
His Little Sister's Torment

Jan 28th, 2020
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  1. [11:23] Lucia walks out of the house sleepy eyed. It seemed she didn't get that good night's sleep. Her eyes were baggy, her tone of voice soft and raspy. She certainly has had better days. She closes the door slowly as she walks up to Gaelan
  2. "...Hey Gael.." she would say awkwardly
  3. "..I-I..wanna apologize. For yesterday. I was being a child. A-and...I was being selfish. I really want you to forgive me."
  4. She would turn her head toward her brother with a slight jolt. She looks at him with her multicolored hues
  5. "I'm sorry for being such a poor sister. You...d-don't deserve that."
  6. (Lucia Fenrir)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [11:30] Gaelan lets out a yawn, and rubs his eyes. He hasn't been up for too long but he hasn't slept much either. After he finished gathering supplies for his alchemical crafting, he finds his sister out front of the house. He moved past her and placed many things inside of a chest. One well kept and neatly organized.
  11. Afterwards he made his way back out to the front and she started speak. He pulls up his scarf, and looked at her curiously. She was apologizing? As good as that is, he wasn't planning to hold a grudge anyway. He shrugged towards her.
  13. "Its fine. You were having fun. That's all that matters.... -Just try not to do stuff like that with me. I don't have many people I can call friends as is." He admits.
  14. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. [11:34] Lucia scratches the back of her head.
  18. "...I-I'm you're friend.." she would say meekly
  19. "But...I understand. I'll tone down myself next time."
  20. She would smirk deviously
  21. "But, i'm still gonna tease ya."
  22. Lucia would notice Gaelan's baggy eyes.
  23. "Hey, didn't I tell you that you need to getting enough sleep!?'re gonna pass out one of these days.."
  24. She shakes her head
  25. "Anyway, I know what I need to do now. I need to get stronger and stop being such a child. S-so...I-I...need to become a warrior."
  26. The girl has a determined look in her eye
  27. "If you don't mind, i'd like to train more with you. I really want to make you, Sis, and everyone else proud. No matter what!"
  28. She would chirp gleefully as she spoke, seemingly determined by her new outlook
  29. "I don't wanna be useless to you tomorrow. I want you to rely on me. Rely on my voice and my power!"
  30. (Lucia Fenrir)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. [11:35] Sajid whispers something.
  34. [11:37] When it came to the town Altair was right, he was going to be needing some coins in his pockets considering that there were a lot of shops around. He knew that the Guild Hall was going to be providing beds that they could use, taking in what Altair had to say though about the odd jobs.
  36. "Ooh. I see."
  38. The tour was rather helpful.
  39. (Nikólaos)
  40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. [11:38] Sajid groans in some dislike for the cat to ignore his whispers.
  43. (Sajid)
  44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. [11:40] They climbed up their way through Theria and he figured he'd start off at the Western end and work his way in town. Treading through the snow, eventually they'd pull up to the Fenrir manor!
  48. "This here's one o' my favorite places in Theria admittedly. It's the Fenrir Manor. See, the Fenrir leader is a Warlord and the family itself functionally is a guild...least I see it that way. I do odd jobs for them here 'n there, but I'm tryna work my way up to bein' 'a bodyguard. One day they'll recognize my strength heh."
  50. A wave is offered to those nearby and he'd nod his head. Looking back to Nikolaous he'd gesture for the teen to follow him once again. It was going to be a long tour.
  51. (Altaïr Bianchi)
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. [11:43] He holds family on a different level than the title of 'Friend'. So her saying that was only belittling herself. However she might not understand his point of view on things quite yet. Which is completely fine. A hidden smile is given.
  56. "That's fine... I didn't expect otherwise.
  58. Sleep is for the weak. I only sleep if I REALLY need to. I'm fine~, promise.
  60. I also never said you need to become a warrior. Just that you need to make sure you could hold your own. I don't expect you to do stupid stuff like fight like me. Just do whatever make ya happy. Besides ruin relationships." He starts to poke fun at her for once. This caused a light chuckle to come out from his mouth.
  62. "We can spar if you want... I still need to test some things."
  63. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [11:46] Lucia sighs
  67. "Fine...if you say so dear brother. I just don't want you passing out on me.."
  68. She would listen to him intently before responding
  69. "I know you never said that. But still, I need to become stronger for you and everyone else. If another attack happens and i'm completely useless."
  70. Lucia would pause for a moment
  71. "Well...I could never forgive myself.."
  72. She shakes her head
  73. "As long as you forgive me. I want to be able to protect -you- as well. you too much to just stand on the sidelines."
  74. Lucia let's out a soft smile toward her brother, her multicolored hues now having a determined look
  75. "Of course. I need to test some things as well. I promise not to cry this time.." she would say in a snarky tone
  76. (Lucia Fenrir)
  77. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. [11:53] She is quite decided to learning how to fight. So one little argument caused the both of them to progress down different lines. How interesting.
  81. The kid chuckles more, before he beckons her to follow him into the main area. So they may spar. "Oh also for your information, I fixed everything you might've caused. Let it be know I suppose that I can speak quite well. Once I do."
  83. Once he moved out into the field the whole cliffside was shrouded in dense snow. This time no shift was apparent, it just happened. As if he commanded the weather itself to listen to him.
  85. That same gust of wind came by as he disappeared into the snow. His form completely gone.
  87. Now this time he will not hold back. At least for this first round. He had something to test out. Since finally a thought crossed his mind.
  89. His omnidirectional voice boomed, "Go when your ready little sister."
  90. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  91. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. [11:56] Lucia's eyes would widen
  94. "E-everything I've caused!?"
  95. She would groan and scratch the back of her head
  96. "..A-as I said...i'm very, very sorry.."
  97. She would trail her words and follow Gaelan toward the field. She begins to hum to herself
  98. ""
  99. She summons ice around her hands and her being. A cold chill covers the air as she continues to hum, calming herself down and lowering her heartbeat. She has a determined look in her eye. The look of a warrior
  100. "..Let us begin." she would mutter. She breathes in deeply, allowing the chill of the air to flow through her entire being.
  101. (Lucia Fenrir)
  102. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. [11:59] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  105. [12:19] The kid held true to his words. He wanted to learn something new and to do that he needed to express his full power. The dense snow around them shrouded his existence perfectly. It made it hard for her to keep track of his location. Random spells would just be thrown at her.
  107. Once the battle was in full swing he begun toying with her. A clone was manifested and sent after her. It was in a mist like form like he was however the clone got close. Mocking a melee like warrior. Just moving to wail on her. This allowed him to attack from a distance while she was distracted. Since this was the first time he had actually used his clone on her it might've been a bit awkward for her. Seeing her brother just rush at her, swinging his staff at her at random.
  109. It was an illusion that played into his plans perfectly. As he was holding her attention, the real Gaelan slung spells at her from a distance. Many different sorts of them as well. Physical ice, and mental illusions. He aimed to stress both body and mind of his opponents. She was no exception.
  111. He planned to mix the both of them together for once. That thought he had when he fought against Lukas was still in his mind. Shadows... How to use them?
  113. Many different ideas had come to his mind, but this time he plans to try and pour his mana into -his- shadow. Attempting to making it come to life, to attack her on his behalf. This of course was just a thought but a interesting one.
  115. To close out the first part of the fight he poured his mana into the shadows beneath his feet; And dashed at her. Once he got close he crouched down and moved his hand towards her. Attempt to throw his shadow at her.
  117. Strangely enough this happened to actually worked. It was a shoddy attempt at best, but once it hit she was slung back.
  119. The kid started to giggle. "Wow that worked?!?!?!" He seemed surprised. Time to see if he can progress it further!
  121. He gave hertime to breath before going another round!
  123. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  124. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. [12:28] Lucia would have an extremely calm and graceful demeanor as she fought. She tried her hardest...only to once again be demolished by her brother. Lucia just could not contend
  127. "..."
  128. She would have a hard time aiming her attacks and keeping track of her brothers location. She was getting angry and annoyed as she noticed him toying with her. She would take deep breaths...trying to regain her composure and track her brother amongst the snow
  129. "...*sigh.."
  130. Her eyes would widen as she suddenly clashes with a clone of her brother. A barrage of attacks overwhelm her and she succumbs to the onslaught of illusionary tricks.
  131. "Aah-"
  132. Her mind was getting completely slaughtered, it was completely turn to mush as she tried her hardest to defend herself. Forming an icy shield among her body, and even that wouldn't prove to be enough
  133. "S-s..STOP!"
  134. Lucia's voice suddenly echo! It was a piercing shriek capable of completely dissipating the blizzard around her and completely pushing back Gaelan. She takes a moment to realize what she just did before a shadow strikes her
  135. "Wh-"
  136. In an instant, she is struck by a piercing object and is knocked far off into the snow. She is beaten and bruised. Completely scratched up and disappointed in herself. She stands back up slowly, once again humming to herself and calming herself down..
  137. "...1...*pant...2...*pant...3"
  138. She would regain her composure and form a blizzard around herself with her hands again. She looks down at the ground and has an idea. What if she were to skate across the snow like in her performances? She takes the idea to heart, further improving her mobility. She looks at her brother with fury eyes and a determined look
  139. "..."
  140. She begins to ponder. How was she able to shriek so loudly like that? Did she just exentuate her mana? She decides to try it again in this next bout.
  141. (Lucia Fenrir)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. [12:31] Adonis Felt-Fenrir says, "Oh... The troubled siblings.."
  145. [12:50] Gaelan wasn't a fan of how crazy he was going against his little sister. She wasn't a true combantant… not yet that is. Perhaps soon she will be. For now Gaelan has too much experience on her. While she was playing, singing, and reading books. He was in the house learning alchemy, battling fellow family members, and mastering his magicks. Two different people duking it out.
  147. After she got back up on her own feet he waited for her to start to move towards wherever she thought he was. The dense snow shrouded all of his movements so even finding him was exceedingly difficult.
  149. Since that was a mere test of if he could do that with his shadow, he planned to do it only once more. He dashed at her again attempting to do it again. It threw her back again.
  151. The move was a bit more refined but it still needed a lot of work. So later he will attempt to control it during his own. For now he wanted to end the fight.
  153. This was another perfect time to test something. He fell back and started to mess with her mind. As the clone attacked her once more it faded, her sight began to spin.
  155. A margarine took hold of her brain. His sisters head was throbbing as she closed her eyes she was surrounded in icy like mirrors. Gaelan was in all of them, looking at her. The kid seemed to be fiddling with something. Small needles? She hasn't seen him with that before.
  157. "Sorry if this hurts a lot, sis. I promise I won't do it again if it does~." He starts to chuckle. All of the Gaelans did in fact.
  159. As soon as he said that all of the Gaelans that surrounded her started to throw needles at her. From all angles she was pelted with them. She felt as if she was on the verge of death.
  161. As soon as she fell to the ground he stopped. The battle was over, and she looked only bruised up and cut up slightly. She felt as if she had died but she was fine. It was a strange feeling no doubt.
  163. "I'll call it there." He says calmingly.
  165. The mist around them faded quickly too. The shy kid's eyes fall on Adonis and he lets out a sigh. What is he doing here?
  166. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  167. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  169. [13:02] Lucia would stand up from the ground, tears flowing down her face as the pain radiates throughout her entire body. It was instantly turn to ice as dissipate along with the blizzard around her. It was no use...she was too frail..
  170. "..."
  171. She turns her head up to gaze at her brother. She pants heavily as she holds her right arm, now having a hearty gash on near her bicep. She taps her foot and freezes the heel of her shoe so she can skate on the ice.
  172. Lucia was quick! Dashing and evading through some of Gaelans attacks. She would prove to mostly be on the defensive as she fought, not having much chance to attack as she is completely bombarded with illusionary tricks.
  173. The girl would collapse on the floor as a migraine takes hold of her brain. She stood there in pain..gritting her teeth and in immense and utter pain
  174. "AAH!"
  175. Lucia feels the pain of a thousand needles pierce her body from all angles. She could do nothing but shriek in pain, her piercing voice being heard all the way from town.
  176. The girl would stand there for a moment, her mouth agape and eyes droopy. The pain stopped...but a ringing could be heard in her ears as she looked around her surroundings droopily. Her entire mind had seemingly been turned into mush.
  177. "..."
  178. She blinks ever so slowly. Her mind was disoriented, her vision blurry, the pain continues to pierce through her body. As if those tiny needles buried deep within her flesh. Even if she was fine physically, the girl had felt as if she died. As if she was at the last moments of her life
  179. "...u..uh.."
  180. The girl's world would turn black as her brain gives into the pain. She falls to her knees, unable to do anything but drool. She was unable to move her hands or her feet. Only barely able to move her head as her blurry vision takes hold of her.
  181. "..."
  182. The girl starts to fear that this was the end. It seems as if Gaelan's tricks would linger in her mind as she began to hear voices. She was scared and frightened, she did not know what was going on. She was completely helpless to her attacker. Completely and utterly weak at the mercy at her opponent. Tears flow down her eyes as her mind goes completely blank, the piercing shrieks of her voice looming in her mind
  183. "..*hic.."
  184. The girl closes her eyes and falls face first onto the snow. It would take some time for her brain to recover.
  187. (Lucia Fenrir)
  188. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  190. Gaelan lets out a sigh as he walks up to his little sister. He defiantly went to hard on her. She needs some rest. Hopefully she doesn't hate him after he used that spell. He will need to live with it for now if she does.
  192. He crouches down and turns her over, where she is facing skyward. One arm supporting her back and the other placed under her knees. He lifts her up.
  194. The shy kid takes her into the house and places her on her bed, and tucks her in. He pats her on the head and walks back out front.
  196. He moves to join the crowd watching the spars afterwards.
  197. (Gaelan Fenrir)
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