
TeahcerAnon - NN - 03

Jun 14th, 2013
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  1. >You wake the following morning, somewhat groggy as you turn to your clock
  2. >6 am...damn, you got time before you have to go to see Iron Will for his 'training haze'.
  3. >Just as you get out of bed, your phone rings.
  4. >Strange, you don't remember giving anyone your number as you pick it up.
  5. 'Hello?'
  6. "Hello my boy!"
  7. >It was Discord
  8. 'Edward...ugh its 6am...and how the hell did you get my number.'
  9. >A snicker "Anon, have you forgotten that every teacher has to put their cell and home phone for records, it was just a simple search through your file, don't worry, I didn't do anything naughty to it."
  10. >Oh god that wasn't very settling 'What's up then?'
  11. "Well..." he began, sounding rather bright and chipper "I've spoken to Iron head and have come to a compromise for your 'hazing', if you're willing to help with with his gym class and work along with the students, you should be in the clear."
  12. 'And when is his class?' you ask, rubbing your head.
  13. "Its right before lunch, perfect for working out an apettie hrm?" he snickered again "besides, I'm sure you can handle a little running and dodge ball."
  14. >You haven't done either of those things in years as you sigh 'Alright, thats a lot better than early exercise.'
  15. "Well you DO want to make a good impression, and I doubt having yourself come in all sweaty and bothered would do well for your class."
  16. 'Point taken...'
  17. >another chuckle "Just be ready for his class, he's quite stern on attendance, so be sure to be early and ready with the right attire. I've had a gym uniform in the teachers lounge for you, be sure to pick it up."
  18. 'Right...thanks D, I'll keep that in mind.'
  19. >goodbyes were made as you hung up the phone and fwumped back into bed.
  20. >Maybe Edward wasn't so bad to have as a friend, he certainly knew how to pull strings, though you weren't too sure if he'd be asking for something in return...
  21. >fuck it, if its going out for ice-cream or what have you, then you'd be down for it.
  22. >Still, something about him was...strange.
  23. >Shrugging, you ease back up, go shower, shave, change, eat, grab your things and you're out the door by 7:00 and on your way to school.
  24. >Your first class wasn't until 9, but it was always nice to peruse the Teachers lounge, they did have some very good food the last time you were there, and perhaps they'd serve breakfast too.
  25. >Maybe Redheart would be there too...
  26. >Your train of thought paused for a second as you stopped at a red light.
  27. >Damn, you didn't see much of her after she went to the washroom last night...had she...been so aroused about your answer?
  28. >That couldn't have been the case, it was only an answer, but still, she did just up and leave in a huff then.
  29. >Whatever the case, you had your class to manage as you pull into the parking lot soon after, easing into the furthest spot from any other car as you sigh, grabbing your things and making your way into the building.
  30. "Ah, Mr. Anonymous, good to see you around campus so early." spoke a familiar voice as you turn to see Miss Mare.
  31. 'Ah, Emmy, good morning, hehe, thought I'd drop by and check the place out, maybe grab some food in the lounge."
  32. >She had a warm smile, as she stepped up towars you, fixing those glasses of hers.
  33. "I...wanted to apologize if I became unruly last night..." she said, rubbing her arm "Chryslalis and I go back many years and well...whenever we're together with drinking, it..." she sighed.
  34. 'Hey, its cool, no one got hurt, and it certainly was a nice show to see you stab each-other with words like that.'
  35. >Emmy blushed "oh...t-that I must apologize a bit more for."
  36. >You shake your hand 'S'cool, you both seem so cute together.'
  37. >More blush as she blinked a few times "W-well, we've been friends since we started but...i guess you can say that friendship's been strained."
  38. >You qurik a brow 'Oh?'
  39. >She nodded "When...I first started, Crissy and I were inseparable, we always did so much together. We taught next door to one another, spent our off time together, it was great! But...When I got this position, she started to show her envy towards me, can guess the rest."
  40. >You sighed 'Shucks man, that...that really sucks, friends shouldn't just ditch their friends because they moved up in the work-place. I'm sure she could have taken it better.'
  41. "She certainly could have, but...she had been vying for the position for ages, and never once got a chance for it."
  42. 'Why?'
  43. >Emmy looked away "She's...a bit of a authoritarian, she would have run the school far stricter and pushed everyone harder than I would have. It was...just how she acted and people didn't like when the choosing came down, I was voted in favor of her."
  44. >You shake your head as you stare down, letting a sigh pass your lips 'That blows really, for both of you, if you were such good friends.'
  45. "It does...but...I've moved on, still, I wish...we could go back to those times, she's not a bad person, just has a complex."
  46. 'Yeah...I could tell that much, still, you and her looked good together, shame you aren't friends.'
  47. "Perhaps in time, but...I've been telling myself that for years....come, lets go see what Mr Grand has prepared." she said, smiling as she turned and led you inside
  48. >What you originally thought of the food in the lounge was blown clear out the window as you saw the spread.
  49. >Pancakes, waffles, muffins, cereal, oatmeal, EGGS & tons of fruit and drink as far as the eye could see.
  50. >There was legit food here, and it smelled good as you could already see Iron Will preparing a hearty plate of eggs and oatmeal.
  51. "Ah, Anon!" he called out as he stepped over "Seems Discord had been able to get you out of the haze, good on him, but I expect you to be at my class on time! Its not often I...huff...give teachers a bit of leeway..."
  52. >You gulp ' problem, I'll be there.' You stutter as he walks past you, letting you pass a sigh as Emmy giggles.
  53. "Seems you've made quiet an impact on Edward for him to go out of his way for you."
  54. 'Yeah, but...I wonder what he has in store for compensation.'
  55. >Emmy only chuckled before she went over to the buffet as you went behind her.
  56. >As you stood there, you felt a sudden chill down your spine as a thin, lanky arm wrapped around your shoulders.
  57. "Well, hello there Mr. Anon~" spoke a surly, almost arousing voice from behind as you see Miss Chrysalis pressing a tad too close to your backside. "I missed you last-night, where did you get off to?"
  58. >You sigh 'you were drunk, I don't hang around drunk chicks.'
  59. "hrmmm, why not, so you can't take advantage of them?"
  60. 'You could say that.'
  61. >She smirked "hrmm, a man with morals, not too shabby for a new teacher..."
  62. >Chrysalis let her arm gently ease down your body, grabbing your plate before slipping in front of you with a wink. "Then, I'm sure you're fine with me going ahead hrmm? Ladies first after all."
  63. >Part of you wanted to slam her face into the eggs, but the better man in you resisted, standing firm as she went ahead, nearly butting aside Emmy as she took a few things, mostly the eggs and a waffle or two before slinking off.
  64. >You shake your head as Emmy gave a sigh.
  65. 'You're right.' you say, taking another plate 'she does have a complex.'
  67. >You eat your fill, god, you never feel the need to complain about a Frenchman's cooking ever again.
  68. >snagging a few muffins for later, you sit down with your hoard and open your material guide.
  69. >Teaching writing isn't as easy as you first thought, there were two major sections to the course; understanding the development of writing and actually writing what you learn.
  70. >Everything from syntax, spelling, editing, punctuation, grammar, god, it almost sounded like a full on Literacy course as you close the book and sigh.
  71. >Teaching writing to students couldn't be that complex, but understanding the proper form was a big deal, certainly you'd have to take this seriously as you open the book again.
  72. >The final assignment involved writing a book.
  73. >no way...
  74. >WRITING...a book.
  75. >Apparently, all the major assignments were writing chapters of this book, but the theme cannot be anything based around genera's of sci-fi or Fantasy.
  76. >You were pissed, but you figured why.
  77. >Those two were very easy to write, taking a piece of fiction based around reality works, but then, its fiction, you can make up anything you wish as long as its 'logical'.
  78. "Ooh, that seems fun." spoke another voice as you turn to see Redheart reading over your shoulder.
  79. >You blink as she smiles "Hello Anon, and good morning."
  80. 'Morning Red, you okay from yesterday?'
  81. >Red blushed, nodding "I...wanted to apologize for that...I was...quite taken by your statement on teaching and...well..." she fidgeted "its kind of noble of you to be so kind and caring and passionate."
  82. >You smirk, rubbing the back of your head 'Haha, well, its just being truthful, I enjoy teaching, and I'm sure to be a smash hit with the kids here.'
  83. >You give a confident grin as Red giggled, smiling as she nodded
  84. "Well, enjoy yourself, teaching is one thing, but being calm and happy is what teachers need the most."
  85. 'Yeah...hehe, well, hopefully it won't be too
  86. crazy.' you say with a grin.
  88. >You make your way down the hallway towards your classroom.
  89. >It's still early, almost 8:20 by the time you arrive as you open the door and walk towards the center of the room, standing there and observing the classroom.
  90. >Like most 'modern' classrooms, they had been going along with a 'university' style lecture hall. The rows of seats were elevated above the lower row, with stairways on either side for students to walk up.
  91. >It was only a middle section, but it had enough chairs to fit almost 60 people.
  92. >Quiet a big number for a class like this as you go to your desk and take a seat there.
  93. >You look about the desk, noticing a note on the top of it.
  94. >You blink, taking it out as you looked it over.
  95. "Auditorium, 6:00pm" it said "Don't be late."
  96. >Strange...was this another hazing trick?
  97. >You fold the note, slipping it into your pocket as you start opening the drawers.
  98. >Mr. Bookread was smart enough to clear all his crap, so each draw was empty and bare as you sigh, pushing them closed.
  99. >Placing your body back into the reclining position, you eye your remains of your breakfast, several muffins and a cup of coffee with a green apple and a bottle of OJ.
  100. >You'd have to give your regards to Mr. Grand eventually, if he wasn't as busy as Discord said, perhaps he'd be interesting to meet with.
  101. >Your thoughts wane back to the note as you look at it again.
  102. >6pm, well, that was almost an hour after school let out.
  103. >You had a hunch who wrote it, but you couldn't be sure as you hear the bell ring.
  104. >8:30, the first bell, and the sign to get to your class.
  105. >You sit upright, dusting yourself off a bit as you look at the chalkboard, easing up and slowly writing your name in big letters, followed by a the course, and...a few rules you had for your classroom.
  106. >You were going to keep these kids in line, that was for sure.
  108. >As soon as you finished, you could hear the voices of children, students entering the classroom.
  109. >A few voices pause, and the mention of "hey, its Mr. anon" caught your ears as you smirked.
  110. >these fools have yet to see your wrath, and one thing you've learned is to show you weren't a pushover.
  111. >Horror stories of teachers losing complete control of their class weren't uncommon, and in every class, there were always the 'bad seeds' of the group.
  112. >You'd ween those out as they come, but first, you were going to show you meant business.
  113. >checking your watch, you saw the time was now 8:45, class would begin in 15 minutes as you return to your desk, some students already noticing the writing on the board and a few faces almost...went pale.
  114. >You had written four simple rules on the board.
  115. >Be on time.
  116. >Be respectful.
  117. >Hand in assignments on their date.
  118. >No horseplay.
  119. >By god you were going to do this right the first time around as you exhale, finishing your coffee and tossing the cup into a garbage bin, putting the OJ into a drawer and starting on a muffin....only...there were a pair of yellow...eyes...staring at you.
  120. >Well, not you per-say, but the muffins you had on a plate.
  121. >At the edge of your desk stood a fair skinned girl, blond hair, and her was upwards, the other downwards.
  122. >It wasn't ugly, cute, but certainly unusual as you blink.
  123. 'Hello, can I help you?' you ask as the girl meeps, ducking a bit lower on the desk.
  124. "S-sorry...I...I hope I wasn;t b-being rude or anything."
  125. >You shake your head 'No, are staring at my muffins, can I ask why?'
  126. >She bit her lip " muffins."
  127. 'So do I, but I don't stare at them.'
  128. "Y-you do!? Oh...oh well...I...i really like them."
  129. 'Really?'
  130. >She nods "Are those...chef Le Grande's muffins?"
  131. >You nod, you can see her eyes sparkle as her fingers dug into the edge of the desk.
  132. "H-he makes...the best muffins...even better than mine!"
  133. 'You bake?' You ask as she nods.
  134. "Yup yup! I love muffins so much that I learn to make them m-myself so I saved some m-money." she seemed to smack her lips a bit.
  135. >You quirk a brow.
  136. "But...Chef Le Grande makes the best muffins...I...always w-wanted to have his muffins... is chip?"
  137. >She points to one, her hand never passing the invisible wall of your desk as you nod.
  138. 'Yes....yes it is, and its my favorite.'
  139. >She fidgeted again, fingers rapping along the wood, never pressing past the edge "I-its mine too, I-I love chocolate chip."
  140. >You smirk a bit, wow, she was...well...passionate about it to say the least as you look at the plate.
  141. 'Well that's good... so do I.' you say, picking it up as she meeped again, watching you hover that muffin close to your mouth, but stop as she looked up at you.
  142. >You swear, you've never seen the derpiest puppy eyes in your life, so much so that your heart dropped a little as you tsk a bit.
  143. 'Well, that's cheating...' you mutter as you exhale a breath, smirking.
  144. 'I take it you're not going to leave me alone about its hrmm?'
  145. >She shook her head, a defiant look as she kept staring at the muffin.
  146. >You sigh...but grin as you push another muffin forward.
  147. 'Would a banana nut work?'
  148. >She shook her head.
  149. 'Blueberry?'
  150. >Another shake
  151. '...Carrot?'
  152. >A third shake as you sigh with defeat.
  153. 'Fine...' you mutter, putting it down and gently pushing it towards her 'you can have it-"
  154. "MUFFIN!" she shouted as she grabbed it and literally swooped off to her seat, tucking the muffin close with glee before she started to nibble it.
  155. "t-Thank you Mr. Anon!" she said as you gave another sigh.
  156. 'You're welcome...miss.'
  157. "Derpy!" she called as she continued to nibble her muffin, a slight...blush on her face.
  158. 'Well, you're welcome Derpy." you said as you started to see the last of the students file in.
  159. >its now 9am.
  160. >time to get this show on the road.
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