
Prison Talk

Oct 2nd, 2016
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  1. 15:09 Spooklum Did we ever set up a Prison?
  2. 15:18 *** Vect quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  3. 15:23 Spooklum then again with the whole Island idea One could just appear out of thin air
  4. 15:29 WitchingSpell No we didnt
  5. 15:29 WitchingSpell But I felt we touched upon
  6. 15:29 WitchingSpell it
  7. 15:29 WitchingSpell I feel it would be located in Dust City
  8. 15:29 Spooklum I
  9. 15:29 Spooklum forgot all about Dust
  10. 15:30 WitchingSpell It was never too used
  11. 15:30 Spooklum but that does seem like a good place, Less Meta's then Neon
  12. 15:30 WitchingSpell Tertiary setting, less overall people in general
  13. 15:30 WitchingSpell Kinda lawless
  14. 15:30 WitchingSpell i think that how we imagined it
  15. 15:31 Spooklum Maybe
  16. 15:31 Spooklum we could always change it to be like that now
  17. 15:33 WitchingSpell Yeah, people who were on the lamb or skipped town always went there
  18. 15:33 Spooklum like me!
  19. 15:33 WitchingSpell exactly
  20. 15:33 WitchingSpell It's like the Wild West
  21. 15:34 WitchingSpell Just go there if your caught up in too much heat
  22. 15:34 WitchingSpell But beware guard surrounding the giant maximum security meta prison
  23. 15:34 WitchingSpell You'll be fucked
  24. 15:39 Spooklum Could be an uncorrupted place
  25. 15:39 Spooklum Or at least go a different way with the corruption
  26. 15:40 WitchingSpell Yeah it could be like a mega prison
  27. 15:41 WitchingSpell The outside is intimidating as fuck but once through the thick walls it's like it's own city
  28. 15:41 WitchingSpell Oh fuck
  29. 15:41 WitchingSpell Dust City could be a prison city
  30. 15:41 Spooklum I was thinking the same thing
  31. 15:41 Spooklum Prison City
  32. 15:41 WitchingSpell Shit, it could be a fuckhuge fortress surrounded by barren wasteland
  33. 15:42 Spooklum Levels for the people in it, First like a somewhat normal City, second like a more normal prison, and third being Cryogenic Freeze for those too dangerous to be 'free'
  34. 15:44 WitchingSpell Yup exactly
  35. 15:45 WitchingSpell The closer you ar to the center, the more extreme containment is
  36. 15:45 WitchingSpell The exact center of the city could be an elevator to underground
  37. 15:45 WitchingSpell where the real monsters are kept
  38. 15:46 WitchingSpell >Prison Cells are similar to houses and you can receive mail
  39. 15:46 WitchingSpell >You can contact the outside from phone centers
  40. 15:46 Spooklum >Some Prisoners have normal 'jobs'
  41. 15:46 WitchingSpell >You have to work for prison money
  42. 15:47 Spooklum Antipower Collars, different levels of how they work so you could have no powers or some limited control
  43. 15:47 WitchingSpell Reminds me of Undertown from Ben 10
  44. 15:48 Spooklum that actually was the sorta inspiration for Argon
  45. 15:49 WitchingSpell See now, Argon is making so much more sense in my mind suddenly
  46. 15:50 WitchingSpell Dust City Maximum Security could be like Plumber HQ
  47. 15:50 WitchingSpell Where prisoners can live however they feel in the cells
  48. 15:51 Spooklum actually try to reform people
  49. 15:52 WitchingSpell You wouldn't see the guards much unless there is a riot or one prisoner flips shit
  50. 15:53 WitchingSpell Or if you visit the call centers
  51. 15:54 Spooklum I was thinking Mech suits for the lowest level
  52. 15:54 Spooklum since normal humans probably wouldn't survive anything that is sent down there
  53. 15:54 WitchingSpell Specialists with powers would be for dire situations
  54. 15:55 WitchingSpell Therapists and social workers would have to be able to handle themselves too
  55. 15:58 Spooklum Who would be the Warden?
  56. 15:59 WitchingSpell A real fucking hardass
  57. 15:59 WitchingSpell Or a complete lunatic
  58. 16:00 WitchingSpell But I'd like someone that isn't Judge Dredd or the Superjail Warden
  59. 16:00 WitchingSpell People always go for one of those two for an archetype
  60. 16:01 Spooklum I was thinking a softy
  61. 16:01 Spooklum Real nice guy most prisoners would like
  62. 16:01 Spooklum Probably has a kickass Power for when things go bad
  63. 16:03 WitchingSpell Yeah, a genuinely all around good, righteous, wholesome character would be nice.
  64. 16:03 WitchingSpell But would be a decently OP power that isn't too OP
  65. 16:04 Spooklum To the PowerWiki
  66. 16:04 Spooklum >
  67. 16:04 Spooklum ok maybe not the powerwiki
  68. 16:05 WitchingSpell yeah no
  69. 16:05 WitchingSpell Maybe some mass hypnosis type shit
  70. 16:05 WitchingSpell Not a physical power
  71. 16:06 WitchingSpell Maybe he's have Head Guard or some shit who's the real power house
  72. 16:06 Spooklum Maybe he has a sorta, Kindness Aura?
  73. 16:06 Spooklum people around him feel better, anger leaves them
  74. 16:06 WitchingSpell Yeah he's just so overwhelmingly placating
  75. 16:07 Spooklum I like the idea of someone being a True powerhouse, second in command
  76. 16:07 WitchingSpell And that's just passively. He could probably pacify half the prison if he exerted himself completely
  77. 16:07 WitchingSpell Yeah he could be that crazy muscle bound monster
  78. 16:08 Spooklum
  79. 16:08 Spooklum God those hands look like shit
  80. 16:11 WitchingSpell I actually really like this
  81. 16:11 WitchingSpell He's just the most intimidating fucker you could think of
  82. 16:12 Spooklum the idea is hes a Low Class Demon. The type who does all the other shit the Bigger Demons wants, his whole life is about following orders
  83. 16:12 Spooklum and when he gets summoned to Earth by accident, he gets stuck. And thus, Giant Demon for Hire
  84. 16:12 WitchingSpell >He's just contract bound to serve the Warden
  85. 16:13 Spooklum available for crushing someones skull and babysitting
  86. 16:13 WitchingSpell I'd like to think he's a legitimately nice guy deep deep deep down
  87. 16:14 Spooklum Thinking about it, being a SIC for the Warden might not work, since the idea is the Demon is always available for work
  88. 16:14 Spooklum Being a head guard is a full time job
  89. 16:14 Spooklum And he is actually. Big sweetheart
  90. 16:21 WitchingSpell I wonder if there would be an inner government
  91. 16:21 Spooklum I imagine there must be some sorta system like that
  92. 16:21 WitchingSpell What better way to reform people than push them into another society
  93. 16:21 WitchingSpell They could vote for a council and shit
  94. 16:22 WitchingSpell If they feel the prison needs something they could appeal and stuff
  95. 16:22 Spooklum they start on the lower side, not much money or such, but the better they act the better their new life in the City would be
  96. 16:22 Spooklum till eventually they reformed and leave
  97. 16:23 Spooklum course this wouldn't be available for everyone, Some people would go to the Second Level at first, maybe some won't get a chance at reforming
  98. 16:25 WitchingSpell yeah, first level is basically Mock Society
  99. 16:25 WitchingSpell Do whatever the fuck you want
  100. 16:25 WitchingSpell Just dont fuck up
  101. 16:26 Spooklum Dude
  102. 16:27 Spooklum The main City - Paradiso
  103. 16:27 Spooklum The actual Prison - purgatorio
  104. 16:27 Spooklum Cryogenic Freeze - inferno
  105. 16:28 WitchingSpell Is this a reference to something or did you just make up these cool names
  106. 16:28 Spooklum The Divine Comedy mang
  107. 16:30 Spooklum you never heard of it?
  108. 16:31 WitchingSpell Oh ok I had a hunch it was that
  109. 16:32 Spooklum maybe the entire place has a Lock Down feature, just in case
  110. 16:32 WitchingSpell Oh yeah definitely
  111. 16:32 WitchingSpell This is probably the most extreme prison in the world under the guise of a pseudo paradise
  112. 16:33 Spooklum the city could be a Closed System
  113. 16:34 Spooklum so it'd have Farms and the like making Food, Cleaning Water
  114. 16:35 WitchingSpell Agriculture seems a bit too much in my opinion
  115. 16:36 WitchingSpell Maybe they have to prepare and process food
  116. 16:36 WitchingSpell Maybe small home gardens
  117. 16:36 Spooklum Hmm, yeah
  118. 16:37 WitchingSpell Some might be trasfered out at times to work on farms for community service
  119. 16:37 WitchingSpell And mining
  120. 16:37 WitchingSpell And other free labor
  121. 16:38 Spooklum Yis Yis this is good
  122. 16:39 WitchingSpell I also had the idea that the entire roof of the city/prison be a giant glass dome
  123. 16:40 WitchingSpell So they can see the sun and be reminded that there is indeed an outside world
  124. 16:40 Spooklum Could have a sorta artificial weather system
  125. 16:40 Spooklum always snowy for Christmas
  126. 16:41 WitchingSpell That would be cool as shit
  127. 16:41 WitchingSpell
  128. 16:41 WitchingSpell >Rikers Island has been referred to as the world's largest penal colony. For comparison, Europe's largest correctional facility, Fleury-Mérogis Prison sits on 180 acres (0.73 km2) and houses 3,800 prisoners.
  129. 16:42 WitchingSpell Wow that's such weak ass shit
  130. 16:42 WitchingSpell Dust looks like an undertaking to house several million
  131. 16:42 WitchingSpell There would be a higher normal population than metas Id assume
  132. 16:43 Spooklum Well are we making all of Dust the Prison or just a chunk?
  133. 16:43 WitchingSpell chunk
  134. 16:43 WitchingSpell the rest of the city would be like a small town plus barren wasteland
  135. 16:43 Spooklum What was that place in Dust? Bud owned it for awhile
  136. 16:44 Spooklum we could rework that area into the prison
  137. 16:44 WitchingSpell Ve
  138. 16:44 WitchingSpell Veeeeee
  139. 16:44 WitchingSpell uh
  140. 16:44 WitchingSpell Velocitech
  141. 16:44 Spooklum YES THAT
  142. 16:44 Spooklum If no one is using it we could have that old Facility in canon be reworked
  143. 16:44 WitchingSpell >Metal refining plant connected to prison
  144. 16:44 WitchingSpell yup that works really well
  145. 16:47 Spooklum >the walls of the lowest level have some of that strange Metal into them, so Villains can't punch their way out
  146. 16:48 Spooklum also, Just logged all this
  147. 16:54 WitchingSpell good
  148. 16:54 WitchingSpell Velocititanium has something to do with naturally manipulating velocity
  149. 16:54 Spooklum crap, thats right
  150. 16:54 WitchingSpell Maybe the walls all suppress force
  151. 16:55 Spooklum I thought it adsorbed Kinetic force
  152. 16:55 WitchingSpell In an opposite way
  153. 16:55 WitchingSpell Maybe it could repel it as well?
  154. 16:55 WitchingSpell Gravitoria was the creator and Bud inherited it
  155. 16:55 WitchingSpell We'd have to ask
  156. 16:57 Spooklum Well Gravi is married, so chances of EVER seeing them again is low
  157. 16:58 Spooklum and I think bud doesn't like anything to do with the V anymore
  158. 16:59 WitchingSpell i dont think he'd mind it being a detail thrown to the background
  159. 16:59 WitchingSpell as long as something centering it blows up for some reason
  160. 16:59 WitchingSpell doesn't blow up*
  161. 17:00 WitchingSpell We're done with that storyline
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