
Are directory and article submission sites worth the time an

Jun 3rd, 2020
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  1. Are directory and article submission sites worth the time and effort?
  2. Seems all the previous threads on this topic are all very old, so i want to put the question out there; is it worth spending the time and effort (and money for VA) getting links from free directory sites (eg.,, and free article submission sites (eg.,,
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  14. Free article submission sites, I see the value of getting a 5-700 word article outsourced and posted with a link because these can provide value to readers and even clicks...perhaps! But I'm just looking at from an off-page SEO perspective. But directories?
  15. Not at all. Sometimes it can even make your backlinks spammy, so better avoid it
  16. If your links are niche relevant yes. It is all about relevance. In content links from guest posting sites that are niche relevant really are the best way to go. Having some diversity won't hurt especially if it is branded links. But they also need to be niche relevant.
  17. Understood - the directories are all so generic anyway, so i'll pick only absolutely relevant ones. And same for the free article submission sites, although most have more broad niches which seem quite suitable for good standard article and link. i'll just be sure to avoid any which are totally irrelevant.
  18. Cheers guys
  19. They are not that much useful in present scenario, you should focus on other aspects like guest posting and all.
  20. Seems all the previous threads on this topic are all very old, so i want to put the question out there; is it worth spending the time and effort (and money for VA) getting links from free directory sites (eg.,, and free article submission sites (eg.,,
  22. Free article submission sites, I see the value of getting a 5-700 word article outsourced and posted with a link because these can provide value to readers and even clicks...perhaps! But I'm just looking at from an off-page SEO perspective. But directories?
  23. Directory submission is one of those SEO techniques that has existed practically since the dawn of SEO, and that has a rocky history in terms of value.
  25. There are always holdouts who think it has value no matter the quality of the directory. It’s arguable that some of the more high profile directories are perfectly fine, while others might not do as well.
  27. As with any SEO technique, the value comes down to the implementation. Directory submission alone isn’t going to kill your site, if you do it properly. However, it’s one of those dangerous tools that can easily come back to wreck your site if you go about it the wrong way.
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  35. You can take it as I have 2 GF… LOL! I was just kidding.
  36. Ok!
  37. Are directory and article submission sites worth the time and effort?
  39. So, I am a student who is spending 50% time on study and remaining 50% on the blogging that’s not possible. It doesn’t matter that what you are (businessman, student, housewife, etc.)!
  41. We are human beings we must sleep 6-8 hours, take food, etc. So, we can’t 50-50 because we have other work too, but if we built a schedule and fixed some rules, then it is possible.
  43. Here we go:
  45. Drain your time instead of wasting it on unnecessary blogging things. Let me clear it that getting ideas about an article and posting it comes up with many unnecessary things that take most of time in the blogging. So, if you succeed to save your time from there, then you will get extra time to do your precious blogging task and other works.
  47. You may know sitting in the face of your laptop to start a blog post with no clue what to write about and exhausted valuable minutes trying to come up with a subject.
  49. To Save Time Do These:
  51. 1. Discover a silence place and take out a sheet of paper. And number it from 1-50. Then, create a list of blog topics you can write about.
  52. 2. Create an Editorial Calendar: It is helpful to decide what day you will publish a blog post.
  53. 3. Change the Blog Format: Like writing, full regular blog post consume lots of time so; if you can make it short then you can save much time sometimes.
  55. Here are some special blogging formats to attempt:
  57. A list of guidelines
  58. An interview with an expert or anyone who is famous in your industry
  59. An infographic or video with 3 to 4 paragraphs of descriptions
  60. A study of your industry or daily report
  61. A Case Study
  64. 42. Arpit Mittal - Arpitmittal.In
  65. 42-41-arpit-mittal-time-management-expert-roundup-traffic-crowI’m working as a full-time Web Developer & Digital Marketer for a Delhi Based company along with that I do work as a freelancer, and Yes I’m a blogger too and managing more than 10 Blogs
  67. How am I managing my personal and professional life?
  68. If you have goals for your life, then there is nothing like personal or working lives ??
  70. My job timing is 9-6. I come back home at around 7 pm after reaching my home the first thing that I do is open my laptop and check the stats of my blogs to see the performance of my blog then after that I take rest of around 15-20 minutes(It’s more than enough for me), I make dinner at around 8 and from 8:30-9:30 I reply to queries of my client after answering all the questions I see if the amount of work is more then I’ll complete the work on Saturdays and Sundays ( If not urgent if it’s urgent I do work at night for up to 1 Am)
  71. I do my freelance work in between 9:30-10:45 Pm after that I do blogging.
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