

Feb 5th, 2018
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  1. _Uno #ThousandFoldsOfEdge: There was an instance of it before which I didn't bother collecting evidence of, but it did happen.
  2. _Uno #ThousandFoldsOfEdge: This would have been the 3rd instance of it
  3. _Uno #ThousandFoldsOfEdge: But the 2nd instance is the one which I have logs of
  4. _Uno #ThousandFoldsOfEdge: -- EVIDENCE / LOGS
  5. Johnny Holt says "You're /renting/ it."
  6. Johnny Holt says "I get booze from you, /I/ let you set up your shit there."
  7. 'Creed' says "The hell I am. You said I could do whatever the hell I wanted, so long as I didn't go into your room."
  8. Johnny Holt says "Exactly, but I get payement. I get booze."
  9. ** 'Creed' says "When it's finally up and running, which should be soon." before walking up to the kid and saying, "I don't know what sort of fucking relationship you have with your parents, I don't care either." As he'd kneel down to look at Johnny in the eyes, "But this hard-ass attitude, the one you're giving me. Is gonna get you fucking killed. D'you understand?"
  10. ** Johnny Holt drops his right crutch before unslinging the rifle with his right hand. He would grip it tightly as he growls under his breath, "Don't talk about about them... Rule number one."
  11. 'Creed' says "That was rule number two, actually. Rule number one was stay out of your room." Sighing heavily as he stands up, "So you're an orphan or some shit. Trying to fend for yourself. But you think threatening to, and shooting at every other asshole who comes close to you is gonna help make YOUR life easier?"
  12. ** Johnny Holt glares at the male as he breathes heavier. He mutters quietly, as if spitting the words, "Stop... Talking."
  13. ** 'Creed' stands up and would try and yank the rifle out of Johnny's hands -- If he would struggle, he would kick his prostetic leg out from underneathe him to trip him over.
  14. ** Johnny Holt would grip the rifle with both of his hands as he yells, "Let go of the fucki-.." He tumbles forward as his prosthethic gets kicke under him and he falls forward onto his stomach, letting go of the rifle.
  15. ** 'Creed' places his boot on Johnny's chest and putting pressure on his chest. holding the rifle one-handed and away from the kid, "You want to act like a man? You better fucking learn to fight like one." Releasing his foot and then leaning down to punch Johnny in the side of the face, "Are we fucking clear?"
  16. _Uno #ThousandFoldsOfEdge: < Posted Logs of fight to Irish >
  17. 3:46 PM - TheIrishSailor: // gold on
  18. 3:46 PM - TheIrishSailor: // LMAO OKAY
  19. 3:46 PM - TheIrishSailor: Your
  20. 3:46 PM - TheIrishSailor: shit
  21. 3:46 PM - TheIrishSailor: ur fucked m8
  22. 3:46 PM - _Uno #ThousandFoldsOfEdge: :>
  24. ** Johnny Holt groans loudly after the fist connects to his cheek. He tries rolling himself over to his stomach before spitting out some blood.
  25. ** 'Creed' would throw the rifle some distance away, picking Johnny up by the scruff of his shirt, "Not so fucking tough without your gun, are you?"
  26. ** Johnny Holt keeps his gaze lowered and brows furrowed before trying to throw a punch towards the left side of the male while growling under his breath.
  27. Creed would see an extremely pissed of redhead with blue tattoos weilding a fucking bow jump the fence, her bow aimed in his direction as she approaches, quickly.
  28. [ Teens | IrishAccent ...] yells "YOU LITTLE FUCK."
  29. ** 'Creed' takes the punch, as he'd furrow his brows, his head cocking back as he's struck, he'd drag Johnny to the side of the Warehouse forcing him up against the Factory and trying to pull out his Boxcutter, turning back to whoever shouted out.
  30. ** James Stark sighs as he spots the two fucking fighting.
  31. [ Teens | IrishAccent ...] yells "Drop the weapon now or an arrow goes through yer FUCKING HEAD."
  32. _Uno #ThousandFoldsOfEdge: Also before, he got told that Glamsus, Craynorine and myself were shit-talking him behind his back
  33. _Uno #ThousandFoldsOfEdge: When all I've done is say how much of a Mary Sue Eva is.
  34. _Uno #ThousandFoldsOfEdge: And then tells me how much of a mary sue Gabriel is in response.
  35. _Uno #ThousandFoldsOfEdge: Like
  36. _Uno #ThousandFoldsOfEdge: Gabriel only existed to RP. Not combat. I fucking hate CombatRP.
  37. _Uno #ThousandFoldsOfEdge: Also I'm still pretty pissed at the circumstance surrounding Gabriel's death
  38. _Uno #ThousandFoldsOfEdge: Considering Arai is supposed to be 'honorable' and yet, attacked him within Ana's bar.
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