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a guest
Dec 7th, 2018
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Bash 1.43 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ubuntu@pc112:~/valid-poky-agl_sdk$ devtool modify vldivicontrol
  2. Parsing recipes: 100% |######################################################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:40
  3. Parsing of 2450 .bb files complete (0 cached, 2450 parsed). 3240 targets, 613 skipped, 11 masked, 0 errors.
  4. NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
  5. NOTE: Executing do_fetch...
  6. NOTE: Executing do_unpack...
  7. NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 2 tasks of which 0 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
  8. NOTE: Patching...
  9. NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
  10. NOTE: Executing do_patch...
  11. ERROR: Taskhash mismatch 520e58efa2f6d30bfb3f3d7f517513bd versus 8ce9763f9f92809c112f5f65465cab38 for /home/ubuntu/valid-poky-agl_sdk/layers/meta-valid-ivi/recipes-valid-display-systems/vldivicontrol/
  12. ERROR: Taskhash mismatch 520e58efa2f6d30bfb3f3d7f517513bd versus 8ce9763f9f92809c112f5f65465cab38 for /home/ubuntu/valid-poky-agl_sdk/layers/meta-valid-ivi/recipes-valid-display-systems/vldivicontrol/
  13. NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 3 tasks of which 2 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
  14. NOTE: Adding local source files to srctree...
  15. NOTE: Source tree extracted to /home/ubuntu/valid-poky-agl_sdk/workspace/sources/vldivicontrol
  16. NOTE: Recipe vldivicontrol now set up to build from /home/ubuntu/valid-poky-agl_sdk/workspace/sources/vldivicontrol
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