
Teleportation B2C12

Nov 30th, 2018
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  1. "People really should be careful of what they wish for," Salem said. She turned to face us. "I would love to stay and chat with you all a little more, but my presence here – and my obedience – is denoted by the little Mage's will. And that," she snarled, "is something that is broken. Pray that you do not see me again, children." Her eyes zeroed in on mine. "Pray that our paths do not cross, Deceiver." She flickered and vanished a moment later, in an explosion of air that threw my hair back and made me cover my eyes. When the dust and smoke cleared, it was to find that the overpowering presence had as well. My bones creaked as I stood a little straighter, the others clambering up as well.
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