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Nov 24th, 2014
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  1. Pressing his lips thinly together, he look a deep breath, and looked up at the classroom full of students. He stood in the front of the room, as if presenting himself to them before he began to talk. To give his introduction-of course, since he did start in the school year late, it would be expected of him. He knew enough about regular school life that it wasn't going to catch him off guard. In that way of thinking, he would somehow have been disappointed if it wasn't part of his new..'normal' school life.
  2. He cleared his throat, another small preparation, then gave a stern look to the group, his new classmates, peers. Once the teacher had instructed him to start, he cocked his head ever so slightly and did so:
  4. "Hello... Sorry for disturbing class... Because of private matters, I will be joining you all as your classmate a little late in the school year. I hope it will be a pleasure. I will be going by the name of Byakuya Togami-"
  5. -Of course, this wasn't his real name, more so, it was a name of someone from his past. But it was still close enough to the real deal, and with the clearance, it was what he decided and agreed upon enrolling under--
  6. "-and if any of you are interested, I'll tell you now, my talent is SHSL Secret Agent. With that in mind, I would hope this will give you a better understanding of my late enrollment..."
  7. He gave a slight snort, and adjusted his glasses, a small smirk drawing on his lips. The small change, a planned facade to cover up his next statement and nervousness.
  8. "Of course, what I would say if I /was/ SHSL Secret Agent. More correctly, I'm SHSL Story Teller. Please treat me kindly."
  10. Once finishing his crisp and short introduction, there were a handful of reactions throughout the class, a few small gasps, a scoff, and then a majority of uninterested listeners. It wasn't hard for Togami to assume that he would have at least one person to disbelieve him about being a secret agent, considering--well, considering his appearance. Instead, he would go by a more simple title, a safety net. He wasn't specifically the most stealthy or dashing teen out there, with a size like his own. Even so, he didn't feel the slightest insult when someone would mention that to him, his physique was something he had pride in. Still, it was as true as the sky is blue, he was in (layman's terms,) a spy for all manners of speaking. It wasn't a huge accomplishment to him. Not really. In his eyes, he was used to the idea almost as if it was common knowledge by now. He had been taken in by the agency years upon years ago, even. If ever asked about a time before then, of course, he would brush off any questions.
  11. Those things belonged to him alone, and shouldn't be business to anyone else. He left home, after what happened...he promised himself to never regret that choice. Looking back was a sullen thought, going back to that damp living space. Back to the two room apartment full of his cherished 17 childrened family, all siblings of different ages, but every one just as loving to the other. Of course they were loving, even to his twelve year old self, consciously skipping any options of school. Twelve-year old him, who was constantly trying to run around as if being a /real/ detective in the bad side of town. He wanted so badly to be, and in return, he set out to it. To become a detective. That was his childish dream. To be the real support to his family...but the dream turned out to take him down a different path in life. After a case he was set on handling alone in order to make his name known- Instead, though, it sent him down a rabbit hole of sorts, landing him in the opposite position. Instead of being a worldwide known detective like he saw on the display TV's in shops on the street. He secured himself a job as spy, having him leave home, his family....his youngest brother, in turn to lurk in shadows and strive on stealth.
  12. It was better this way, something he's thought many of times, at the prosperity to afford and try to support that left behind family from the shadows, like he did with everything now. Though this time, he wasn't a desperate kid trying to shoulder a world of responsibilities at once., he was someone who had worth and the way he walked, talked, and stood showed that.
  13. Now, he sat down at a vacant desk as a student next to him gave Togami a welcome. They whispered on that, 'You must be lucky getting into Hope's Peak Academy,' but 'wouldn't it be easier to just skip any school,' though 'being a famous storyteller and all, but I guess if you had to choose, Hope's Peak is definitely the best choice.'
  14. But they were wrong, to him. To Togami school wouldn't a chore. More so, he welcomed the idea of finally being able to go to school unlike anything he'd managed before. Though being a normal...'normal' student? He was far from it. The idea of going to school and presenting his best work, taking the simple tasks of 'homework', studying, that would be easy. The experience is what deep, deep down inside inspired the teenager's agreement to come. No matter what his agency told him the real reason behind going to Hope's Peak could be, the reason /they/ agreed to letting him go.. It wasn't the same as his tongue tantalizing, breath taking honest hope he had. Needing to still make something more of himself when he had already been molded into the perfect prodigy of a spy the country could wish for, that's why he wanted to be there.
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