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Sep 24th, 2016
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  1. program EvasivConstructionT;
  4. {$i AeroLib/AeroLib.Simba}
  5. {$i Reflection/Reflection.simba}
  7. var
  8. reflectPlayer: TReflectLocalPlayer;
  9. phase,currentId,currentNoteId,currentState,currentFurnitureSId,currentFurnitureOId,nrNeeded,x,y:Integer;
  10. phials: TReflectNpc;
  11. currentString:String;
  12. plankI,planknoteI,oakI,oaknoteI,currentPlankI,currentPlankNoteI: TReflectInvItem;
  13. portalHO,portalOO,chairSpace,chair,currentFurnitureS,currentFurnitureO,bookCaseSpace,bookCase,larder,larderSpace: TReflectObject;
  14. coords:TPoint;
  15. tia:TReflectInvItemArray;
  17. const
  18. plankId = 960;
  19. plankNoteId = 961;
  20. oak = 8778;
  21. oakNote = 8779;
  22. portalH = 4525;
  23. portalO = 15478;
  24. chair1 = 4517;
  25. chair2 = 4516;
  26. bookCaseId = 4521;
  28. procedure updateIds();
  29. begin
  30. if(phase=1)then
  31. begin
  32. currentId:=plankId;
  33. currentNoteId:=plankNoteId;
  34. currentString:='Plank';
  35. currentFurnitureS:=chairSpace;
  36. currentFurnitureO:=chair;
  37. nrNeeded:=2;
  38. currentFurnitureSId:=4517;
  39. currentFurnitureOId:=6752;
  40. coords:=Point(294, 46);
  41. end;
  42. if(phase=2 or phase=3) then
  43. begin
  44. currentId:=oak;
  45. currentNoteId:=oakNote;
  46. if(phase=2)then
  47. begin
  48. coords:=Point(50, 114);
  49. currentFurnitureS:=bookCaseSpace;
  50. currentFurnitureO:=bookCase;
  51. nrNeeded:=4;
  52. end else if(phase=3) then
  53. begin
  54. currentFurnitureS:=larderSpace;
  55. currentFurnitureO:=larder;
  56. nrNeeded:=8;
  57. end;
  58. currentId:=oak;
  59. currentNoteId:=oakNote;
  60. currentString:='Oak Plank';
  61. end;
  62. end;
  64. function DistFromPlayer(tile : TTile) : single;
  65. var
  66. playerTile: TTile;
  67. begin
  68. playerTile := reflectPlayer.GetTile;
  69. exit (Sqrt(power(playerTile.X - tile.X, 2) + power(playerTile.Y - tile.Y, 2)));
  70. end;
  72. procedure walk(tile : TTile; acc : integer);
  74. begin
  75. repeat
  76. reflectPlayer.BlindWalkMM(tile,acc);
  77. sleep(1000+random(100));
  78. until(DistFromPlayer(tile)<=acc);
  79. end;
  81. procedure removeFurniture(id:integer);
  82. var
  83. furniture:TReflectObject;
  84. begin
  85. repeat
  86. WriteLn('Removing A Piece of Furniture!');
  87. sleep(1000+random(100));
  88. furniture.Find(objGame,id,8);
  89. repeat
  90. HumanMMouse(furniture.GetMSPoint,3,3);
  91. sleep(100+random(39));
  92. until(not(Reflect.Text.IsUpText('Walk here')));
  93. fastClick(Mouse_Right);
  94. while(not(chooseOption('Remove'))) do sleep(100+random(22));
  95. while(not(Reflect.Chat.NpcChooseOption('Yes'))) do sleep(100+random(33));
  96. Reflect.Chat.NpcChooseOption('Yes');
  97. sleep(1000+random(121));
  98. until(not(furniture.Find(objGame,id,8)));
  99. end;
  101. procedure getPlanks();
  102. begin
  103. phials.Find('Phials');
  104. walk(phials.GetTile,1);
  105. gameTab(TAB_INV);
  106. currentPlankNoteI.Find(currentNoteId);
  107. repeat
  108. WriteLn(currentNoteId);
  109. HumanMMouse(currentPlankNoteI.GetMSPoint,3,3);
  110. sleep(300+random(100));
  111. until(Reflect.Text.IsUpText(currentString));
  112. fastClick(Mouse_Left);
  113. repeat
  114. humanMMouse(phials.GetMSPoint,2,2);
  115. sleep(100+random(10));
  116. until(Reflect.Text.IsUpText('Phials'));
  117. Reflect.Mouse.Click(Mouse_Left);
  118. While(Reflect.Chat.NpcChooseOption('Exchange All')=false) do sleep(100);
  119. Reflect.Chat.NpcChooseOption('110');
  120. exit;
  121. end;
  123. procedure toPortal();
  124. begin
  125. if(not(portalOO.Find(objGame,portalO,30))) then
  126. begin
  127. WriteLn('Couldnt find outside portal');
  128. terminatescript;
  129. end;
  130. walk(portalOO.GetTile,2);
  131. repeat
  132. HumanMMouse(portalOO.GetMSPoint,3,3);
  133. sleep(300+random(100));
  134. until(Reflect.Text.IsUpText('Portal'));
  135. fastClick(Mouse_left);
  136. while(not(Reflect.Chat.NpcChooseOption('(building mode)'))) do sleep(100);
  137. Reflect.Chat.NpcChooseOption('(building mode)');
  138. while(not(portalHO.Find(objGame,portalH,10))) do sleep(100);
  139. end;
  141. procedure switchChair();
  142. begin
  143. if(currentFurnitureSid=4517) then
  144. begin
  145. currentFurnitureSId:= 4516;
  146. end else if(currentFurnitureSid=4516) then
  147. currentFurnitureSId:=4517;
  148. end;
  149. procedure work();
  150. var
  151. tile:TTile;
  152. tempPlank:integer;
  154. begin
  156. tile:=portalHO.GetTile;
  157. if(DistFromPlayer(Point(tile.X+1,tile.Y+9))>0)then
  158. walk(Point(tile.X+1,tile.Y+9),0);
  159. currentFurnitureS.Find(objGame,currentFurnitureSId,20);
  160. repeat
  161. tia.Get(currentId);
  162. if(length(tia)<=nrNeeded)then
  163. exit;
  164. if(phase=1) then
  165. begin
  166. currentFurnitureS.Find(objGame,chair1,10);
  167. repeat
  168. sleep(100+random(10));
  169. while(reflectPlayer.IsMoving) do sleep(100);
  170. repeat
  171. HumanMMouse(currentFurnitureS.GetMSPoint,2,3);
  172. sleep(300+random(30));
  173. while(reflectPlayer.IsMoving) do sleep(100);
  174. fastClick(Mouse_Right);
  175. while(reflectPlayer.IsMoving) do sleep(100);
  176. until(chooseOption('Build Chair'));
  177. chooseOption('Build Chair');
  178. Wait(RandomRange(1200, 1500));
  179. GaussMouseBox(49, 69, 58, 90, 1);
  180. if(Reflect.Text.IsUpText('Build'))then
  181. begin
  182. tempPlank:=Reflect.Inv.Count;
  183. WriteLn('tempplank',tempPlank);
  184. fastClick(Mouse_Left);
  185. repeat
  186. sleep(100);
  187. until(Reflect.Inv.Count<>tempPlank);
  188. removeFurniture(currentFurnitureOId);
  189. end;
  190. until (currentPlankI.GetQuantity<nrNeeded);
  191. WriteLn('SAIU DO REPEAT');
  192. end else
  193. begin
  194. repeat
  196. until (not(currentFurnitureS.Find(objGame,currentFurnitureSId,10)));
  197. end;
  198. tia.Get(currentId);
  199. until(length(tia));
  200. end;
  202. procedure workDone();
  204. begin
  205. walk(portalHO.GetTile,1);
  206. portalHO.Find(objGame,portalH,5);
  207. repeat
  208. HumanMMouse(portalHO.GetMSPoint,3,3);
  209. sleep(300+random(100));
  210. until(Reflect.Text.IsUpText('Portal'));
  211. fastClick(Mouse_left);
  212. while(not(portalOO.Find(objGame,portalO,5))) do sleep(100);
  214. end;
  216. function getState():integer;
  217. begin
  218. updateIds;
  219. if(not(Reflect.Inv.IsFull)) and (phials.Find('Phials')) then
  220. begin
  221. exit(1);
  222. end else if((Reflect.Inv.Count=28) and (phials.Find('Phials'))) then
  223. begin
  224. exit(2);
  225. end else if((currentPlankI.Find(currentId)) and (portalHO.Find(objGame,portalH,30))) then
  226. begin
  227. exit(3);
  228. end else if((not((currentPlankI.Find(currentId))) and (portalHO.Find(objGame,portalH,30))) or (currentPlankI.GetQuantity<nrNeeded)) then
  229. begin
  230. exit(4);
  231. end;
  232. terminatescript;
  233. end;
  235. procedure executeState(State: Integer);
  236. begin
  237. case (State) of
  238. 1: getPlanks();// Get more planks from phials
  239. 2: toPortal(); // Got planks, going back home
  240. 3: work(); // build
  241. 4: workDone(); // no more planks exiting portal
  242. end;
  243. sleep(Random(100,200));
  244. end;
  246. begin
  248. initAL('C:\Javas\Java3\jre1.8.0_91\bin\javaw.exe');
  249. Reflect.Setup;
  250. reflectPlayer.Username := '';
  251. reflectPlayer.Password := 'weedpw123';
  252. reflectPlayer.Active := True;
  253. Me.Member := True;
  254. reflectPlayer.Create;
  255. reflectPlayer.Login;
  256. phase:=1;
  257. repeat
  258. //getRealMousePos(x, y);
  259. //smartGetMousePos(OS_SMART.__TARGET, x, y);
  260. WriteLn('portal',portalHO.GetTile);
  261. WriteLn(reflectPlayer.GetTile);
  262. //WriteLn('Anim ',reflectPlayer.IsAnimating);
  263. currentState:=getState();
  264. WriteLn('State: ',currentState);
  265. executeState(currentState);
  266. sleep(500);
  267. until(false);
  268. end.
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