
>>> Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-08 0540 +Geoff Broad

Jan 7th, 2016
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-08 0540 +Geoff Broad
  4. __
  7. +Geoff Broad __ ::sigh:: How are you not playing games? 1) I have said we can see a bright flash according to a timetable that's consistently referred to as the "ISS"; 2) But yet you are also saying I deny it. *How am I denying it?* I am not denying there is something "there" - I am simply denying what "it" is.
  9. *To anyone reading this if you cannot view the entire message do a search for:* +"Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-08 0540"
  11. Do YOU have a photo of the "ISS" that makes out details? *Or do you rely on so-called "amateur" astronomers who happen to be endorsed by "NASA" and otherwise make money from their astronomy photos?*
  13. About once a week someone will say, *_"It would be easier to do the real thing than to fake it"._*
  15. Let's suppose that's true.
  17. Even if there is a thing that actually resembles the "ISS" it does not mean anyone is in it.
  19. "NASA" constantly talk about abandoning it in about a decade. *What makes you certain they haven't already done so?*
  21. Do you understand that what I am saying has nothing to do with other "ISS" deniers?
  23. There is simply no *sufficient proof* for an "ISS". *Belief in a real and manned "ISS" is not justified.*
  25. That does not mean it cannot be real and cannot be manned. It just means that your belief in it is dependent *wholly* on believing the people who tell you it's real and manned. It means your belief in it is founded entirely on trust.
  27. And when you believe one claim based on trust then psychologically it becomes nearly impossible to resist believing everything else.
  29. (Belief is more like a subjective taste than something which people choose after reflection and consideration.)
  31. You are trusting the same groups of people who you believe drop bombs on children (for the "greater good").
  33. If the killing of lots of children for the greater good is an available option that gets used *then how are you ruling out "lying to lots of children for the greater good"?
  35. *You do realise that the alleged "ISS" spend much of their time talking to children?*
  37. We don't see "NASA" posting any of their videos to engineering students. We don't see "NASA" posting any of their videos to universities do we?
  39. Isn't that curious?
  41. In fact - ALL we see from these "interviews" could be pre-recorded. *There is never any genuine "back-and-forth" banter.* Don't you find that odd?
  43. From numerous alleged "interviews" we know that the apparent audio delay isn't that significant. Back and forth discussion is possible. It is no different to how a long distance phone call may have been in the past and even back then people had back and forth conversations.
  45. Don't you find it odd that if you watch the twit "Brian Cox" give an interview to someone (whom we trust) we can expect to see at least some genuine back-and-forth banter but when he allegedly called the "ISS" there was no back-and-forth at all.
  47. He spoke and then the "ISS" replied. He asked a question and waited for the answer. Suddenly "Brian Cox" lost interest in back and forth banter.
  49. *How can it be you don't find any of this odd?*
  51. Don't you find it odd that the only time there is any possibility of "back-and-forth" banter it is when the call is entirely audio without any visual component.
  53. Do a search for alleged "ISS" interviews and review those with "back and forth". You will find that the "interviews" with back and forth had the visual component added later on. The call was originally made (no visuals) and then "NASA" kindly uploaded the visuals. This gives the appearance of genuine back and forth and would fool a casual viewer.
  55. But none of the claimed "live" interviews (such as with children) have this "back and forth".
  57. It seems "adults" can have back-and-forth but only when it is strictly a phone call. Isn't that curious?
  59. Don't you find it odd that often the children can see the alleged "astronauts" *but yet NEVER can the alleged "astronauts" see the children.*
  61. Don't you find it odd that the alleged two-way video links are supposedly just reserved for "NASA" and "family of the astronauts"?
  63. If we can see the "astronauts" and if the "astronauts" can hear us then why not also see us? If a video signal can be sent then why not also one received? If an audio signal can be sent to them then why not also a video signal?
  65. How can it be you disregard all of this?
  67. *How can it be you cannot recognise these as symptoms of so-called "propaganda"?*
  69. What is the overall message of "astronauts" to children? Isn't it to study hard; obey your teachers and get a good job?
  71. Are the "astronauts" saying anything that people in other professions couldn't say?
  73. I mean - why not have interviews with people in submarines? Etc.
  75. The "astronauts" for MANY years have now done MANY alleged "interviews" (which could all have been pre-recorded) but NEVER is it two-way video. Go and see if you can find some where there is genuine back and forth or where the "astronauts" can see the speaker. You won't find any - you are accepting magic tricks. It is apparently a limitation of the trick.
  77. Fairly often the "astronauts" show off "science experiments" but they can never see the audience watching. Don't you find that odd?
  79. *How can it be you haven't figured out that it's a limitation of the trick?*
  81. All rational, intelligent and honest people soon realise the "ISS" is BS. Why not also you?
  83. I don't accept you don't know this - "normal people" might be duped but people like you relentlessly claim that the "ISS" is real and you always deny all of these problems. It causes you to reek of either stupidity or being "public relations puppets". But if you're not a public relations puppet then sadly it means you're functioning as a useful idiot. You're being used.
  85. As I say - I am not like all of the other "ISS" deniers. I think you know it. I think that's why you're here pestering me on my channel and videos and not targeting the more popular channels and videos. You don't have to worry about them because they are posting (intentionally) flawed work.
  87. But Lesta is different. I don't deny that there COULD be an "ISS" but a belief in it just isn't justified. *It could be so easy to prove it is real. In the next 15 minutes "NASA" could have recorded the footage that categorically proves it is real. But decades after alleged manned "ISS" such footage does not exist - not even accidentally.*
  89. It all comes down to trust. I am not at all inclined to believe you honestly believe the "ISS". All intelligent people figure out the "ISS" is just like "Santa" but for adults.
  91. Why are you really here? Why is it so important that you convince others (i.e., me) that something you have had no direct experience of is real? Perhaps you are here more simply to reinforce a belief in myself that the "ISS" isn't real - but I don't deny the "ISS"! I am instead saying that a belief in it being real and manned isn't justified. Just like every other lie system event and claim. The alleged "ISS" and the nuances that surround it proves that we live in a lie system.
  93. *You have never seen sufficient proof.* You have never seen sustained duration genuine micro/zero gravity that is free from clever cuts, sneaky edits and misdirecting pans.
  95. *If you really do believe it is real then it is only because you foolishly trust.*
  97. But you're trusting the same people who also have you believe they drop bombs on children! Should you really trust people who would have you believe they do such a thing? _Of course not._
  99. *If you believe the "ISS" is real then you are belief controlled.* If you are belief controlled then it means you believe it is real and everything I am pointing out must have a "natural and logical" explanation.
  101. After all - if it's real it just must. But that is how retarded people think. *Retarded people are forever "assuming the conclusion" (as you need to be doing).* Are you really retarded? I think you are going to have to convince ME that YOU genuinely believe it's real!
  103. People who are belief controlled can never - _not even for giggles_ - pretend that what they believe is the case isn't the case.
  105. If I asked you to "pretend" you didn't believe the "ISS" and asked you to try and convince me that the "ISS" isn't real you wouldn't be able to do it.
  107. You would invent some excuse not to try. If you did try you would use weak and worthless reasoning.
  109. So prove me wrong. *Let's temporarily swap roles.* Have a go trying to convince me that the "ISS" isn't real and I will have a go at convincing you the "ISS" is real.
  111. Are you willing to try it? If I am correct about you then you won't be able to do it. You will invent some reason why you can't or don't have to.
  113. You're not fooling anyone - fewer and fewer people believe the "ISS" - it won't be long before no one does.
  116. __________________________________________
  117. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  120. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  123. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  126. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
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