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- #6/15 night, calling Kawakami
- Kawakami
- はーい、べっきぃ…
- Hiiii, this is Becky-
- Kawakami
- …あ、君か。
- ...Oh, wait, it's you.
- Kawakami
- 指名料込みで5000円だけど、いいの…?
- Well, it'll be 5,000 yen with the request fee included, you know. Is that okay with you?
- >もちろん
- また今度
- Of course.
- Maybe next time.
- Kawakami
- …わかった。
- ...Very well.
- Kawakami
- じゃあ、すぐ行くから…
- I'll head over right away then...
- Kawakami
- ここが君の部屋?なんていうか…
- So this is your room, huh? Hm, how do I put this...?
- Kawakami
- …というより君、一体どういう子なの?
- ...Never mind. So, what kind of kid are you?
- Kawakami
- 鴨志田先生に逆らったり、真面目で正義感は強いみたいだけど…
- The way you opposed Mr. Kamoshida, I'd say that you're earnest and have a strong sense of justice.
- Kawakami
- そのわりに、こんなとこに電話して?私のこと、指名して?
- That being said... you called a maid service and requested me?
- >寂しかった
- 友達がいない
- I was really lonely.
- I don't have any friends.
- Kawakami
- なるほど、そっか…君、前歴の件で、アレだしね…
- I see... Oh, that's right. You have a criminal record...
- Kawakami
- …じゃあ、わかった。こうしよう!
- Okay, then how about this...
- Kawakami
- 少しならサボりを見逃してあげる。
- I'll let you skip class a few times.
- Kawakami
- 学校に居場所がないの、辛いでしょ?
- It's tough not having any place where you belong, isn't it?
- Kawakami
- でも、成績が下がったら考え直すから!
- However, I reserve the right to change my mind if your grades drop.
- Kawakami
- その代わり、私のこのお仕事のこと、誰にも言わないように。
- And in exchange, you won't tell anyone that I'm moonlighting as a maid.
- Kawakami
- これ、取引だからね?
- Sound good?
- >ありがとう
- 約束する
- Thanks.
- I promise.
- Kawakami
- じゃあ、取引成分ね。
- Then it's a deal!
- 川上との取引が成分した。
- I've made a deal with Kawakami...
- #future
- Sae
- 学校に通いながら、あれだけの犯罪を成し得ただなんてね。
- To think you pulled off so many crimes while attending school.
- Sae
- 君だけで立ち回れたとは思えない。学校関係者に、協力者がいたとしか…
- I can't believe you managed that by yourself. There had to be someone at the school helping you.
- Sae
- …どうなの!?
- ...What do you have to say to that?
- #end future
- Kawakami
- 教え子相手に、なんてことしてんだろ、私…
- *sigh* What am I doing here with one of my students...?
- Kawakami
- じゃあ、時間だから帰るね。
- Well, I guess I should get going.
- Kawakami
- そうだ、家事で困ってたら呼んでよ。…指名、忘れたらダメだからね?
- Oh, please request me if you need any help with your housework, okay?
- >困ってない
- どうして?
- I don't need any help.
- Why?
- Kawakami
- そう言わずにさあ?お互いヒミツ知ってるし、気が楽だし…
- That's clearly not true. C'mon, we know each other's secret and it would put my mind at ease...
- Kawakami
- それに、その…
- Besides, I'm, uh...
- Kawakami
- こういう店では、私、年増だもん。なかなか指名もらえないんだよねえ…
- I'm considered over the hill for this type of job, so I don't get requested that often...
- Kawakami
- 一応、お礼するしさ。もっとサボれるように工夫するとか!
- I'll show my appreciation by making it easy for you to ditch class!
- Kawakami
- まあ、考えてみてよ?
- Just think about it, okay?
- Kawakami
- それ じゃご主人様、今日はこれで失礼しまぁ~す♥
- All right, Master, that'll be it for today! ♥
- Kawakami
- はぁ~…ホント疲れるわこれ…
- Ugh... God, you have no idea how exhausting this job is...
- Kawakami
- …いい?ぜっったい、学校では内緒よ?これはお互いの幸せの為だからね。
- Listen, promise me you won't tell the school about this, okay? For both our sakes.
- Kawakami
- 誰にもメイドの話はしない!
- Absolutely no talking about maid stuff to anyone!
- Kawakami
- ご主人様と、べっきぃの約束ですよぉ~?
- It'll be our wittle secret, just for Becky and Master, okay? Can you keep a secret?
- >わかってる
- お互いにな
- ノリがきつい
- Yeah, I get it.
- I will if you will.
- Please stop talking like that.
- Kawakami
- や~ん、ご主人様!ありがとうございますぅ♥
- Oh my gosh, Master! Thank you sooo much!♥
- Kawakami
- べっきぃもぉ、約束はちゃ~んと守にゃん♥
- I'll make sure to keep my promise too. ♥
- Kawakami
- …じゃ、帰るから。
- ...Well, I'm gonna head home.
- Kawakami
- あ、寝る前にちゃんと予習復習しておくこと。遊んでばっかだと成績落ちるよ?
- Oh, and don't forget to study for your exams, okay? If you waste all your time playing around, your grades will suffer.
- Kawakami
- それじゃ。
- See you later.
- #6/16 at the hideout
- R
- おし、揃ったな。
- Mkay, we're all here.
- A
- やっぱり昼間は高校生とか多いね。きっとどっかで狙ってる。
- There sure are a lot of high schoolers during the day. They must be targeting them somehow.
- Y
- しかし、これだけ人が多いと少々骨が折れそうではあるな。
- Finding the specifics may be difficult. With such a crowd, the odds are against us.
- >やるしかない
- 今日は止めよう
- We have to do this.
- Let's hold off for today.
- R
- だよな!今日で尻尾つかんでやる。
- Right! We're gonna grab 'em by the tail!
- A
- 昨日の打ち合わせ通り、<name>はセントラル街ね。
- You should head over to Central Street, like we planned yesterday, <name>.
- R
- そんじゃ、始めるか!怪しい奴がいたら報告な。
- Sweet, let's get goin'! Lemme know if you find any shady people!
- #central street
- M
- よし、予定通り行くぞ!
- All right, let's go! Just as we planned!
- M
- マフィアと顔合わせかも知れん。気を引き締めて行け!
- We might end up running into the mafia. Be ready for anything!
- #group of guys talking
- Man1
- ねえ、ブランド品とか興味ある?
- Hey, aren't you interested in all the hottest brand names?
- Man1
- すぐそこで商談会やってんだけど、覗いてかない?
- We're having a special sale just over there. How 'bout you go take a peek?
- Man2
- ちょっと仕入れ過ぎちゃって商品残っちゃってさ。
- We ordered way too much, so I have a ton left over.
- Man2
- このまま引き上げると、上から怒られちゃうわけよ。
- My boss'll kill me if I go back to him with all these extras.
- Man2
- 特別に安くしとくからさ、どう?
- Look, I'll sell 'em to you for cheap. Whaddya say?
- Student1
- どうする?
- What should we do?
- Student2
- 値段次第じゃね?
- It depends on the price, wouldn't you say?
- #Man2 turns towards main character
- Man2
- お、そこの君もどう?スッゲー得だよ?
- Hey, what about you? These are unforgettable deals.
- >忙しい
- 興味ない
- I'm busy.
- I'm not interested.
- Man2
- そっか~、残念だわ。気が向いたら声かけてよ。
- Well that's disappointing. Come back if you change your mind.
- Man1
- ホントすぐそこだからさ、ちょっと寄っていきなよ。
- C'mon, the shop's right around here. How about you come take a look?
- M
- 何かのセールスらしいな。そんなの放っておけ。
- It seems like some kind of sale. You probably shouldn't bother.
- #guy in alley
- Guy
- どうした、兄ちゃん。俺みたいなのが珍しいか?
- What's wrong, kid? Don't see guys like me very often?
- >バイトがしたい
- マフィアの一味か?
- I want a part-time job.
- Are you in the mafia?
- Guy
- んん?何かの合言葉か?俺は何も知らないぞ。
- Hm? Is that supposed to be some kinda password? I have no idea what you're talking about.
- Guy
- ここに流れついて、日が浅いんだ。他の奴を当たってくれ。
- I haven't been here long. Try talking to someone else.
- >紹介してくれ
- とぼけるな
- Introduce me.
- Don't play dumb with me.
- Guy
- そう言われてもなあ…ここらが縄張りの仲間ぐらいしか…
- That ain't so easy... I only know one guy around here...
- Guy
- 向かいの路地でたまに見るけど、今日はいないみたいだな。
- Sometimes I see him in the alley across the way, but I don't think he's there today.
- Guy
- だったら駅の方かな。会いたきゃ、そっちに行ってくれ。
- He might be near the station. Go there if you wanna see him.
- M
- ここが縄張りの仲間か…そいつなら、何か知ってるんじゃないか?
- Hm, maybe this other person would know something...?
- M
- 駅の方にいるかもだってよ。戻って探してみようぜ。
- Apparently he's near the train station, so let's go take a look over there.
- #back at train platform, IM
- R
- 会長サンいるな駅ですれ違った
- Miss President's here. I walked past her at the station.
- Y
- 俺たちを監視してるのか?
- Is she keeping an eye on us?
- A
- かもねやっぱ気にはしてるんだ
- Maybe. I guess she's curious about all of this.
- R
- まあ、邪魔しねえなら放っとくか
- Well let's just ignore her if she's not getting in our way.
- R
- それより、状況どうよ?
- More importantly, how're things on your guys' end?
- A
- まだまだ次は地上街で張ってみる
- Nothing so far. I'm going to try staking out the underground walkway.
- R
- 二ノ上線のほう探すわ地下から回るか
- Then I'll check around the Inogami Line. I guess I'll get there from the underground.
- Y
- 俺は、地下モールでしばらく訊き込みする
- I will gather some more intel in the underground shopping mall as well.
- Y
- <name>も、引き続き頼む
- Please continue on your end, <name>.
- M
- みんな自主的に動いてるな。それでこそ怪盗一味だ。
- Everyone's really going about this seriously. They're definitely worthy of being phantom thieves.
- M
- ワガハイたちも負けてられんぞ。まずは、ホームレスを見つけようぜ。
- We can't fall behind either. Let's look for that homeless man.
- #homeless guy
- Homeless Guy
- 何だよ、怖い顔して。俺に用でもあるの?
- What's with that scary look on your face? If you have something to say to me, just say it.
- >バイトがしたい
- マフィアの一味か?
- I want a part-time job.
- Are you in the mafia?
- Homeless Guy
- バイトだって…?
- A part-time job?
- Homeless Guy
- どうせ、ただのバイトじゃないんだろ?悪いこと言わんから、止めときな。
- You're not talking about some ordinary job, huh? Take my advice: Don't do it.
- Homeless Guy
- 漬け込まれて毟られるぞ。あいつら、容赦ないからな。
- They'll squeeze every last penny out of you with threats and extortion.
- Homeless Guy
- 俺の仲間も何人かやられたよ。あいつら、やりたい放題しやがって…
- Some of my friends have fallen victim to their schemes... That mafia is evil, I tell you.
- >会う方法は?
- 逃げないのか?
- How do I meet them?
- You friends should run away.
- Homeless Guy
- この時間、ウロついてりゃそのうち声かけてくるだろ。
- They'll come to you eventually if you walk around this area around now.
- Homeless Guy
- 後で泣き見ないように、見分け法を教えてやるよ。
- But just so you know who to avoid, I'll teach you how to tell them apart from normal people.
- Homeless Guy
- あいつら、妙な言葉を使ってたりするんだ。「隠語」ってやつだな。
- They use some weird phrases. Code words, you know.
- Homeless Guy
- スジ者同士の暗号みたいなもんだ。おかしな会話を聞いたら、気を付けな。
- That's how they communicate with each other. Anyway, watch out if you hear any of that stuff.
- Homeless Guy
- 昼間でも、平気なツラして声をかけてくる。特に若い人は狙われ易いからな。
- They'll try to come for you even during the day. They're relentless when it comes to targeting teens.
- #IM
- A
- そっちどう?見つかった?
- How's it going? Have you found anything?
- >ここからが本番
- みんなはどう?
- Maybe a little.
- Have you?
- ここからが本番
- Maybe a little.
- Y
- 何かつかんだかさすがだな、<name>
- Ah, so you've grasped something already. As to be expected of someone like you, <name>.
- A
- とりあえず、集めた情報まとめよっか?
- Why don't we just go over the intel we've gathered so far?
- R
- じゃ、俺からな
- I'll start.
- R
- 駅ビルに「強いクスリ」とか言ってる奴がいたらしい
- Supposedly some guy near the accessway talking about some kinda "strong drugs."
- R
- まんまだけど、とにかく行ってみるわ
- I'm not counting on anything, but I'll go check it out.
- A
- 駅前広場で「高額バイト」の勧誘してるって聞いた
- As for me, I heard about someone soliciting a "high-paying job" in the station plaza.
- A
- 女の子を狙って声かけてるってちょっと様子見て来る
- Apparently they're mostly targeting girls. I'll go see what it's about.
- Y
- 遊技場正面の裏通りで、妙な会話をする輩がいたそうだ
- On my end, I heard there are people saying strange things in the back alley near the arcade.
- Y
- 「いい氷と野菜が入った」「明日は雪だ」…
- Something about ice and vegetables, and something about snow tomorrow...
- Y
- いちおう、確認はしてみる遊技場はセントラル街だな?
- I will observe, just in case. The arcade is on Central Street, correct?
- M
- よし、ワガハイたちも応援に行こう。
- All right, we should do what we can to help out.
- M
- どれが当たりかわからんが、怪しいと思う所に行ってみろ。
- I have no idea which of these leads are real. Try going to the most suspicious-sounding place.
- #veranda in front of the train station, man talking to woman
- Man
- 一本で50万円はギャラが出るよ。売れっ子になればもっと…
- Five hundred thousand yen, for just one video. You may even get more if you're popular...
- 紹介してくれ
- >詳しく聞かせて
- I can do videos.
- Tell me more.
- Man
- へっ?バイトしたいって?君が出演する気なの?
- Huh? You... want to be in one of our videos?
- Man
- そ、そういう需要が無くはないけど…ウチの作品、女の子専門なんで…
- I guess I can't say there's no demand... but our company only hires girls. Sorry.
- M
- …出演って、何の仕事だ?
- ...Be in a video? What kind of a job is that?
- M
- まあ、運び屋とは関係なさそうだしこいつはハズレか。
- Though I guess that doesn't have anything to do with drugs. It must not be him.
- #Shibuya back alley
- Makoto
- こんにちは。
- Hello.
- Makoto
- ボス探しの件、進んでる?
- Have you made any progress toward finding the boss?
- >順調だ
- 余計なお世話
- 渋谷は広い
- Things are going well.
- It's none of your business.
- Shibuya's a big place.
- Makoto
- …なら、いいけど。
- ...That's good to hear.
- Convenient Mafia Guy
- そこのお二人さん、ヒマなの?いい仕事あるんだけど。
- Hey, you two got some time? I have a great job for you.
- Convenient Mafia Guy
- すげえ楽なやつ。俗に言う運送業的な?
- It's real easy. Guess you could call it a delivery job.
- Makoto
- 探す手間が省けた。
- It seems we didn't have to look very hard in the end.
- Convenient Mafia Guy
- 高校生だよねぇ?お小遣いだけじゃ足りないでしょ?
- You're high schoolers, yeah? Don't you want something more than just your allowances?
- Makoto
- 運送って、恐いモノの…とかですか?
- Hm... by delivery, do you mean that of suspicious materials?
- Convenient Mafia Guy
- ハハ、このお姉ちゃん面白いこと言うね。
- Heh, you're a funny girl.
- Makoto
- 答えられないんですか?やっぱり恐いモノ…
- So you won't answer me? Then I was right...
- Convenient Mafia Guy
- つか、なんなの?質問ばっかじゃね?なぁ?
- What's up with you anyways? Why're you asking all these questions, huh?
- >暴力はよくない
- 人を呼ぶぞ?
- Violence is not the answer.
- I'll call the cops on you.
- Makoto
- 貴方…
- Oh...
- Convenient Mafia Guy
- …冗談だよ。ガキ相手にマジになるかよ。
- ...It was just a joke. Why would I get worked up over some dumb kids?
- Convenient Mafia Guy
- つか、付き合ってらんねえし。
- Anyways, I can't hang. Seeya!
- Makoto
- あの、お手数でしたら、私から直接、責任者の方にうかがいましょうか?
- U-Um, if you don't want to deal with us, we could always go see your boss ourselves.
- Convenient Mafia Guy
- うちのボス、誰だか知ってて言ってる?
- You're really gonna say that, knowing who he is?
- Convenient Mafia Guy
- …って、んなわけねえか。
- Heh, no way I believe that.
- Convenient Mafia Guy
- なんか君らめんどくせーから、他あたるわ。じゃあね。
- Well, I'm outta here. You guys are annoying me.
- Makoto
- あれたぶん、私たちが探してるマフィア。
- I'm pretty sure he's part of the mafia we're looking for.
- >追わないと
- よくわかったな
- Let's go after him.
- I'm amazed you figured it out.
- Makoto
- まだ確証はないから、もう少し情報集めてからの方がいいと思う。
- I think we should get some proof before we do that.
- Makoto
- カマかけてみたけど、肝心なとこ、はぐらかされたしね…
- I tried to trick him into saying something, but he dodged all the traps I was laying down.
- Makoto
- ああ、さっきはありがとう。…かばってくれたよね?
- By the way... thanks for standing up for me.
- Makoto
- 私、行くね。
- I'm going to go now.
- M
- 噂のボスは、なかなか手ごわそうだな。部下の教育もしっかりしてやがる。
- That boss seems tricky... It looks like he taught his subordinates well, too.
- M
- ケーサツにも尻尾をつかませないわけで。
- No wonder the police are having trouble catching him.
- M
- にしてもオマエ、度胸があるんだな。チンピラ相手にひるまなかったもんな。
- Anyway, you have some serious guts. You didn't back down at all against that hooligan.
- M
- まあでも、収穫はナシだったな…
- Though we still didn't end up with any new information...
- M
- 今日はもう切り上げようぜ。
- Let's stop here for today.
- #IM
- R
- どうよ?いったん集まるか?
- How about it? Wanna meet up?
- >そうしよう
- やめておこう
- まかせる
- Let's do it.
- Let's not.
- You guys can decide.
- そうしよう
- Let's do it.
- A
- 大丈夫かな?
- Do you think it's safe though?
- A
- 色んな人に聞き回ったし、付けられてたりするかも
- We did ask tons of people, so there's a chance we're getting followed.
- Y
- 念のため、目立つ行動は控えよう
- Just to be safe, we should refrain from doing anything to make ourselves stand out.
- Y
- もう日が暮れるし解散して、報告は明日に
- The sun will be setting soon, so let us disband for today and report on our findings tomorrow.
- A
- 明日、カラオケで集まろ?人目つかないし、昼なら安いし
- Why don't we meet at karaoke tomorrow? We can talk in private, and it'll be cheap after school.
- Y
- ハッスルタイムというやつか
- Ah, that must be what they call hustle hour.
- R
- それ言うならマッスルだろ
- Dude, it's muscle hour.
- R
- あれ?違ったっけ?
- Wait, is that wrong too?
- A
- 汗臭そうな名前にしないで
- Um, hello? Happy hour. Muscle hour just sounds sweaty...
- A
- それじゃ、また明日カラオケに集合ね
- Anyway, see you guys at karaoke tomorrow.
- #back at Leblanc, phone call
- M
- 知らない番号みたいだな…
- It's an unknown number...
- Makoto
- もしもし…<name>君?新島です、新島真…
- Hello, <name>-kun? This is Niijima. Makoto Niijima...
- Makoto
- さっきは、どうも。
- Thanks. For earlier.
- >なんで番号を知っている?
- なんの用だ?
- How'd you get my number?
- What do you want?
- Makoto
- …調べたの。
- ...I dug it up.
- Makoto
- 事後報告になったけど…ごめんなさい。
- I realize I'm apologizing after the fact, but...
- Makoto
- 黙ってるの、よくないと思ったから…
- It just didn't feel right, keeping it from you, so...
- Makoto
- …それだけ。それじゃあ。
- ...That's all. Bye.
- Sakura
- 電話、女からだな。声、聞こえてたぜ。
- You talking to a woman? I heard her voice.
- Sakura
- …そうだ、昼過ぎにお前宛てに電話きてな。生徒会長って女の子。
- Speaking of, some girl called looking for you around noon. Said she's the class president.
- Sakura
- 貴重品、預かってくれてるんだと。
- Said she's got something that belongs to you.
- Sakura
- 秀尽やお前のことよく知ってたし、困ってる感じだったから連絡先、教えといたけど。
- She seemed to know you, so I gave her your number.
- M
- …ここの住所、調べて、ゴシュジンから番号、聞きだしたってことか。
- She must've looked up Leblanc's address trying to contact you.
- M
- あのニージマ、やること徹底してるぜ!
- That Niijima sure is thorough!
- M
- けど、そうかと思えば、オマエに詫びの電話は入れてくるし…
- Then again, she called you just to apologize...
- M
- ワガハイたちへの当たりは強いけど、悪いヤツじゃないのかもな。
- It's a bit weird, but maybe she's not so bad after all.
- #6/17 begins, Akechi at train station
- Akechi
- また会ったね。それにしても、すっきりしない天気だね…
- So we meet again. But my, what murky weather we're having...
- Akechi
- すっきりしないと言えば、例の怪盗騒ぎ…その後の動きがないんだ。
- Speaking of murky... there haven't been any new developments in the phantom thief incidents.
- Akechi
- 予告状を使ってまで目立とうとする奴らなら、斑目の件で終わりとは思えないよ。
- If they go so far as using calling cards to get attention, I doubt Madarame's case will be the last.
- Akechi
- 次に奴らが狙うとしたら、どんな相手だろう。君ならどう考える?
- What kind of target will they choose next? What do you think?
- >悪人だと思う
- 見当がつかない
- A criminal, I would think.
- I have no idea.
- Akechi
- 怪盗団は悪人しか狙わない…か。本当にそうかな?
- The Phantom Thieves only target criminals, huh... Is that really true?
- Akechi
- たとえそうだとしても、悪人なんて山ほどいる。なら、奴らはどうやってその中から選ぶ?
- Supposing it is, there are plenty of villains in the world. How do they choose who to go after?
- Akechi
- …あ、ごめん。つい考え込んでしまって…
- ...Oh, sorry. I'm getting lost in my own head...
- Akechi
- テレビであんなことを言ったから、怪盗団の動きから目が離せなくてね。
- I have to say on top of any Phantom Thieves activity due to what I said on the air.
- Akechi
- 学校でなにか噂を聞くことがあれば、教えてくれると嬉しいよ。
- If you hear any rumors at school, I hope you can let me know.
- #at karaoke
- R
- まーじかよ!全員収穫なし!?
- Aw, for real!? We didn't get anything!?
- A
- ヘタすぎる…
- God, they suck...
- R
- なんも進む気がしねえ…
- Man, we're goin' nowhere with this...
- R
- …なあ、会長サンに変えてもらわねえ?
- Hey, can't we ask Miss President to change it up?
- A
- 変えて…って、ターゲットを?
- You mean... change our target?
- R
- 俺らの「正義」を見せりゃ満足なんだろ?
- We just gotta show our justice to satisfy her, right?
- R
- 相手選ばなきゃ、悪い大人なんていっくらでもいやがんだし。
- There are tons of shitty adults in this world. It's not like it matters who we're goin' after.
- R
- 生徒のためとかいってと、結局自分の内申の為なんだろ、どうせ。
- She says this is for the students, but I bet it's just so she can go brag about it on college apps.
- A
- でもさ、そのマフィア、子供からお金、巻き上げてんだよ?
- But that mafia's stealing money from kids.
- A
- 絶対、許しちゃダメでしょ!会長とかもう関係なくない?
- We can't just accept that! It doesn't matter who the target came from anymore.
- Y
- 杏の言う通りだな。
- Ann's right.
- Y
- 弱い者に勇気を与える俺たちの狙いに、うってつけの標的だと思わないか?
- We want to give courage to the weak. Isn't this the perfect target to accomplish that goal?
- Y
- まるでセンスを感じない…
- They really have no talent...
- R
- 唄ってねえと、こんなうるせえんだな。
- I never thought it'd be this noisy if you weren't singin'...
- R
- そりゃあさ、なんとかできたら明智も黙るとは思うぜ?
- Anyways, I'm sure we'll shut Akechi up if we pull this off, but-
- Y
- だからやるべきだ。
- That's exactly why we should do it.
- M
- やっぱり情報じゃねーのかなー。情報の…
- It all comes down to intel in the end...
- M
- …情報の探り方からテコ入れしないと、これ以上、進めようがねえぜ…
- If we don't start finding tips on that front, we'll never get any further than this...
- Y
- 誰なら、情報を持ってる可能性があるだろうな。
- There has to be someone who has what we need.
- >マスコミは?
- 見当つかない
- 誰か考えて
- What about the media?
- But who could that be?
- Someone think for me...
- A
- …そうだよ!あの新聞記者は?
- ...That's right! What about that journalist?
- M
- マダラメの家を張ってたオンナ?
- You mean the woman who was staking out Madarame's house?
- R
- おお、居たな。すっかり忘れてたぜ!
- Oh yeahhh. I completely forgot about her!
- R
- お前、名刺もらってたよな?
- Didn't she give you her card?
- カバンに入れっぱなしだった名刺が出てきた…毎朝新聞…大宅一子…と書いてある。
- The business card says Ichiko Ohya of Maiasa Newspaper...
- Y
- …けっこう大手じゃないか。
- ...This is for a rather major publication.
- R
- けど、信用できんの?
- You think we can trust her?
- M
- 他に手がないからな。
- There's no other way.
- A
- はい、さっそく連絡!
- Okay, let's contact her!
- #Ann goes to phone
- A
- あ、はい…
- Oh, yes. Thank you...
- A
- 時間すぎてるって。延長する?
- He says our time's up. Should we extend it?
- R
- サービスタイム終わりだろう?出ようぜ。
- Happy hour's over, yeah? C'mon, let's just go.
- Y
- もったいないっ!
- How wasteful!
- R
- とにかく、あの記者からのメール待ちだな。
- Anyways, guess we just gotta wait for that journalist to email us back.
- R
- レス来たら、即連絡くれよ、<name>?
- Let us know ASAP when she responds! Got, <name>?
- #back at Leblanc
- Sakura
- ここの所、帰りが遅いが妙なことに首突っ込んでねえだろうな?
- You've been coming home late. Hope you're not sticking your nose into other people's business.
- M
- さすがゴシュジン、勘が鋭いな…
- The chief's as sharp as ever...
- M
- けど実際は、首を突っ込んだんじゃなくて巻き込まれたんだけどな…
- But it's more like we're the ones being dragged into things...
- #back at the Niijima household
- Sae
- 今日、学校から電話があった。
- I received a call from your school today.
- Sae
- あなたの生活態度に、変わった様子はないかって。
- They were asking if you've made any lifestyle changes recently.
- Sae
- 適当に答えておいたけど、学校で何か問題でもあるの?
- I gave them a suitable enough answer, but... is there some kind of issue at school?
- Makoto
- …大丈夫。ごめんなさい、心配かけて。
- No... It's nothing. I'm sorry to worry you.
- Sae
- …この頃、帰りが遅いみたいじゃない。
- ...You've been coming home late these days.
- Sae
- 無いとは思うけど、渋谷をむやみにウロついたりしないでね。
- I doubt you would do such a thing, but try to avoid wandering around Shibuya late at night.
- Sae
- あなたぐらいの年代の子が、人生棒に振ったなんて話を聞くから。
- I've heard stories of girls your age throwing their lives away out there.
- Sae
- 犯罪に関わって、脅されたあげく違法な風俗店で働かされたり…
- Getting wrapped up in shady deals, blackmailed into sex work...
- Makoto
- そういう話、私も知ってるよ。学校で噂になってる。
- I've heard rumors about that as well. People have been mentioning it at school.
- Sae
- …噂なんかじゃないわ。いくつかそういう事例、知ってるし。
- ...These aren't mere rumors. I know of a few such cases.
- Sae
- まあ、貴方の気にすることじゃない。とにかく、学校のことはしっかりやって。
- Well, it should be nothing for you to worry about. Just concentrate on your studies for now.
- #Sae leaves
- Makoto
- あいつら、許せない…!
- They're unforgivable!
- #Makoto and Iida in the student council room
- Iida
- 新島先輩…僕を助けてくれないんですか?
- Niijima-senpai... Aren't you going to help me?
- Iida
- 秘密は守るっていうから相談したのにウワサが広まってるし…
- You said you would keep it a secret, but rumors have started getting out...
- Iida
- …まさか、先輩が濡らしたんじゃ!?
- Wait... You didn't leak that information, did you!?
- Makoto
- 落ち着いて…貴方が被害を受けてるのね?
- Calm down... They're still targeting you?
- Iida
- 例の不良にも知られちゃってまた脅されるかも…
- Even that delinquent found out. He might try to threaten me too...
- Iida
- どうして僕ばっかり…もうお金なんて払えないよ…
- Why is this happening to me? I can't afford to keep paying...
- Makoto
- …もう少しだけ待って。手掛かりも掴んだから。
- ...I've found some clues regarding your incident. I just need you to wait a bit longer.
- Iida
- ホントなんですか…?ただの点数稼ぎだとか、みんな噂してますよ…
- You're really gonna help? Everyone thinks you're just doing it for a letter of recommendation...
- Makoto
- そんなことない。私だって生徒を守りたいと思って…
- That is not true. My goal here is to protect the students of this school...
- Iida
- だったら早く…会長だけが頼りなんです、お願いします…
- Please... please hurry...
- #Takemi social link
- Takemi
- …はい、じゃ今日は終わり。
- ...Okay, that's all for today.
- Takemi
- 調子はどう?特に問題ないなら帰っていいよ。
- If you're feeling okay, you can go home now.
- #Takemi answers phone
- Takemi
- はい、武見内科医院。
- Hello. Doctor Takemi's Clinic of Internal Medicine.
- Takemi
- …え、また?
- ...What? Again?
- Takemi
- それは、まぁ…乗りかかった船というか…
- That's, well... that ship already sailed, so...
- Takemi
- …はぁ、めんどくさ。
- *sigh* ...What a pain.
- Takemi
- この前の親子、覚えてる?医局長の患者だった女の子の。
- You remember that girl from the other day? The Chief of Staff Oyamada's patient?
- Takemi
- 適切な病院を紹介してあげたのに、なぜかうちに通ってるのよ。
- Her dad's been bringing her here to be treated, even though I referred them to another hospital.
- Takemi
- 私の医療ミスの事も教えたのに…
- I even told them about the medical error I made...
- 信用されてる
- >本当にミスした?
- They trust you.
- Was it really your fault?
- Takemi
- 医療ミスは事実だよ。業界では有名だし。
- The medical error was well-documented. Everyone in my field knows about it.
- Takemi
- 「クロフォード・エンデ病」。私が新薬開発を指揮していた、難病の名前。
- I led the development of a new drug for an incurable illness called "Crawford-Ende's disease."
- Takemi
- …ま、ミスの原因になった薬を投与したの、私じゃないけど。
- Although I wasn't the one who administered the medicine, it was the cause of the error.
- Takemi
- エンデ病は、一部の細胞が離れた場所の細胞を無差別に攻撃する厄介な病気。
- With Crawford-Ende's, certain cells indiscriminately attack other cells throughout the body.
- Takemi
- 筋肉が攻撃されると日常生活に支障をきたす。けれど、死に去るには時間がかかる…
- When it reaches the muscles, the patient slowly begins to die...
- Takemi
- 発症例が少ないこともあって、これ研究が進んでなかった。
- There hasn't been much progress made on it-partly because there haven't been many cases of it.
- Takemi
- それでも、製薬会社と組んでなんとか新薬の最終調整段階まで漕ぎ着けたのに…
- I worked with a pharmaceutical company that had reached the final stage of production, but...
- Takemi
- ある日、いきなりリーダーを外された。
- One day, I was suddenly removed from my position.
- Takemi
- 代わりにリーダーの座に収まったのが、当時の上司だった、医局長の大山田。
- That Chief of Staff Oyamada, my superior at the time, took over the entire operation.
- Takemi
- 新薬の開発者になって大出世?それともくだらない名誉欲?
- I don't know if he wanted the glory of developing a new drug or to become rich and famous, but...
- Takemi
- そんなことのために杜撰な調整で完成を急いで、あの子…「美和ちゃん」に投与して…
- He made a careless mistake and rushed completion so he could sue it on a patient named Miwa.
- Takemi
- ひどい副作用で、彼氏は重体。慌てた医局長は、全責任を私になすりつけた…
- Miwa-chan had a reaction and lapsed into a critical condition. The chief panicked and laid the blame on me.
- Takemi
- 美和ちゃんにも、美和ちゃんの家族にも恨まれたよ…
- Miwa-chan and her family resented me...
- Takemi
- …私が何を言っても、もう誰にも届かない。
- ...No matter what I said, I couldn't change how they felt about me.
- >そうだったのか
- まだ遅くない
- I had no idea.
- It's not too late.
- Takemi
- ま、それはいいの。
- Well, that doesn't matter...
- Takemi
- 新薬の開発は凍結されたから、もうあの病院にいる必要もなくなったし。
- The development of the medicine was suspended, so I had no reason to stay at that hospital.
- Takemi
- でも、開業医なら勝手に続けられるから。若いモルモットも見つかったし?
- At least now I can keep working as a general practitioner, on my own terms... with my guinea pig.
- Takemi
- 貴方に治験してるのが、その新薬。私の手で最終調整したバージョンだよ。
- That's the new medicine I've been trying out on you. This version is in the final stage of testing.
- Takemi
- 攻撃態勢に入ってた細胞だけをサーチして、ピンポイントで破壊する。
- It searches for those cells that take the offensive and destroys them upon detection.
- Takemi
- だからエンデ病にかかってない人には無害…多分ね。
- That's why it's harmless for people who don't have the disease... probably.
- >良かった
- いつ完成する?
- 多分じゃ困る
- That's good.
- When will it be done?
- ..."Probably"?
- Takemi
- ずいぶん信用してくれてるね。ありがと、モルモット君。
- You have a lot of faith in me. Thank you, my little guinea pig.
- Takemi
- 今さら、降りるなんて言わないでね。
- You'd better not flake on me this late in the game.
- Takemi
- ようやく、完成の時が迎えられそうなの。でもそれには、貴方が必要。
- I'm inching closer to the finish line, but I need your help to reach it.
- Takemi
- うちのお薬なら、特別価格で分けてあげるから。…頼むね。
- In exchange, I can offer you medicine at a special price. I'm counting on you, guinea pig.
- Takemi
- さて、あの親子どうするかな…脅しても冷たくしても無駄だし。
- Now, what should I do about that girl and her dad? Being mean and scaring them hasn't worked.
- Takemi
- こういうめんどくさいの久しぶり。ストレス溜まるわー。
- It's been a while since I've had to deal with this kind of nuisance. It's stressing me out.
- Takemi
- …ああごめん、話、終わり。帰っていいよ。
- ...Oh, sorry, that's all I wanted to talk to you about. You can go home now.
- Takemi
- はい、お疲れー。
- Okay, thanks for your hard work.
- #requisite phone call
- Takemi
- モルモット君、その後どう?一応、確認しておこうかと思って。
- You doing okay, my little guinea pig? Just wanted to check up on you.
- Takemi
- あと…今日、いきなり悪かったね。話すつもりじゃなかったんだけど。
- Also... sorry for the long talk today. I wasn't planning on telling you all that.
- >美和ちゃんの事?
- 大山田の事?
- エンデ病の事?
- About Miwa-chan?
- About Oyamada?
- About Crawford-Ende's?
- Takemi
- そう…話したのは、貴方が初めて。
- Yeah. You're the first person I've really shared all that with.
- Takemi
- でもね…疫病神になった私が何をすべきか、改めて思い出せた。
- But... it was also a good reminder. This is something I have to do, as the Plague.
- Takemi
- モルモット君のおかげで、新薬の開発はとっても順調に進んでる。ありがとう。
- Thanks to you, the drug's development is progressing very smoothly.
- Takemi
- 今回のバージョンで問題ないようだったらもう完成まで、あと一歩…
- If there are no issues with this latest sample, I think we're right on the edge of finally finishing it...
- Takemi
- …あ、ごめん、患者が来たみたい。例の親子かな。
- ...Oh, sorry, looks like I've got a patient. Maybe that girl and her dad came back.
- Takemi
- じゃあ、切るね。またよろしく。
- I have to go. See you later.
- #back in attic
- 新聞記者から連絡が届いている…
- The journalist responded to me...
- M
- バー「にゅぅカマー」…
- The Crossroads Bar...
- M
- これ、あの新聞記者からなんだよな。そこで今から会おうって…?
- This is from that journalist, right? She wants to meet you there now?
- M
- どうやら、にゅぅカマーって、新宿にあるバーみたいだぜ。
- Looks like this Crossroads place is in Shinjuku.
- M
- 新宿で待ち合わせか…
- A meetup in Shinjuku...
- 望むところだ
- >どんな所だ?
- 同伴か?
- Sounds good.
- What's Shinjuku like?
- Will you be my escort?
- M
- そうだな、新宿…
- Let me see...
- M
- まあ、一言で言うと、大人の歓楽街ってとこだな。
- I guess to put it simply, it's a nightlife district for adults.
- M
- みんなに連絡回せ。
- You should send everyone a message and let them know what you're up to.
- #IM
- R
- 夜の新宿か
- Shinjuku at night, eh?
- Y
- 物騒なシチュエーションだな
- That sounds rather dangerous.
- A
- 待ち合わせ、どこにする?
- Where should we meet up?
- R
- 杏は待機しとけ少人数のが動きやすい
- Stand by, Ann. It'll be easier to move around with less of us.
- Y
- すまん、電車賃がない
- My apologies. I don't have the money to take the train there.
- R
- お前も待ってろ
- Then you're on standby too.
- R
- <name>と俺で行くいいよな?
- Me and <name> will go, OK?
- >わかった
- 不安だ
- Got it.
- I'm worried.
- わかった
- Got it.
- A
- <name>が行くなら安心か任せるね
- If <name>'s going, I guess there's no need to worry. We'll leave it to you then.
- R
- じゃあ決まりな一旦、渋谷集合で
- Well, I guess that's that. Let's meet up in Shibuya.
- A
- 二人とも、気をつけて
- Be careful, you two.
- Y
- 今度から有事に備えて貯金をしておく
- I shall be sure to save money for situations like this from now on.
- M
- 待て、まさか制服で行くつもりか?
- Wait, are you gonna go in your school uniform?
- M
- 無意味に目立つのもナンだからな。着替えてった方がいいぜ。
- It would be bad for you to stand out. You should change before you go.
- #at the hideout
- M
- 今度はオマエが制服かよ!
- You're in your uniform!?
- R
- あ?仕方ねえだろ。帰るヒマなかったんだよ。
- Huh? No choice. I didn't have the time to go home.
- R
- つか、制服だってバレねえよ。上はTシャツだし。
- People aren't gonna notice anyways with this t-shirt over it.
- >確かに
- よけい目立つ
- 似合ってる
- That's true.
- You stand out.
- Looking good.
- M
- オマエらバカか?補導されても知らんからな。
- Are you both idiots? I'm just saying now, I won't be to blame when you get caught by the cops.
- R
- 心配すんなって。渋谷とたいして変わんねえだろ。
- Don't worry about it. That place ain't so different from Shibuya.
- R
- キッチリ案内してやるよ。こっから新宿なら…JL乗るぞ。
- C'mon, I'll guide ya. If we're goin' to Shinjuku... we should prolly hop on the JL.
- R
- ビル出て、すぐ右の改札な。さっさと行こうぜ!
- Just get outta this building and then the ticket gate should be on the right. It's go time!
- M
- ホントに大丈夫かよ…?
- Is this really going to be okay?
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