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May 24th, 2018
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  1. ZerosOilRush 1.0
  2. //UI für refinery
  3. //Work on refinery
  4. //Remove the traces, use touch instead
  5. //Make DrillTower Animation
  6. //Create Module Logic
  7. //Add % text do statistics for boosts
  8. //Add color var in module table for more pwoerfull modules
  9. //Make Refinery UI
  10. //Add Jam events and buttons
  11. //Make burn timer cycle functions for drillhole
  12. //Add buttons for choosing fuel
  13. //Make refineboost module
  14. //Make more pipes holding boost
  15. //Make checker function do remove modeuls of the same class if they are allready installed
  16. //Fix overheat sound bitrate error
  17. //Add Jamm/OverHeat sound when on pump/ burner
  18. //Add Fuel Buyer NPC
  19. //Added VCMod fuel exraction support
  20. //Added Itemstore support for barrel entity
  21. //Added OilSpots
  22. //Add OilField Generator
  23. //Add Fuel buyer interface
  24. //Make statistics look good
  25. //Added Start Stop button
  26. //Add Dynamic fuel martked
  27. //Add money functions do sell/purchase
  28. //Make damage function when emittung butan gas
  29. --DrillTower Audio bug?
  30. --DrillTower needs seperate distance check for seacrhing for free drill hole and creating new drillhole
  31. --Barrel interace close on collect for all users
  32. //Make entitys damagable
  33. //Add Explosion Function for overheathing event
  34. //If player dies then close ui stuff
  35. //Make burner more module sockets
  36. //Admins can now select how many sockets a machine should have
  37. //Add Player drop fuel on death
  38. //Add Chaoes Event Chance in zrush_CreateOilSource table
  39. //Check stats for errors
  40. //Check drilltower for problems
  41. //DrillHole Prop
  42. //DrillPipe Prop
  43. //DrillPipeHolder Prop
  44. //Created PipeHolder Entity
  45. //DrillTower Prop
  46. //Module/Socket Prop
  47. //Change DrillAnimation do include a rotation movement
  48. //Spawn pipeholder entity when droping drillpipes from drilltower
  49. //Pump Prop
  50. //Burner Prop
  51. //Added Plug in Animation
  52. //Refinery Prop
  53. //Barrel Prop
  54. //Client Props dont update on change if player is outside of PVS
  55. //Solution: Make a LCient side Timer which checks the distance too server entity and update client props if needed
  56. //add ent:GetHasPump, has refiner has burner check
  57. //add fuel drop function for player
  58. //Add Barrel functions for add liquid and reset liquid
  59. //Add Timer for Burner/Refinery on detach so they cant be attached so fast
  60. //Add function that spawn pipe holder for the drill tower
  61. //DrillPipe butan gas dont shows if it gets created if player is outside of pvs
  62. //Refinery 2d3d refine image ui on model window
  63. //Remove auto deconstruct for pump so people can sell their modules
  64. //Add DrillGas VFX to sound
  65. //Machines dont align on drill holes!
  66. //Check if oilspot generator still creates oils spots and ignoring used ones
  67. //Loop Effects effect dont get creadted for players outside of pvs (Ask zephruz)
  68. //Solution: Make client update function for looped effects
  69. //Added Client VFX Updater
  70. //Added Client Settings Menu
  71. //Add lock function for shop items , so they are still visible but locked because you have the wrong rank
  72. //Add Small Crate entity for dissamlbed machines so its easier do move them
  73. //Make locked items selected able but not buyable and just give them a message
  74. //Maybe create machine buy/sell menu
  75. //Add function do save modules in crate
  76. //Added auto sell function for modules on machine sell
  77. //Make sure do test all machines
  78. //Cant close main machine vgui
  79. //Make function do place refinery
  80. //Make sure only one player can use a machinegrate at once
  81. //Refinery is missing fuel selection
  82. //drilltower on drillhole while butangas
  83. //burner cant connect too drillpipe while butangas
  84. //valid pos function kaputt, pumpe auf drillpiep?
  85. //refinery gets build when out of range?
  86. //change build input mouse do left click again
  87. //Add right click funcion on tool for building oilspots
  88. //Added RELOAD function on tool do remove entities
  89. //How do the diffrent dril modes work now?
  90. //Placing drilltower on drillhole in drillmode 0 error
  91. //Add Vrondakis support
  92. //Add particle effects for Oil
  93. //Add multi language support
  94. //Add money check for buying machines and modules
  95. //Add money info for machinecrate sell button
  96. //add money calc function for machinecrate
  97. //Added text for no sockets in shop info
  98. //Add german translation
  99. //Teste ob deutsche übersetzing überall passt
  100. //Add owner check for machine crate
  101. //Add owner check for machines
  102. //Pumpe model strichl gelb motor muss gespielgetl werden
  103. //MaschineShop needs do close when player dies
  104. //Maschinecrate option box needs do close when player dies
  105. //Add hungarian translation (puma)
  106. //Check if you can put the drill tower on someone elses hole
  107. //Add Workshop pack switch
  108. //Added logo prototype
  109. //Added LOD mats and models
  110. //Fix zrush_OB_Update ui, (Fixed by removing the UI everytime :I)
  111. //Need scalar icon for barrel (made it myself)
  112. //Need refine icon for refiner (made it myself)
  113. //Need UI Background panels (made it myself)
  114. //Test drillmode 1
  115. //Option box need langua translation
  116. //Make Shop UI Panel
  117. //Add Fuel Buy Info for fuel buyer
  118. //Added fuel buyer npc charats and dialog box
  119. //Need icons for machines (Thomas) (Drilltower with out drops pls thx)
  120. //Need icons for build info keys (Thomas)
  121. //Make Barrel UI Panel (Thomas)
  122. //Replace fuel can icon too barrel icon and remove it from the fuel creation table
  123. //Add owner check for actions and transactions
  124. //Add hungarien 10 new dialog lines
  125. //Make code cleanup where you remove every code that dont gets used anymore
  126. //Purchase button stops working at random (Problem was that the machine var was created outside of the button click funtion which means it dont got updated )
  127. //Updated logos on props
  128. //Need Gmodstore ShopSite Design stuff (Thomas)
  129. //Create Basic ContentPack
  130. //Lock machincrate to other players while placing an machine
  131. //Fuel selection gone
  132. //Fule inventory gone?
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