
Invitation to a mystery

Dec 17th, 2019
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  1. ===> COH <===> 12/17/2019, 9:09:04 PM <===
  2. Teatro Di Sofferenza - Nightclub Floor
  5. Black marble tiles cover this nightclub floor, visible only in patches as the fog machines blanket the dance floor in gauzy vapors. Off to the right side is a long bar with large glass tubes behind it. These tubes are backlit and contain that gelatinous red ooze common to the lava lamps made so popular in the 1970's. The bartender is a muscular man with a shaved head and thick brows over deep set brown eyes and a handlebar moustache. He is wearing leather chaps on chain suspenders that make their way up through the forest of hair on his chest. Besides this he only wears cowboy boots and a black speedo to cover his private areas. Around his neck is a leather collar with three inch chrome spikes jutting out from it.
  7. There is an open vault to the left of the entrance where guests must be scanned for weapons and explosives before entry. All weapons must be surrendered to the security guard by the vault before entry. Security for the club wear black leather pants and black tank tops with the word SECURITY emblazoned in lime green on the back. Engineer boots, utility belts with cattle prods (which are of course just for show right?), mace and handcuffs, and leather fetish masks that cover their entire head complete the apparel.
  9. Small pavilions such as one might see at a beach resort line the left side of the wall. These opulent tents are made of gold lamae and contain queen sized beds within. Each of these beds is covered in blankets of a deep crimson and plush pillows of the same color. These beds also have iron rings on each bedpost which assists in restraint if chains or ropes are brought to the party. A guard stands between each to ensure that only those invited to a particular tent are allowed entry. Guests may leave the curtains open or close them as strikes their fancy. Circular tables made of black glass are set up outside the bungalows for revelers to enjoy cocktails or watch the festivities within.
  11. On a raised dias, there is a victorian-inspired chaise lounge made of dark wood and red cushioning. When not in use, a clean card states, 'Reserved.'
  13. The focal point of the room is a huge waterfall behind a large circular stage. The water is lit from behind with deep red lights giving it a crimson hue. The stage contains a huge wheel with iron pegs with steel manacles attached to each. This allows a man to be restrained by all four limbs. There are also restraints for the neck and waist on the torture device and it can be rotated at the user's whim. To each side of this wheel are old dentist chairs with leather restraints built in. Guests may feel free to perform, provided the necessary waivers are signed by all involved parties.
  15. The garb of the club goers ranges from expensive suits, to fetish gear, to nothing at all. It is not uncommon to see slaves being led around in collars and abused publicly. Slaves are also available for rent, although each will be then followed and monitored closely by security. Sex is not publicly for sale, although it probably happens in more private areas. Although the music is generally industrial, house, or techno that one would expect to find in a club, it generally changes to classical nocturnes during performances on stage. A door beside the bar leads to the VIP areas.
  17. (OOC: Drinks for vampires are available to those who are in the know.)
  18. (OOC: +view here/security - required reading)
  22. (Like most mushes, this city is a work in progress. If you would like to add a more individualized description to this area, type +bhelp for more information and @mail building staff to help.)
  24. Contents:
  25. Silvana
  27. *** Nightzone ***
  29. Obvious Exits:
  30. Out <O> Elevator <UP> VIP Area <VIP>
  32. Wes was a recent but not entirely strange face to the TdS. He was perched at the bar, keeping an eye on the comings and goings.
  34. Silvana makes her way into the club giving the bouncers a pleasant greeting before she begins to make her way over towards the bar.
  36. Silvana smiles and gives a polite nod to Wes "Evening"
  38. Diaz has arrived.
  40. Silvana has just greeted Wes over at the bar where they seem to be.
  42. Wes looks over to Sil when she makes her way over. He gives the woman a small nod of greeting. "Hey. Long time no see."
  44. Silvana smiles "It has been a long time indeed. How are you?
  46. Wes offers Sil a shrug. "You know, looking for ways to make my beer and whiskey money for the week. Alejandro's been kind enough to give me an opportunity to provide it for myself."
  48. Silvana smiles "Well that's great, so what does he have you doing?" she sits down and guestures for a drink.
  50. Diaz arrives after a bit, whistling to himself as he does. A glance around, the man smiling at the staff. Eventually, he makes his way towards the bar.
  52. Wes gives Sil a shrug, "Security work, mostly. PD experience is good for something, at least."
  54. Silvana ahs softly as she looks over to Diaz "Well hello Wilting flower" she snickers before she looks back to Wes "No frisking me now for no reason mister" she raises a finger.
  56. Wes musters up a small hint of a smile. "Oh, there's always a reason to frisk you, doll." Then he looks over towards Diaz as the man approaches the bar.
  58. Diaz feigns a wilting look, before grinning at Silvana. "How are you, Miss Trouble?" He asks, giving a nod to Wes as well.
  59. Silvana laughs softly "Miss Trouble?" she puts her hand over her heart "Who me?" she gasps before she looks to Wes "I bite you know" she giggles
  61. Wes gives Diaz the once-over, then looks to Sil again. "I also got a little side hustle chasing down some mystery down on the border. Tempt you into a road trip sometime?"
  63. Silvana tilts her head "Down the border.. Maybe. I'll have to see if it's something I can do.. What are we loking into?" she grins
  65. Diaz snerks at that. "Yes, trouble." He confirms, moving over to order a Gin and Tonic. "How are things this evening?" He wonders, to either of them.
  67. Wes shrugs, reaching for a pack of smokes in his shirt pocket. He pulls one out and sparks it up. "Eh. Missing persons case, that basic sorta shit. But ... could be interesting. Y'know?"
  69. Silvana smiles at Diaz "Things are good this evening, how about for you?" she sticks her tongue out at Diaz just because she can then laughs as she takes a sip before looking to Wes "Ah, have any clues on who it is or anything?"
  70. You paged Silvana with 'negativo! but you knew this already!'
  72. Wes considers. "Biker gang. Could be your garden variety turf tussle gone bad. Could be something more. WOn't know until we poke around a little."
  74. Diaz hrms, listening to the conversation at hand as he sips his drink. His tongue is stuck back out in return at Silvana.
  76. Silvana ohs softly and nods thoughtfully "Well I am sure you got more details than that right?
  78. Wes shakes his head at Silvana's assertion. "Not a whole hell of a lot more, nope. Thus, the need for a little bit of field work. You gonna come with?"
  80. Silvana looks to Diaz "Stop being so quiet" she grins softly then looks to Wes "What? You haven't figured this stuff out yet?" she blows a little air "I guess so
  82. Diaz laughs. "Am I normally noisy?" He teases Silvana. "Diaz... I don't recall meeting you before." He offers a hand out to Wes.
  84. Wes looks Diaz over again, despite the man and Sil obviously having a good rapport. Finally, he reaches out and takes the hand, giving a firm, brief shake. "Wes. Helping out 'round here for beer and whiskey money, like I told Sil."
  86. Silvana smiles "Well no but I figure i'd get you to talk a little" she grins at Wes
  88. Wes looks back to Sil, "Not all of us are crackerjack investigators, unlike /some/ people who shall remain nameless," he teases the woman. "Some of us actually haveta work for it." A ghost of a smile before he looks back towards the club exits.
  90. Silvana laughs softly "Hey I had to work at it to be that crakerjack your talking about" she scoofs "I'll watch and help where you need it" she sticks her tongue out at Wes.
  92. Diaz sips his drink, grinning. "Some of us are terrible at investigation, truth be told." A laugh.
  94. Wes gives Sil a nod. "Fair enough. I'll be appropriately grateful for whatever protips you can provide."
  96. Silvana smiles "I will be glad to help. Though I have a little help by going through the police academy" she winks
  98. Another smile to Silvana. "I guess I just wasn't as sharp a student as you." Wes watches as Diaz leaves, then turns his attention back to SIl.
  100. Silvana smiles softly "I am sure you are very sharp... Maybe a little lazy" she teases and moves away as if expecting you to hit her.
  102. A slow shrug of those broad shoulders of his in reply before Wes speaks. "You ain't lyin'," he remarks, reaching up behind him to rub at the back of his neck. "Motivations hard to come by some days."
  103. Silvana nods slowly "Understandable" she smiles "So what details can you give me?"
  105. "The gang is/was called Los Lobos Locos and was located in Chula Vista. No one can say that they knew much about them because they were just sort of small change when it came to the scene. The group was small, numbering only about a dozen or so riders, and was just getting themselves established when they heard of someone encroaching upon their claimed territory from Tijuana.
  107. Not to be pushed aside as though their claim didn't matter, the whole crew rode out to light up whoever would dare cross their boundaries. Armed to the teeth and wearing their colors proudly, the gang headed south one night and was never seen again. What's more interesting is that their roost - an old country house just outside of Chula Vista - looked like it was hit by a tornado the next night. Every window was broken, every door was practically ripped off its frame. Furniture was tossed around inside like it was nothing but no one was found.
  109. The local authorities claimed that after the gang didn't return from their feud, the remains of the group fled and the structure was...'vandalized' by local youth. Any inspection or examination of the property would reveal that whatever hit the place did it in a single night. A few blood smears on the floors and the walls -might- suggest some kind of altercation but no bodies were found and no weather report could confirm the existence of a single, localized storm that could have caused such destruction."
  111. "Anyway, a pal asked me to look into it, so I'ma look into it. Lotsa vultures are circling the mystery already, so we're gonna have to be quick, and sharp. Truth be told? I really could stand to use your help on this." Wes then gives Sil his best puppy-dog eye stare.
  113. Silvana nods slowly and looks thoughtful "So who is this friend of yours and why do they want you to look into it? Sounds like stuff went bad and whoever the other people are probably did it"
  115. "Biker-turned-barkeep down in Prospect. When customers go missing like that, its bad for business." A shrug, "I don't much care about the way - a pal asks a favor, I deliver, no questions asked. That's the way it works, y'know? Pals." Wes checks his watch, as his shift nears its end.
  117. Silvana looks thoughtful "Yeah i'm not sure this would be a good idea" she shrugs.
  119. Wesley shrugs, "Yeah, well, lucky for me, I'm the paragon of not good ideas. Help, don't help. Its yours to give or withhold. Me, I gotta take a whack at it regardless."
  121. Silvana takes a breath and nods "Fine I'll come but if I tell you it's time to go.. It's time to go. Deal?"
  123. Wes cheers up for the first time tonight! Or maybe, like, ever. Though he does his best to restrain the sudden wave of joy and relief that washes over him. "Deal," he says, reaching out to take Sil's hand and give it a squeeze. "Thank you."
  125. Alejandro arrives from the elevator to the hotel.
  126. Alejandro has arrived.
  128. Wes chats with Sil at the bar, though the two appear to be wrapping up.
  130. Silvana looks at Wes as he cheers and laughs softly as she shakes her head "Why do you think you have a death wish" she takes a breath as she takes a sip of her drink as he squeezes her hand.
  132. Wes shrugs, "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter." A crooked grin. "But this spirit trapped in flesh has gotta split. I'll holler back at you when I make some arrangements."
  134. Silvana smiles at Wes "Have a good one and I'll be looking forward to hear from you"
  136. Wes nods and rises, excusing himself and making for the exit.
  137. ===> Log ended by user <===> 12/17/2019, 11:15:06 PM <===
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