
This Ain't Termina (Part 1)

Jul 15th, 2013
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  1. >Dawn of the first day in Talking Horse Land.
  2. >And right now you're sprinting faster than a rolling Goron through a dark forest.
  3. >Brings back memories in the Kokiri Forest.
  4. >You slow down when you think it's safe enough and crouch down beside a fallen tree.
  5. >A quick scan of the area says you're in the clear.
  6. >Time to take inventory.
  7. >Again
  8. >Still got the masks and Gilded Sword.
  9. >12 Hearts with white lines around them.
  10. >The Heros Bow, Fire and Ice Arrows, and the quiver has 23 arrows.
  11. >You can't find your shield but it's safe to guess you dropped it here and the yellow horse has it.
  12. >Still got the bottles and the fish.
  13. >Might need to eat soon.
  14. >And finally, one Broken Ocarina of Time.
  15. >There's a deep crack going right down the middle of it.
  16. >It's on the verge of snapping in half.
  17. >Duct tape might not be able to fix an instrument capable of bending Time and Space.
  18. >Shit
  19. >Tatl isn't here, so now you have no idea what to do
  20. >You're kind of glad she isn't here, no more bitching and shit.
  21. >But she always told you where you needed to go and what needed to be done in order to save her brother and the world.
  22. >Feelsbadman.png
  23. >You lean back against the tree and began thinking of what to do.
  24. >Sooner or later you'll probably need to go back to where you met the talking horses and apologize for running off.
  25. >For right now, though, you need to get your bearings and figure out where you are.
  26. >This sure as hell ain't Termina.
  27. >You hear voices in distance.
  28. >They're faint, but are beginning to grow louder and louder.
  29. >Ho Shit those horses might be looking for you.
  30. >You get up and climb over to the other side of the tree and crouch.
  31. >Perfect hiding spot.
  32. >Yellow Horse: "I swear Twilight, the creature just put on bunny ears and took off!"
  33. >You peek up from behind the tree every so often to figure out who's talking and what their names are.
  34. >There are six horses on the other side of the tree and they're a bunch of different colors.
  35. >Blue, White, Orange, Purple, Yellow, and Pink.
  36. >Purple horse is Twilight.
  37. >"Fluttershy, that's just crazy, why would any animal carry around bunny ears?"
  38. >Shit, better take the ears off.
  39. >Yellow horse is Fluttershy.
  40. >She's carrying the shield on her back.
  42. >Twi: "Hey Rainbow Dash, why don't you fly around this area and see if you can find anything."
  43. >The bright blue horse with a rainbow mane and wings salutes Twilight and flies off, leaving a rainbow trail in her wake.
  44. >Never seen that before.
  45. >Rainbow horse is Rainbow.
  46. >Fucking could have guessed that.
  47. >The white horse in the back looks very nervous.
  48. >White Horse: "Um, girls, has anyp0ny seen Pinkie?"
  49. >They all say no and start looking around.
  50. >You do notice that the pink horse is missing.
  51. >Wait a minute.
  52. >Pinkie
  53. >Probably the pink horse.
  54. >Broke off from the group
  55. >...
  56. >You swear to Din if she's behind you.
  57. >You slowly turn around to see...
  58. >A bright pink horse.
  59. >With blue colored eyes and a smile on her face.
  60. >She takes a really deep breath in and holds it.
  61. >She starts shaking, like she's about to blow up.
  62. >Brace For Impact
  63. >Pink: "I FOUND IIIIIIIT!!!"
  67. >You don your bunny ears and take off to your right.
  68. >Twi: "AFTER IT GIRLS!"
  69. >And now you're running from horses that can fly and somehow defy the laws of physics.
  70. >What a wonderful start to this adventure.
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