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Jul 23rd, 2017
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  1. <Master_Of_Sparks> The city of West Grail. Positioned between an ocean coast, and a major trade road, it has become the economic capital of the local area, and a nation as much as a city. Millions of people of all races make their home here, some living in lavish luxury, other struggling to find something to eat. You are somewhere in the middle. You've joined the Problem Solvers, a guild of individuals that...
  2. <Master_Of_Sparks> ...are part adventurer, part mercenary, and part odd-jobber. Though you are technically solo agents, for particularly difficult or dangerous missions, you may be partnered with other Solvers, to increase your chances of survival.
  3. <Master_Of_Sparks> You passed the entrance exams with flying colors, and have officially been made the lowest rank of Problem Solver, a Copper Dragon. You have been eagerly awaiting your first assignment for several days, when you finally receive word, summoning you to the southernmost 'office' of the Problem Solvers, at the southernmost part of the city.
  4. <Master_Of_Sparks> Hurrying with all speed, you arrive at the modest two-story building, which could easily be mistaken for an inn (which makes sense, as it's technically a converted one) and head inside, to hear about your first mission.
  5. <Master_Of_Sparks> Before long, there are four of you in the main room all bearing the mark of the Problem Solvers (a tattoo of a shield with a dragon's fang on it) somewhere on your bodies.
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