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Dec 8th, 2018
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  1. composer/semver 1.4.2 Semver library that offers utilities, version constraint parsing and validation.
  2. composer/xdebug-handler 1.3.1 Restarts a process without xdebug.
  3. doctrine/annotations v1.6.0 Docblock Annotations Parser
  4. doctrine/lexer v1.0.1 Base library for a lexer that can be used in Top-Down, Recursive Descent Parsers.
  5. friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer v2.13.1 A tool to automatically fix PHP code style
  6. h4kuna/assets 0.1.5 Support mtime for assets on development machine.
  7. jean85/pretty-package-versions 1.2 A wrapper for ocramius/package-versions to get pretty versions strings
  8. kdyby/redis v4.1.0 Redis storage for Nette Framework
  9. kdyby/strict-objects v1.0.0 Simple trait to make your class strict, when calling or accessing undefined member (property or method).
  10. kdyby/translation v2.5.1 Integration of Symfony/Translation into Nette Framework
  11. latte/latte v2.4.8 ☕ Latte: the intuitive and fast template engine for those who want the most secure PHP sites. Introduces contex...
  12. myclabs/php-enum 1.6.4 PHP Enum implementation
  13. netpromotion/profiler v1.3.0 Profiler with adapter for Tracy
  14. nette/application v2.4.13 🏆 Nette Application: a full-stack component-based MVC kernel for PHP that helps you write powerful and modern ...
  15. nette/bootstrap v2.4.6 🅱 Nette Bootstrap: the simple way to configure and bootstrap your Nette application.
  16. nette/caching v2.5.8 ⏱ Nette Caching: library with easy-to-use API and many cache backends.
  17. nette/component-model v2.4.0 ⚛ Nette Component Model
  18. nette/database v2.4.8 💾 Nette Database: layer with a familiar PDO-like API but much more powerful. Building queries, advanced joins,...
  19. nette/di v2.4.14 💎 Nette Dependency Injection Container: Flexible, compiled and full-featured DIC with perfectly usable autowir...
  20. nette/finder v2.4.2 🔍 Nette Finder: find files and directories with an intuitive API.
  21. nette/forms v2.4.9 ?? Nette Forms: generating, validating and processing secure forms in PHP. Handy API, fully customizable, server ...
  22. nette/http v2.4.10 🌐 Nette Http: abstraction for HTTP request, response and session. Provides careful data sanitization and utili...
  23. nette/mail v2.4.6 📧 Nette Mail: handy email creation and transfer library for PHP with both text and MIME-compliant support.
  24. nette/neon v2.4.3 🍸 Nette NEON: encodes and decodes NEON file format.
  25. nette/php-generator v3.0.5 🐘 Nette PHP Generator: generates neat PHP code for you. Supports new PHP 7.2 features.
  26. nette/reflection v2.4.2 Nette Reflection: docblock annotations parser and common reflection classes
  27. nette/robot-loader v3.1.0 🍀 Nette RobotLoader: high performance and comfortable autoloader that will search and autoload classes within ...
  28. nette/security v2.4.4 🔑 Nette Security: provides authentication, authorization and a role-based access control management via ACL (A...
  29. nette/tester v2.1.0 Nette Tester: enjoyable unit testing in PHP with code coverage reporter. 🍏🍏🍎🍏
  30. nette/utils v2.5.3 🛠 Nette Utils: lightweight utilities for string & array manipulation, image handling, safe JSON encoding/decod...
  31. nikic/php-parser v4.1.0 A PHP parser written in PHP
  32. nofutur3/tracy-gitpanel v0.9.4 nette extension - adds the GIT panel to the tracy panel - shows current GIT branch.
  33. ocramius/package-versions 1.3.0 Composer plugin that provides efficient querying for installed package versions (no runtime IO)
  34. paragonie/random_compat v9.99.99 PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7
  35. petrknap/php-profiler v1.3.0 PHP profiler
  36. petrknap/php-singleton v1.0.0 Singleton pattern for PHP
  37. php-cs-fixer/diff v1.3.0 sebastian/diff v2 backport support for PHP5.6
  38. php-di/phpdoc-reader 2.1.0 PhpDocReader parses @var and @param values in PHP docblocks (supports namespaced class names with the same resolu...
  39. phpstan/phpdoc-parser 0.3 PHPDoc parser with support for nullable, intersection and generic types
  40. phpstan/phpstan 0.10.6 PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool
  41. phpstan/phpstan-nette 0.10.1 Nette Framework class reflection extension for PHPStan
  42. psr/cache 1.0.1 Common interface for caching libraries
  43. psr/container 1.0.0 Common Container Interface (PHP FIG PSR-11)
  44. psr/log 1.1.0 Common interface for logging libraries
  45. psr/simple-cache 1.0.1 Common interfaces for simple caching
  46. slam/php-cs-fixer-extensions v1.17.0 Slam extension of friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer
  47. slevomat/coding-standard 4.8.6 Slevomat Coding Standard for PHP_CodeSniffer complements Consistence Coding Standard by providing sniffs with add...
  48. squizlabs/php_codesniffer 3.3.2 PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
  49. symfony/cache v4.2.1 Symfony Cache component with PSR-6, PSR-16, and tags
  50. symfony/config v4.2.1 Symfony Config Component
  51. symfony/console v4.2.1 Symfony Console Component
  52. symfony/contracts v1.0.2 A set of abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components
  53. symfony/debug v4.2.1 Symfony Debug Component
  54. symfony/dependency-injection v4.2.1 Symfony DependencyInjection Component
  55. symfony/event-dispatcher v4.2.1 Symfony EventDispatcher Component
  56. symfony/filesystem v4.2.1 Symfony Filesystem Component
  57. symfony/finder v4.2.1 Symfony Finder Component
  58. symfony/http-foundation v4.2.1 Symfony HttpFoundation Component
  59. symfony/http-kernel v4.1.9 Symfony HttpKernel Component
  60. symfony/options-resolver v4.2.1 Symfony OptionsResolver Component
  61. symfony/polyfill-ctype v1.10.0 Symfony polyfill for ctype functions
  62. symfony/polyfill-mbstring v1.10.0 Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension
  63. symfony/polyfill-php70 v1.10.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 7.0+ features to lower PHP versions
  64. symfony/polyfill-php72 v1.10.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 7.2+ features to lower PHP versions
  65. symfony/process v4.2.1 Symfony Process Component
  66. symfony/stopwatch v4.2.1 Symfony Stopwatch Component
  67. symfony/translation v4.1.7 Symfony Translation Component
  68. symfony/var-exporter v4.2.1 A blend of var_export() + serialize() to turn any serializable data structure to plain PHP code
  69. symfony/yaml v4.2.1 Symfony Yaml Component
  70. symplify/better-phpdoc-parser v5.2.15 Slim wrapper around phpstan/phpdoc-parser with format preserving printer
  71. symplify/coding-standard v5.2.15 Set of Symplify rules for PHP_CodeSniffer and PHP CS Fixer.
  72. symplify/easy-coding-standard v5.2.13 Use Coding Standard with 0-knowledge of PHP-CS-Fixer and PHP_CodeSniffer.
  73. symplify/package-builder v5.2.15 Dependency Injection, Console and Kernel toolkit for Symplify packages.
  74. symplify/token-runner v5.2.15 Set of utils for PHP_CodeSniffer and PHP CS Fixer.
  75. thecodingmachine/safe v0.1.8 PHP core functions that throw exceptions instead of returning FALSE on error
  76. tracy/tracy v2.5.5 😎 Tracy: the addictive tool to ease debugging PHP code for cool developers. Friendly design, logging, profiler...
  77. webmasterapp/graphql-frontend-api 1.11.0 Usage of GraphQL on the Nette backend
  78. webmasterapp/rest-frontend-api 1.1.1 Usage of REST API on the Nette backend
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