
[AB/DL] The Tallest Toddler

Mar 21st, 2019
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  1. As I walked down the shores of Beach City, the scent of a crisp, summer breeze blew against my face, giving me a short time to deeply breathe before I approached Steven’s house. Soon enough, as the sight of the ancient seaside temple caught my eye, the air now smelt of two things; dirty diapers, and baby powder. It was the first sign of the work I had to do, and the second one made herself apparent.
  3. I looked to the rocks, and saw a muscular, orange lady splashing about in a tide pool. She was clad in nothing but a thick swim diaper, appearing like a cushion wrapped around her bottom. Her giggles echoed along the beach, as she jumped in and out of the water, unfazed by the seemingly-sharp stones around her. As I walked towards her, the hulking gem seemed to stop in her tracks; her face froze as she seemed to realize something. My instincts had an idea as to what that was.
  5. As she slowly sunk into the pool, I had been standing just outside of the craggy area. I looked into the clear water, and saw the amazonian lady positioned in an underwater squat. Her massive hands gripped the edge of the rocks, as her legs seemed to lock themselves into the sandy floor. Soon enough, the rear of her swim diaper began to expand, almost ballooning down to the ground. She strained like a weightlifter as the blue padding grew heavier, the cyan shades turning into a light brown. Bubbles rose to the water’s surface, all coming from her packed pampers. In all my years of littlesitting, I had never witnessed such an impossible, stinky feat.
  7. But then again, I had heard, these Gems could do anything they wanted to. Most of the time.
  9. She rose from the water, her lengthy hair blocking her vision. Her squishy, filled rear was exposed to the air, and its smell was strong enough to be mistaken for a full diaper pail. Luckily, dealing with such a mess was my expertise.
  11. To get her attention, I held her bloated, balloon-like bottom, and patted it gently.
  13. “Aww, did you go potty just for me?” I chimed in, causing her to turn around. I let go of the giant mess, and she parted her hair to look down at me.
  15. “Huh? Who are you? I--I’m not stinky! What are you talking about?” The giantess staggered, hiding her hands behind her back.
  17. “It’s okay, sweetie. I’m the babysitter. You know…the one Steven called.” I held her hands to comfort her.
  19. “Oh! You’re...small.”
  21. “Well, you’re a pretty big baby girl, so that’s true. Come on, let’s get you out of the pool.” She gently held my hands as she stepped out.
  23. As she went over the rocks, the pull-up garters of her padding struggled to stay on her wide waist, the sheer weight dragging it down. While I helped her, a downpour of warm pee splashed all over the tide pool, as a waterfall of yellow warmth fell from between her legs. I flinched backwards as it spattered on my shirt, while the tall toddler was unfazed by the accident. If anything, she was amused by the sudden piddle.
  25. “Hihi! I guess I still gotta potty…” She grinned, stepping onto the sand as a warm, large puddle formed at her feet.
  27. If she had appeared tall in the pool, she was even taller now. Her diaper’s front was at my face, and the warmth emanated like a hard-working radiator. The trickle of pee seemed like a fountain’s flow, slowly turning the light blue swimmers into bright yellow ones. As she continued to relieve herself into the beach, the titan stuck her thumb in her mouth, suckling it passively as I stood idly.
  29. “How much did you drink, baby girl?” I asked her, as the sand below my feet seemed to grow damp.
  31. “Um...I don’t like to go get my baba while I play, so I drink the water! It’s pretty good.” She smiled, pointing at her tide pool.
  33. “Aren’t you a clever girl?” I smiled back, trying to reach the top of her head. Her eyes widened, and she squatted down in response. She knew what I was trying to do. I patted her still-soaked head, all while the gentle giant continued to pee.
  35. “Heh. Yeah, I am! Oh! By the way, my name’s Jaspy. It’s nice to meet you!” Her arms wrapped around my body, and I noticed the gemstone that took the place of her nose. Despite her strength, I managed to hug her back, giving her a little kiss on the cheek,
  37. “Pleased to meet you, Jaspy. Now, let’s get you changed.” The quartz let go of me, and smirked.
  39. Her yellow flow had finally stopped, and she stepped out of the massive puddle below. The sand looked like it was hit by a crashing wave.
  41. “Nuh-uh! If you gotta change me, you need to give me a kiss!”
  43. “Honey, I just did--” I was cut off by her bloated, fully-packed rear appearing in my face. She pushed once more, and the rapidly expanding load forced to the ground. Jasper saw me lying on my back, and she squatted, her heavily drooping rear hovering above my face. The quartz looked between her legs, and smiled.
  45. “Well? Aren’t you gonna kiss it?”
  47. Reluctantly, I smooched the warm, stinky plastic. Seeing this, Jaspy stood up, and pulled up her swim diaper.
  49. “Thankies!” She pulled me into a short hug, before holding my hand once more.
  50. “You’re a stinky butt, you know that?” I teased her, patting her newly-packed pampers.
  52. “Hihi! I know. But you should really see my sisters! Amy gets super yucky when she plays with me.”
  54. “Amy? Who’s--”
  56. I was interrupted by a yellow-brownish blur, flying out of a window. The porch now had a fully-used, balled up diaper resting on top of it. A tiny, purple lady clad in nothing but socks and a pacifier ran out the front door, raising the mushy ball of stink above her head with a sense of glory.
  58. “Ha! You’ll never beat me in Pamperball, Pearl!” Exclaimed the little victor.
  60. “I told you! I don’t wanna touch your--your filth! Where’s Mr. Suds? I wanna bubble bath!” Cried out another voice, which was followed by a loud door slam.
  62. “Yay! Go, Amy!” Jasper cheered on, clapping her hands like a child.
  64. “Thank you, thank you! The fans deserve nothing less!.”
  66. The short, stout quartz began to tinkle into the hardwood porch, letting some of the pee drip down the floorboards, onto the stairs. The light brown wood grew darker, as she reveled in her victory.
  68. “Oh, hi! Did you like my performance?” Amethyst asked, still leaking onto the porch.
  70. “This is gonna be a long day.”
  72. [To be continued....]
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