$if2(%added_enhanced%,%added%)]'],
  87. album_subtitle: ['Tag Fields: Album Subtitle', '%albumsubtitle%'],
  88. artist: ['Tag Fields: Artist String', '$if3(%artist%,%composer%,%performer%,%album artist%)'],
  89. artist_country: ['Tag Fields: Country', '%artistcountry%'], // we call meta_num(artistcountry) so don't wrap this in % signs
  90. disc: ['Tag Fields: Disc String', '$ifgreater(%totaldiscs%,1,CD %discnumber%/%totaldiscs%,)'],
  91. disc_subtitle: ['Tag Fields: Disc Subtitle', '%discsubtitle%'],
  92. year: ['Tag Fields: Year', '$if3(%original release date%,%originaldate%,%date%,%fy_upload_date%)'],
  93. date: ['Tag Fields: Date', '$if3(%original release date%,%originaldate%,%date%,%fy_upload_date%)'],
  94. last_played: ['Tag Fields: Last Played', '[$if2(%last_played_enhanced%,%last_played%)]'],
  95. title: ['Tag Fields: Song Title String', "%title%[ '['%translation%']']"],
  96. vinyl_side: ['Tag Fields: Vinyl Side', '%vinyl side%'], // the tag used for determining what side a song appears on for vinyl releases - i.e. song A1 has a %vinyl side% of "A"
  97. vinyl_tracknum: ['Tag Fields: Vinyl Track#', '%vinyl tracknumber%'], // the tag used for determining the track number on vinyl releases i.e. song A1 has %vinyl tracknumber% set to "1"
  98. translation: ['Tag Fields: Translated song title', '%translation%'],
  99. album_trans: ['Tag Fields: Translated album title', '%albumtranslation%'],
  100. edition: ['Tag Fields: Edition', '[$if(%original release date%,$ifequal($year(%original release date%),$year(%date%),,$year(%date%) ))$if2(%edition%,\'release\')]'],
  101. original_artist: ['Tag Fields: Original Artist', "[ '('%original artist%' cover)']"],
  102. })
  104. // Playlist TF strings, not currently saved in globals:
  105. // %album%[ — '['$if(%original release date%,$ifequal($year(%original release date%),$year(%date%),,$year(%date%) ))%edition%']']
  107. if (!componentEnhancedPlaycount) {
  108. console.log('foo_enhanced_playcount not loaded');
  109. tf.played_times = '';
  110. tf.last_fm_plays = '';
  111. } else {
  112. tf.add_properties({
  113. played_times: ['Tag Fields: All Played Times', "$if($strcmp(%played_times%,'[]'),,%played_times%)"],
  114. last_fm_plays: ['Tag Fields: All Last.Fm Played Times', "$if($strcmp(%lastfm_played_times_js%,'[]'),,%lastfm_played_times_js%)"],
  115. })
  116. }
  118. // TEXT FIELDS
  119. var stoppedStr1 = 'foobar2000';
  120. var stoppedStr2 = 'plays music';
  121. var stoppedTime = 'Georgia v' + currentVersion;
  122. tf.tracknum = '[%tracknumber%.]';
  123. tf.title_trans = "%title%[ '['" + tf.translation + "']']";
  124. tf.vinyl_track = '$if2(' + tf.vinyl_side + '[' + tf.vinyl_tracknum + ']. ,[%tracknumber%. ])';
  125. tf.vinyl_title = tf.vinyl_track + "%title%[ '['" + tf.translation + "']']";
  126. tf.artist_country = tf.artist_country.replace('%', ''); // need to strip %'s because we use meta_num on this field
  128. /* My ridiculous artist string:
  129. $ifgreater($meta_num(ArtistFilter),1,$puts(mArtist,$meta(ArtistFilter,0))$if($put(comma,$sub($strstr($get(mArtist),', '),1)),$puts(mArtist,$substr($get(mArtist),$add($get(comma),3),$len($get(mArtist))) $substr($get(mArtist),0,$get(comma))),)\
  130. $if($get(mArtist),$if($or($stricmp($get(mArtist),'Soundtrack'),$stricmp($get(mArtist),'Various Artists')),,$get(mArtist)\
  131. $if($stricmp($get(mArtist),%artist%),$puts(feat,1),)\
  132. $puts(mArtist,$meta(ArtistFilter,1))$if($put(comma,$sub($strstr($get(mArtist),', '),1)),$puts(mArtist,$substr($get(mArtist),$add($get(comma),3),$len($get(mArtist))) $substr($get(mArtist),0,$get(comma))),)\
  133. $if($get(mArtist),$if($or($stricmp($get(mArtist),'Soundtrack'),$stricmp($get(mArtist),'Various Artists')),,$if($get(feat), feat. ,', ')$get(mArtist)\
  134. $puts(mArtist,$meta(ArtistFilter,2))$if($put(comma,$sub($strstr($get(mArtist),', '),1)),$puts(mArtist,$substr($get(mArtist),$add($get(comma),3),$len($get(mArtist))) $substr($get(mArtist),0,$get(comma))),)\
  135. $if($get(mArtist),$if($or($stricmp($get(mArtist),'Soundtrack'),$stricmp($get(mArtist),'Various Artists')),,$ifequal($meta_num(ArtistFilter),3,' & ',', ')$get(mArtist)\
  136. $puts(mArtist,$meta(ArtistFilter,3))$if($put(comma,$sub($strstr($get(mArtist),', '),1)),$puts(mArtist,$substr($get(mArtist),$add($get(comma),3),$len($get(mArtist))) $substr($get(mArtist),0,$get(comma))),)\
  137. $if($get(mArtist),$if($or($stricmp($get(mArtist),'Soundtrack'),$stricmp($get(mArtist),'Various Artists')),,$ifequal($meta_num(ArtistFilter),4,' & ',', ')$get(mArtist)\
  138. $puts(mArtist,$meta(ArtistFilter,4))$if($put(comma,$sub($strstr($get(mArtist),', '),1)),$puts(mArtist,$substr($get(mArtist),$add($get(comma),3),$len($get(mArtist))) $substr($get(mArtist),0,$get(comma))),)\
  139. $if($get(mArtist),$if($or($stricmp($get(mArtist),'Soundtrack'),$stricmp($get(mArtist),'Various Artists')),,$ifequal($meta_num(ArtistFilter),5,' & ',', ')$get(mArtist)\
  140. )))))))))),%artist%);
  142. In one line for adding to properties:
  143. $ifgreater($meta_num(ArtistFilter),1,$puts(mArtist,$meta(ArtistFilter,0))$if($put(comma,$sub($strstr($get(mArtist),', '),1)),$puts(mArtist,$substr($get(mArtist),$add($get(comma),3),$len($get(mArtist))) $substr($get(mArtist),0,$get(comma))),)$if($get(mArtist),$if($or($stricmp($get(mArtist),'Soundtrack'),$stricmp($get(mArtist),'Various Artists')),,$get(mArtist)$if($stricmp($get(mArtist),%artist%),$puts(feat,1),)$puts(mArtist,$meta(ArtistFilter,1))$if($put(comma,$sub($strstr($get(mArtist),', '),1)),$puts(mArtist,$substr($get(mArtist),$add($get(comma),3),$len($get(mArtist))) $substr($get(mArtist),0,$get(comma))),)$if($get(mArtist),$if($or($stricmp($get(mArtist),'Soundtrack'),$stricmp($get(mArtist),'Various Artists')),,$if($get(feat), feat. ,', ')$get(mArtist)$puts(mArtist,$meta(ArtistFilter,2))$if($put(comma,$sub($strstr($get(mArtist),', '),1)),$puts(mArtist,$substr($get(mArtist),$add($get(comma),3),$len($get(mArtist))) $substr($get(mArtist),0,$get(comma))),)$if($get(mArtist),$if($or($stricmp($get(mArtist),'Soundtrack'),$stricmp($get(mArtist),'Various Artists')),,$ifequal($meta_num(ArtistFilter),3,' & ',', ')$get(mArtist)$puts(mArtist,$meta(ArtistFilter,3))$if($put(comma,$sub($strstr($get(mArtist),', '),1)),$puts(mArtist,$substr($get(mArtist),$add($get(comma),3),$len($get(mArtist))) $substr($get(mArtist),0,$get(comma))),)$if($get(mArtist),$if($or($stricmp($get(mArtist),'Soundtrack'),$stricmp($get(mArtist),'Various Artists')),,$ifequal($meta_num(ArtistFilter),4,' & ',', ')$get(mArtist)$puts(mArtist,$meta(ArtistFilter,4))$if($put(comma,$sub($strstr($get(mArtist),', '),1)),$puts(mArtist,$substr($get(mArtist),$add($get(comma),3),$len($get(mArtist))) $substr($get(mArtist),0,$get(comma))),)$if($get(mArtist),$if($or($stricmp($get(mArtist),'Soundtrack'),$stricmp($get(mArtist),'Various Artists')),,$ifequal($meta_num(ArtistFilter),5,' & ',', ')$get(mArtist))))))))))),%artist%)
  144. */
  146. // Info grid. Simply add, change, reorder, or remove entries to change grid layout
  147. tf.grid = [
  148. { label: 'Disc', val: '$if('+ tf.disc_subtitle +',[Disc %discnumber% - ]'+ tf.disc_subtitle +')' },
  149. { label: 'Release Type', val: '$if($strstr(%releasetype%,Album),,[%releasetype%])' },
  150. { label: 'Year', val: '$puts(d,'+tf.year+')$if($strcmp($year($get(d)),$get(d)),$get(d),)' }, // tf.year is used if the date is YYYY
  151. { label: 'Release Date', val: '$puts(d,'')$if($strcmp($year($get(d)),$get(d)),,$get(d))', age: true }, // is used if the date is MM/DD/YYYY
  152. { label: 'Edition', val: tf.edition },
  153. { label: 'Label', val: '[$replace([%label%], [%publisher%],\', \',\' • \')]' },
  154. { label: 'Catalog #', val: '[%LABELNO%][%ISRC%]' },
  155. { label: 'Track', val: '$if(%tracknumber%,$num(%tracknumber%,1)$if(%totaltracks%,/$num(%totaltracks%,1))$ifgreater(%totaldiscs%,1, CD %discnumber%/$num(%totaldiscs%,1),)' },
  156. { label: 'Genre', val: '[$replace(%genre%,\', \',\' • \')]' },
  157. { label: 'Style', val: '[$replace(%style%,\', \',\' • \')]' },
  158. { label: 'Release', val: '[%release%]' },
  159. { label: 'Codec', val: "[$if($not($strstr(%codec%,'MP3')),$replace($if2(%codec_profile%,%codec%),ATSC A/52,Dolby Digital)[ $replace($replace($replace($info(channel_mode), + LFE,),' front, ','/'),' rear surround channels',$if($strstr($info(channel_mode),' + LFE'),.1,.0))])]" },
  160. { label: 'Added', val: '[' + tf.added + ']', age: true },
  161. { label: 'Last Played', val: '[' + tf.last_played + ']', age: true },
  162. { label: 'Hotness', val: "$puts(X,5)$puts(Y,$div(%_dynamic_rating%,400))$repeat($repeat(I,$get(X)) ,$div($get(Y),$get(X)))$repeat(I,$mod($get(Y),$get(X)))$ifgreater(%_dynamic_rating%,0, $replace($div(%_dynamic_rating%,1000)'.'$mod($div(%_dynamic_rating%,100),10),0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9),)" },
  163. { label: 'View Count', val: '[%fy_view_count%]' },
  164. { label: 'Likes', val: "[$if(%fy_like_count%,%fy_like_count% ▲ / %fy_dislike_count% ▼,)]" },
  165. // { label: 'Play Count', val: '$if($or(%play_count%,%lastfm_play_count%),$puts(X,5)$puts(Y,$max(%play_count%,%lastfm_play_count%))$repeat($repeat(I,$get(X)) ,$div($get(Y),$get(X)))$repeat(I,$mod($get(Y),$get(X))) $get(Y))' },
  166. { label: 'Play Count', val: '$if($or(%play_count%,%lastfm_play_count%),$puts(X,5)$puts(Y,$max(%play_count%,%lastfm_play_count%))$ifgreater($get(Y),30,,$repeat($repeat(I,$get(X)) ,$div($get(Y),$get(X)))$repeat(I,$mod($get(Y),$get(X))) )$get(Y))' },
  167. { label: 'Rating', val: '$if(%rating%,$repeat(\u2605 ,%rating%))' },
  168. { label: 'Mood', val: '$if(%mood%,$puts(X,5)$puts(Y,$mul(5,%mood%))$repeat($repeat(I,$get(X)) ,$div($get(Y),$get(X)))$repeat(I,$mod($get(Y),$get(X)))$replace(%mood%,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9))' },
  169. ];
  170. tf.lyrics = '[$if3(%LYRICS%,%LYRIC%,%UNSYNCED LYRICS%,%UNSYNCED LYRIC%)]';
  173. tf.glob_paths = [ // simply add, change or re-order entries as needed
  174. '$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)folder*',
  175. '$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)cover*',
  176. '$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)*.jpg',
  177. '$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)*.png',
  178. '$replace(%path%,%directoryname%\\%filename_ext%,)folder*' // all folder images in parent directory
  179. ];
  181. tf.lyr_path = [ // simply add, change or re-order entries as needed
  182. '$replace($replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,),\,\\)',
  183. fb.ProfilePath + "lyrics\\",
  184. ];
  185. tf.lyr_artist = "$replace(%artist%,'/','_',':','_','\"','_')"; // we need to strip some special characters so we can't use just use tf.artist
  186. tf.lyr_title = "$replace(%title%,'/','_',':','_','\"','_')"; // we need to strip special characters so we can't just use tf.title
  187. tf.lyr_filename = [ // filenames to look for lyrics files. Both .lrc and .txt will be searched for each entry in this list
  188. tf.lyr_artist + ' - ' + tf.lyr_title,
  189. tf.lyr_artist + ' -' + tf.lyr_title,
  190. tf.tracknum.replace('.','') + ' - ' + tf.lyr_title,
  191. tf.tracknum.replace('.','') + ' - ' + tf.lyr_artist + ' - ' + tf.lyr_title,
  192. ];
  194. tf.labels = [ // Array of fields to test for publisher. Add, change or re-order as needed.
  195. 'publisher','label', // DO NOT put %s around the field names because we are using $meta() calls
  196. 'publisher'
  197. ];
  200. // we expect cd-art will be in .png with transparent background, best found at
  201. pref.vinylside_path = "$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)vinyl$if2(" + tf.vinyl_side + ",).png" // vinyl cdart named vinylA.png, vinylB.png, etc.
  202. pref.vinyl_path = "$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)vinyl.png" // vinyl cdart named vinylA.png, vinylB.png, etc.
  203. pref.cdartdisc_path = "$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)cd$ifgreater(%totaldiscs%,1,%discnumber%,).png"; // cdart named cd1.png, cd2.png, etc.
  204. pref.cdart_path = "$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)cd.png"; // cdart named cd.png (the far more common single disc albums)
  205. pref.cdart_amount = 0.48; // show 48% of the CD image if it will fit on the screen
  207. function migrateCheck(version, storedVersion) {
  208. if (version !== storedVersion) {
  209. // this function clears default values which have changed
  210. switch (storedVersion) {
  211. case '0.9.5':
  212. case '':
  213. case '0.9.6':
  214. case 'NONE':
  215. pref.lyrics_line_height = null;
  216. pref.lyrics_font_size = null;
  217. window.SetProperty('user.list.pad.bottom', null);
  218. window.SetProperty('user.list.pad.left', null);
  219. window.SetProperty('user.list.pad.right', null);
  220. window.SetProperty('', null);
  221. case '0.9.9':
  222. tf.title = null;
  224. case '1.0.0':
  225. window.SetProperty('Library: Font Size', null);
  226. window.SetProperty('SYSTEM.Font Size', null);
  227. window.SetProperty('user.row.height', null);
  229. case '1.1.0':
  230. case '1.1.1':
  231. tf.edition = null;
  233. case '1.1.2':
  234. case '1.1.3':
  235. case '1.1.4':
  236. case '1.1.5':
  237. = null;
  238. tf.year = null;
  239. pref.time_zone = null;
  241. case '1.1.6':
  242. case '1.1.7':
  243. window.SetProperty('Lyrics: Font Size', null);
  244. window.SetProperty('', null);
  245. window.SetProperty('', null);
  247. case '1.1.8-beta1':
  248. case '1.1.8-beta2':
  249. = null;
  250. tf.year = null;
  251. window.SetProperty('Show transport controls', null);
  252. window.SetProperty('Show transport below art', null);
  253. window.SetProperty('Show Random Button', null);
  254. window.SetProperty('Show Volume Button', null);
  255. window.SetProperty('Show Reload Button', null);
  257. case '1.1.8':
  259. // after all previous versions have fallen through
  260. console.log('Upgrading Georgia Theme settings');
  261. globals.version = currentVersion;
  262. window.Reload();
  263. default:
  264. globals.version = currentVersion;
  265. break;
  267. }
  268. }
  269. }
  271. migrateCheck(currentVersion, globals.version);
  272. function checkForUpdates(openUrl) {
  273. var url = '';
  274. makeHttpRequest('GET', url, function (resp) {
  275. try {
  276. var respObj = JSON.parse(resp);
  277. updateAvailable = isNewerVersion(currentVersion, respObj[0].name);
  278. console.log('Current released version of Georgia: v' + respObj[0].name);
  279. if (updateAvailable) {
  280. stoppedTime += ' - ';
  281. console.log('>>> Georgia update available. Download it here:')
  282. if (!fb.IsPlaying) {
  283. str.time = stoppedTime;
  284. RepaintWindow();
  285. }
  286. updateHyperlink = new Hyperlink('Update Available', ft.lower_bar, 'update', 0, 0, window.Width);
  287. if (openUrl) {
  289. }
  290. } else {
  291. console.log('You are on the most current version of Georgia');
  292. }
  293. } catch (e) {
  294. console.log('Could not check latest version');
  295. }
  296. });
  297. }
  299. if (pref.checkForUpdates) {
  300. checkForUpdates(false);
  301. }
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