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a guest
Nov 27th, 2017
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text 65.79 KB | None | 0 0
  1. /lib/
  3. memcmp
  4. listen
  5. abort
  6. sscanf
  7. access
  8. av_register_all
  9. __deregister_frame_info
  10. strcmp
  11. memset
  12. avformat_find_stream_info
  13. _Jv_RegisterClasses
  14. strncmp
  15. strcpy
  16. _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
  17. strstr
  18. avformat_close_input
  19. avformat_write_header
  20. strchr
  21. av_dump_format
  22. bind
  23. avio_close
  24. __register_frame_info
  25. fprintf
  26. freeaddrinfo
  27. socket
  28. _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
  29. avformat_seek_file
  30. getsockopt
  31. avformat_alloc_output_context2
  32. av_seek_frame
  33. inet_aton
  34. av_read_frame
  35. avformat_open_input
  36. __errno_location
  37. setsockopt
  38. fputs
  39. __assert
  40. vsnprintf
  41. av_write_frame
  42. avio_open
  43. atoi
  44. accept
  45. memcpy
  46. strlen
  47. av_write_trailer
  48. avformat_new_stream
  49. getaddrinfo
  51. pthread_cond_init
  52. pthread_cond_broadcast
  53. pthread_join
  54. pthread_create
  55. pthread_mutex_destroy
  56. av_init_packet
  57. pthread_cond_destroy
  58. pthread_mutex_init
  59. av_free_packet
  60. pthread_mutex_unlock
  61. pthread_mutex_lock
  62. avcodec_close
  64. av_strerror
  65. floor
  66. fgets
  67. strtoul
  68. mktime
  69. av_malloc
  70. realloc
  71. fread
  72. gettimeofday
  73. localtime
  74. fclose
  75. stderr
  76. strftime
  78. SSL_library_init
  79. SSL_CTX_set_timeout
  80. _fini
  81. SSL_CTX_get_timeout
  82. SSL_free
  83. SSL_set_fd
  84. SSL_shutdown
  85. SSL_CTX_new
  86. fwrite
  87. SSL_new
  88. SSL_read
  89. SSLv23_client_method
  90. SSL_get_fd
  91. SSL_write
  92. SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations
  93. SSL_CTX_free
  94. SSL_connect
  96. opendir
  97. ioctl
  98. readdir
  99. recvfrom
  100. strcat
  101. closedir
  102. perror
  103. __ctype_b
  104. strncasecmp
  105. ftell
  106. strncpy
  107. send
  108. tolower
  109. sendto
  110. fopen
  111. select
  112. gmtime_r
  113. sprintf
  114. fseek
  115. strcasecmp
  118. mkdir
  119. pthread_mutexattr_init
  120. pthread_cond_timedwait
  121. pthread_self
  122. pthread_mutexattr_settype
  123. pthread_detach
  125. raise
  127. settimeofday
  128. inet_pton
  129. fgetc
  130. semop
  131. htonl
  132. htons
  133. gai_strerror
  134. fcntl
  135. lstat
  136. vdprintf
  137. shmat
  138. statvfs
  139. __fgetc_unlocked
  140. bzero
  141. msgctl
  142. pipe
  143. shmget
  144. shmdt
  145. putchar
  146. strncat
  147. inet_ntoa
  148. recv
  149. inet_ntop
  150. sysinfo
  151. fscanf
  152. ntohl
  153. getline
  154. memalign
  155. semget
  156. ntohs
  157. shmctl
  158. msgrcv
  159. usleep
  160. dup2
  161. __uClibc_main
  162. stime
  163. signal
  164. popen
  165. chdir
  166. semctl
  167. remove
  168. execl
  169. kill
  170. vfork
  171. msgsnd
  172. inet_addr
  173. pclose
  174. msgget
  175. _edata
  176. __bss_start
  177. __bss_start__
  178. __bss_end__
  179. __end__
  180. _end
  181. LIBAVCODEC_55
  183. LIBAVUTIL_52
  184. s0H-
  185. Yjlj@
  186. QZ^&
  187. gfff
  188. gfff
  189. gfff
  190. gfff1
  191. 562H
  192. 562Hhev1
  193. 562H
  194. !1C ,
  195. eth0
  196. dev = %s
  197. Hik protocol starting...
  198. Now, starting the server thread...
  199. Now, starting the sadp thread...
  200. Usage: %s [-p server port] [-i net interface like "eth0"...]
  201. err in cacle redirection stdout.
  202. %s %d: Command disconnect
  203. err in dup STDOUT.
  204. %s %d: fd = %d
  205. %s %d
  206. %s %d : A stupid connect!ip = %s, port = %d
  207. ///////%s %d : ..........fd = %d
  208. %s %d: Accept fd < 0
  209. libDebugOutput.c
  210. %s %s %d: Create socket error. errno = %d
  211. %s %s %d: Set SO_REUSEADDR error. errno = %d
  212. %s %s %d: Bind error. errno = %d
  213. create tcp connect success %d,start listen...
  214. %s %s %d: Start listen error. errno = %d
  215. SendRecvSocketThread
  216. ListenSocketThread
  217. SetupNetwork
  218. eth0
  219. -----------------------------------------------
  220. Hik server is running...
  221. Console: enable
  222. Devname: %s
  223. Server port: %d
  224. Aug 22 2017
  225. V4.4
  226. Version: %s Build %s %s
  227. 15:01:36
  228. -----------------------------------------------
  229. %s %d: port = %d
  230. Hik protocol starting...
  231. Now, starting the service thread...
  232. %s %d fd = %d
  233. down
  234. %s LINK %s
  235. wlan0
  236. HikServerStart
  237. HikAddFd
  238. %s %d: index= %d, width = %d, height = %d
  239. %s %d: ResolutionsAvailable.Resolutions[%d].width = %d, ResolutionsAvailable.Resolutions[%d].height = %d
  240. %s %d: width = %d, height = %d
  241. no hex!
  242. /bin/sh
  243. %s %d:execute cmd [%s] failed! ret = %d
  244. %s %d: %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d
  245. %s %d: Time sync is disable
  246. %s %d: Start %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d
  247. %s %d: major 0x%08X minor 0x%08X
  248. %s %d: RecvLen = %d
  249. %s %d: sizeof(NET_DVR_USER_V30) 0x%08X
  250. %s %d: index %02d User %s %s Level %d
  251. %s %d: User %s %s 0x%08X level %d
  252. %s %d
  253. CameraCreateUser %s %d
  254. CameraDelUser %s %d Check
  255. CameraDelUser %s %d
  256. %s %d: pos %p %p 0x%04x
  257. %s %d: DisplayProperty.ucRotateAngle %d CameraParamCfg->byCorridorMode %d
  258. %s %d: ExposureMode = %d dwVideoExposureSet %d dwExposureUserSet %d
  259. %s %d: Enable = %d Level %d
  260. %s %d: sizeof(NET_DVR_CAMERAPARAMCFG) 0x%08X *SendLen 0x%08X
  261. %s %d: header %d piccfg %d recvlen %d
  262. %s %d: sChanName %s
  263. %s %d: dwShowChanName %d 0x%08X
  264. %s %d: DateShow %d 0x%08X
  265. %s %d: byDispWeek %d
  266. %s %d: DataFormat has change PicCfg->byOSDType %d
  267. %s %d: DataFormat has change
  268. %s %d: Cover Alarm x %d y %d w %d h %d
  269. %s %d: HandleType 0x%02X CoverAlarmProperty.process.ucAlarmSmtpEnable %d
  270. %s %d: MDExProperty.region.area.ulBlock has changed
  271. %s %d: PicCfg->struMotion.byMotionSensitive %d MDExProperty.ucSensitivity %d
  272. %s %d: HandleType 0x%08X AlarmPropertyEx.process.ucAlarmSmtpEnable %d
  273. %s %d: DeviceCfg->sDVRName %s Hostname %s
  274. eth0
  275. %s-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X
  276. %s %d: MainStream %d SubStream %d %d %d
  277. %s %d: Main Bitrate %d
  278. %s %d: Sub Bitrate %d
  279. %s %d: #####just for customization %d %d
  280. %s %d: #####just for customization %d %d %d
  281. %s %d: #####CompressCfg->struNormHighRecordPara.bySmartCodec %d
  282. %s %d:
  283. ########just for customization %d %d
  284. 0000004000000348000000010000000000000028494d4b48010100000400010010710110401f000000fa00000000000000000000000000000000000004000000
  285. 000000540000004600000001000000000000004400010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  286. %s %d: chn_header data %s
  287. GET /ISAPI/Smart/capabilities
  288. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  289. <SmartCap version="2.0" xmlns="">
  290. <isSupportROI>false</isSupportROI>
  291. <isSupportFaceDetect>false</isSupportFaceDetect>
  292. <isSupportIntelliTrace>false</isSupportIntelliTrace>
  293. <isSupportFieldDetection>false</isSupportFieldDetection>
  294. <isSupportDefocusDetection>false</isSupportDefocusDetection>
  295. <isSupportAudioDetection>false</isSupportAudioDetection>
  296. <isSupportSceneChangeDetection>false</isSupportSceneChangeDetection>
  297. <isSupportLineDetection>false</isSupportLineDetection>
  298. <isSupportRegionEntrance>false</isSupportRegionEntrance>
  299. <isSupportRegionExiting>false</isSupportRegionExiting>
  300. <isSupportLoitering>false</isSupportLoitering>
  301. <isSupportGroup>false</isSupportGroup>
  302. <isSupportRapidMove>false</isSupportRapidMove>
  303. <isSupportParking>false</isSupportParking>
  304. <isSupportUnattendedBaggage>false</isSupportUnattendedBaggage>
  305. <isSupportAttendedBaggage>false</isSupportAttendedBaggage>
  306. </SmartCap>
  307. GET /ISAPI/System/Network/capabilities
  308. <NetworkCap version="2.0" xmlns="">
  309. <isSupportWireless>false</isSupportWireless>
  310. <isSupportPPPoE>false</isSupportPPPoE>
  311. <isSupportBond>false</isSupportBond>
  312. <isSupport802_1x>false</isSupport802_1x>
  313. <isSupportNtp>false</isSupportNtp>
  314. <isSupportFtp>true</isSupportFtp>
  315. <isSupportUpnp>false</isSupportUpnp>
  316. <isSupportDdns>false</isSupportDdns>
  317. <isSupportHttps>true</isSupportHttps>
  318. <SnmpCap>
  319. <isSupport>false</isSupport>
  320. </SnmpCap>
  321. <isSupportExtNetCfg>false</isSupportExtNetCfg>
  322. <isSupportIPFilter>false</isSupportIPFilter>
  323. <isSupportEZVIZ>false</isSupportEZVIZ>
  324. <isSupportEhome>false</isSupportEhome>
  325. <isSupportWirelessDial>false</isSupportWirelessDial>
  326. </NetworkCap>
  327. <ResponseStatus version="2.0" xmlns="">
  328. <requestURL>%s</requestURL>
  329. <statusCode>4</statusCode>
  330. <statusString>Invalid Operation</statusString>
  331. <subStatusCode>invalidOperation</subStatusCode>
  332. </ResponseStatus>
  333. <BasicCapability version="2.0">
  334. <HardwareCapability>
  335. <HardwareVersion>0x0</HardwareVersion>
  336. <AlarmInPortNum>1</AlarmInPortNum>
  337. <AlarmOutPortNum>1</AlarmOutPortNum>
  338. <RS232Num>0</RS232Num>
  339. <RS485Num>0</RS485Num>
  340. <NetworkPortNum>1</NetworkPortNum>
  341. <USBNum>0</USBNum>
  342. <FlashSize>16</FlashSize>
  343. <RamSize>256</RamSize>
  344. <USBVersion>0</USBVersion>
  345. <SDNum>0</SDNum>
  346. <HardDiskNum>0</HardDiskNum>
  347. <SATANum>0</SATANum>
  348. <eSATANum>0</eSATANum>
  349. <miniSASNum>0</miniSASNum>
  350. <VideoInNum>0</VideoInNum>
  351. <AudioInNum>1</AudioInNum>
  352. <VideoOutNum>0</VideoOutNum>
  353. <AudioOutNum>1</AudioOutNum>
  354. <AudioTalkNum>1</AudioTalkNum>
  355. <SDSupport>0</SDSupport>
  356. <POESupport>0</POESupport>
  357. <IRSupport>0</IRSupport>
  358. <ResetSupport>1</ResetSupport>
  359. <CompleteRestoreSupport>1</CompleteRestoreSupport>
  360. <AnalogChannelNum>1</AnalogChannelNum>
  361. </HardwareCapability>
  362. <SoftwareCapability>
  363. <NewHdNo>1</NewHdNo>
  364. <MaxNetworkHDNum>0</MaxNetworkHDNum>
  365. <NasSupport>0</NasSupport>
  366. <NasNumber>0</NasNumber>
  367. <ShowStringNumber>4</ShowStringNumber>
  368. <MotionDetectAlarmSupport>1</MotionDetectAlarmSupport>
  369. <HideAlarmSupport>1</HideAlarmSupport>
  370. <ShelterSupport>1</ShelterSupport>
  371. <RtspSupport>1</RtspSupport>
  372. <RtpoverRtspSupport>1</RtpoverRtspSupport>
  373. <RtspoverHttpSupport>1</RtspoverHttpSupport>
  374. <overHttpSupport>1</overHttpSupport>
  375. <NtpSupport>0</NtpSupport>
  376. <PtzSupport>1</PtzSupport>
  377. <DDNSSupport>0</DDNSSupport>
  378. <DDNSHostType>0,1,3,4</DDNSHostType>
  379. <UPNPSupport>0</UPNPSupport>
  380. <Ipv6Support>0</Ipv6Support>
  381. <MultipleStreamSupport>1</MultipleStreamSupport>
  382. <SubStreamSupport>1</SubStreamSupport>
  383. <EmailSupport>1</EmailSupport>
  384. <SADPVersion>0,1</SADPVersion>
  385. <MaxLoginNum>128</MaxLoginNum>
  386. <MaxPreviewNum>6</MaxPreviewNum>
  387. <MaxPlayBackNum>1</MaxPlayBackNum>
  388. <MaxChanLinkNum>24</MaxChanLinkNum>
  389. <RS232Config>0</RS232Config>
  390. <UploadFTP>1</UploadFTP>
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  392. <DevModuleServerCfg>
  393. <irLampServer opt="disable,enable"/>
  394. <privateMulticastDiscovery opt="disable,enable"/>
  395. </DevModuleServerCfg>
  396. <GBT28181AccessAbilitySupport>0</GBT28181AccessAbilitySupport>
  397. <CameraParaDynamicAbilitySupport>0</CameraParaDynamicAbilitySupport>
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  399. <Language>
  400. <supportType opt="1-chinese"/>
  401. </Language>
  402. <NeedReboot>
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  408. <PPPoEChange>1</PPPoEChange>
  409. <StandardTypeChange>0</StandardTypeChange>
  410. <LineCodingEnableChange>1</LineCodingEnableChange>
  411. <NetworkCardTypeChange>0</NetworkCardTypeChange>
  412. <CompleteRestoreReboot>2</CompleteRestoreReboot>
  413. </NeedReboot>
  414. </SoftwareCapability>
  415. </BasicCapability>
  416. <CAMERAPARA version="1.0">
  417. <PowerLineFrequencyMode>
  418. <Range>0,1</Range>
  419. </PowerLineFrequencyMode>
  420. <WhiteBalance>
  421. <WhiteBalanceMode>
  422. <Range>1</Range>
  423. </WhiteBalanceMode>
  424. </WhiteBalance>
  425. <Exposure>
  426. <ExposureMode>
  427. </ExposureMode>
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  429. <Range>0,2,3,4,5,6,17,18,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14</Range>
  430. </ExposureSet>
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  432. <Min>1</Min>
  433. <Max>40000</Max>
  434. </exposureUSERSET>
  435. </Exposure>
  436. <IrisMode>
  437. </IrisMode>
  438. <GainLevel>
  439. <Min>0</Min>
  440. <Max>100</Max>
  441. <Default>100</Default>
  442. </GainLevel>
  443. <BrightnessLevel>
  444. <Default>50</Default>
  445. </BrightnessLevel>
  446. <ContrastLevel>
  447. </ContrastLevel>
  448. <SharpnessLevel>
  449. </SharpnessLevel>
  450. <SaturationLevel>
  451. </SaturationLevel>
  452. <WDR>
  453. <WDREnabled>
  454. </WDREnabled>
  455. <WDRLevel1>
  456. </WDRLevel1>
  457. </WDR>
  458. <DayNightFilter>
  459. <DayNightFilterType>
  460. <Range>0,1,2,3</Range>
  461. </DayNightFilterType>
  462. <SwitchSchedule>
  463. <SwitchScheduleEnabled>
  464. </SwitchScheduleEnabled>
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  466. <Range>0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7</Range>
  467. </DayToNightFilterLevel>
  468. <NightToDayFilterLevel>
  469. </NightToDayFilterLevel>
  470. <DayNightFilterTime>
  471. <Min>5</Min>
  472. <Max>120</Max>
  473. </DayNightFilterTime>
  474. </SwitchSchedule>
  475. </DayNightFilter>
  476. <Backlight>
  477. <BacklightMode>
  478. <Range>0,1,2,3,4,5</Range>
  479. </BacklightMode>
  480. </Backlight>
  481. <Mirror>
  482. </Mirror>
  483. <DigitalNoiseReduction>
  484. <DigitalNoiseReductionEnable>
  485. <Range>0,1,2</Range>
  486. </DigitalNoiseReductionEnable>
  487. <DigitalNoiseReductionLevel>
  488. </DigitalNoiseReductionLevel>
  489. <DigitalNoiseSpectralLevel>
  490. </DigitalNoiseSpectralLevel>
  491. <DigitalNoiseTemporalLevel>
  492. </DigitalNoiseTemporalLevel>
  493. </DigitalNoiseReduction>
  494. </CAMERAPARA>
  495. <NetAppAbility version="2.0">
  496. <NTP>
  497. <intervalUnit>minute</intervalUnit>
  498. <serverTest>true</serverTest>
  499. </NTP>
  500. <Net>
  501. <NetworkInterface>
  502. <networkInterfaceNum>1</networkInterfaceNum>
  503. <NetworkInterfaceEntry>
  504. <id>1</id>
  505. <type opt="10Mbase-T,10MBase-T-full,100MBase-TX,100M-full,10M/100M/1000M-adapt"/>
  506. <MTU min="1280" max="1500"/>
  507. </NetworkInterfaceEntry>
  508. </NetworkInterface>
  509. <multicastIpAddr opt="IPV4,IPV6"/>
  510. <IPv6Address>
  511. <IPv6List>
  512. <enabled>true</enabled>
  513. </IPv6List>
  514. <IPv6Mode opt="routerAdvertisement,DHCP,manual"/>
  515. </IPv6Address>
  516. <DHCPandPPPoE>
  517. </DHCPandPPPoE>
  518. <IPTest>false</IPTest>
  519. </Net>
  520. <NetCfg>
  521. <Ethernet1>
  522. <IPAddrType opt="IPV4,IPV6"/>
  523. <IPAddrMaskType opt="IPV4,IPV6"/>
  524. <IPAddrType opt="IPV4"/>
  525. <IPAddrMaskType opt="IPV4"/>
  526. <netInterface opt="10Mbase-T,10MBase-T-full,100MBase-TX,100M-full,10M/100M/1000M-adapt"/>
  527. <mtu min="1280" max="1500"/>
  528. <macAddrLen min="0" max="65535"/>
  529. </Ethernet1>
  530. <privateMulticastDiscovery opt="enable,disable"/>
  531. <onvifMulticastDiscovery opt="enable,disable"/>
  532. </NetCfg>
  533. </NetAppAbility>
  534. <JpegCaptureAbility version="2.0">
  535. <channelNO>1</channelNO>
  536. <FindPicInfo>
  537. <supportFileType opt="CMR,MOTION,ALARM,EDR,ALARMANDMOTION,facedetection,LineDetection,FieldDetection,scenechangedetection,allType"/>
  538. <StartTime>
  539. <year min="1970" max="2038"/>
  540. <month min="1" max="12"/>
  541. <day min="1" max="30"/>
  542. <hour min="1" max="24"/>
  543. <minute min="1" max="60"/>
  544. <second min="1" max="60"/>
  545. </StartTime>
  546. <StopTime>
  547. </StopTime>
  548. </FindPicInfo>
  549. <ManualCapture>
  550. <ResolutionEntry>
  551. <resolutionName>HD1080P</resolutionName>
  552. <index>9</index>
  553. </ResolutionEntry>
  554. </ManualCapture>
  555. <SchedCapture>
  556. <TimingCap>
  557. <intervalUnit>ms</intervalUnit>
  558. <interval min="1000" max="604800000" opt="0"/>
  559. <DayCapture>
  560. <captureType>timing</captureType>
  561. </DayCapture>
  562. <TimeSlot>
  563. <slotNum>8</slotNum>
  564. </TimeSlot>
  565. </TimingCap>
  566. <EventCap>
  567. <eventType opt="motion,lineDetection,fieldDetection"/>
  568. <interval min="1000" max="65535" opt="0"/>
  569. <capTimes min="1" max="120"/>
  570. <eventCapChan opt="1"/>
  571. <alarmInCapChan opt="1"/>
  572. </EventCap>
  573. </SchedCapture>
  574. </JpegCaptureAbility>
  575. <AudioVideoCompressInfo version="2.0">
  576. <AudioCompressInfo>
  577. <Audio>
  578. <ChannelList>
  579. <ChannelEntry>
  580. <ChannelNumber>1</ChannelNumber>
  581. <MainAudioEncodeType>
  582. <Range>1,2</Range>
  583. </MainAudioEncodeType>
  584. <AudioInType>
  585. <Range>0</Range>
  586. </AudioInType>
  587. </ChannelEntry>
  588. </ChannelList>
  589. </Audio>
  590. </AudioCompressInfo>
  591. <VideoCompressInfo>
  592. <MainChannel>
  593. <VideoEncodeType>
  594. <Range>1
  595. %s %d: EncodeingScope.ucResolutions %s
  596. MJPEG
  597. MJpeg
  598. h265
  599. H265
  600. </Range>
  601. </VideoEncodeType>
  602. <VideoEncodeEfficiency>
  603. <suportEncodeType opt="1"/>
  604. </VideoEncodeEfficiency>
  605. <VideoResolutionList>
  606. <VideoResolutionEntry>
  607. <Index>%d</Index>
  608. <Name>%s</Name>
  609. <Resolution>%d*%d</Resolution>
  610. <VideoFrameRate>%s</VideoFrameRate>
  611. <VideoBitrate>
  612. <Min>64</Min>
  613. <Max>12000</Max>
  614. </VideoBitrate>
  615. </VideoResolutionEntry>
  616. <DynamicAbility>
  617. <dynamicAbilityLinkTo opt="captureMode"/>
  618. </DynamicAbility>
  619. </VideoResolutionList>
  620. <IntervalBPFrame>
  621. <Range>2</Range>
  622. </IntervalBPFrame>
  623. <EFrame>0</EFrame>
  624. <SmartCodecCap>
  625. <supportCodeType opt="H.264,H.265"/>
  626. <smartCodec opt="true,false" default="false"/>
  627. <H264>
  628. <readOnlyAbility opt="keyFrameInterval,Profile,SVC,fixedQuality"/>
  629. <BitrateType>
  630. <Variable>
  631. <support opt="averageVideoBitrate,videoBitrate"/>
  632. </Variable>
  633. </BitrateType>
  634. <smart264EnabledPrompt opt="prompt5"/>
  635. </H264>
  636. <H265>
  637. <smart265EnabledPrompt opt="prompt5"/>
  638. </H265>
  639. </SmartCodecCap>
  640. </MainChannel>
  641. <SubChannelList>
  642. <SubChannelEntry>
  643. <index>1</index>
  644. </SubChannelEntry>
  645. </SubChannelList>
  646. </VideoCompressInfo>
  647. </AudioVideoCompressInfo>
  648. <CAMERAPARA version="2.0">
  649. <devType opt="ipc"/>
  650. <Default>1</Default>
  651. <Range>0,4,5,6,17,18,7,8,9,10,11,12,13</Range>
  652. <Max>255</Max>
  653. <Default>128</Default>
  654. <Default>0</Default>
  655. <Max>5</Max>
  656. <Default>2</Default>
  657. <Min>2</Min>
  658. <Max>10</Max>
  659. <DayNightFilterandGain>
  660. </DayNightFilterandGain>
  661. <Default>32</Default>
  662. <SceneMode>
  663. </SceneMode>
  664. <modeType opt="automatic,manual"/>
  665. <IRDistance min="1" max="100"/>
  666. <ISPAdvanceCfg>
  667. <ISPSupportMode opt="dayMode,nightMode"/>
  668. <workMode opt="auto"/>
  669. <ISPCfgSupport opt="whiteBalanceMode,exposureSet,exposureUserSet,gainLevel,brightnessLevel,contrastLevel,sharpnessLevel,WDREnabled,WDRLevel1,backlightMode,digitalNoiseReductionEnable,digitalNoiseReductionLevel,digitalNoiseSpectralLevel,digitalNoiseTemporalLevel"/>
  670. </ISPAdvanceCfg>
  671. <AlarmAbility version="2.0">
  672. <channelEntry>
  673. <channelID>1</channelID>
  674. </channelEntry>
  675. </AlarmAbility>
  676. <VideoPicAbility version="2.0">
  677. <OSD>
  678. <ChannelName>
  679. </ChannelName>
  680. <Week>
  681. </Week>
  682. <OSDType opt="xxxx/xx/xxY/M/D,xx/xx/xxxxM/D/Y,xx/xx/xxxxD/M/Y"/>
  683. <OSDAttrib opt="3,4"/>
  684. </OSD>
  685. <MotionDetection>
  686. <regionType opt="grid,area"/>
  687. <Grid>
  688. <VideoFormatP>
  689. <rowGranularity>18</rowGranularity>
  690. <columnGranularity>22</columnGranularity>
  691. </VideoFormatP>
  692. <VideoFormatN>
  693. <rowGranularity>15</rowGranularity>
  694. </VideoFormatN>
  695. </Grid>
  696. <Area>
  697. <areaNo min="1" max="8"/>
  698. <switchDayNightSet opt="off,autoSwitch,scheduleSwitch"/>
  699. <Off>
  700. <objectAreaProportion min="0" max="100"/>
  701. <sensitivityLevel min="1" max="100"/>
  702. </Off>
  703. <AutoSwitch>
  704. <supportType opt="day,night"/>
  705. <dayObjectAreaProportion min="0" max="100"/>
  706. <daySensitivityLevel min="1" max="100"/>
  707. <nightObjectAreaProportion min="0" max="100"/>
  708. <nightSensitivityLevel min="1" max="100"/>
  709. </AutoSwitch>
  710. <ScheduleSwitch>
  711. <TimeSchedule>
  712. <beginTime opt="hour,min,sec,millisec"/>
  713. <endTime opt="hour,min,sec,millisec"/>
  714. </TimeSchedule>
  715. </ScheduleSwitch>
  716. </Area>
  717. <sensitivityLevel min="0" max="100"/>
  718. <NormalSensitivity>
  719. <level min="0" max="5"/>
  720. <step>20</step>
  721. <offStatus>true</offStatus>
  722. </NormalSensitivity>
  723. <alarmTime>8</alarmTime>
  724. <alarmHandleType opt="picture,uploadftp"/>
  725. <displayMotion opt="true,false"/>
  726. </MotionDetection>
  727. <HideDetection>
  728. <HideAreaNum>1</HideAreaNum>
  729. <HideArea>
  730. <PAL>
  731. <AreaX min="0" max="704"/>
  732. <AreaY min="0" max="576"/>
  733. </PAL>
  734. <NTSC>
  735. <AreaY min="0" max="480"/>
  736. </NTSC>
  737. </HideArea>
  738. <sensitivity opt="none,low,middle,high"/>
  739. </HideDetection>
  740. <PrivacyMask>
  741. <PrivacyMaskAreaNum>3</PrivacyMaskAreaNum>
  742. <PrivacyMaskArea>
  743. <id>2</id>
  744. <id>3</id>
  745. <id>4</id>
  746. </PrivacyMaskArea>
  747. </PrivacyMask>
  748. </VideoPicAbility>
  749. <PTZAbility version="2.0">
  750. <PTZControl>
  751. <controlType opt="light,wiper,fan,heater,aux1,aux2,zoomIn,zoomOut,focusNear,focusFar,irisOpen,irisClose,ttiltUp,tiltDown,panLeft,panRight,upLeft,upRight,downLeft,downRight,panAuto,panCircle"/>
  752. </PTZControl>
  753. <Patrol>
  754. <patrolNum min="1" max="8"/>
  755. <presetNum min="1" max="32"/>
  756. <dwellTime min="0" max="120"/>
  757. <speed min="1" max="40"/>
  758. </Patrol>
  759. <Preset>
  760. <presetNum min="1" max="256"/>
  761. </Preset>
  762. <PositionLimitAngle>
  763. <positionIndex min="1" max="0"/>
  764. <LimitAngle>
  765. <able opt="enable,disable"/>
  766. <Up>
  767. <action opt="ptz,p,t,z,pt"/>
  768. <panpos>true</panpos>
  769. <tiltpos>true</tiltpos>
  770. <zoompos>true</zoompos>
  771. </Up>
  772. <Down>
  773. </Down>
  774. <Left>
  775. </Left>
  776. <Right>
  777. </Right>
  778. </LimitAngle>
  779. </PositionLimitAngle>
  780. <CalibratePointConvert>
  781. <pointNum min="4" max="6"/>
  782. </CalibratePointConvert>
  783. </PTZAbility>
  784. <AccessProtocolAbility version="2.0">
  785. <EzvizParam>
  786. <enable opt="true,false"/>
  787. <mutexAbility opt="gbt28181,ehome"/>
  788. <deviceStatus attri="readonly" opt="offline,online"/>
  789. <allowRedirect opt="0,1,2"/>
  790. <domainLen min="1" max="256"/>
  791. </EzvizParam>
  792. </AccessProtocolAbility>
  793. <GBT28181AccessAbility version="2.0">
  794. <GBT28181AccessCfg>
  795. <localSipPort min="1024" max="65535"/>
  796. <serverIDLen min="1" max="64"/>
  797. <serverDomainLen min="1" max="128"/>
  798. <serverSipAddressLen min="1" max="128"/>
  799. <serverSipPort min="1024" max="65535"/>
  800. <sipUserNameLen min="1" max="64"/>
  801. <sipAuthenticateIDLen min="1" max="64"/>
  802. <SipAuthenticatePasswdLen min="1" max="32"/>
  803. <registerValid min="3600" max="100000"/>
  804. <heartbeatInterval min="5" max="255"/>
  805. <maxHeartbeatTimeOut min="3" max="255"/>
  806. <streamType opt="mainstream,substream"/>
  807. <cameraNoCompressionIDLen min="13" max="64"/>
  808. <alarmInputCompressionIDLen min="13" max="64"/>
  809. <mutexAbility opt="ezviz,ehome"/>
  810. </GBT28181AccessCfg>
  811. </GBT28181AccessAbility>
  812. <SecurityAbility version="2.0">
  813. <SecurityCfgParam>
  814. <securityLevel opt="0-close,1-open,2-custom"/>
  815. <commadCheckLevel opt="0-close,1-open"/>
  816. <loginLevel opt="0-nolimit,1-MD5"/>
  817. <sshServer opt="0-enable,1-disable"/>
  818. <rtspAuthentication opt="0-disable,1-basic"/>
  819. <illegalLoginLock opt="0-disable,1-enable" default="0-enable"/>
  820. </SecurityCfgParam>
  821. </SecurityAbility>
  822. <ROIAbility version="2.0">
  823. <ROIRectCfg>
  824. <MainStream>
  825. <FixROIRectCfg>
  826. <ROISupportEncodeType opt="standardh264"/>
  827. <singleScreenFixROITotalNum>1</singleScreenFixROITotalNum>
  828. <singleScreenFixROIID min="1" max="3"/>
  829. <fixROINameLength min="1" max="32"/>
  830. <fixROIDetectEnable opt="true,false"/>
  831. <ROIImageQualityLevel min="1" max="6"/>
  832. </FixROIRectCfg>
  833. </MainStream>
  834. <SubStream>
  835. </SubStream>
  836. <Stream3>
  837. </Stream3>
  838. </ROIRectCfg>
  839. </ROIAbility>
  840. <EventAbility version="2.0">
  841. <ExceptionAlarm>
  842. <exceptionType opt="diskFull,diskError"/>
  843. <DetailedExceptionAlarm>
  844. <DiskFull>
  845. </DiskFull>
  846. <DiskError>
  847. </DiskError>
  848. </EventAbility>
  849. <FishEyeAbility version="2.0">
  850. <channelNO>4</channelNO>
  851. <mountType opt="ceiling,table,wall"></mountType>
  852. <previewMode opt="mode1,mode2,mode3,mode4"></previewMode>
  853. <RealTimeOutputChange>1</RealTimeOutputChange>
  854. <TrackDevice>
  855. <enabled opt="true,false"></enabled>
  856. <TrackDevChan>
  857. <devAddress opt="ipv4"></devAddress>
  858. <devPort min="2000" max="65535"/
  859. <userNameLength min="0" max="32"/
  860. <passwordLength min="0" max="16"/>
  861. <channelNumber>true</channelNumber>
  862. </TrackDevChan>
  863. <CalibParam>
  864. <calibPointNum min="2" max="2"/>
  865. <horizonPtzPos>true</horizonPtzPos>
  866. </CalibParam>
  867. </TrackDevice>
  868. <manualTrack>true</manualTrack>
  869. <PTZTrack>
  870. <TrackMode>
  871. <trackAlways>true</trackAlways>
  872. <TrackByTime>
  873. <trackTime min="1" max="60" default="10"/>
  874. </TrackByTime>
  875. <TrackNext>
  876. <trackTime min="1" max="10" default="2"/>
  877. </TrackNext>
  878. </TrackMode>
  879. </PTZTrack>
  880. </FishEyeAbility>
  881. %s %d: AbilitiesType = 0x%08x RecvLen = %d
  882. %s %d: Data
  883. PTZAbility
  884. EventAbility
  885. !!!!!!!!!%s %d: Not support chn_header->data %s
  886. FishEyeAbility
  887. FishEyeIPCAbility
  888. %s %d: Chn %d PatroNum %d
  889. %s %d: Cmd %d Param %d
  890. %s %d: HIK_PTZ_TILT_UP
  891. %s %d: HIK_PTZ_TILT_DOWN
  892. %s %d: HIK_PTZ_PAN_LEFT
  893. %s %d: HIK_PTZ_PAN_RIGHT
  894. %s %d: HIK_PTZ_UP_LEFT
  895. %s %d: HIK_PTZ_UP_RIGHT
  896. %s %d: HIK_PTZ_DOWN_LEFT
  897. %s %d: HIK_PTZ_DOWN_RIGHT
  898. %s %d: HIK_PTZ_ZOOM_IN
  899. %s %d: HIK_PTZ_ZOOM_OUT
  900. %s %d: PTZ_CMD_FOCUS_FAR
  901. %s %d: PTZ_CMD_FOCUS_NEAR
  902. %s %d: ZOOM_STOP
  903. %s %d: FOCUS_STOP
  904. %s %d: PTZ_CMD_STOP
  905. %s %d: Data %d %d %d %d
  906. %s %d: HIK_PTZ_FOCUS_NEAR
  907. %s %d: HIK_PTZ_FOCUS_FAR
  908. %s %d: H %d M %d
  909. %s %d: devIp 0x%08X NetworkCfg->etherCfg[0].devIp 0x%08X
  910. %s %d: Ip must be change %s
  911. %s %d: netmask 0x%08X NetworkCfg->struEtherNet[0].struDVRIPMask 0x%08X
  912. %s %d: netmask must be change %s
  913. %s %d: netmask must be change , new port %d
  914. %s %d: port must be change %d
  915. %s %d: dhcp must be change , NetworkCfg->byUseDhcp %d
  916. %s %d: netmask 0x%08X NetworkCfg->struDnsServer1IpAddr 0x%08X
  917. %s %d: dns must be change %s
  918. LoginVer 0x%02X RecvLen %d
  919. ZDc1ZmM2ZDUzNGEzMjE0NzgzMjJkM2EyNDc4MDg=
  920. %s,%d:SendLen = %d
  921. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%s %d: Not supported this command : 0X%08X len %d
  922. CheckResolutionsAvailableParam
  923. Command_System
  924. ProcessHikSetTimeCfg
  925. ProcessHikGetDvrLog_V30
  926. ProcessHikRestore
  927. ProcessHikGetUserCfg_V30
  928. ProcessHikSetUserCfg_V30
  929. ProcessHikSetUserCfg
  930. ProcessHikSetCCDParamCfg
  931. ProcessHikGetCCDParamCfg
  932. ProcessHikSetPicCfg_V30
  933. ProcessHikSetDeviceCfg_V40
  934. ProcessHikSetCompressCfg_V30
  935. ProcessHikGetCompressCfg_V30
  936. ProcessHikGetCapablities
  937. ProcessHikGetAbilities_0x00000008
  938. ProcessHikGetAbilities
  939. ProcessHikGetPatroIndex
  940. ProcessHikPTZWithSpeed
  941. ProcessHikPTZ
  942. ProcessHikSetNtpCfg
  943. ProcessHikSetNetCfg
  944. ProcessHikSetNetCfg_V30
  945. ProcessHikLoginReq
  946. ProtocolHikNetworkProcess
  947. socket send_n eintr error
  948. %s %d: ret %d <= 0 !errno = %d
  949. %s %d: ret11count >= 100
  950. %s socket error %d errno = %d
  951. %s %d: AlarmDataRead(&Data) fail
  952. ..........................%s %d: i %d fd %d
  953. ..........ALARM_SOURCE_DEF_VIDEOCOVER_ALARM..........%s %d: i %d fd %d
  954. Net_TcpSendN
  955. Net_TcpSendN
  956. HikAlarmAccessThread
  957. socket send_n eintr error
  958. %s %d: ret %d <= 0 !errno = %d
  959. %s %d: ret11count >= 100
  960. %s socket error %d errno = %d
  961. %s %d
  962. Net_TcpSendN
  963. Net_TcpSendN
  964. HikLogAccessThread
  966. AddHikFd
  967. no hex!
  968. char = 0
  969. 0x%08X
  970. create mutex attribute error. msg:%s
  971. ret = %d linux_mutex = %p
  972. HikNetworkAccess.c
  973. %s %s %d: Create socket error. errno = %d
  974. %s %s %d: Set SO_REUSEADDR error. errno = %d
  975. %s %s %d: Bind error. errno = %d
  976. create tcp connect success %d,start listen...
  977. %s %d: fd = %d
  978. %s %d: Connect over MAX_CONNECT_NUM
  979. %s %d: Accept fd < 0
  980. %s %d: Thread end!
  981. %s %d: Somebody change the time! old_time = %lu now_time = %lu
  982. socket send_n eintr error
  983. %s %d: ret %d <= 0 !errno = %d
  984. %s %d: ret11count >= 100
  985. %s socket error %d errno = %d
  986. %s %d: LeftLen = %d RecvPos %d len %d
  987. %s %d: Command disconnect RecvLen %d errno %d %s
  988. %s %d: LeftLen = %d RecvPos %d len %d ntohl(header->netCmd) 0x%X
  989. %s %d: Command disconnect
  990. %s %d: Others disconnect
  991. %s %d fd exception: fd = %d
  992. %s %s %d: Start listen error. errno = %d
  993. %s %d: port = %d
  994. %s %d: StopNetwork!
  995. HikCreateTcpSocket
  996. HikListenSocketThread
  997. HikCheckTimeChange
  998. HikFdDetecter
  999. Net_TcpSendN
  1000. Net_TcpSendN
  1001. HikSendRecvSocketThread
  1002. HikListenTcpSocket
  1003. StartHikNetwork
  1004. StopHikNetwork
  1005. ether proto 0x8033
  1006. /bin/sh
  1007. %s %d:execute cmd [%s] failed! ret = %d
  1008. %s %d
  1009. reboot_count = %d
  1010. reboot -f
  1011. %s %d, reboot end
  1012. %s %d errno %s
  1013. %s %d: sizeof(dev_info) = %d
  1014. ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
  1015. /opt/app/config/CustomTools.cfg
  1016. HIK_POE_NVR_Enable
  1017. CustomToolCfg
  1018. %s %d: header->sadp_optype = %d %d
  1019. %s %d: passwd is right
  1020. %s %d: passwd is wrong
  1021. eth0
  1022. %s %d: ip %s mask %s gw %s dhcp %d
  1023. dhcpstatus %d port =%x mask =%x ip =%x gw %x
  1024. port =%x mask =%x ip =%x gw %x
  1025. http = %d 0x%08X
  1026. %s %d: mac %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X
  1027. %s %d: CamDevInfo.szSerialNumber %s
  1028. %s-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X
  1029. %s %d: sadp_activestatus %d
  1030. libSadpAccess.c
  1031. %s %s %d: Create socket error. errno = %d
  1032. %s %s %d: Bind error. errno = %d
  1033. %s %d: devHttpPort %d
  1034. %s %d: httpport %d
  1035. %s %d: devPort %d
  1036. %s %d: port %d
  1037. %s %d: devIp 0x%08X NetworkCfg->etherCfg[0].devIp 0x%08X
  1038. %s %d: Ip must be change devname %s ip %s
  1039. %s %d: netmask 0x%08X NetworkCfg->struEtherNet[0].struDVRIPMask 0x%08X
  1040. %s %d: netmask must be change %s
  1041. %s %d: gw 0x%08X NetworkCfg->struEtherNet[0].struDVRIPMask 0x%08X
  1042. %s %d: gateway must be change %s
  1043. %s %d: port must be change %d
  1044. %s %d: http port must be change %d
  1045. %s %d: dhcp status must be change %d to %d
  1046. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  1047. <Hello><Types>hello</Types>
  1048. <DeviceType>139306</DeviceType>
  1049. <DeviceDescription>%s</DeviceDescription>
  1050. <DeviceSN>%s-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X</DeviceSN>
  1051. <CommandPort>%d</CommandPort>
  1052. <HttpPort>%d</HttpPort>
  1053. <MAC>%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x</MAC>
  1054. <IPv4Address>%s</IPv4Address>
  1055. <IPv4SubnetMask>%s</IPv4SubnetMask>
  1056. <IPv4Gateway>%s</IPv4Gateway>
  1057. false
  1058. true
  1059. <DHCP>%s</DHCP>
  1060. <AnalogChannelNum>0</AnalogChannelNum>
  1061. <DigitalChannelNum>1</DigitalChannelNum>
  1062. <SoftwareVersion>%s</SoftwareVersion>
  1063. <DSPVersion>%s</DSPVersion>
  1064. <BootTime>%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d</BootTime>
  1065. <ResetAbility>false</ResetAbility>
  1066. <DiskNumber>0</DiskNumber>
  1067. <Activated>true</Activated>
  1068. <PasswordResetAbility>true</PasswordResetAbility>
  1069. </Hello>
  1070. <ProbeMatch><Uuid>%s</Uuid>
  1071. <Types>inquiry</Types>
  1072. </ProbeMatch>
  1073. socket creating error
  1075. setsockopt SO_REUSEADDR error
  1076. Bind error
  1077. %s %d: ret = %d errno %d %s
  1078. sndmsg:%s
  1079. socket creating err in udptalk
  1080. setsockopt
  1081. %s %d: sndmsg:%s
  1082. %s %d: peer:%s
  1083. inquiry
  1084. <Probe>
  1085. <Uuid>
  1086. </Uuid>
  1087. %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d
  1088. Command_System
  1089. ParamChangeToRestartThread
  1090. ParamChangeToRestart2
  1091. sadp_login
  1092. parse_sadp_packet
  1093. proc_op_UIR
  1094. proc_op_passwd
  1095. make_sadp_packet
  1096. get_dev_info
  1097. CheckTcpPort
  1098. NetModifyConfig
  1099. SendMulticastPackage
  1100. Hik37020ServiceThread
  1101. libSadpAccessStart
  1102. Unknown camera !
  1103. Camera dev is not initialize, initialize first!
  1104. Cmd not match!cmd = %d, pCameraAccess[%d].Camera_command = %d
  1105. The Onvif cmd is not support now!
  1106. %s,%d
  1107. %s,%d.
  1108. %s,%d!
  1109. %s,%d..
  1110. :::%s:::%d::::
  1111. CameraGetAudioProperty
  1112. CameraSetAudioProperty
  1113. CameraGetUpGradeFileSaveName
  1114. CameraCheckUpGradeFile
  1115. CameraGetSaveFilePath
  1116. CameraSetSysRebootProperty
  1117. CameraGetSysRebootProperty
  1118. CameraSetP2PProperty
  1119. CameraGetP2PProperty
  1120. CameraGetDateTimeProperty
  1121. CameraSetDateTimeProperty
  1122. CameraGetEncodingScope
  1123. CameraGetChannelScope
  1124. CameraGetStreamProperty
  1125. CameraSetStreamProperty
  1126. CameraSetPTZProperty
  1127. CameraGetPTZProperty
  1128. CameraSetPTZSerialProperty
  1129. CameraGetPTZSerialProperty
  1130. CameraSetCruiseLineProperty
  1131. CameraGetCruiseLineProperty
  1132. CameraStorageOption
  1133. CameraGetStorageInfo
  1134. CameraSetArgeementProperty
  1135. CameraSetAlarmProperty
  1136. CameraGetAlarmProperty
  1137. CameraSetRegularRecordProperty
  1138. CameraGetRegularRecordProperty
  1139. CameraSetRegularSNAPProperty
  1140. CameraGetRegularSNAPProperty
  1141. CameraGetAlarmScope
  1142. CameraSetLDCProperty
  1143. CameraGetLDCProperty
  1144. CameraSetROIProperty
  1145. CameraGetROIProperty
  1146. CameraSetVideoCoverExProperty
  1147. CameraGetVideoCoverExProperty
  1148. CameraRecvFileEnd
  1149. CameraGetSysCommonProperty
  1150. CameraSetSysCommonProperty
  1151. CameraGetP2PInfo
  1152. CameraGetSysRebootExProperty
  1153. CameraSetSysRebootExProperty
  1154. CameraGetPlayBackQueryFiles
  1155. CameraGetIOProperty
  1156. CameraSetIOProperty
  1157. CameraGetSuitableEncodingProperty
  1158. CameraGetEncodingPropertyEx
  1159. CameraSetEncodingPropertyEx
  1160. CameraGetFishEyeProperty
  1161. CameraSetFishEyeProperty
  1162. CameraGetOsdPropertyEx
  1163. CameraSetOsdPropertyEx
  1164. CameraGetAlarmPropertyEx
  1165. CameraSetAlarmPropertyEx
  1166. CameraGetVideoCoverAlarmProperty
  1167. CameraSetVideoCoverAlarmProperty
  1168. CameraGetAbnormalEventProperty
  1169. CameraSetAbnormalEventProperty
  1170. CameraGetNetPropertyEx
  1171. CameraSetNetPropertyEx
  1172. CameraSetPreviewModeConfig
  1173. CameraSetPptpProperty
  1174. CameraGetPptpProperty
  1175. CameraSetSecuritySettings
  1176. CameraGetSecuritySettings
  1177. OnvifAccess
  1178. %s %d
  1179. VideoData720P/Data%04d.txt
  1180. VideoData720P_Sub/Data%04d.txt
  1181. /opt/app/config/CustomTools.cfg
  1182. RtpAlarmEnable
  1183. CustomToolCfg
  1184. %s %d: Common_Reboot
  1185. /bin/sh
  1186. %s %d:execute cmd [%s] failed! ret = %d
  1187. reboot_count = %d
  1188. sync;reboot -f
  1189. %s %d, reboot end
  1190. %s %d errno %s
  1191. %s %d: Common_FactoryDefault
  1192. /param/sysenv.cfg
  1193. rm %s
  1194. /param/sysenvcopy.cfg
  1195. /param/logfile.log
  1196. /param/onvif.cfg
  1197. /param/sysenv_ex.cfg
  1198. rm /param/sysenvcopy.cfg /param/sysenv.cfg /param/logfile.log
  1199. sync;sync
  1200. %s %d: Common_Upgrade
  1201. %s %d: 222222222223333333333333332Common_Upgrade
  1202. echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
  1203. killall -9 HWatchDog
  1204. %s %d: =========ret = %d
  1205. %s %d: index = %d Resolution = %s
  1206. BCIF
  1207. QCIF
  1208. SVGA
  1209. QVGA
  1210. SVCD
  1211. QQVGA
  1212. 1080P
  1213. 1_3M
  1214. 720P
  1215. %s %d: index = %d Not Support Resolution = %s
  1216. %s %d: index = %d w = %d h = %d
  1217. %s %d: pSysInfo index = %d w = %d h = %d
  1218. %s %d:index = %d value = %d
  1219. %s %d: iEncoding = %d iBitrate = %d, iSamplerate = %d
  1220. eth0
  1221. http://%s:%d/snap.jpg
  1222. %s %d: pSysInfo->lan_config.nDNRModel = %d
  1223. %s %d: pSysInfo->lan_config.ucElectronicAntiShakeEnable = %d
  1224. %s %d: Bright = %d Color = %d Contrast = %d Sharp = %d
  1225. %s %d ImageConfig->ucElectronicAntiShakeEnable = %d
  1226. onvif://
  1227. onvif://
  1228. onvif://
  1229. onvif://
  1230. onvif://
  1231. onvif://
  1232. %s %d: rtsp port = %d
  1233. rtsp://%s/%d
  1234. rtsp://%s:%d/%d
  1235. %s %d: mobileport = %d
  1236. wlan0
  1237. %s %d Dns %s is invalid
  1238. %s %d pDnsAddr = %s
  1239. %s %d: pNtpAddr = %s
  1240. %s %d: pHostname = %s
  1241. %s %d: This is Chinese
  1242. %s %d: ret = %d
  1243. %s %d: adr_inet.sin_addr.s_addr = %d
  1244. %s %d: dhcpStatue = %d
  1245. %s,%d
  1246. %s,%d:setMac(%s)
  1247. %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X
  1248. %s %d: pUserParam->strAcount[0].user = %s
  1249. %s %d: pUserParam->strAcount[0].authority = %d
  1250. %s %d: pUserParam->strAcount[0].password = %s
  1251. AdminUser
  1252. 1111111111111111 type=%d
  1253. CustomCompanyName
  1254. HeroSpeed
  1255. 16CV300
  1256. IMX290
  1257. /etc/udev/
  1258. /opt/app/bin/ptz.conf
  1259. %s %d
  1260. %s %d: pDevInfo->szManufacturer = %s
  1261. %s %d: pDevInfo->szModel = %s
  1262. %s %d: pDevInfo->szFirmwareVersion = %s
  1263. %s %d: pDevInfo->szSerialNumber = %s
  1264. %s %d: pDevInfo->szHardwareId = %s
  1265. killall -9 WatchDog AVServer DeviceSearch SystemServer freep2p_server newp2p_server HikServer xiongmai_server AVRecord WpaServer
  1266. %s %d: killall -9 applications failed!!!
  1267. %s %d: echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches failed!!!
  1268. reboot -f
  1269. /tmp/upGradeFile.FLS
  1270. %s %d: %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d
  1271. CustomComboName
  1272. H265:1920x1080;H264:1920x1080;MJPEG:1920x1080;@H265:1920x1080,H265:720x480;H264:1920x1080,H264:720x480;MJPEG:1920x1080,MJPEG:720x480;@H265:1920x1080,H265:720x480,H265:352x288;H264:1920x1080,H264:720x480,H264:352x288;MJPEG:1920x1080,MJPEG:720x480,MJPEG:352x288;
  1273. %s %d index = %d, Resolutions->sizeResolutions = %d
  1274. %s %d Resolutions->Resolutions[%d].width = %d
  1275. %s %d Resolutions->Resolutions[%d].height = %d
  1276. %s %d: PtzControl.ucCh = %d
  1277. %s %d: Stop
  1278. %s %d: Left speed %d
  1279. %s %d: Right speed %d
  1280. %s %d: Up speed %d
  1281. %s %d: Down speed %d
  1282. %s %d: Left Up speed %d
  1283. %s %d: Left Down speed %d
  1284. %s %d: Right Up speed %d
  1285. %s %d: Right Down speed %d
  1286. %s %d: Zoom wide speed %d
  1287. %s %d: Zoom tele speed %d
  1288. %s %d: Zoom stop %d
  1289. %s %d: Focus far %d
  1290. %s %d: Focus near speed %d
  1291. %s %d: Focus stop %d
  1292. %s %d: iris open
  1293. %s %d: iris close
  1294. %s %d: PresetSet No %d Name %s
  1295. %s %d: PresetClear %d
  1296. %s %d: PresetGoto %d
  1297. %s %d: Start Tour %d
  1298. %s %d: Stop Tour %d
  1299. %s %d: HomeGoto
  1300. %s %d: HomeSet
  1301. %s %d:OnekeyFocus
  1302. %s %d:Initlens
  1303. %s %d:Correction ret = %d
  1304. PTZ%04d
  1305. %s %d:
  1306. %s %d: ucCH = %d ucType = %d,pMDProperty->ucSensitivity = %d, pMDProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1307. %s %d: pMDProperty->ucBlock[%d] = 0x%x
  1308. %s %d:[%d] x1 = %d, x2 = %d , x3 = %d, x4 = %d
  1309. %s %d: ucCH = %d ucEnable = %d ucType = %d,ucSensitivity = %d
  1310. %s %d: pVideoCoverProperty->ucBlock[%d] = 0x%x
  1311. ucCH = %d, ucMirrorMode = %d, ucOSDVisiable = %d
  1312. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.username = %s
  1313. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.password = %s
  1314. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.servier_ip = %s
  1315. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.sender_email = %s
  1316. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.receiver_email = %s
  1317. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.receiver_email1 = %s
  1318. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.receiver_email2 = %s
  1319. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.authentication = %d
  1320. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.ucSmtpTestStatus = %d
  1321. %s %d pSmtpProperty->ucAttfileformat = %d
  1322. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1323. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ulPort = %lu
  1324. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ulAnonymity = %lu
  1325. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ulEncryptionType = %lu
  1326. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ulTime = %lu
  1327. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ulAccessory = %lu
  1328. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ulAccessoryType = %lu
  1329. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucUserName = %s
  1330. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucPasswd = %s
  1331. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucServerAddr = %s
  1332. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucSendAddr = %s
  1333. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucRecverAddr1 = %s
  1334. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucRecverAddr2 = %s
  1335. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucRecverAddr3 = %s
  1336. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucTheme = %s
  1337. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucAttfileformat = %d
  1338. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucSmtpTestEnable = %d
  1339. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucAlarmDuration = %d
  1340. %s %d pFtpProperty->ucAttfileformat = %d
  1341. %s %d pFtpProperty->ucFtpTestStatus = %d
  1342. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ulEnable = %d
  1343. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucServerAddr = %s
  1344. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ulPort = %lu
  1345. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucUserName = %s
  1346. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucPasswd = %s
  1347. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucPath = %s
  1348. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucAnonymousEnable = %d
  1349. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucAutoCoverEnable = %d
  1350. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucAttfileformat = %d
  1351. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucFtpTestEnable = %d
  1352. MagicNum: %lu, MagicNumConfig: %lu
  1353. %s %d: pLogGrepInfo->ulLanguage = %lu
  1354. %s %d: pLogGrepInfo->ulStartNo = %lu
  1355. %s %d: pLogGrepInfo->ulNum = %lu
  1356. %s %d: pLogGrepInfo->ulStartTime = %lu
  1357. %s %d: pLogGrepInfo->ulEndTime = %lu
  1358. %s %d: pLogGrepInfo->ulGrepType = %lu
  1359. /tmp/VideoStatus.txt
  1360. %s %d: =========================
  1361. %s %d: pLogInfo->totleNum = %d, pLogInfo->suitableNum = %d
  1362. %s %d: read Log fail
  1363. %s %d: index = %d
  1364. %s %d: pStorageProperty->ucStorageType = 0x%x
  1365. %s %d: pStorageProperty->ucPackingModel = %d
  1366. %s %d: pStorageProperty->ucLackSpaceModel = %d
  1367. %s %d: pStorageProperty->ucPackingValue.ucPackingSize = %d
  1368. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucCh = %d
  1369. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1370. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucServerType = %d
  1371. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucServerIp = %s
  1372. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ulServerPort = %lu
  1373. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucDomainName = %s
  1374. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucDefaultDomainName = %s
  1375. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucUserName = %s
  1376. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucPasswd = %s
  1377. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucAlias = %s
  1378. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ulAlivePeriod = %lu
  1379. %s %d:pAudioProperty->ucCn = %d
  1380. %s %d:pAudioProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1381. %s %d:pAudioProperty->ucOutputVolume = %d
  1382. %s %d:pAudioProperty->ucInputVolume = %d
  1383. %s %d:pAudioProperty->ucInputModel = %d
  1384. %s %d:pAudioProperty->ucOutputModel = %d
  1385. %s %d: pWifiInfo->ucSSID = %s
  1386. %s %d: pWifiInfo->ucSSIDPasswd = %s
  1387. %s %d: pWifiInfo->ulStrength = %d
  1388. %s %d: pWifiInfo->ulIsScane = %d
  1389. %s %d: %2d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d ##
  1390. settimeofday failed
  1391. %s %d: index = %d value = %d
  1392. %s %d: ***************Common_SetPTZProperty*********
  1393. %s %d: pPTZProperty->ucFocusingModel = %d
  1394. %s %d: pPTZProperty->ucApertureMode = %d
  1395. %s %d: pPTZProperty->ucApertureVal = %d
  1396. %s %d: pPTZProperty->ucStep = %d
  1397. %s %d: ***************Common_GetPTZProperty*********
  1398. %s,%d:pStorageIn->ucCh = %d, pStorageIn->ucStorageType = 0x%x
  1399. /media/SDcard/
  1400. killall -9 AVRecord WatchDog
  1401. fuser -mk /media/SDcard
  1402. umount /media/SDcard
  1403. mkfs.exfat /dev/mmcblk[0-9]p[0-9]
  1404. mount -o rw,errors=continue /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/SDcard
  1405. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/app/lib
  1406. killall -9 AVRecord;/opt/app/bin/AVRecord &
  1407. killall -9 WatchDog;/opt/app/bin/WatchDog &
  1408. %s,%d End
  1409. %s,%d:pStorageOption->ucStorageType = 0x%x
  1410. %s,%d:pStorageOption->ucOptType = %d
  1411. %s,%d Start SD format
  1412. %s %d: pArgeementProperty->ucCh = %d, pArgeementProperty->ucEnable = %d,pArgeementProperty->ucArgType = %d
  1413. %s %d:pProperty->usPort = %d
  1414. %s %d:pProperty->usPort = %d, pProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1415. %s %d:pProperty->usPort = %d,pProperty->ucAuthentication = %d
  1416. %s %d:pProperty->usHttpsPort = %d
  1417. %s,%d:[guanfa]ucArgType = %d
  1418. %s,%d:ARG_AGREEMENT_ALL.......................................
  1419. %s,%d:rtspPro usPort = %d
  1420. %s,%d:ARG_AGREEMENT_HK.......................................
  1421. %s,%d:HikPro usPort = %d, enable = %d
  1422. %s,%d:ARG_AGREEMENT_PRIVATE.......................................
  1423. %s,%d:ARG_AGREEMENT_ONVIF.......................................
  1424. %s,%d:onvifPro usPort = %d, enable = %d
  1425. %s,%d:ARG_AGREEMENT_HTTP.......................................
  1426. %s,%d:httpPro usPort = %d
  1427. %s,%d:ARG_AGREEMENT_HTTPS.......................................
  1428. %s,%d:httpsPro usPort = %d
  1429. %s,%d:ARG_AGREEMENT_XM.......................................
  1430. %s,%d:xmPro usPort = %d, enable = %d
  1431. %s,%d:ucArgType = 0x%x
  1432. %s %d:ucCh = %d, ucAlarmType = %d, ucDuration = %d, ucEnable = %d
  1433. %s,%d *********************avi****************
  1434. %s,%d *********************jpg****************
  1435. %s,%d *********************message****************
  1436. %s %d:ucCh = %d, ucAlarmType = %d
  1437. %s,%d *********************snapshoot****************
  1438. %s,%d pRegularRecordProperty->weekScop.ucScopeModel = %d
  1439. %s,%d pRegularRecordProperty->videoRecord.ucEnable = %d
  1440. %s,%d pRegularRecordProperty->weekScop.dayScope[%d].ucSocpeMode = %d
  1441. [%d][%d]:beginHour.ucHour = %d, beginHour.ucMinute = %d,endHour.ucHour = %d,endHour.ucMinute = %d
  1442. %s %d:ucCh = %d, ucShootInterval = %d
  1443. %s %d: snapshoot.ucEnable = %d, snapshoot.ucStorageType = %d, snapshoot.ucVideoStreamType = %d, snapshoot.ucValidWeek = %d, snapshoot.ucShootNum = %d,snapshoot.ucSingalShootInterval = %d
  1444. [%d][%d]:beginHour.ucHour = %d, beginHour.ucMinute = %d, biginHour.ucSecond = %d,endHour.ucHour = %d,endHour.ucMinute = %d, endHour.ucSecond = %d
  1445. %s %d: ucCh = %d
  1446. %s,%d pAlarmScope->ucSnapshootScope = 0x%x, pAlarmScope->ucMessageScope = 0x%x
  1447. %s %d:ucCh = %d
  1448. %s %d:ucViewType = %d
  1449. %s %d:lCenterXOffset = %d
  1450. %s %d:lCenterYOffset = %d
  1451. %s %d:ulRatio = %d
  1452. %s %d:pSysInfo->Ldc_config.ucViewType = %d
  1453. %s %d:pSysInfo->Ldc_config.lCenterXOffset = %d
  1454. %s %d:pSysInfo->Ldc_config.lCenterYOffset = %d
  1455. %s %d:pSysInfo->Ldc_config.ulRatio = %d
  1456. %s %d:ucEnable = %d
  1457. %s %d:ucBgFrameRate = %d
  1458. %s %d:ucCH = %d
  1459. %s %d:transportInfo.ucType = %d
  1460. %s %d:transportInfo.ucPackSize = %d
  1461. %s %d:ulTotleSize = %d
  1462. %s %d:%s
  1463. %s %d:ucLanguageType = %d
  1464. %s %d:ucStandbyTime = %d
  1465. %s %d:ucDevName = %s
  1466. %s %d:ucSensitivity = %d
  1467. %s %d:ucDelimitType = %d
  1468. %s %d: pMDProperty->ucBlock[%d] = 0x%08X
  1469. %s %d: sizeof(ulBlock[32]) = %d
  1470. %s %d pSysInfo->motion_config.motionenable = %d
  1471. ret = %d
  1472. gCloudStateInfo.ucUserName = %s
  1473. gCloudStateInfo.ucUsedSize = %s
  1474. gCloudStateInfo.ucTotleSize = %s
  1475. =============================
  1476. %s,%d pInCloudBindInfo->ucBindType = %d
  1477. %s,%d pInCloudBindInfo->ucWebsite = %s
  1478. %s,%d pInCloudBindInfo->ucVerificationCode = %s
  1479. %s,%d pCloudBindInfo->ucBindType = %d
  1480. %s,%d pCloudBindInfo->ucWebsite = %s
  1481. %s,%d pCloudBindInfo->ucVerificationCode = %s
  1482. pCloudBindInfo->ucBindState = %d
  1483. pCloudBindInfo->ucUserName=%s, pCloudBindInfo->ucUsedSize=%s, pCloudBindInfo->ucTotleSize = %s
  1484. /opt/app/config/sysenv_custom.cfg
  1485. /opt/app/www/plugin/HsWebPlugin.exe
  1486. %s,%d.
  1487. %s %d DSTinfo->ucEnDST = %d
  1488. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTType = %d
  1489. %s %d DSTinfo->offsetTime = %d
  1490. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTStart.ucMonth = %d
  1491. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTStart.ucweekDay = %d
  1492. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTStart.ucWeekNumber = %d
  1493. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTStart.ucHour = %d
  1494. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTEnd.ucMonth = %d
  1495. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTEnd.ucweekDay = %d
  1496. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTEnd.ucWeekNumber = %d
  1497. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTEnd.ucHour = %d
  1498. DSTinfo->ucEnDST =%d
  1499. DSTinfo->ucDSTType =%d
  1500. DSTinfo->offsetTime =%d
  1501. %s %d:pSysRebootExProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1502. %s %d:pSysRebootExProperty->ucRebootModel = %d
  1503. %s %d:pSysRebootExProperty->ucDay = %d
  1504. %s %d:pSysRebootExProperty->ucHour = %d
  1505. %s %d:pSysRebootExProperty->ucMinute = %d
  1506. %s %d:pSysRebootExProperty->ucSecond = %d
  1507. %s %d:pSysRebootExProperty->ucWeekData = %d
  1508. %s %d:pSysInfo->autoreboot_config.ucEnable = %d
  1509. %s %d:pSysInfo->autoreboot_config.ucRebootModel = %d
  1510. %s %d:pSysInfo->autoreboot_config.ucDay = %d
  1511. %s %d:pSysInfo->autoreboot_config.ucHour = %d
  1512. %s %d:pSysInfo->autoreboot_config.ucMinute = %d
  1513. %s %d:pSysInfo->autoreboot_config.ucSecond = %d
  1514. %s %d:pSysInfo->autoreboot_config.ucWeekData = %d
  1515. %s,%d pInPlayBackInfo->ulType = %d
  1516. %s,%d pInPlayBackInfo->ulStartNo = %d
  1517. %s,%d pInPlayBackInfo->ulNum = %d
  1518. %s,%d pInPlayBackInfo->ulStartTime = %d
  1519. %s,%d pInPlayBackInfo->ulStopTime = %d
  1520. %s,%d pInPlayBackInfo->ulMaxFileLen = %d
  1521. %s,%d pInPlayBackInfo->ulMinFileLen = %d
  1522. /media/SDcard/RegularRecord
  1523. %s %d: FileNumber = %d
  1524. ## StartTime. %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d StopTime. %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d##
  1525. %s %d: ARG_PLAYBACK_ALARM
  1526. /media/SDcard/AlarmRecord/Record
  1527. %04d-%02d-%02d-%2d-%02d-%02d.avi
  1528. %s %d: pPTZSerialProperty->ucAddr = %d
  1529. %s %d: pPTZSerialProperty->ucDataBit = %d
  1530. %s %d: pPTZSerialProperty->ucStopBit = %d
  1531. %s %d: pPTZSerialProperty->ucCheckType = %d
  1532. %s %d: pPTZSerialProperty->ucProtocol = %d
  1533. %s %d: pPTZSerialProperty->ulBaudRate = %d
  1534. %s %d: pPTZSerialPropertyOut->ucAddr = %d
  1535. %s %d: pPTZSerialPropertyOut->ucDataBit = %d
  1536. %s %d: pPTZSerialPropertyOut->ucStopBit = %d
  1537. %s %d: pPTZSerialPropertyOut->ucCheckType = %d
  1538. %s %d: pPTZSerialPropertyOut->ucProtocol = %d
  1539. %s %d: pPTZSerialPropertyOut->ulBaudRate = %d
  1540. open %s error
  1541. read upgrate header error return is %d
  1542. ic type is %s,sensor type is %s
  1543. Device type error!!!
  1544. len: %d ugHeader.upgrateDataLen: %d
  1545. upgrateDataLen error
  1546. Main
  1547. ps | grep %s
  1548. pidNum: %d
  1549. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->ucCh = %d
  1550. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->ucChStreamMode = %d
  1551. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucEncodingType = %d
  1552. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucPicQuality = %d
  1553. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucStreamType = %d
  1554. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucProfile = %d
  1555. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].usWidth = %d
  1556. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].usHeight = %d
  1557. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucFrameRate = %d
  1558. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucBitRate = %d
  1559. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucKeyFrameInterval = %d
  1560. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucBitrateType = %d
  1561. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucVideoType = %d
  1562. %s %d pSysInfo->FishEye_Config.ucStreamMode = %d
  1563. %s,%d pSysInfo->Video_Encoding_Config[0][0].Video[0].ucFrameRate = %d
  1564. %s %d: pFishEyeProperty->ucStreamMode = %d
  1565. %s %d: pFishEyeProperty->ucInstallMode = %d
  1566. %s %d: pSysInfo->FishEye_Config.ucStreamMode = %d
  1567. %s %d: pSysInfo->FishEye_Config.ucInstallMode = %d
  1568. %s,%d pCruiseLineProperty->ucCh = %d
  1569. %s,%d pCruiseLineProperty->ucIndex = %d
  1570. %s,%d pCruiseLineProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1571. %s,%d pCruiseLineProperty->ucPoints[%d].ucEnable = %d
  1572. %s,%d pCruiseLineProperty->ucPoints[%d].ucPresetPointIndex = %d
  1573. %s,%d pCruiseLineProperty->ucPoints[%d].ucStep = %d
  1574. %s,%d pCruiseLineProperty->ucPoints[%d].ulDwelltime = %d
  1575. %s,%d i = %d, ucEnable = %d
  1576. %s,%d i = %d, iPanPos = %d
  1577. %s,%d i = %d, iTiltPos = %d
  1578. %s,%d pCruiseLinePropertyIn->ucCh = %d
  1579. %s,%d pCruiseLinePropertyIn->ucIndex = %d
  1580. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdNameVisiable = %d
  1581. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdDateVisiable = %d
  1582. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdWeekVisiable = %d
  1583. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdTimeFormat = %d
  1584. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdDateFormat = %d
  1585. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdDisplayMode = %d
  1586. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdFontSizeMode = %d
  1587. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdTime_X_Coordinate = %d
  1588. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdTime_Y_Coordinate = %d
  1589. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdText_X_Coordinate = %d
  1590. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdText_Y_Coordinate = %d
  1591. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdText = %s
  1592. %s,%d NULL
  1593. %s %d: pPtzInfo[0].ucCh = %d
  1594. %s %d: PtzInfo[0].ucZoomPos = %d
  1595. %s %d: PtzInfo[0].iPanpos = %d
  1596. %s %d: PtzInfo[0].iTiltPos = %d
  1597. %s %d: pPtzInfo[1].ucCh = %d
  1598. %s %d: PtzInfo[1].ucZoomPos = %d
  1599. %s %d: PtzInfo[1].iPanpos = %d
  1600. %s %d: PtzInfo[1].iTiltPos = %d
  1601. %s %d: pPtzInfo[2].ucCh = %d
  1602. %s %d: PtzInfo[2].ucZoomPos = %d
  1603. %s %d: PtzInfo[2].iPanpos = %d
  1604. %s %d: PtzInfo[2].iTiltPos = %d
  1605. %s %d: pPtzInfo[3].ucCh = %d
  1606. %s %d: PtzInfo[3].ucZoomPos = %d
  1607. %s %d: PtzInfo[3].iPanpos = %d
  1608. %s %d: PtzInfo[3].iTiltPos = %d
  1609. %s %d: pPtzInfo->ucCh = %d
  1610. %s %d: pPtzInfo->iPanpos = %d
  1611. %s %d: pPtzInfo->iTiltPos = %d
  1612. %s %d pAlarmPropertyEx->ucAlarmType = %d
  1613. %s %d pAlarmPropertyEx->process.ucAlarmSmtpEnable = %d
  1614. %s %d pAlarmPropertyEx->process.ucAlarmFtpEnable = %d
  1615. %s %d pAlarmPropertyEx->process.ucAlarmCloudEnalbe = %d
  1616. %s %d pAlarmPropertyEx->process.ucAlarmRecordEnable = %d
  1617. %s %d pAlarmPropertyEx->process.ucAlarmIOEnable = %d
  1618. %s %d pAlarmPropertyIn->ucAlarmType = %d
  1619. %s %d pSysInfo->Alarm_Config_Ex[0].ucAlarmType = %d
  1620. %s %d pSysInfo->Alarm_Config_Ex[0].process.ucAlarmSmtpEnable = %d
  1621. %s %d pSysInfo->Alarm_Config_Ex[0].process.ucAlarmFtpEnable = %d
  1622. %s %d pSysInfo->Alarm_Config_Ex[0].process.ucAlarmCloudEnalbe = %d
  1623. %s %d pSysInfo->Alarm_Config_Ex[0].process.ucAlarmRecordEnable = %d
  1624. %s %d pSysInfo->Alarm_Config_Ex[0].process.ucAlarmIOEnable = %d
  1625. %s %d pCoverAlarmProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1626. %s %d pCoverAlarmProperty->ucSensitivity = %d
  1627. %s %d pCoverAlarmProperty->process.ucAlarmSmtpEnable = %d
  1628. %s %d pCoverAlarmProperty->process.ucAlarmFtpEnable = %d
  1629. %s %d pCoverAlarmProperty->process.ucAlarmCloudEnalbe = %d
  1630. %s %d pCoverAlarmProperty->process.ucAlarmRecordEnable = %d
  1631. %s %d pCoverAlarmProperty->process.ucAlarmIOEnable = %d
  1632. %s %d ucArea[%d].x1 = %d, ucArea[%d].y1 = %d
  1633. %s %d ucArea[%d].x2 = %d, ucArea[%d].y2 = %d
  1634. %s %d pSysInfo->VideoCoverAlarm_Config.ucEnable = %d
  1635. %s %d pSysInfo->VideoCoverAlarm_Config.ucSensitivity = %d
  1636. %s %d pSysInfo->VideoCoverAlarm_Config.process.ucAlarmSmtpEnable = %d
  1637. %s %d pSysInfo->VideoCoverAlarm_Config.process.ucAlarmFtpEnable = %d
  1638. %s %d pSysInfo->VideoCoverAlarm_Config.process.ucAlarmCloudEnalbe = %d
  1639. %s %d pSysInfo->VideoCoverAlarm_Config.process.ucAlarmRecordEnable = %d
  1640. %s %d pSysInfo->VideoCoverAlarm_Config.process.ucAlarmIOEnable = %d
  1641. %s %d ucArea[%d].x1, ucArea[%d].y1 = %d
  1642. %s %d ucArea[%d].x2, ucArea[%d].y2 = %d
  1643. %s %d pAbnormalEventProperty->ucAbnormalType = %d
  1644. %s %d pAbnormalEventProperty->process.ucAlarmSmtpEnable = %d
  1645. %s %d pAbnormalEventProperty->process.ucAlarmFtpEnable = %d
  1646. %s %d pAbnormalEventProperty->process.ucAlarmCloudEnalbe = %d
  1647. %s %d pAbnormalEventProperty->process.ucAlarmRecordEnable = %d
  1648. %s %d pAbnormalEventProperty->process.ucAlarmIOEnable = %d
  1649. %s %d pSysInfo->Abnormal_Config[%d]ucAbnormalType = %d
  1650. %s %d pSysInfo->Abnormal_Config[%d].process.ucAlarmSmtpEnable = %d
  1651. %s %d pSysInfo->Abnormal_Config[%d].process.ucAlarmFtpEnable = %d
  1652. %s %d pSysInfo->Abnormal_Config[%d].process.ucAlarmCloudEnalbe = %d
  1653. %s %d pSysInfo->Abnormal_Config[%d].process.ucAlarmRecordEnable = %d
  1654. %s %d pSysInfo->Abnormal_Config[%d].process.ucAlarmIOEnable = %d
  1655. %s %d pAbnormalEventPropertyIn->ucAbnormalType = %d
  1656. %s %d no this type!
  1657. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucEnDHCP = %d
  1658. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucIPAddrTestEnable = %d
  1659. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucIPAddrStatus = %d
  1660. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucIPV4 = %s
  1661. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucSubNetMaskV4 = %s
  1662. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucGatewayV4 = %s
  1663. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucDNS1Ip = %s
  1664. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucDNS2Ip = %s
  1665. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucIPV6Mode = %d
  1666. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->iMaxTransUnit = %d
  1667. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucIPV6 = %s
  1668. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->iSubNetMaskV6 = %d
  1669. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucGatewayV6 = %s
  1670. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucMulticast = %s
  1671. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucMacIp = %d
  1672. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucEnDHCP = %d
  1673. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucIPAddrTestEnable = %d
  1674. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucIPAddrStatus = %d
  1675. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucIPV4 = %s
  1676. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucSubNetMaskV4 = %s
  1677. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucGatewayV4 = %s
  1678. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucDNS1Ip = %s
  1679. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucDNS2Ip = %s
  1680. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucIPV6Mode = %d
  1681. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.iMaxTransUnit = %d
  1682. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucIPV6 = %s
  1683. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.iSubNetMaskV6 = %d
  1684. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucGatewayV6 = %s
  1685. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucMulticast = %s
  1686. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucMacIp = %d
  1687. %s,%d pSysInfo->FishEye_Config.ucStreamMode = %d
  1688. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucPptpEnable = %d
  1689. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucPptpMTU = %d
  1690. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucPptpEncryptionType = %d
  1691. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucPptpDialStatus = %d
  1692. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucPptpUserName = %s
  1693. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucPptpPasswd = %s
  1694. ppp0
  1695. #####%s%d PptpProperty->ucPptpEnable=%d
  1696. #####%s%d PptpProperty->ucPptpMTU=%d
  1697. #####%s%d PptpProperty->ucPptpEncryptionType=%d
  1698. #####%s%d PptpProperty->ucPptpDialStatus=%d
  1699. #####%s%d PptpProperty->ucPptpUserName=%s
  1700. #####%s%d PptpProperty->ucPptpPasswd=%s
  1701. %s %d:################
  1702. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucQustionIndex=%d
  1703. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucSaftyEmail=%s
  1704. Common_Init
  1705. Common_Reboot
  1706. Command_System
  1707. ParamChangeToRestartThread
  1708. ParamChangeToRestart
  1709. Common_FactoryDefault
  1710. Common_Upgrade
  1711. Common_SetResolution
  1712. Common_SetResolution2
  1713. Common_SetBitRate
  1714. Common_SetBitRateCtl
  1715. Common_SetFrameRate
  1716. Common_SetVideoProfile
  1717. Common_SetAudioConfig
  1718. Common_GetImageConfig
  1719. Common_SetImageConfig
  1720. Common_GetStreamUri
  1721. Common_GetMobilePort
  1722. Common_SetDNS
  1723. Common_GetDNS
  1724. Common_SetNTP
  1725. Common_SetHostname
  1726. Common_GetGateway
  1727. Common_GetDhcpStatue
  1728. Common_SetMacAddr
  1729. Common_DelUser
  1730. Common_SetUser
  1731. Common_CreateUser
  1732. Common_GetDeviceInformation
  1733. Common_SetDeviceInformation
  1734. Common_GetUpGradeaveFileName
  1735. Common_SetDateTime
  1736. Common_GetResolutionsAvailable
  1737. Common_ControlPtz
  1738. Common_GetPtzPosition
  1739. Common_SetMotionDectionProperty
  1740. Common_SetVideoCoverProperty
  1741. Common_GetSmtpProperty
  1742. Common_SetSmtpProperty
  1743. Common_GetFtpProperty
  1744. Common_SetFtpProperty
  1745. Common_GetLogInfo
  1746. Common_GetLogEventInfo
  1747. Common_DeleteLogFile
  1748. Common_SetStorageProperty
  1749. Common_SetDDNSProperty
  1750. Common_GetAudioProperty
  1751. Common_SetAudioProperty
  1752. Common_GetWifiList
  1753. Common_AddWifiNet
  1754. Common_DelWifiNet
  1755. Common_WifiConnect
  1756. Common_WifiDisconnect
  1757. Common_SetSysRebootProperty
  1758. Common_GetSysRebootProperty
  1759. Common_SetP2PProperty
  1760. Common_GetP2PProperty
  1761. Common_SetTimeProperty
  1762. Common_GetTimeProperty
  1763. Common_SetStreamProperty
  1764. Common_GetStreamProperty
  1765. Common_GetChannelScope
  1766. Common_GetEncodingScope
  1767. Common_SetEncodingType
  1768. Common_SetEncodingEnable
  1769. Common_SetPTZProperty
  1770. Common_GetPTZProperty
  1771. Common_GetStorageInfo
  1772. SDCard_Format
  1773. Common_StorageOption
  1774. Common_SetArgeementProperty
  1775. Common_GetArgeementProperty
  1776. Common_SetAlarmProperty
  1777. Common_GetAlarmProperty
  1778. Common_SetRegularRecordProperty
  1779. Common_GetRegularRecordProperty
  1780. Common_SetRegularSNAPProperty
  1781. Common_GetRegularSNAPProperty
  1782. Common_GetAlarmScope
  1783. Common_SetLDCProperty
  1784. Common_GetLDCProperty
  1785. Common_SetROIProperty
  1786. Common_GetROIProperty
  1787. Common_SetVideoCoverExProperty
  1788. Common_GetVideoCoverExProperty
  1789. Common_RecvFileEnd
  1790. Common_SetSysCommonProperty
  1791. Common_GetSysCommonProperty
  1792. Common_GetP2PInfo
  1793. Common_SetMotionDetectionExProperty
  1794. Common_GetMotionDetectionExProperty
  1795. Common_GetCloudBindInfo
  1796. Common_SetCloudBindInfo
  1797. Common_GetCloudStateInfo
  1798. Common_CheckUpgradeFile
  1799. Common_SetDSTInfo
  1800. Common_GetDSTInfo
  1801. Common_SetSysRebootExProperty
  1802. Common_GetSysRebootExProperty
  1803. Common_GetPlayBackQueryFile
  1804. Common_SetPtzSerialProperty
  1805. Common_GetPtzSerialProperty
  1806. Common_SetIOProperty
  1807. Common_GetIOProperty
  1808. Common_GetSuitableEncodingProperty
  1809. Common_SetEncodingPropertyEx
  1810. Common_GetEncodingPropertyEx
  1811. Common_SetFishEyeProperty
  1812. Common_GetFishEyeProperty
  1813. Common_SetCruiseLineProperty
  1814. Common_GetCruiseLineProperty
  1815. Common_SetOsdPropertyEx
  1816. Common_GetOsdPropertyEx
  1817. Common_GetPtzInfo
  1818. Common_SetPtzInfo
  1819. Common_SetAlarmPropertyEx
  1820. Common_GetAlarmPropertyEx
  1821. Common_SetVideoCoverAlarmProperty
  1822. Common_GetVideoCoverAlarmProperty
  1823. Common_SetAbnormalEventProperty
  1824. Common_GetAbnormalEventProperty
  1825. Common_SetNetPropertyEx
  1826. Common_GetNetPropertyEx
  1827. Common_SetProviewConfig
  1828. Common_SetPptpProperty
  1829. Common_GetPptpProperty
  1830. Common_SetSmartEncEnable
  1831. Common_Set_Video_Force_IFrame
  1832. Common_SetSecuritySettings
  1833. Common_GetSecuritySettings
  1834. onvif://
  1835. onvif://
  1836. onvif://
  1837. onvif://
  1838. onvif://
  1839. onvif://
  1840. onvif://
  1841. %s %d: ParseLen1 %d
  1842. ResolutionString[i][j] %s
  1843. ffff///////%s %d: %d: %d %d
  1844. socket
  1845. ioctl
  1846. /etc/resolv.conf
  1847. nameserver %s
  1848. nameserver
  1849. %s %08lX %08lX %8X
  1850. iface = %s, ifname = %s
  1851. /proc/net/route
  1852. %d.%d.%d.%d
  1853. socket error
  1854. net_get_hwaddr: ioctl SIOCGIFHWADDR
  1855. ParseResolution
  1856. Semaphore id:%d
  1857. Sem init
  1858. Semaphore Set Value:%d
  1859. Sem Wait operation
  1860. Semaphore Wait
  1861. Sem Post operation
  1862. Semaphore Post
  1863. Sem kill
  1864. Kill Semaphore id:%d
  1865. shared memory size %d
  1866. shared memory id:%d
  1867. pSysConfig:%p
  1868. control systemdata SFIELD_SET_DNS
  1869. ##### %d
  1870. Error:Invalid Parameter
  1871. Error:Share Memory init fail
  1872. Error:No more memory to create semaphore
  1873. Error:Msg_Init fail
  1874. Creat queue id:%d
  1875. queue id:%d
  1876. Kill queue id:%d
  1877. Error: Not enough memory!!
  1878. Error: Sem_Creat init faill!!
  1879. Error: SemRelease: Invalid Semaphore handler
  1880. Error: SemWait: Invalid Semaphore handler
  1881. Error: DestroySem: Invalid Semaphore handler
  1882. Error: Sem_kill faill!!
  1883. %s %d: %s has already init!
  1884. %s %d: source %d is wrong!
  1885. %s %d: status %d is wrong!
  1886. %s %d: gShmId %d has something wrong!
  1887. libAlarmProcessInit
  1888. AlarmDataWrite
  1889. AlarmDataRead
  1890. %s %d
  1891. %s %d: Already init
  1892. %s %d: Not init
  1893. %s %d: pCloudStorageInfo %p
  1894. %s %d: UnBind
  1895. libCloudStorageAccessInit
  1896. libCloudStorageAccessCleanup
  1897. libCloudStorageGetBindDeviceStatus
  1898. libCloudStoragePreBindDevice
  1899. libCloudStorageBindDevice
  1900. libCloudStorageUnBindDevice
  1901. libCloudStorageGetUserInfo
  1902. libCloudStorageUploadFile
  1903. libCloudStorageStartGetRefreshToken
  1904. %s %d: Already init
  1905. %s %d
  1907. client_id=%s&scope=email profile
  1909. %s %d: HttpResponseContent == NULL
  1910. %s %d: HttpResponseContent
  1911. Json Data = %s
  1912. DeviceCode = %s
  1913. UserCode = %s
  1914. hHMknRsLl4o5IZrKZCoub7AW
  1915. client_id=%s&client_secret=%s&code=%s&grant_type=
  1916. %s %d: PostContent
  1918. ret = %d, strlen(access_token) = %d, strlen(refresh_token) = %d
  1919. %s %d: AccessToken = %s
  1920. %s %d: RefreshToken = %s
  1922. Authorization: Bearer %s
  1923. %s %d: name %s used %s total %s
  1924. %s %d:
  1926. ParseGoogleFolderID has no data
  1927. %s %d: chFolderId = %s
  1929. "mimeType": "application/",
  1930. "title": "%s"
  1931. "mimeType": "application/",
  1932. "parents":[{"id": "%s", "kind": "drive#fileLink"}],
  1933. "title": "%s"
  1934. Content-Type: application/json
  1935. ParseGoogleFolderID has no data
  1937. "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
  1938. "parents":[{"id": "%s", "kind": "drive#fileLink"}],
  1939. "title": "%s"
  1940. .txt
  1941. "mimeType": "text/plain",
  1942. "parents":[{"id": "%s", "kind": "drive#fileLink"}],
  1943. "title": "%s"
  1944. %s %d: NULL == LocalPath || NULL == LocalFileName || NULL == RemotePath || NULL == RemoteFileName
  1945. %s %d: RemotePath %s RemotePathLen %d
  1946. %s %d: RemotePath %s
  1947. %s %d: SpitPath %d %s
  1948. %s %d: CreateFold Fail
  1949. %s %d: PathDepth = %d
  1950. %s %d: File %s cannot open
  1951. %s %d: FileLen = %d
  1952. client_id=%s&client_secret=%s&refresh_token=%s&grant_type=refresh_token
  1953. %s %d: Thread end!
  1954. libGoogleAccessInit
  1955. libGoogleAccessPreBindDevice
  1956. libGoogleAccessBindDevice
  1957. libGoogleAccessGetUserInfo
  1958. libGetGoogleFolderId
  1959. libGoogleCloudCreateFolder
  1960. libGoogleCloudUploadfile
  1961. libGoogleAccessUploadFile
  1962. RefreshToken
  1963. RefreshTokenThread
  1964. %s %d: JsonData == NULL
  1965. %s %d:
  1966. error
  1967. code
  1968. %s %d: err = %d
  1969. name
  1970. quotaBytesUsed
  1971. quotaBytesTotal
  1972. access_token
  1973. refresh_token
  1974. device_code
  1975. user_code
  1976. verification_url
  1977. items
  1978. ParseGoogleErrorCode
  1979. ParseGoogleUserInfo
  1980. ParseGoogleAccessToken
  1981. ParseGoogleDeviceCode
  1982. ParseGoogleFolderID
  1983. ParseGoogleFolderIDEx
  1984. %s %d: Already init
  1985. %s %d
  1986. 4uimvlijwfm7r5w
  1989. code=%s&
  1990. grant_type=authorization_code&
  1991. client_id=%s&
  1992. r291bilxhpsw8vv
  1993. client_secret=%s&
  1994. HttpResponseContent == NULL
  1995. %s %d: HttpResponseContent
  1996. %s %d JsonStart == NULL || JsonEnd == NULL
  1997. Json Data = %s
  1998. %s %d: ret = %d, strlen(access_token) = %d
  1999. %s %d: AccessToken = %s
  2001. Authorization: Bearer %s
  2002. %s %d: HttpResponseContent addr %p
  2003. HttpResponseContent == NULL
  2004. %s %d: name %s used %s total %s
  2006. %s %d: File %s cannot open
  2007. %s %d: malloc FileLen = %d
  2008. %s %d: malloc after
  2009. libDropBoxAccessInit
  2010. libDropBoxAccessBindDevice
  2011. libDropBoxAccessGetUserInfo
  2012. libDropBoxAccessUploadFile
  2013. %s %d: JsonData == NULL
  2014. %s %d:
  2015. error
  2016. access_token
  2017. display_name
  2018. "quota":
  2019. "normal":
  2020. ParseDropBoxErrorCode
  2021. ParseDropBoxAccessToken
  2022. ParseDropBoxUserInfo
  2023. %s %d: ret %d <= 0 !errno = %d
  2024. %s %d: ret %d <= 0 !ret11count = %d
  2025. %s %d: ret != leftlen !%d != %d
  2026. Socket
  2027. Bind
  2028. Listen
  2029. Accept
  2030. Connect
  2031. getaddrinfo: %s
  2032. %s %d
  2033. connect fail
  2034. %s %d sockfd %d
  2035. %%%02x
  2036. %s %d SSL_CTX_get_timeout(ctx) %lu
  2037. %s %d:select socket error.
  2038. %s %d: leftlen = %d
  2039. %s %d: ret = %d leftlen = %d
  2040. %s %d: ret = %d
  2041. %s %d: SSL send data error!!
  2042. %s %d sockfd %d ctx %p ssl %p
  2043. %s %d:select socket error %d.
  2044. %s %d n %d
  2045. %s %d: len %d >= MEM_SIZE %d
  2046. %s %d :::n %d
  2047. %s %d n = %d
  2048. %s %d: http->element = %s
  2049. Accept: */*
  2050. User-Agent: mysock/1.0
  2051. Connection: close
  2052. https://
  2053. http://
  2054. Host: %s
  2055. GET %s HTTP/1.1
  2056. Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  2057. Connection: close
  2058. Content-Length: %d
  2059. POST %s HTTP/1.1
  2060. %s %d host %s
  2061. Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
  2062. Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  2063. Content-Type: image/jpeg
  2064. --abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  2065. --abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz--
  2066. User-Agent: PrivateUA/1.0
  2067. Content-Type: image/jpeg
  2068. %s %d: res == NULL
  2069. data
  2070. SendDataN
  2071. init_data_with_client
  2072. tcp_connect
  2073. SslInit
  2074. ssl_connect
  2075. SslSendData
  2076. SslSend
  2077. ssl_close
  2078. ssl_read_all
  2079. https_send
  2080. https_get_simple
  2081. https_post_simple
  2082. https_post_simple_uploadfile
  2083. %.0f
  2084. u%04x
  2085. null
  2086. false
  2087. true
  2088. /param/cloud_storage.cfg
  2089. %s %d: CLOUD_CFG_PATH %s cannot open
  2090. %s %d: CLOUD_CFG_PATH %s no exist
  2091. CfgMngWrite
  2092. CfgMngRead
  2093. inifile.c
  2094. file !=((void *)0)
  2095. buf !=((void *)0)
  2096. i < 1024*16
  2097. buf!=((void *)0)
  2098. section != ((void *)0) && strlen(section)
  2099. key != ((void *)0) && strlen(key)
  2100. value != ((void *)0)
  2101. size > 0
  2102. file !=((void *)0) &&strlen(key)
  2103. [%s]
  2104. %s=%s
  2105. [%s]
  2106. %s=%s
  2107. %s=%s
  2108. load_ini_file
  2109. parse_file
  2110. read_profile_string
  2111. write_profile_string
  2112. Semaphore id:%d
  2113. Sem init
  2114. Semaphore Set Value:%d
  2115. Sem Wait operation
  2116. Semaphore Wait
  2117. Sem Post operation
  2118. Semaphore Post
  2119. Sem kill
  2120. Kill Semaphore id:%d
  2121. [Trace]: %s
  2122. [Debug]: %s
  2123. [Error]: %s
  2124. [Warn]: %s
  2125. [Info]: %s
  2126. %s %d: %s has already init!
  2127. %s %d: source %d is wrong!
  2128. %s %d: gShmId %d has something wrong!
  2129. WatchDog time =
  2130. %lu
  2131. libWatchDogInit
  2132. WatchDogStatusWrite
  2133. WatchDogDataWrite
  2134. WatchDogDataRead
  2135. mkdir fail!dir_path = %s
  2136. %s %d errno %s
  2137. cannot open directory: %s
  2138. %s/%s
  2139. %s %d: entry->d_name = %s
  2140. %04d-%02d-%02d-%2d-%02d-%02d.
  2141. %s %d File is more than %d
  2142. [SeekFile]NULL == dir || NULL == pFileListInfo
  2143. [SeekFile]dir = %s
  2144. [SeekFile]## StartTime. %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d ##
  2145. [SeekFile]## EndTime. %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d ##
  2146. %s/%04d-%02d-%02d/
  2147. %s%02d/%s
  2149. [SeekFile]ConfFileName = %s
  2150. %s %d: End of File %s
  2151. ## StartTime. %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d ##
  2152. %s/%04d-%02d-%02d
  2153. %s/%02d
  2154. fulldir = %s
  2155. %s %d: dir = %s entry->d_name = %s
  2156. ===========%*s%s
  2157. %s is folder
  2158. %s is file
  2159. %s %d: dirname %s
  2160. %s %d: NULL == dir errno %d
  2161. %s %d: %s is dir
  2162. %s %d: 0 != ret %d errno %d
  2163. %s %d: %s is file
  2164. %s %d: ##%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d week %d##
  2165. %s %d filename = %s is not digit
  2166. %s %d: total %lu free %lu used %lu
  2167. /dev/mmcblk0p1
  2168. %s %d: errno = %d %s
  2169. FileUtilsCreateMultiFolder
  2170. SeekCurrentFolderFile
  2171. SeekFile
  2172. SeekFolder
  2173. FileUtilsDeleteFolder
  2174. FileUtilsGetFileLastModifyTime
  2175. FileUtilsGetStorageInfo
  2176. FileUtilsGetStorageStatus
  2177. Could not deduce output format from file extension: using MPEG.
  2178. mpeg
  2179. %s %d video_codec_id %d
  2180. %s %d: nFrameRate %d m_FirstIFrameDataSize = %d
  2181. %s %d codec_tag = %x
  2182. ##avio_open## openFile = %d, record no start
  2183. %s %d #####ret = %d , video id %d
  2184. %s %d #####ret = %d , oformat video id %d
  2185. %s %d: AVSpsPpsDataRead, m_AVIndex = %d
  2186. %s %d CODE_VIDEO_H264
  2187. %s %d CODE_VIDEO_H265
  2188. %s %d CODE_AUDIO_AAC
  2189. %s %d AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_MULAW
  2190. %s %d AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_ALAW
  2191. %s %d AV_CODEC_ID_PCM
  2192. %s %d No Audio
  2193. %s %d: gRecordInfo video nums %d
  2194. %s %d
  2195. %s %d m_FirstIFrameData == NULL
  2196. %s %d: %d : %d per 5 second
  2197. %s %d: cannot open %s %s
  2198. %s %d:ic == NULL, %s
  2199. %s %d: AVFormatContext *ic == NULL
  2200. %s %d: stream->avg_frame_rate.num = %d, stream->avg_frame_rate.den = %d
  2201. %s %d: framerate = %d
  2202. %s %d: stream->nb_frames = %llu
  2203. %s %d videoStream = %d, OffsetFrames = %d
  2204. %s %d avformat_seek_file ret %d
  2205. %s %d videoStream = %d, OffsetTimes = %d
  2206. %s %d av_seek_frame ret %d
  2207. %s %d: pPlaybackId %p == NULL || pAVType %p == NULL || pAVData %p == NULL || pAVDataSize %p == NULL
  2208. %s %d: read frame error %d, may be end of file
  2209. %s %d: %s FrameRate %d FrameCount %d Fileno %lu - %lu FileSize %lu
  2210. /tmp/Record
  2211. pFile = NULL, errno = %d
  2212. %Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S
  2213. [%s ] %s
  2214. write error
  2215. %s %d: ret == %d, errno = %s
  2216. open file error
  2217. %s %d: errno = %s
  2218. %s %d: ConfFileName == NULL
  2219. %s %d: pConfFile %p == NULL || pData %p == NULL
  2220. %s %d: pConfFile %p == NULL
  2221. %s %d: ConfFileName %p == NULL || pData %p == NULL
  2222. %s %d: ConfFileName %p == NULL
  2224. %s/%s
  2225. %s %d FileList.Info[%d].FileName = %s
  2226. %04d-%02d-%02d-%2d-%02d-%02d.
  2227. %s %d: End of File %s
  2228. InitRecord
  2229. AddVideoStream
  2230. OpenRecord
  2231. libAVRecordInit
  2232. libAVRecordCleanup
  2233. ProcessSpsPps
  2234. libAVRecordWriteFrame
  2235. libAVRecordPlayBackInit
  2236. libAVRecordPlayBackGetFrameRate
  2237. libAVRecordPlayBackGetFrameNums
  2238. libAVRecordPlayBackSeek
  2239. libAVRecordPlayBackSeekTime
  2240. libAVRecordPlayBackCleanup
  2241. libAVRecordPlayBackGetFrame
  2242. libAVRecordGetConfigData
  2243. libAVRecordWriteConfigData
  2244. libAVRecordReadConfigData
  2245. libAVRecordGetOneConfigData
  2246. libAVRecordReadConfigDataEnd
  2247. libAVRecordWriteFolderIndexData
  2248. libAVRecordWriteFileIndexData
  2249. libAVRecordReadFolderIndexData
  2250. libAVRecordGetOneFolderIndexData
  2251. libAVRecordReadFolderIndexDataEnd
  2252. libAVRecordFolderIndexDataCheck
  2253. create mutex attribute error. msg:%s
  2254. ret = %d linux_mutex = %p
  2255. %s %d: %s libAVSpsPpsProcessInit!
  2256. %s %d: %s has already init!
  2257. %s %d: %s gShmId = %d
  2258. %s %d: index %d is wrong!
  2259. %s %d: gShmId %d has something wrong!
  2260. libAVSpsPpsProcessInit
  2261. AVSpsPpsDataWrite
  2262. AVSpsPpsDataRead
  2263. create mutex attribute error. msg:%s
  2264. ret = %d linux_mutex = %p
  2265. DCIF
  2266. QCIF
  2267. 4CIF
  2268. 2CIF
  2269. (Reserved)
  2270. QVGA(320*240)
  2271. QQVGA(160*120)
  2272. 384*288
  2273. 576*576
  2274. VGA(640*480)
  2275. UXGA(1600*1200)
  2276. SVGA(800*600)
  2277. HD720p(1280*720)
  2278. XVGA
  2279. HD900p
  2280. 1360*1024
  2281. 1536*1536
  2282. 1920*1920
  2283. HD1080i
  2284. 2560*1920
  2285. 1600*304
  2286. 2048*1536
  2287. 2448*2048
  2288. 2448*1200
  2289. 2448*800
  2290. XGA(1024*768)
  2291. SXGA(1280*1024)
  2292. WD1(960*576/960*480)
  2293. 1080i
  2294. WSXGA(1440*900)
  2295. HD_F(1920*1080/1280*720)
  2296. HD_H(1920*540/1280*360)
  2297. HD_Q(960*540/630*360)
  2298. 2336*1744
  2299. 1920*1456
  2300. 2592*2048
  2301. 3296*2472
  2302. 1376*768
  2303. 1366*768
  2304. 1360*768
  2305. WSXGA+
  2306. 720*720
  2307. 1280*1280
  2308. 2048*768
  2309. 2048*2048
  2310. 2560*2048
  2311. 3072*2048
  2312. 2304*1296
  2313. WXGA(1280*800)
  2314. 1600*600
  2315. 1600*900
  2316. 2752*2208
  2317. Reserved
  2318. 4000*3000
  2319. 4096*2160
  2320. 3840*2160
  2321. 4000*2250
  2322. 3072*1728
  2323. 2592*1944
  2324. 2464*1520
  2325. 1280*1920
  2326. 2560*1440
  2327. 1024*1024
  2328. 160*128
  2329. 324*240
  2330. 324*256
  2331. 336*256
  2332. 640*512
  2333. 2720*2048
  2334. 384*256
  2335. 384*216
  2336. 320*256
  2337. 320*180
  2338. 320*192
  2339. 512*384
  2340. 325*256
  2341. 256*192
  2342. 640*360
  2343. 1776x1340
  2344. 1936x1092
  2345. 2080x784
  2346. 2144x604
  2347. 1920*1200
  2348. 4064*3040
  2349. 3040*3040
  2350. 3072*2304
  2351. 3072*1152
  2352. 2560*2560
  2353. 2688*1536
  2354. 2688*1520
  2355. 3072*3072
  2356. 3392*2008
  2357. 4000*3080
  2358. 960*720
  2359. 1024*1536
  2360. 704*1056
  2361. 352*528
  2362. 2048*1530
  2363. 2560*1600
  2364. 2800*2100
  2365. 4088*4088
  2366. 4000*3072
  2367. 960*1080(1080p Lite)
  2368. 640*720(half 720p)
  2369. 640*960
  2370. 320*480
  2371. 3840*2400
  2372. 3840*1680
  2373. 2560*1120
  2374. 704*320
  2375. 1200*1920
  2376. 480*768
  2377. 768*480
  2378. 320*512
  2379. 512*320
  2380. 4096*1800
  2381. 1280*560
  2382. 2400*3840
  2383. 480*272
  2384. 512*272
  2385. 2592*2592
  2386. 1792*2880
  2387. 1600*2560
  2388. 2720*1192
  2389. eth0
  2390. GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian prerelease)
  2391. GCC: (Hisilicon_v500_20170104) 4.9.4 20150629 (prerelease)
  2392. aeabi
  2393. ARM926EJ-S
  2394. .shstrtab
  2395. .interp
  2396. .hash
  2397. .dynsym
  2398. .dynstr
  2399. .gnu.version
  2400. .gnu.version_r
  2401. .rel.dyn
  2402. .rel.plt
  2403. .init
  2404. .text
  2405. .fini
  2406. .rodata
  2407. .eh_frame
  2408. .init_array
  2409. .fini_array
  2410. .jcr
  2411. .dynamic
  2412. .got
  2413. .data
  2414. .bss
  2415. .comment
  2416. .ARM.attributes
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