

Oct 28th, 2023
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  1. fs_data_init fs-uae fs-uae.dat
  2. checking dat file: /Volumes/FS-UAE/
  3. no dat file: /Volumes/FS-UAE/
  4. checking dat file: /Volumes/FS-UAE/
  5. checking dat file: /Volumes/FS-UAE/
  6. checking dat file: /Volumes/FS-UAE/
  7. FS-UAE 3.1.66 (Built for macOS x86-64)
  8. Copyright 1995-2002 Bernd Schmidt, 1999-2017 Toni Wilen,
  9. 2003-2007 Richard Drummond, 2006-2011 Mustafa 'GnoStiC' Tufan,
  10. 2011-2017 Frode Solheim, and contributors.
  12. This is free software; see the file COPYING for copying conditions. There
  13. is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
  14. PURPOSE. See the README for more copyright info, and the source code for
  15. a full list of contributors
  17. current directory is /
  18. UAE: Initializing core derived from WinUAE 3300b2
  19. OS X: Check for pending SDL_DROPFILE event
  20. Got SDL event 0x1100
  21. Got SDL event 0x1100
  23. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. libfsemu init
  25. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [FSE] Init (early)
  28. current time() is: 1698421805
  29. localtime+timegm: -1
  30. localtime+mktime: 1698421805
  31. time of day: 1698421805 + (238868 / 1000000)
  32. localtime offset: 3600
  33. [FSE] Calling fs_ml_init
  34. fs_ml_init (operating system: macos)
  35. load config file
  36. - using $exe directory "/Volumes/FS-UAE/"
  37. checking config file /Volumes/FS-UAE/
  38. checking config file /Volumes/FS-UAE/
  39. checking config file Config.fs-uae
  40. checking config file fs-uae.conf
  41. checking config file /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/fs-uae.conf
  42. - checking /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/configurations-dir
  43. checking /Volumes/FS-UAE/
  44. checking /Volumes/FS-UAE/
  45. checking /Volumes/FS-UAE/
  46. checking /Volumes/FS-UAE/Portable.ini
  47. checking /Volumes/Portable.ini
  48. checking /Portable.ini
  49. - checking /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/base-dir
  50. - using home directory "/Users/Dan"
  51. - using base dir $DOCUMENTS/FS-UAE
  52. - using documents directory "/Users/Dan/Documents"
  53. - using base ($BASE / $FSUAE) directory "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE"
  54. resolve_path /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Configurations (absolute)
  55. - using "Configurations" directory "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Configurations"
  56. checking config file /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Configurations/Default.fs-uae
  57. checking config file /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Configurations/Host.fs-uae
  58. - checking /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/data-dir
  59. resolve_path /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Data (absolute)
  60. - using "Data" directory "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Data"
  61. [I18N] Locale is set to en_GB
  62. [I18N] Checking locale dir "/Volumes/FS-UAE/"
  63. [I18N] Using data dir "/Volumes/FS-UAE/"
  64. [I18N] Using locale dir "/Volumes/FS-UAE/"
  66. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  67. fs-uae init
  68. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. configure logging: none
  71. [GLIB] Version 2.66.7 (Compiled against 2.66.7)
  72. - checking /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/kickstarts-dir
  73. resolve_path /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Kickstarts (absolute)
  74. - using "Kickstarts" directory "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Kickstarts"
  75. - checking /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/floppies-dir
  76. resolve_path /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Floppies (absolute)
  77. - using "Floppies" directory "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Floppies"
  78. - checking /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/cdroms-dir
  79. resolve_path /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/CD-ROMs (absolute)
  80. - using "CD-ROMs" directory "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/CD-ROMs"
  81. - checking /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/hard-drives-dir
  82. resolve_path /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Hard Drives (absolute)
  83. - using "Hard Drives" directory "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Hard Drives"
  84. [PLUGINS] Initializing
  85. - checking /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/system-dir
  86. resolve_path /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/System (absolute)
  87. - using "System" directory "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/System"
  88. [PLUGINS] Loading plugins from /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/System
  89. [PLUGINS] Checking /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/System/Launcher/Plugin.ini
  90. [PLUGINS] Checking /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/System/.DS_Store/Plugin.ini
  91. - checking /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/plugins-dir
  92. resolve_path /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Plugins (absolute)
  93. - using "Plugins" directory "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Plugins"
  94. [PLUGINS] Loading plugins from /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Plugins
  95. [PLUGINS] Could not open plugins dir /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Plugins
  96. [PLUGINS] Test /Volumes/FS-UAE/
  97. [PLUGINS] Is plugin: 0
  98. fs_uae_configure_amiga_model
  99. using PAL mode (50Hz)
  100. [VIDEO] fs_emu_set_video_frame_rate: 50.00 (50)
  101. [DISPLAY] Sync: g_fs_emu_video_sync_to_vblank = 0
  102. config match for "A500"
  103. fs_uae_state_dir:
  104. - checking /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/save-states-dir
  105. resolve_path /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Save States (absolute)
  106. - using "Save States" directory "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Save States"
  107. save_states_dir: /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Save States
  108. save_dir_name not set, using Default
  109. - using state dir /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Save States/Default
  110. final state dir path: /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Save States/Default
  111. - checking /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/controllers-dir
  112. resolve_path /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Controllers (absolute)
  113. - using "Controllers" directory "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Controllers"
  114. - checking /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/logs-dir
  115. - checking /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/cache-dir
  116. resolve_path /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Cache (absolute)
  117. - using "Cache" directory "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Cache"
  118. resolve_path /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Cache/Logs (absolute)
  119. - using "Logs" directory "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Cache/Logs"
  120. switch to log file /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Cache/Logs/fs-uae.log.txt
  121. - checking /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/themes-dir
  122. resolve_path /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Themes (absolute)
  123. - using "Themes" directory "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Themes"
  124. themes_dir = /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Themes
  125. [FSE] Init
  126. [FSE] Read config
  127. THEME: Init
  128. THEME: Loading ""
  129. [VIDEO] Initialize
  130. fs_emu_video_dummy_init
  131. [VIDEO] Initialize legacy video
  132. [FSE] fse_init_video_2
  133. [RENDER] Stretch mode = 2
  134. [RENDER] Scale mode = 1
  135. full-scene anti-aliasing is not requested
  136. checking video sync mode
  137. not specified: no video sync
  138. no video sync (using timers only)
  139. using default video format BGRA
  140. using default texture format
  141. [VIDEO] Using low latency vsync when full vsync is enabled
  142. [VIDEO] Creating window
  143. fs_ml_video_create_window
  144. keyboard input grab: 305419896
  145. [SDL] Version 2.0.18 (Compiled against 2.0.18)
  146. [DISPLAY] 0: 1280x800+0+0 @60
  147. Monitor - j 0 pos 0
  148. Monitor - j 1 pos 0
  149. Monitor - j 2 pos 0
  150. Monitor - j 3 pos 0
  151. Monitor index 0 flags 15
  152. Monitor: found index 0 for flag 2
  153. Monitor "middle-left" (flag 2) => index 0
  154. [SDL] Defaulting to fullscreen_mode = desktop for SDL 2
  155. automatic input grab: 1
  156. using windowed mode
  157. setting (windowed) video mode 960 540
  158. [SDL] CreateWindow(x=805240832, y=805240832, w=960, h=540, flags=290)
  159. [DISPLAY] Host refresh rate: 60 Hz
  160. opengl vendor: Intel Inc.
  161. opengl renderer: Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 6100
  162. opengl version: 2.1 INTEL-18.8.6
  163. opengl shading language version: 1.20
  164. opengl extensions: GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_APPLE_aux_depth_stencil GL_APPLE_client_storage GL_APPLE_element_array GL_APPLE_fence GL_APPLE_float_pixels GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range GL_APPLE_flush_render GL_APPLE_object_purgeable GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_APPLE_pixel_buffer GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_APPLE_row_bytes GL_APPLE_specular_vector GL_APPLE_texture_range GL_APPLE_transform_hint GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range GL_APPLE_vertex_point_size GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators GL_APPLE_ycbcr_422 GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod
  165. opengl max texture size (estimate): 16384x16384
  166. *** Setting swap interval to 0 ***
  167. initial input grab: 1
  168. init_opengl
  169. fse_init_video_opengl
  170. setup_opengl
  171. loaded sub-texture "sidebar_edge.png"
  172. fs_image_destroy
  173. loaded sub-texture "sidebar.png"
  174. fs_image_destroy
  175. loaded sub-texture "gloss.png"
  176. fs_image_destroy
  177. loaded sub-texture "glow_left.png"
  178. fs_image_destroy
  179. loaded sub-texture "glow_top.png"
  180. fs_image_destroy
  181. loaded sub-texture "glow_top_left.png"
  182. fs_image_destroy
  183. loaded sub-texture "close.png"
  184. fs_image_destroy
  185. loaded sub-texture "volume.png"
  186. fs_image_destroy
  187. loaded sub-texture "volume_muted.png"
  188. fs_image_destroy
  189. loaded sub-texture "stretch-aspect.png"
  190. fs_image_destroy
  191. loaded sub-texture "stretch.png"
  192. fs_image_destroy
  193. loaded sub-texture "item_background.png"
  194. fs_image_destroy
  195. loaded sub-texture "top_item_background.png"
  196. fs_image_destroy
  197. loaded sub-texture "heading_strip.png"
  198. fs_image_destroy
  199. loaded sub-texture "pause_indicator.png"
  200. fs_image_destroy
  201. loaded sub-texture "logo-32.png"
  202. fs_image_destroy
  203. loaded sub-texture "top_background.png"
  204. fs_image_destroy
  205. loaded sub-texture "top_background_fade.png"
  206. fs_image_destroy
  207. loaded sub-texture "bezel/left.png"
  208. fs_image_destroy
  209. loaded sub-texture "bezel/right.png"
  210. fs_image_destroy
  211. loaded sub-texture "stretch-none.png"
  212. fs_image_destroy
  213. loaded sub-texture "bezel/left-overlay.png"
  214. fs_image_destroy
  215. loaded sub-texture "bezel/right-overlay.png"
  216. fs_image_destroy
  217. initializing menu
  218. load font from data 0x7fdf8c917e00 size 26822
  219. font height: 32 pixels
  220. 512 characters
  221. load font from data 0x7fdf8c13ce00 size 26832
  222. font height: 32 pixels
  223. 512 characters
  224. [SHADERS] Initialize
  225. create windows is done
  226. fse_init_renderer
  227. scale: -1.00 -1.00 align: 0.50 0.50
  228. [FSE] Calling fs_ml_init_2
  229. [INPUT] fs_ml_input_init
  230. [INPUT] fs_ml_mouse_init
  231. [INPUT] Adding system mouse
  232. [INPUT] Joystick device count: 0
  233. [INPUT] Initialize
  234. fs_emu_input_sdl_init
  235. [INPUT] fs_emu_input_init
  236. init_input_configs
  237. reading input device configs from /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Controllers
  238. reading input device configs from /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Data/Devs/Keyboards
  239. could not read directory /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Data/Devs/Keyboards
  240. reading input device configs from /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Controllers
  241. [INPUT] Using default modifier key LSUPER
  242. [INPUT] Initializing devices for "menu"
  243. 0 Keyboard
  244. [INPUT] Config name "Keyboard"
  245. get system config for device: Keyboard
  246. checked data "input/Keyboard.conf" = 3
  247. config file for Keyboard was not found
  248. [INPUT] Did not find config for device "Keyboard"
  249. get system config for device: keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos
  250. checked data "input/keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos.conf" = 3
  251. config file for keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos was not found
  252. [INPUT] Did not find menu config for device "keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos"
  253. get system config for device: keyboard
  254. checked data "input/keyboard.conf" = 0
  255. read config for keyboard for menu (from data)
  256. checked data "input/default_keyboard.conf" = 0
  257. read config for default_keyboard for menu (from data)
  258. did not find action for "skip_right"
  259. key_down (274) => action "down" (4)
  260. key_backspace (8) => action "back" (6)
  261. did not find action for "skip_left"
  262. key_return (13) => action "primary" (5)
  263. did not find action for "default_keyboard"
  264. key_left (276) => action "left" (1)
  265. did not find action for "secondary"
  266. key_escape (27) => action "escape" (10)
  267. key_right (275) => action "right" (2)
  268. key_up (273) => action "up" (3)
  269. 1 MOUSE
  270. [INPUT] Config name "MOUSE"
  271. get system config for device: MOUSE
  272. checked data "input/MOUSE.conf" = 3
  273. config file for MOUSE was not found
  274. [INPUT] Did not find config for device "MOUSE"
  275. get system config for device: mouse_0_0_0_0_macos
  276. checked data "input/mouse_0_0_0_0_macos.conf" = 3
  277. config file for mouse_0_0_0_0_macos was not found
  278. [INPUT] Did not find menu config for device "mouse_0_0_0_0_macos"
  279. get system config for device: mouse
  280. checked data "input/mouse.conf" = 0
  281. read config for mouse for menu (from data)
  282. no config for platform menu
  283. [INPUT] Did not find menu config for device"mouse"
  284. [AUDIO] Initialize
  285. [AUDIO] Initialize OpenAL audio driver
  286. [OPENAL] Opened device: Built-in Output
  287. [OPENAL] Information:
  288. [OPENAL] Version "1.1"
  289. [OPENAL] Renderer "Software"
  290. [OPENAL] Vendor "Apple Computer Inc."
  292. [OPENAL] Devices:
  293. - Built-in Output
  294. [OPENAL] Default device: Built-in Output
  295. OPENAL: trying frequency 48000
  296. OPENAL: created context
  297. OPENAL: made context current
  298. openal: number of stereo sources is 4112
  299. [AUDIO] Buffer target size (ms) = 40
  300. fs_uae_init_recording
  301. not running in record mode
  302. [AUDIO] Stream 0, frequency: 48000, buffers: 48 buffer size: 512 bytes
  303. openal error 40962 (alGenSources)
  304. [AUDIO] Stream 1, frequency: 44100, buffers: 48 buffer size: 28224 bytes
  305. openal error 40962 (alGenSources)
  306. adding rtg resolution 672x540
  307. adding rtg resolution 960x540
  308. adding rtg resolution 1344x1080
  309. adding rtg resolution 960x540
  310. resolution already exists
  311. adding rtg resolution 1280x800
  312. fs_uae_init_video
  313. fs_uae_configure_menu
  314. [FSE] fs_emu_run, main_function at 0xe88bdb0
  315. [FSE] Emulation thread started
  316. [FSE] Run main function at 0xe88bdb0
  317. amiga_main
  318. KB: keyboard_settrans
  319. checking OpenGL capabilities
  320. GL_APPLE_fence extension found
  321. GL_ARB_sync extension found
  322. error looking up functions
  323. [OPENGL] Deciding video sync method
  324. [OPENGL] Using default sync method
  326. target_default_options p=0x13bb28e0 type=0
  327. target_default_options: enabling floppy sounds
  328. -- stub -- target_save_options zfile=0x600000500a80 p=0x13bb28e0
  329. built_in_chipset_prefs, ignore = 0
  330. fixup_cpu
  331. built_in_chipset_prefs, ignore = 0
  332. -- stub -- target_fixup_options
  333. graphics_setup
  334. preinit_shm
  335. NATMEM: Total physical RAM 8192 MB, all RAM 8192 MB
  336. NATMEM: Attempting to reserve: 2048 MB
  337. NATMEM: jit compiler 0
  338. VM: Reserve 0x80000000 bytes
  339. VM: Reserve 0x80000000 bytes, got address 0x1e916000
  340. NATMEM: Reserved 0x1e916000-0x9e916000 (0x80000000 2048M)
  341. -- stub -- target_cfgfile_load
  342. built_in_chipset_prefs, ignore = 0
  343. fixup_cpu
  344. built_in_chipset_prefs, ignore = 0
  345. -- stub -- target_fixup_options
  346. set_device_rom path=(null) romtype=262144 devnum=0
  347. boardromconfig 0x0
  348. target_default_options p=0x13bb28e0 type=1
  349. target_default_options: enabling floppy sounds
  350. built_in_chipset_prefs, ignore = 0
  352. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  353. uae configuration
  354. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  356. fs_uae_configure_amiga_hardware
  357. fs_uae_load_rom_files /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Kickstarts
  358. read rom key file, size = 1435
  359. found file "amiga-os-310-a1200.rom"
  360. amiga_add_rom_file /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Kickstarts/amiga-os-310-a1200.rom
  361. - found cached crc32
  362. - rom added via cached entry
  363. found file "amiga-os-130.rom"
  364. amiga_add_rom_file /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Kickstarts/amiga-os-130.rom
  365. - found cached crc32
  366. - rom added via cached entry
  367. found file "amiga-os-120.rom"
  368. amiga_add_rom_file /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Kickstarts/amiga-os-120.rom
  369. - found cached crc32
  370. - rom added via cached entry
  371. found file "amiga-os-300-a1200.rom"
  372. amiga_add_rom_file /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Kickstarts/amiga-os-300-a1200.rom
  373. - found cached crc32
  374. - rom added via cached entry
  375. found file "amiga-os-204.rom"
  376. amiga_add_rom_file /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Kickstarts/amiga-os-204.rom
  377. - found cached crc32
  378. - rom added via cached entry
  379. found file "amiga-os-310-a500.rom"
  380. amiga_add_rom_file /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Kickstarts/amiga-os-310-a500.rom
  381. - found cached crc32
  382. - rom added via cached entry
  383. configuring "Amiga 500", accuracy=1
  384. amiga_quickstart model=0 config=0 compa=0 (accuracy 1)
  385. set_device_rom path=(null) romtype=262144 devnum=0
  386. boardromconfig 0x0
  387. target_default_options p=0x13bb28e0 type=1
  388. target_default_options: enabling floppy sounds
  389. built_in_chipset_prefs, ignore = 0
  390. set option "cachesize" to "0" (result: 1)
  391. set option "cpu_model" to "68000" (result: 1)
  392. set option "fpu_model" to "0" (result: 1)
  393. set option "mmu_model" to "0" (result: 1)
  394. set option "cpu_24bit_addressing" to "true" (result: 1)
  395. set option "cpu_speed" to "real" (result: 1)
  396. set option "blitter_cycle_exact" to "true" (result: 1)
  397. set option "cpu_compatible" to "true" (result: 1)
  398. set option "cpu_cycle_exact" to "true" (result: 1)
  399. set option "waiting_blits" to "false" (result: 1)
  400. set option "immediate_blits" to "false" (result: 1)
  401. set option "sound_stereo_separation" to "7" (result: 1)
  402. configure_floppies
  403. value for option floppy_drive_0: (NULL)
  404. set option "floppy0" to "" (result: 1)
  405. set option "floppy0type" to "0" (result: 1)
  406. value for option floppy_drive_1: (NULL)
  407. set option "floppy1" to "" (result: 1)
  408. set option "floppy1type" to "0" (result: 1)
  409. value for option floppy_drive_2: (NULL)
  410. set option "floppy2" to "" (result: 1)
  411. set option "floppy2type" to "0" (result: 1)
  412. value for option floppy_drive_3: (NULL)
  413. set option "floppy3" to "" (result: 1)
  414. set option "floppy3type" to "0" (result: 1)
  415. set option "nr_floppies" to "1" (result: 1)
  416. set option "floppy1" to "" (result: 1)
  417. set option "floppy1type" to "-1" (result: 1)
  418. set option "floppy2" to "" (result: 1)
  419. set option "floppy2type" to "-1" (result: 1)
  420. set option "floppy3" to "" (result: 1)
  421. set option "floppy3type" to "-1" (result: 1)
  422. set option "floppy_volume" to "80" (result: 1)
  423. set option "diskimage0" to "" (result: 1)
  424. set option "diskimage1" to "" (result: 1)
  425. set option "diskimage2" to "" (result: 1)
  426. set option "diskimage3" to "" (result: 1)
  427. set option "diskimage4" to "" (result: 1)
  428. set option "diskimage5" to "" (result: 1)
  429. set option "diskimage6" to "" (result: 1)
  430. set option "diskimage7" to "" (result: 1)
  431. set option "diskimage8" to "" (result: 1)
  432. set option "diskimage9" to "" (result: 1)
  433. set option "diskimage10" to "" (result: 1)
  434. set option "diskimage11" to "" (result: 1)
  435. set option "diskimage12" to "" (result: 1)
  436. set option "diskimage13" to "" (result: 1)
  437. set option "diskimage14" to "" (result: 1)
  438. set option "diskimage15" to "" (result: 1)
  439. set option "diskimage16" to "" (result: 1)
  440. set option "diskimage17" to "" (result: 1)
  441. set option "diskimage18" to "" (result: 1)
  442. set option "diskimage19" to "" (result: 1)
  443. fs_uae_configure_hard_drives
  444. configure_cdrom
  445. configuring joystick ports:
  446. set option "joyport0" to "none" (result: 1)
  447. set option "joyport1" to "none" (result: 1)
  448. fs_uae_configure_actions
  449. fs_uae_read_override_actions_for_port 0
  450. fs_uae_read_override_actions_for_port 1
  451. fs_uae_read_override_actions_for_port 2
  452. fs_uae_read_override_actions_for_port 3
  453. fs_uae_read_override_actions_for_port 4
  454. fs_uae_read_override_actions_for_port 5
  455. fs_uae_read_override_actions_for_port 6
  456. fs_uae_read_override_actions_for_port 7
  457. configuring joystick port 1 (auto)
  458. trying to auto-configure joystick in port 1
  459. configure joystick "JOYSTICK" for "amiga" (port index 1
  460. did not match device #0 (Keyboard)
  461. did not match device #1 (MOUSE)
  462. configure joystick "JOYSTICK #2" for "amiga" (port index 1
  463. did not match device #0 (Keyboard)
  464. did not match device #1 (MOUSE)
  465. could not auto-configure joystick,using keyboard emulation
  466. configuring joystick port 0 (auto)
  467. configuring joystick port 2 (nothing)
  468. nothing connected to port
  469. configuring joystick port 3 (nothing)
  470. nothing connected to port
  471. configuring joystick port 4 (nothing)
  472. nothing connected to port
  473. configuring joystick port 5 (nothing)
  474. nothing connected to port
  475. configuring joystick port 6 (nothing)
  476. nothing connected to port
  477. configuring joystick port 7 (nothing)
  478. nothing connected to port
  479. set option "statefile" to "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Save States/Default/Saved State.uss" (result: 1)
  480. amiga_set_save_image_dir /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Save States/Default
  481. - checking /Users/Dan/Library/Preferences/fs-uae/module-ripper-dir
  482. resolve_path /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Cache/Modules (absolute)
  483. - using "Modules" directory "/Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Cache/Modules"
  484. amiga_set_module_ripper_dir /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Cache/Modules
  485. set option "sound_frequency" to "48000" (result: 1)
  486. amiga_set_audio_frequency: 48000
  487. fs_uae_set_uae_paths
  488. did not find "built-in" driveclick directory
  489. read_custom_uae_options
  490. writing uae config to /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Cache/Logs/debug.uae
  491. -- stub -- target_save_options zfile=0x600000500b40 p=0x13bb28e0
  493. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  494. end of uae configuration
  495. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  497. -- stub -- init_joystick return 1
  498. -- stub -- init_mouse return 1
  499. -- stub -- init_kb return 1
  500. -- stub -- gui_init
  501. -- stub -- logging_init
  502. init_shm
  503. NATMEM: size 0x01000000
  504. NATMEM: z3size + 0x00000000
  505. NATMEM: z3rtgmem_size + 0x00000000
  506. NATMEM: othersize + 0x00000000
  507. NATMEM: totalsize = 0x01000000
  508. Z3 REAL mapping. Not JIT direct compatible.
  509. NATMEM: JIT direct compatible: 0
  510. NATMEM: Our special area: 0x1e916000-0x1f916000 (0x01000000 16M)
  511. built_in_chipset_prefs, ignore = 0
  512. fixup_cpu
  513. built_in_chipset_prefs, ignore = 0
  514. -- stub -- target_fixup_options
  515. -- stub -- target_run
  516. -- stub -- get_mouse_num return 0
  517. [WARNING] Will not log further calls to get_mouse_num
  518. -- stub -- get_joystick_num return 0
  519. [WARNING] Will not log further calls to get_joystick_num
  520. -- stub -- get_kb_num return 0
  521. [WARNING] Will not log further calls to get_kb_num
  522. using text cache texture size 2048x2048
  523. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=0 return 0
  524. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=1 return 0
  525. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=2 return 0
  526. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=3 return 0
  527. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=4 return 0
  528. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=5 return 0
  529. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=6 return 0
  530. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=7 return 0
  531. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=8 return 0
  532. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=9 return 0
  533. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=10 return 0
  534. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=11 return 0
  535. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=12 return 0
  536. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=13 return 0
  537. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=14 return 0
  538. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=15 return 0
  539. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=16 return 0
  540. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=17 return 0
  541. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=18 return 0
  542. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=19 return 0
  543. MMAN: mapped_malloc 0x00010000 start=0x00000000 UAE Boot ROM (rtarea)
  544. MMAN: Flags: ROMIN
  545. uaegfx.card magic code: 00F03000-00F0313E ABI=00000000
  546. segtracker: install
  547. MMAN: mapped_malloc 0x00010000 start=0x00000000 Filesystem autoconfig (filesys)
  548. MMAN: Flags: IO SAFE
  549. bsdsocket.library installed
  550. MMAN: mapped_malloc 0x00080000 start=0x00000000 Kickstart ROM (kick)
  552. -- stub -- my_issamepath
  553. -- stub -- my_issamepath
  554. -- stub -- my_issamepath
  555. [WARNING] Will not log further calls to my_issamepath
  556. MMAN: mapped_malloc 0x00100000 start=0x00000000 Chip memory (chip)
  558. MMAN: mapped_malloc 0x00080000 start=0x00c00000 Slow memory (bogo)
  560. ROM loader.. (<none>)
  561. read_rom_name /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Kickstarts/amiga-os-130.rom
  562. romlist_patch_rom
  563. ROM: SHA1=099e9e10dace735ef5aa87bc006f258e3ce9addd
  564. Known ROM 'KS ROM v1.3 (A3000)(SK)' loaded
  565. ROM loader end
  566. cpuboard_map currprefs.cpuboard_type = 0
  567. MAPROM: cs_ksmirror_e0 set - mirroring kickstart at 0x00e00000
  568. memory init end
  569. gfx_set_picasso_state 0
  570. drive_insert drv=0x103b2a20 dnum=3 fname= fake=0
  571. drive_insert drv=0x103b2a20 dnum=3 fname= fake=1
  572. gui_disk_image_change drive 3 <no disk>
  573. driveclick_insert drive=3 eject=1 click_initialized=0 wave_initialized=0 currprefs.floppyslots[drive].dfxclick=1
  574. gui_disk_image_change drive 3 <no disk>
  575. drive_insert drv=0x10390400 dnum=2 fname= fake=0
  576. drive_insert drv=0x10390400 dnum=2 fname= fake=1
  577. gui_disk_image_change drive 2 <no disk>
  578. driveclick_insert drive=2 eject=1 click_initialized=0 wave_initialized=0 currprefs.floppyslots[drive].dfxclick=1
  579. gui_disk_image_change drive 2 <no disk>
  580. drive_insert drv=0x1036dde0 dnum=1 fname= fake=0
  581. drive_insert drv=0x1036dde0 dnum=1 fname= fake=1
  582. gui_disk_image_change drive 1 <no disk>
  583. driveclick_insert drive=1 eject=1 click_initialized=0 wave_initialized=0 currprefs.floppyslots[drive].dfxclick=1
  584. gui_disk_image_change drive 1 <no disk>
  585. drive_insert drv=0x1034b7c0 dnum=0 fname= fake=0
  586. drive_insert drv=0x1034b7c0 dnum=0 fname= fake=1
  587. gui_disk_image_change drive 0 <no disk>
  588. driveclick_insert drive=0 eject=1 click_initialized=0 wave_initialized=0 currprefs.floppyslots[drive].dfxclick=1
  589. gui_disk_image_change drive 0 <no disk>
  590. No disk in drive 0.
  591. fixup_cpu
  592. CPU cycleunit: 256 (0.500)
  593. 1870 CPU functions
  594. Building CPU, 44274 opcodes (0 -2 1)
  595. JIT: &countdown = 0x152020d0
  596. JIT: &build_comp = 0xeab3630
  597. JIT: JIT: JIT compiler is not enabled
  598. CPU=68000, FPU=0, MMU=0, JIT=0. prefetch and cycle-exact 24-bit
  599. graphics_init
  600. calling reset_drawing
  601. init_colors
  602. init_sound
  603. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=0 return 0
  604. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=1 return 0
  605. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=2 return 0
  606. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=3 return 0
  607. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=4 return 0
  608. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=5 return 0
  609. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=6 return 0
  610. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=7 return 0
  611. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=8 return 0
  612. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=9 return 0
  613. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=10 return 0
  614. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=11 return 0
  615. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=12 return 0
  616. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=13 return 0
  617. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=14 return 0
  618. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=15 return 0
  619. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=16 return 0
  620. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=17 return 0
  621. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=18 return 0
  622. -- stub -- input_get_default_keyboard num=19 return 0
  623. CPU cycleunit: 256 (0.500)
  624. -- stub -- target_reset
  625. -- stub -- filesys_addexternals
  626. init_shm
  627. cpuboard_map currprefs.cpuboard_type = 0
  628. MAPROM: cs_ksmirror_e0 set - mirroring kickstart at 0x00e00000
  629. memory init end
  630. initparallel
  631. Reset at 00000000. Chipset mask = 00000000
  632. 00000000 2048K/4 = 512K Chip memory
  633. 00200000 8192K/0 = 8192K <none>
  634. 00A00000 2048K/0 = 2048K CIA
  635. 00C00000 512K/1 = 512K Slow memory
  636. 00C80000 1024K/0 = 1024K Custom chipset
  637. 00D80000 256K/0 = 256K <none>
  638. 00DC0000 64K/0 = 64K Battery backed up clock (none)
  639. 00DD0000 64K/0 = 64K <none>
  640. 00DE0000 128K/0 = 128K Custom chipset
  641. 00E00000 512K/1 = 512K Kickstart ROM (FBB4799D)
  642. 00E80000 64K/0 = 64K Autoconfig Z2
  643. 00E90000 960K/0 = 960K <none>
  644. 00F80000 512K/1 = 512K Kickstart ROM (FBB4799D)
  645. uae_start_tread "ide" function at 0xea6e4d0 arg 0x104c3298
  646. drive_insert drv=0x103b2a20 dnum=3 fname= fake=0
  647. drive_insert drv=0x103b2a20 dnum=3 fname= fake=1
  648. gui_disk_image_change drive 3 <no disk>
  649. driveclick_insert drive=3 eject=1 click_initialized=0 wave_initialized=0 currprefs.floppyslots[drive].dfxclick=1
  650. gui_disk_image_change drive 3 <no disk>
  651. drive_insert drv=0x10390400 dnum=2 fname= fake=0
  652. drive_insert drv=0x10390400 dnum=2 fname= fake=1
  653. gui_disk_image_change drive 2 <no disk>
  654. driveclick_insert drive=2 eject=1 click_initialized=0 wave_initialized=0 currprefs.floppyslots[drive].dfxclick=1
  655. gui_disk_image_change drive 2 <no disk>
  656. drive_insert drv=0x1036dde0 dnum=1 fname= fake=0
  657. drive_insert drv=0x1036dde0 dnum=1 fname= fake=1
  658. gui_disk_image_change drive 1 <no disk>
  659. driveclick_insert drive=1 eject=1 click_initialized=0 wave_initialized=0 currprefs.floppyslots[drive].dfxclick=1
  660. gui_disk_image_change drive 1 <no disk>
  661. drive_insert drv=0x1034b7c0 dnum=0 fname= fake=0
  662. drive_insert drv=0x1034b7c0 dnum=0 fname= fake=1
  663. gui_disk_image_change drive 0 <no disk>
  664. driveclick_insert drive=0 eject=1 click_initialized=0 wave_initialized=0 currprefs.floppyslots[drive].dfxclick=1
  665. gui_disk_image_change drive 0 <no disk>
  666. mousehack_reset
  667. PAL mode V=50.0000Hz H=15625.0881Hz (227x312+0) IDX=10 (PAL) D=0 RTG=0/0
  668. target_graphics_buffer_update - clearing buffer
  669. RTGFREQ: 312*50.0000 = 15600.0000 / 50.0 = 312
  670. [AUDIO] fs_emu_audio_resume_stream 0
  671. gfx_set_picasso_state 0
  672. -- stub -- fpux_restore
  673. hardreset, memory cleared
  674. init_sound
  675. driveclick_init
  676. open_sound returning 1
  677. [AUDIO] Buffer underrun in stream 0
  678. wait_for_frame_no_netplay: new frame rate 50.00 (time: 20000)
  679. fs_uae_reconfigure_input_ports_amiga
  680. sending event to set port 0 to mode 1
  681. sending event to set port 1 to mode 2
  682. fs_uae_reconfigure_input_ports_host
  683. configuring joystick port 0
  684. * nothing in port
  685. * FIXME
  686. configuring joystick port 1
  687. * nothing in port
  688. * FIXME
  689. configuring joystick port 2
  690. * nothing in port
  691. * FIXME
  692. configuring joystick port 3
  693. * nothing in port
  694. * FIXME
  695. configuring joystick port 4
  696. * nothing in port
  697. * FIXME
  698. configuring joystick port 5
  699. * nothing in port
  700. * FIXME
  701. configuring joystick port 6
  702. * nothing in port
  703. * FIXME
  704. configuring joystick port 7
  705. * nothing in port
  706. * FIXME
  707. map_custom_keyboard_actions
  708. map_custom_joystick_actions
  709. [INPUT] Map custom joystick actions for keyboard
  710. [INPUT] Config name "keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos"
  711. get system config for device: keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos
  712. checked data "input/keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos.conf" = 3
  713. config file for keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos was not found
  714. [INPUT] Did not find generic gamepad config for device "keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos"
  715. config name "keyboard"
  716. get system config for device: keyboard
  717. checked data "input/keyboard.conf" = 0
  718. read config for keyboard for universal (from data)
  719. checked data "input/default_keyboard.conf" = 0
  720. read config for default_keyboard for universal (from data)
  721. no config for platform universal
  722. [INPUT] Did not find generic gamepad config for device"keyboard"
  723. [INPUT] Map custom joystick actions for mouse
  724. [INPUT] Config name "mouse_0_0_0_0_macos"
  725. get system config for device: mouse_0_0_0_0_macos
  726. checked data "input/mouse_0_0_0_0_macos.conf" = 3
  727. config file for mouse_0_0_0_0_macos was not found
  728. [INPUT] Did not find generic gamepad config for device "mouse_0_0_0_0_macos"
  729. config name "mouse"
  730. get system config for device: mouse
  731. checked data "input/mouse.conf" = 0
  732. read config for mouse for universal (from data)
  733. no config for platform universal
  734. [INPUT] Did not find generic gamepad config for device"mouse"
  735. amiga_set_joystick_port_mode port=0 mode=1
  736. fs_uae_reconfigure_input_ports_host
  737. configuring joystick port 0
  738. * amiga mouse
  739. * using device MOUSE
  740. mapping mouse to port 0
  741. fs_emu_configure_mouse (device: MOUSE)
  742. did not match device #0 (Keyboard)
  743. matched device #1
  744. configuring joystick port 1
  745. * nothing in port
  746. * FIXME
  747. configuring joystick port 2
  748. * nothing in port
  749. * FIXME
  750. configuring joystick port 3
  751. * nothing in port
  752. * FIXME
  753. configuring joystick port 4
  754. * nothing in port
  755. * FIXME
  756. configuring joystick port 5
  757. * nothing in port
  758. * FIXME
  759. configuring joystick port 6
  760. * nothing in port
  761. * FIXME
  762. configuring joystick port 7
  763. * nothing in port
  764. * FIXME
  765. map_custom_keyboard_actions
  766. map_custom_joystick_actions
  767. [INPUT] Map custom joystick actions for keyboard
  768. [INPUT] Config name "keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos"
  769. get system config for device: keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos
  770. checked data "input/keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos.conf" = 3
  771. config file for keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos was not found
  772. [INPUT] Did not find generic gamepad config for device "keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos"
  773. config name "keyboard"
  774. get system config for device: keyboard
  775. checked data "input/keyboard.conf" = 0
  776. read config for keyboard for universal (from data)
  777. checked data "input/default_keyboard.conf" = 0
  778. read config for default_keyboard for universal (from data)
  779. no config for platform universal
  780. [INPUT] Did not find generic gamepad config for device"keyboard"
  781. [INPUT] Map custom joystick actions for mouse
  782. [INPUT] Config name "mouse_0_0_0_0_macos"
  783. get system config for device: mouse_0_0_0_0_macos
  784. checked data "input/mouse_0_0_0_0_macos.conf" = 3
  785. config file for mouse_0_0_0_0_macos was not found
  786. [INPUT] Did not find generic gamepad config for device "mouse_0_0_0_0_macos"
  787. config name "mouse"
  788. get system config for device: mouse
  789. checked data "input/mouse.conf" = 0
  790. read config for mouse for universal (from data)
  791. no config for platform universal
  792. [INPUT] Did not find generic gamepad config for device"mouse"
  793. amiga_set_joystick_port_mode port=1 mode=2
  794. fs_uae_reconfigure_input_ports_host
  795. configuring joystick port 0
  796. * amiga mouse
  797. * using device MOUSE
  798. mapping mouse to port 0
  799. fs_emu_configure_mouse (device: MOUSE)
  800. did not match device #0 (Keyboard)
  801. matched device #1
  802. configuring joystick port 1
  803. * amiga joystick
  804. * using device KEYBOARD
  805. configure joystick "KEYBOARD" for "amiga" (port index 1
  806. matched device #0
  807. config name "Keyboard"
  808. get system config for device: Keyboard
  809. checked data "input/Keyboard.conf" = 3
  810. config file for Keyboard was not found
  811. did not find config for device "Keyboard"
  812. config name "keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos"
  813. get system config for device: keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos
  814. checked data "input/keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos.conf" = 3
  815. config file for keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos was not found
  816. did not find config for device "keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos"
  817. config name "keyboard"
  818. get system config for device: keyboard
  819. checked data "input/keyboard.conf" = 0
  820. read config for keyboard for amiga (from data)
  821. checked data "input/default_keyboard.conf" = 0
  822. read config for default_keyboard for amiga (from data)
  823. key_ralt (307) => action "1" (68)
  824. key_down (274) => action "down" (63)
  825. key_right (275) => action "right" (61)
  826. did not find action for "default_keyboard"
  827. key_up (273) => action "up" (62)
  828. key_left (276) => action "left" (60)
  829. key_rctrl (305) => action "1" (68)
  830. [INPUT] Config name "keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos"
  831. get system config for device: keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos
  832. checked data "input/keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos.conf" = 3
  833. config file for keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos was not found
  834. [INPUT] Did not find generic gamepad config for device "keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos"
  835. config name "keyboard"
  836. get system config for device: keyboard
  837. checked data "input/keyboard.conf" = 0
  838. read config for keyboard for universal (from data)
  839. checked data "input/default_keyboard.conf" = 0
  840. read config for default_keyboard for universal (from data)
  841. no config for platform universal
  842. [INPUT] Did not find generic gamepad config for device"keyboard"
  843. configuring joystick port 2
  844. * nothing in port
  845. * FIXME
  846. configuring joystick port 3
  847. * nothing in port
  848. * FIXME
  849. configuring joystick port 4
  850. * nothing in port
  851. * FIXME
  852. configuring joystick port 5
  853. * nothing in port
  854. * FIXME
  855. configuring joystick port 6
  856. * nothing in port
  857. * FIXME
  858. configuring joystick port 7
  859. * nothing in port
  860. * FIXME
  861. map_custom_keyboard_actions
  862. map_custom_joystick_actions
  863. [INPUT] Map custom joystick actions for keyboard
  864. [INPUT] Config name "keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos"
  865. get system config for device: keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos
  866. checked data "input/keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos.conf" = 3
  867. config file for keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos was not found
  868. [INPUT] Did not find generic gamepad config for device "keyboard_0_0_0_0_macos"
  869. config name "keyboard"
  870. get system config for device: keyboard
  871. checked data "input/keyboard.conf" = 0
  872. read config for keyboard for universal (from data)
  873. checked data "input/default_keyboard.conf" = 0
  874. read config for default_keyboard for universal (from data)
  875. no config for platform universal
  876. [INPUT] Did not find generic gamepad config for device"keyboard"
  877. [INPUT] Map custom joystick actions for mouse
  878. [INPUT] Config name "mouse_0_0_0_0_macos"
  879. get system config for device: mouse_0_0_0_0_macos
  880. checked data "input/mouse_0_0_0_0_macos.conf" = 3
  881. config file for mouse_0_0_0_0_macos was not found
  882. [INPUT] Did not find generic gamepad config for device "mouse_0_0_0_0_macos"
  883. config name "mouse"
  884. get system config for device: mouse
  885. checked data "input/mouse.conf" = 0
  886. read config for mouse for universal (from data)
  887. no config for platform universal
  888. [INPUT] Did not find generic gamepad config for device"mouse"
  889. Display Size: 640x480 Offset: 74x36
  890. First: 26 Last: 0 MinV: 0 MaxV: 0 Min: 26
  891. [VIDEO] fs_emu_set_video_frame_rate: 50.00 (50)
  892. [DISPLAY] Sync: g_fs_emu_video_sync_to_vblank = 0
  893. [AUDIO] Buffer underrun in stream 0
  894. Illegal instruction: 4e7b at 00FC0564 -> 00FC0582
  895. SERIAL: period=372, baud=9600, hsyncs=14, bits=8, PC=fc2234
  896. PAL mode V=50.0000Hz H=15625.0881Hz (227x312+1) IDX=10 (PAL) D=0 RTG=0/0
  897. target_graphics_buffer_update - clearing buffer
  898. Display Size: 640x400 Offset: 74x36
  899. First: 44 Last: 244 MinV: 26 MaxV: 313 Min: 26
  900. EMU: Ungrab input
  901. [INPUT] Releasing input
  902. EMU: Enter menu
  903. update_main_menu
  904. floppy in 0:
  905. update_main_menu
  906. floppy in 0:
  907. EMU: Grab input
  908. [INPUT] Grabbing input
  909. disk_menu_function for df253632368
  910. on_quit selected from menu
  911. fs_emu_quit
  912. executing quit function
  913. quit_function
  914. fs_ml_quit
  915. running g_quit_function
  916. calling amiga_quit
  917. uae_quit
  918. UAE: Stopping
  919. -- stub -- close_joystick
  920. -- stub -- close_mouse
  921. -- stub -- close_kb
  922. serial: close fd=-1
  923. -- stub -- gui_exit
  924. mapped_free nondirect Filesystem autoconfig
  925. hdf_close_target
  926. hdf_close_target
  927. hdf_close_target
  928. hdf_close_target
  929. hdf_close_target
  930. hdf_close_target
  931. hdf_close_target
  932. mapped_free nondirect Slow memory
  933. mapped_free nondirect Kickstart ROM
  934. mapped_free nondirect Chip memory
  935. -- stub -- machdep_free
  936. real_main returned
  937. calling filesys_flush_cache
  938. flushing all file streams
  939. [CORE] Return from amiga_main
  940. fs_ml_quit
  941. fs_ml_quit already called
  942. calling fs_ml_stop because emu thread is done
  943. [FSE] fs_emu_run: main loop is done
  944. [FSE] Waiting for emulation thread to stop...
  945. [FSE] Emulation thread stopped
  946. [OPENAL] fs_emu_audio_shutdown
  947. OPENAL: Stopping stream 0
  948. OPENAL: Stopping stream 1
  949. OPENAL: alcDestroyContext
  950. OPENAL: alcCloseDevice
  951. [FSE] Returning from fs_emu_run
  952. fs-uae shutting down, fs_emu_run returned
  953. state dir /Users/Dan/Documents/FS-UAE/Save States/Default was removed because it was empty
  954. end of main function
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