
DeadAnon Intro

Mar 23rd, 2013
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  1. >You never were very good at cooking
  2. >But against your own better judgment you tried your hand at some roasted ham.
  3. >All the stress of uncertainty at this new experience was throughly dulled through the liberal use of gin.
  4. >It also made everything taste better.
  5. >It also made you take a quick victory-over-cooking-nap.
  6. >Waking up you smell the aroma of a ham well done.
  7. >No, wait. Thats smoke.
  9. >You rush over to the kitchen and throw open the oven door, introducing the smoldering pork to a fresh source of oxygen.
  11. >You look around trying to find anything to quickly douse the flames.
  12. >Remembering what you had read on the internet, you quickly grab a small sack of flour to cover the flames.
  14. >Riping open the bag, you swing it in a wide arc around the open flame, hoping that you get enough in the general area to quench the flames.
  15. >Following advice from the internet was never a good idea.
  16. >A giant ball of fire replaces the flour hanging in the air, expanding rapidly and blowing out the windows in your home.
  17. >You are thrown back against a wall as flames lick around many of your belongings.
  18. >On fire and out cold, blown out chunks of ceiling fall onto your body.
  19. >A tall figure in black robes looks down at your crumpled form, pulls out an altogether too full hourglass, and throws his hands up in contempt.
  21. -----
  23. >"And now that I completed it, ponies can teleport others to them without knowing their original location."
  24. >You are Princess Celestia, and currently your protΓ©gΓ© was explaining her newest breakthrough in teleport spellcasting.
  25. >If it worked, this would be a major breakthrough in many fields.
  26. >So much so that you, your sister, and all the Elements of Harmony had gathered in the throne room to see it work.
  27. >"Now Princess, because of the dangers that come with this new spell, I will not be attempting my demonstration on another pony, but somewhere in Canterlot there is a deer next to a lit fireplace, in a wooden house."
  28. >"Using these parameters this spell can feel through the magical field and find any other being that matches the requirements and then it sorts out which one is most likely the one you want."
  29. >"Unfortunately this spell takes a lot of power, which is why I will now ask both you and Luna to assist me as I cast it.
  30. >"My sister and I would be honored to assist you."
  31. >Twilights horn starts to glow as the spell is powered up.
  32. >As you and Luna lean in to add to the spell, you concentrate on the spell conditions Twilight lied out
  33. >A fair sized non-pony creature, fire and a wooden house.
  34. >You find the spell pulling in far more energy than you planned, as you crush your eyes shut and concentrate on not letting this new spell grow out of control.
  35. >Concerned murmurs and shuffling hooves reach your ears as the rest of the Elements back away from the display of raw magic.
  36. >Suddenly a sharp cry pierces the air as you feel the spell absorb a large amount of sudden energy.
  37. >Blinding light flows through your closed eyelids as a deep FWUMP reverberates through hall.
  38. >Opening your eyes you quickly assess the situation.
  39. >Luna lays asleep on the floor, no doubt that that was where the sudden surge came from.
  40. >Twilight is still standing, but looks like she was just put through the ringer.
  41. >The rest of the Elements are standing still as statues, eyes as wide as dinner plates.
  43. >Loud screams fill the silence as you rush over to help the aflame creature.
  44. >Your mind spins as you try to remember some industrial grade healing spells taught to you so long ago.
  45. >OH SWEET JESUS there is so much fire it hardly looks like a deer anymore.
  46. >You pull out a healing spell and put everything you can behind it.
  47. >It may have worked too well, as now it is awake, and on fire, and definitely screaming.
  48. >You fire off an offensive spell, knocking it out cold.
  49. >Just as you do that a cloud appears above you and starts pouring rain down.
  50. >With the crisis handled for now you look back around.
  51. >Luna is just now coming to, Twilights face is somewhere between abject horror and breaking down crying.
  52. >AJ, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy are rushing forward to help
  53. >Rainbow Dash is, um. Ah, Rainbow Dash is stomping the cloud above you and the deer.
  54. The deer is... NOT A DEER AT ALL.
  56. -----
  58. >You are Twilight Sparkle, and everything is wrong.
  59. >The spell ran away from you and sucked in far more magic than you had ever anticipated.
  60. >It had worked, but you knew whatever you had pulled into the throne room was not a deer.
  61. >Now that is was extinguished, you and your friends crowded around to see just what your spell had wrought.
  62. >It was some sort of hairless ape, but between the searing heat and chunks of wood, it was looking like something of a nightmare.
  63. >The smell of charred flesh, the sight of blackened bones, the wooden post that had fallen into its stomach...
  64. >It was too much.
  65. >You could hear gasps and cries and someone was throwing up.
  66. >No, it was you. You were throwing up.
  67. >But now another sound was filling the room.
  68. >Pops and snaps sounded out as you look towards the burned form.
  69. >Already black char was flaking off the body, revealing fresh skin underneath.
  70. >A loud SHUUUUUUP sounded as the board slid out of the body and clattered to the floor.
  71. >The doors to the throne room were thrown open as guards poured in to investigate the commotion.
  72. >The creature started to groan as it woke up and rolled over on its side, vomiting a mixture of blackened fluid and wood splinters.
  73. >The guards took no time securing the area
  74. >Barriers were erected, the princesses were whisked away, and you and your friends were promptly kicked out of the room.
  75. >All you could see though, was visions of the immolated creature who had impossibly returned to life.
  77. -----
  79. >Waking up, you are. Uh, you are...
  80. >You have no idea where you are.
  81. >You SHOULD be in your house.
  82. >The kitchen more precisely.
  83. >Now you are lying on a cold limestone floor, worn down to a dull smooth finish.
  84. >Surrounded by a pink bubble, a pool of black goop, flakes of ash, and a broken 2x4 are your only immediate company.
  85. >Your clothes look like they have been fished out of a fireplace, and barely keep you modest.
  86. >Beyond the bubble were a dozen or so tiny war horses with spears, looking very angry.
  87. >Beyond the horses was a very large room, with an impressive, but empty, throne on one end.
  88. >On the other end was a big set of double doors, currently being used by a horse to carry in a set of sturdy looking manacles.
  89. >Standing up, you hear a sharp command to lie prostrate on the ground and the feeling of something between your shoulder blades pushing you down.
  90. >Too disoriented to object, you submit to your new pony overlords as they shackle you and lead you to a small interrogation room.
  91. >You are grilled for answers as the war horses question you on everything from why you are here to what you did to princess Luna.
  92. >You don't know much but you learn a lot about your new surroundings.
  93. >Apparently you are in an Equestria, and that during your sudden arrival you knocked out a princess, you are in a land of ponies (NOT horses) and you are not having a bad trip.
  94. >Bad trips don't come with smacks to the face.
  95. >All the wile you can catch faint shadows moving about behind the 2-way glass along one of the walls.
  96. >Finally another group of ponies comes and leads you back to the throne room.
  97. >The chains of your shackles clink together and echo endlessly across the space.
  98. >It looks more inviting this time, accounting for the lack of vomit and wood and ash.
  99. >The throne is now filled with the largest pony you have seen so far, although it's not a hard achievement.
  100. >With everything here being 3 ft tall, a normal sized hors-pony is a comforting sight.
  101. >Although the wings and horn are a bit jarring, as well as the 6 brightly colored equines flanking her on either side.
  102. >Certainly more chromatic than the pure white guards-ponies.
  103. >They also looked just as amazed to see you as you of them.
  104. >The princess clears her throat and all eyes turn to her attention.
  105. >"Well now, after that excitement, we can all agree that while Mr..." She trails off looking expectantly at you.
  106. "Anonymous, mam."
  107. >"Mr Anonymous arrived in an unusual fashion, he is of no danger. Guards."
  108. >She motions with her hoof and the chains are whisked off your body.
  109. >"Now I do believe a few delicate matters of state must be attended to. Privately."
  110. >As the guards file out, you are left rubbing your wrists as 6 ponies and a princess shift unsteadily and give you very odd stares.
  111. >The purple one stands out the most, you could almost see her nervous stare evolving into a full mental breakdown.
  112. "Ummm, hi?"
  113. >"YOU'RE DEAD" she screeches out, the other ponies turning to the purple one in shock.
  114. >"Twilight" the princess hisses out.
  116. BLA BLA BLA hello I am anon
  117. we are the ponies, this is our princess
  118. Maybe I will finish this part later on, but I would rather write more one shots about the character than about how he learns ponies names.
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