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- // modular reduction: compute ab mod p
- // assumes 0 ≤ a < p, 0 ≤ b < p, p > 2
- integer _reduce(integer a, integer b, integer p) {
- /* calculate ab using long multiplication of 16bit limbs */
- // split a, b into 16bit limbs
- integer al = a & 0xFFFF;
- integer ah = (a>>16) & 0xFFFF;
- integer bl = b & 0xFFFF;
- integer bh = (b>>16) & 0xFFFF;
- // intermediate limb products
- integer p0 = al * bl;
- integer p1 = ah * bl;
- integer p2 = al * bh;
- // calculate upper limb of the 64bit product's lower 32 bits.
- // any overflow will be carry to add to the upper 32bits of he 64bit product
- a = ((p0 >> 16) & 0xFFFF) + (p1 & 0xFFFF) + (p2 & 0xFFFF);
- // 64bit product ab, split across 2 32bit integers (store in ah, al)
- al = (p0 & 0xFFFF) | (a << 16);
- ah = (a >> 16) + ((p1 >> 16) & 0xFFFF) + ((p2 >> 16) & 0xFFFF) + ah * bh;
- // if we just have a 31 bit product, can just use builtin operator
- if(!ah && (al > 0)) return al % p;
- /* now divide by p to calculate remainder */
- // determine number of bits set (store in a)
- if(ah) {
- // bitcount is 32 + number of bits in ah
- a = 32;
- b = ah;
- } else if(al & 0x80000000) a = 32; // msb set, so bitcount is 32
- else b = al; // bitcount is number of bits in al
- if(b) do ++a; while(b = b >> 1);
- integer r; // remainder R to calculate
- // 64 bit mask M (store in p0,p1)
- // Used to select the dividend bit to bring down
- p0 = 0; p1 = 0;
- if(a > 32)
- p0 = 1 << (a - 33);
- else
- p1 = 1 << (a - 1);
- // long binary division, ignoring quotient
- // starting with the MSB of the dividend, pull
- // it down to build the remainder. Once the
- // remainder exceeds the divisor, subtract the
- // divisor to get the next remainder to continue
- // building with pulled down dividend bits.
- // Once all the dividend bits have ben pulled
- // down you have the resulting remainder
- for(; a; --a) {
- // pull down the dividend bit and build the
- // remainder
- if(p0)
- r = (r << 1) | ((ah & p0) != 0);
- else
- r = (r << 1) | ((al & p1) != 0);
- if((r >= p) || (r < 0))
- // remainder exceeded divisor,
- // so subtract divisor
- r -= p;
- // next dividend bit selector (M = M >> 1)
- if(p1) p1 = (p1 >> 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
- else if(!(p0 = p0 >> 1)) p1 = 0x80000000;
- }
- return r;
- }
- // compute xⁿ mod p
- // uses exponentiation by squaring method and
- // utilises fact that xy mod n = (x mod n)(y mod n) mod n
- integer ModPow(integer x, integer n, integer p){
- // don't support -ve powers
- if(n < 0) return 0;
- // modulo less than 2 makes no sense
- if(p < 2) return 0;
- // if modulo fits within 16bits, we can trivially
- // use * and % operators, no need to use the
- // expensive _reduce UDF
- integer t = p < 0x10000;
- integer r = 1; // result
- // trivial reduction
- if(x >= p) x = x % p;
- if(n) do {
- if(n&1)
- if(r>1) {
- // bit set, so current square mod p
- // is a factor of the remainder
- if(t) r = (r * x) % p;
- else r = _reduce(r, x, p);
- } else r = x;
- // calculate next square mod p
- if(n = n >> 1)
- if(t) x = (x * x) % p;
- else x = _reduce(x, x, p);
- } while(n);
- return r;
- }
- default
- {
- state_entry()
- {
- integer x; integer n; integer p;
- integer e; integer r;
- list d = [
- // X. N, P, Expected
- // Expected taken from
- 2386073, 2, 2147483647, 365213132,
- 54023227, 188543765, 128767565, 72911872,
- 105840436, 187237174, 131390926, 37550416,
- 41160897, 165236876, 146705624, 57948809,
- 61936308, 110630338 , 65008019, 11358659,
- 80557, 2111897, 7177, 2959
- ];
- integer l = llGetListLength(d) - 1;
- float t;
- integer i = -1;
- llResetTime();
- do {
- x = llList2Integer(d, ++i);
- n = llList2Integer(d, ++i);
- p = llList2Integer(d, ++i);
- e = llList2Integer(d, ++i);
- r = ModPow(x, n, p);
- llOwnerSay((string)[
- "ModPow(x=", x, "; n=", n, "; p=", p,
- ")\n=> expected=", e, "; actual=", r, " ",
- llGetSubString("✘✔", r==e, r==e)
- ]);
- } while (i < l);
- t = llGetTime();
- llOwnerSay((string)[ "time taken: ", t, " seconds" ]);
- i = -1;
- llResetTime();
- do {
- x = llList2Integer(d, ++i);
- n = llList2Integer(d, ++i);
- p = llList2Integer(d, ++i);
- e = llList2Integer(d, ++i);
- r = llModPow(x, n, p);
- llOwnerSay((string)[
- "llModPow(x=", x, "; n=", n, "; p=", p,
- ")\n=> expected=", e, "; actual=", r, " ",
- llGetSubString("✘✔", r==e, r==e)
- ]);
- } while (i < l);
- t = llGetTime();
- llOwnerSay((string)[ "time taken: ", t, " seconds" ]);
- }
- }
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