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a guest
Jun 25th, 2017
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  1. player_faction_details:
  2. - '&9{0} &7[{1}/{2}] &3- &eHome: &r{3}'
  3. - '&dAllies: &r{4}'
  4. - '&eLeader: &r{5}'
  5. - '&eCo-Leaders: &r{6}'
  6. - '&eCaptains: &r{7}'
  7. - '&eMembers: &r{8}'
  8. - '&eBalance: &a${9} &eLives: &r{10} lives'
  9. - '&dAnnouncement: &r{11}'
  10. - '&eDeaths til raidable: &r{12} DTR'
  11. faction_details:
  12. - '&9{0}'
  13. - ' &eLocation: &r{1}, {2}'
  14. - ' &eType: &aSystem Faction'
  15. faction_detail_line: '&7&m---------------------------------------------------'
  16. faction_dtr_freeze_append: '&eTime Until Regen: &9{0}'
  17. faction_member_show: '{0}&6[&a{1}&6]'
  18. faction_created: '&a{0} &ehas created the faction &6{1}&e.'
  19. faction_disbanded: '&a{0} &ehas disbanded the faction &6{1}&e.'
  20. player_invited: '&a{0} &einvited &6{1} &eto the faction.'
  21. player_kicked: '&a{0} &ekicked &6{1} &efrom the faction.'
  22. player_deinvited: '&a{0} &edeinvited &6{1} &efrom the faction.'
  23. player_role_set: '&a{0} &ehas been set to the role &6{1}'
  24. active_invites: '&eActive invitations of the faction &a{0}&e:'
  25. active_invites_entry: ' &7* &a{0} &ewas invited by &6{1}&e.'
  26. claimed_land: '&a{0} &eclaimed land for your faction at &6{1}&e.'
  27. unclaimed_land: '&a{0} &eunclaimed all of your factions land.'
  28. cant_claim_here: '&cYou cannot claim in the territory of &r{1}&c. Make sure you are in the wilderness.'
  29. cant_kick_player: '&eYou cannot kick the player &a{0} &eas they are a higher ranking in the faction than you.'
  30. cant_claim_not_connected: '&eAll claims must be connected. Cannot claim this land.'
  31. claimed_chunk: '&eYou claimed the chunk you are standing in for your faction costing you &a${0}'
  32. cannot_claim_not_enough_money: '&eYou cannot afford this claim. You only have &a${0} &ewhen you require &c${1}&e.'
  33. faction_list: '&aFaction List:'
  34. faction_list_entry: ' &7* &a&l{0}. &e{1} &7[{2}/{3}] &8- &c[{4} DTR]'
  35. faction_list_next_page: '&eYou are viewing page &a{0} &eout of &a{1}&e. Execute &6/f list {2} &eto view the next page.'
  36. claiming_message: '&eThis claim would currently cost &r{0}'
  37. faction_balance: '&eYour faction balance is currently &a${0}&e.'
  38. faction_withdrawn: '&c{0} &ehas withdrawn &a${1} &efrom your faction balance.'
  39. faction_invited: '&eYou have been invited to join the faction &6{0}&e. Do &a/f join {0} &eto join.'
  40. faction_joined: '&a{0} &ehas joined the faction.'
  41. announcement_set: '&a{0} &ehas set the faction announcement to: &6{1}'
  42. autoreviving_changed: '&a{0} &ehas set faction auto-reviving to: &6{1}'
  43. must_be_role: '&cYou must be at least a {0} to use this faction command.'
  44. not_in_faction: '&cYou must be in a faction to do this!'
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