
Yeti Sin

Feb 28th, 2019
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  1. -- This script has been converted to FE by Basykung7845
  4. if game:GetService("RunService"):IsClient() then error("Script must be server-side in order to work; use h/ and not hl/") end
  5. local Player,Mouse,mouse,UserInputService,ContextActionService = owner
  6. do
  7. print("FE Compatibility code by Basykung7845")
  8. script.Parent = Player.Character
  10. --RemoteEvent for communicating
  11. local Event ="RemoteEvent")
  12. Event.Name = "UserInput_Event"
  14. --Fake event to make stuff like Mouse.KeyDown work
  15. local function fakeEvent()
  16. local t = {_fakeEvent=true,Connect=function(self,f)self.Function=f end}
  17. t.connect = t.Connect
  18. return t
  19. end
  21. --Creating fake input objects with fake variables
  22. local m = {Target=nil,,KeyUp=fakeEvent(),KeyDown=fakeEvent(),Button1Up=fakeEvent(),Button1Down=fakeEvent()}
  23. local UIS = {InputBegan=fakeEvent(),InputEnded=fakeEvent()}
  24. local CAS = {Actions={},BindAction=function(self,name,fun,touch,...)
  25. CAS.Actions[name] = fun and {Name=name,Function=fun,Keys={...}} or nil
  26. end}
  27. --Merged 2 functions into one by checking amount of arguments
  28. CAS.UnbindAction = CAS.BindAction
  30. --This function will trigger the events that have been :Connect()'ed
  31. local function te(self,ev,...)
  32. local t = m[ev]
  33. if t and t._fakeEvent and t.Function then
  34. t.Function(...)
  35. end
  36. end
  37. m.TrigEvent = te
  38. UIS.TrigEvent = te
  40. Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr,io)
  41. if plr~=Player then return end
  42. if io.isMouse then
  43. m.Target = io.Target
  44. m.Hit = io.Hit
  45. else
  46. local b = io.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin
  47. if io.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
  48. return m:TrigEvent(b and "Button1Down" or "Button1Up")
  49. end
  50. for _,t in pairs(CAS.Actions) do
  51. for _,k in pairs(t.Keys) do
  52. if k==io.KeyCode then
  53. t.Function(t.Name,io.UserInputState,io)
  54. end
  55. end
  56. end
  57. m:TrigEvent(b and "KeyDown" or "KeyUp",io.KeyCode.Name:lower())
  58. UIS:TrigEvent(b and "InputBegan" or "InputEnded",io,false)
  59. end
  60. end)
  61. Event.Parent = NLS([==[
  62. local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  63. local Event = script:WaitForChild("UserInput_Event")
  65. local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
  66. local input = function(io,a)
  67. if a then return end
  68. --Since InputObject is a client-side instance, we create and pass table instead
  69. Event:FireServer({KeyCode=io.KeyCode,UserInputType=io.UserInputType,UserInputState=io.UserInputState})
  70. end
  71. UIS.InputBegan:Connect(input)
  72. UIS.InputEnded:Connect(input)
  74. local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
  75. local h,t
  76. --Give the server mouse data 30 times every second, but only if the values changed
  77. --If player is not moving their mouse, client won't fire events
  78. while wait(1/30) do
  79. if h~=Mouse.Hit or t~=Mouse.Target then
  80. h,t=Mouse.Hit,Mouse.Target
  81. Event:FireServer({isMouse=true,Target=t,Hit=h})
  82. end
  83. end]==],Player.Character)
  84. Mouse,mouse,UserInputService,ContextActionService = m,m,UIS,CAS
  85. end
  87. script:ClearAllChildren()
  88. wait(0.2)
  90. Player = owner
  91. PlayerGui = Player.PlayerGui
  92. Cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
  93. Backpack = Player.Backpack
  94. Character = Player.Character
  95. Humanoid = Character.Humanoid
  96. RootPart = Character["HumanoidRootPart"]
  97. Torso = Character["Torso"]
  98. Head = Character["Head"]
  99. RightArm = Character["Right Arm"]
  100. LeftArm = Character["Left Arm"]
  101. RightLeg = Character["Right Leg"]
  102. LeftLeg = Character["Left Leg"]
  103. RootJoint = RootPart["RootJoint"]
  104. Neck = Torso["Neck"]
  105. RightShoulder = Torso["Right Shoulder"]
  106. LeftShoulder = Torso["Left Shoulder"]
  107. RightHip = Torso["Right Hip"]
  108. LeftHip = Torso["Left Hip"]
  109. local TIME = 0
  110. local sick ="Sound",Torso)
  112. IT =
  113. CF =
  114. VT =
  115. RAD = math.rad
  116. C3 =
  117. UD2 =
  118. BRICKC =
  119. ANGLES = CFrame.Angles
  120. EULER = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ
  121. COS = math.cos
  122. ACOS = math.acos
  123. SIN = math.sin
  124. ASIN = math.asin
  125. ABS = math.abs
  126. MRANDOM = math.random
  127. FLOOR = math.floor
  129. local naeeym2 ="BillboardGui",Character)
  130. naeeym2.AlwaysOnTop = true
  131. naeeym2.Size =,35,3,15)
  132. naeeym2.StudsOffset =,2,0)
  133. naeeym2.MaxDistance = 75
  134. naeeym2.Adornee = Character.Head
  135. naeeym2.Name = "Name2"
  136. local tecks2 ="TextLabel",naeeym2)
  137. tecks2.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  138. tecks2.TextScaled = true
  139. tecks2.BorderSizePixel = 0
  140. tecks2.Text = "The Yeti Sin"
  141. tecks2.Font = "ArialBold"
  142. tecks2.TextSize = 30
  143. tecks2.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  144. tecks2.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(1, 0, 0)
  145. tecks2.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  146. tecks2.Size =,0,0.5,0)
  147. tecks2.Parent = naeeym2
  149. --//=================================\\
  150. --|| USEFUL VALUES
  151. --\\=================================//
  153. Animation_Speed = 3
  154. local FORCERESET = false
  155. Frame_Speed = 1 / 60 -- (1 / 30) OR (1 / 60)
  156. local Speed = 16
  157. local ROOTC0 = CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-90), RAD(0), RAD(180))
  158. local NECKC0 = CF(0, 1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-90), RAD(0), RAD(180))
  159. local RIGHTSHOULDERC0 = CF(-0.5, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0))
  160. local LEFTSHOULDERC0 = CF(0.5, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0))
  161. local DAMAGEMULTIPLIER = 1
  162. local ANIM = "Idle"
  163. local ATTACK = false
  164. local EQUIPPED = false
  165. local HOLD = false
  166. local COMBO = 1
  167. local Rooted = false
  168. local SINE = 0
  169. local KEYHOLD = false
  170. local CHANGE = 2 / Animation_Speed
  171. local WALKINGANIM = false
  172. local VALUE1 = false
  173. local VALUE2 = false
  174. local ROBLOXIDLEANIMATION = IT("Animation")
  175. ROBLOXIDLEANIMATION.Name = "Roblox Idle Animation"
  176. ROBLOXIDLEANIMATION.AnimationId = ""
  177. --ROBLOXIDLEANIMATION.Parent = Humanoid
  178. local WEAPONGUI = IT("ScreenGui", PlayerGui)
  179. WEAPONGUI.Name = "BanishV3Gui"
  180. local Weapon = IT("Model")
  181. Weapon.Name = "Adds"
  182. local Effects = IT("Folder", Weapon)
  183. Effects.Name = "Effects"
  184. local ANIMATOR = Humanoid.Animator
  185. local ANIMATE = Character:FindFirstChild("Animate")
  186. local UNANCHOR = true
  187. local TOBANISH = {}
  188. script.Parent = PlayerGui
  190. --//=================================\\
  191. --\\=================================//
  194. --//=================================\\
  196. --\\=================================//
  198. ArtificialHB ="BindableEvent", script)
  199. ArtificialHB.Name = "ArtificialHB"
  201. script:WaitForChild("ArtificialHB")
  203. frame = Frame_Speed
  204. tf = 0
  205. allowframeloss = false
  206. tossremainder = false
  207. lastframe = tick()
  208. script.ArtificialHB:Fire()
  210. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function(s, p)
  211. tf = tf + s
  212. if tf >= frame then
  213. if allowframeloss then
  214. script.ArtificialHB:Fire()
  215. lastframe = tick()
  216. else
  217. for i = 1, math.floor(tf / frame) do
  218. script.ArtificialHB:Fire()
  219. end
  220. lastframe = tick()
  221. end
  222. if tossremainder then
  223. tf = 0
  224. else
  225. tf = tf - frame * math.floor(tf / frame)
  226. end
  227. end
  228. end)
  230. --//=================================\\
  231. --\\=================================//
  233. --//=================================\\
  234. --|| SOME FUNCTIONS
  235. --\\=================================//
  238. return workspace:FindPartOnRay(, DIRECTION.unit * RANGE), IGNOREDECENDANTS)
  239. end
  241. function PositiveAngle(NUMBER)
  242. if NUMBER >= 0 then
  243. NUMBER = 0
  244. end
  245. return NUMBER
  246. end
  248. function NegativeAngle(NUMBER)
  249. if NUMBER <= 0 then
  250. NUMBER = 0
  251. end
  252. return NUMBER
  253. end
  255. function Swait(NUMBER)
  256. if NUMBER == 0 or NUMBER == nil then
  257. ArtificialHB.Event:wait()
  258. else
  259. for i = 1, NUMBER do
  260. ArtificialHB.Event:wait()
  261. end
  262. end
  263. end
  266. local NEWMESH = IT(MESH)
  267. if MESH == "SpecialMesh" then
  268. NEWMESH.MeshType = MESHTYPE
  269. if MESHID ~= "nil" and MESHID ~= "" then
  270. NEWMESH.MeshId = ""..MESHID
  271. end
  272. if TEXTUREID ~= "nil" and TEXTUREID ~= "" then
  273. NEWMESH.TextureId = ""..TEXTUREID
  274. end
  275. end
  276. NEWMESH.Offset = OFFSET or VT(0, 0, 0)
  277. NEWMESH.Scale = SCALE
  278. NEWMESH.Parent = PARENT
  279. return NEWMESH
  280. end
  283. local NEWPART = IT("Part")
  284. NEWPART.formFactor = FORMFACTOR
  285. NEWPART.Reflectance = REFLECTANCE
  286. NEWPART.Transparency = TRANSPARENCY
  287. NEWPART.CanCollide = false
  288. NEWPART.Locked = true
  289. NEWPART.Anchored = true
  290. if ANCHOR == false then
  291. NEWPART.Anchored = false
  292. end
  293. NEWPART.BrickColor = BRICKC(tostring(BRICKCOLOR))
  294. NEWPART.Name = NAME
  295. NEWPART.Size = SIZE
  296. NEWPART.Position = Torso.Position
  297. NEWPART.Material = MATERIAL
  298. NEWPART:BreakJoints()
  299. NEWPART.Parent = PARENT
  300. return NEWPART
  301. end
  303. local function weldBetween(a, b)
  304. local weldd ="ManualWeld")
  305. weldd.Part0 = a
  306. weldd.Part1 = b
  307. weldd.C0 =
  308. weldd.C1 = b.CFrame:inverse() * a.CFrame
  309. weldd.Parent = a
  310. return weldd
  311. end
  314. function QuaternionFromCFrame(cf)
  315. local mx, my, mz, m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22 = cf:components()
  316. local trace = m00 + m11 + m22
  317. if trace > 0 then
  318. local s = math.sqrt(1 + trace)
  319. local recip = 0.5 / s
  320. return (m21 - m12) * recip, (m02 - m20) * recip, (m10 - m01) * recip, s * 0.5
  321. else
  322. local i = 0
  323. if m11 > m00 then
  324. i = 1
  325. end
  326. if m22 > (i == 0 and m00 or m11) then
  327. i = 2
  328. end
  329. if i == 0 then
  330. local s = math.sqrt(m00 - m11 - m22 + 1)
  331. local recip = 0.5 / s
  332. return 0.5 * s, (m10 + m01) * recip, (m20 + m02) * recip, (m21 - m12) * recip
  333. elseif i == 1 then
  334. local s = math.sqrt(m11 - m22 - m00 + 1)
  335. local recip = 0.5 / s
  336. return (m01 + m10) * recip, 0.5 * s, (m21 + m12) * recip, (m02 - m20) * recip
  337. elseif i == 2 then
  338. local s = math.sqrt(m22 - m00 - m11 + 1)
  339. local recip = 0.5 / s return (m02 + m20) * recip, (m12 + m21) * recip, 0.5 * s, (m10 - m01) * recip
  340. end
  341. end
  342. end
  344. function QuaternionToCFrame(px, py, pz, x, y, z, w)
  345. local xs, ys, zs = x + x, y + y, z + z
  346. local wx, wy, wz = w * xs, w * ys, w * zs
  347. local xx = x * xs
  348. local xy = x * ys
  349. local xz = x * zs
  350. local yy = y * ys
  351. local yz = y * zs
  352. local zz = z * zs
  353. return, py, pz, 1 - (yy + zz), xy - wz, xz + wy, xy + wz, 1 - (xx + zz), yz - wx, xz - wy, yz + wx, 1 - (xx + yy))
  354. end
  356. function QuaternionSlerp(a, b, t)
  357. local cosTheta = a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] + a[3] * b[3] + a[4] * b[4]
  358. local startInterp, finishInterp;
  359. if cosTheta >= 0.0001 then
  360. if (1 - cosTheta) > 0.0001 then
  361. local theta = ACOS(cosTheta)
  362. local invSinTheta = 1 / SIN(theta)
  363. startInterp = SIN((1 - t) * theta) * invSinTheta
  364. finishInterp = SIN(t * theta) * invSinTheta
  365. else
  366. startInterp = 1 - t
  367. finishInterp = t
  368. end
  369. else
  370. if (1 + cosTheta) > 0.0001 then
  371. local theta = ACOS(-cosTheta)
  372. local invSinTheta = 1 / SIN(theta)
  373. startInterp = SIN((t - 1) * theta) * invSinTheta
  374. finishInterp = SIN(t * theta) * invSinTheta
  375. else
  376. startInterp = t - 1
  377. finishInterp = t
  378. end
  379. end
  380. return a[1] * startInterp + b[1] * finishInterp, a[2] * startInterp + b[2] * finishInterp, a[3] * startInterp + b[3] * finishInterp, a[4] * startInterp + b[4] * finishInterp
  381. end
  383. function Clerp(a, b, t)
  384. local qa = {QuaternionFromCFrame(a)}
  385. local qb = {QuaternionFromCFrame(b)}
  386. local ax, ay, az = a.x, a.y, a.z
  387. local bx, by, bz = b.x, b.y, b.z
  388. local _t = 1 - t
  389. return QuaternionToCFrame(_t * ax + t * bx, _t * ay + t * by, _t * az + t * bz, QuaternionSlerp(qa, qb, t))
  390. end
  393. local frame = IT("Frame")
  394. frame.BackgroundTransparency = TRANSPARENCY
  395. frame.BorderSizePixel = BORDERSIZEPIXEL
  396. frame.Position = POSITION
  397. frame.Size = SIZE
  398. frame.BackgroundColor3 = COLOR
  399. frame.BorderColor3 = BORDERCOLOR
  400. frame.Name = NAME
  401. frame.Parent = PARENT
  402. return frame
  403. end
  406. local label = IT("TextLabel")
  407. label.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  408. label.Size = UD2(1, 0, 1, 0)
  409. label.Position = UD2(0, 0, 0, 0)
  410. label.TextColor3 = TEXTCOLOR
  411. label.TextStrokeTransparency = STROKETRANSPARENCY
  412. label.TextTransparency = TRANSPARENCY
  413. label.FontSize = TEXTFONTSIZE
  414. label.Font = TEXTFONT
  415. label.BorderSizePixel = BORDERSIZEPIXEL
  416. label.TextScaled = false
  417. label.Text = TEXT
  418. label.Name = NAME
  419. label.Parent = PARENT
  420. return label
  421. end
  423. function NoOutlines(PART)
  424. PART.TopSurface, PART.BottomSurface, PART.LeftSurface, PART.RightSurface, PART.FrontSurface, PART.BackSurface = 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
  425. end
  427. function CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor(TYPE, PARENT, PART0, PART1, C0, C1)
  428. local NEWWELD = IT(TYPE)
  429. NEWWELD.Part0 = PART0
  430. NEWWELD.Part1 = PART1
  431. NEWWELD.C0 = C0
  432. NEWWELD.C1 = C1
  433. NEWWELD.Parent = PARENT
  434. return NEWWELD
  435. end
  437. local S = IT("Sound")
  438. function CreateSound(ID, PARENT, VOLUME, PITCH, DOESLOOP)
  439. local NEWSOUND = nil
  440. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  441. NEWSOUND = S:Clone()
  442. NEWSOUND.Parent = PARENT
  443. NEWSOUND.Volume = VOLUME
  444. NEWSOUND.Pitch = PITCH
  445. NEWSOUND.SoundId = ""..ID
  446. NEWSOUND:play()
  447. if DOESLOOP == true then
  448. NEWSOUND.Looped = true
  449. else
  450. repeat wait(1) until NEWSOUND.Playing == false or NEWSOUND.Parent ~= PARENT
  451. NEWSOUND:remove()
  452. end
  453. end))
  454. return NEWSOUND
  455. end
  457. function CFrameFromTopBack(at, top, back)
  458. local right = top:Cross(back)
  459. return CF(at.x, at.y, at.z, right.x, top.x, back.x, right.y, top.y, back.y, right.z, top.z, back.z)
  460. end
  462. --WACKYEFFECT({EffectType = "", Size = VT(1,1,1), Size2 = VT(0,0,0), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 0, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(1,1,1), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil})
  463. function WACKYEFFECT(Table)
  464. local TYPE = (Table.EffectType or "Sphere")
  465. local SIZE = (Table.Size or VT(1,1,1))
  466. local ENDSIZE = (Table.Size2 or VT(0,0,0))
  467. local TRANSPARENCY = (Table.Transparency or 0)
  468. local ENDTRANSPARENCY = (Table.Transparency2 or 1)
  469. local CFRAME = (Table.CFrame or Torso.CFrame)
  470. local MOVEDIRECTION = (Table.MoveToPos or nil)
  471. local ROTATION1 = (Table.RotationX or 0)
  472. local ROTATION2 = (Table.RotationY or 0)
  473. local ROTATION3 = (Table.RotationZ or 0)
  474. local MATERIAL = (Table.Material or "Neon")
  475. local COLOR = (Table.Color or C3(1,1,1))
  476. local TIME = (Table.Time or 45)
  477. local SOUNDID = (Table.SoundID or nil)
  478. local SOUNDPITCH = (Table.SoundPitch or nil)
  479. local SOUNDVOLUME = (Table.SoundVolume or nil)
  480. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  481. local PLAYSSOUND = false
  482. local SOUND = nil
  483. local EFFECT = CreatePart(3, Effects, MATERIAL, 0, TRANSPARENCY, BRICKC("Pearl"), "Effect", VT(1,1,1), true)
  484. if SOUNDID ~= nil and SOUNDPITCH ~= nil and SOUNDVOLUME ~= nil then
  485. PLAYSSOUND = true
  487. end
  488. EFFECT.Color = COLOR
  489. local MSH = nil
  490. if TYPE == "Sphere" then
  491. MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "Sphere", "", "", SIZE, VT(0,0,0))
  492. elseif TYPE == "Block" then
  493. MSH = IT("BlockMesh",EFFECT)
  494. MSH.Scale = VT(SIZE.X,SIZE.X,SIZE.X)
  495. elseif TYPE == "Wave" then
  496. MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "FileMesh", "20329976", "", SIZE, VT(0,0,-SIZE.X/8))
  497. elseif TYPE == "Ring" then
  498. MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "FileMesh", "559831844", "", VT(SIZE.X,SIZE.X,0.1), VT(0,0,0))
  499. elseif TYPE == "Slash" then
  500. MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "FileMesh", "662586858", "", VT(SIZE.X/10,0,SIZE.X/10), VT(0,0,0))
  501. elseif TYPE == "Round Slash" then
  502. MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "FileMesh", "662585058", "", VT(SIZE.X/10,0,SIZE.X/10), VT(0,0,0))
  503. elseif TYPE == "Swirl" then
  504. MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "FileMesh", "1051557", "", SIZE, VT(0,0,0))
  505. elseif TYPE == "Skull" then
  506. MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "FileMesh", "4770583", "", SIZE, VT(0,0,0))
  507. elseif TYPE == "Crystal" then
  508. MSH = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", EFFECT, "FileMesh", "9756362", "", SIZE, VT(0,0,0))
  509. end
  510. if MSH ~= nil then
  511. local MOVESPEED = nil
  512. if MOVEDIRECTION ~= nil then
  514. end
  515. local GROWTH = SIZE - ENDSIZE
  517. if TYPE == "Block" then
  519. else
  520. EFFECT.CFrame = CFRAME
  521. end
  522. for LOOP = 1, TIME+1 do
  523. Swait()
  524. MSH.Scale = MSH.Scale - GROWTH/TIME
  525. if TYPE == "Wave" then
  526. MSH.Offset = VT(0,0,-MSH.Scale.X/8)
  527. end
  528. EFFECT.Transparency = EFFECT.Transparency - TRANS/TIME
  529. if TYPE == "Block" then
  531. else
  533. end
  534. if MOVEDIRECTION ~= nil then
  535. local ORI = EFFECT.Orientation
  537. EFFECT.Orientation = ORI
  538. end
  539. end
  540. if PLAYSSOUND == false then
  541. EFFECT:remove()
  542. else
  543. SOUND.Stopped:Connect(function()
  544. EFFECT:remove()
  545. end)
  546. end
  547. else
  548. if PLAYSSOUND == false then
  549. EFFECT:remove()
  550. else
  551. repeat Swait() until SOUND.Playing == false
  552. EFFECT:remove()
  553. end
  554. end
  555. end))
  556. end
  558. function MakeForm(PART,TYPE)
  559. if TYPE == "Cyl" then
  560. local MSH = IT("CylinderMesh",PART)
  561. elseif TYPE == "Ball" then
  562. local MSH = IT("SpecialMesh",PART)
  563. MSH.MeshType = "Sphere"
  564. elseif TYPE == "Wedge" then
  565. local MSH = IT("SpecialMesh",PART)
  566. MSH.MeshType = "Wedge"
  567. end
  568. end
  570. function SpawnTrail(FROM,TO,BIG)
  571. local TRAIL = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0.5, "Really red", "Trail", VT(0,0,0))
  572. MakeForm(TRAIL,"Cyl")
  573. local DIST = (FROM - TO).Magnitude
  574. if BIG == true then
  575. TRAIL.Size = VT(0.5,DIST,0.5)
  576. else
  577. TRAIL.Size = VT(0.25,DIST,0.25)
  578. end
  579. TRAIL.CFrame = CF(FROM, TO) * CF(0, 0, -DIST/2) * ANGLES(RAD(90),RAD(0),RAD(0))
  580. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  581. for i = 1, 5 do
  582. Swait()
  583. TRAIL.Transparency = TRAIL.Transparency + 0.1
  584. end
  585. TRAIL:remove()
  586. end))
  587. end
  589. Debris = game:GetService("Debris")
  591. function CastProperRay(StartPos, EndPos, Distance, Ignore)
  592. local DIRECTION = CF(StartPos,EndPos).lookVector
  593. return Raycast(StartPos, DIRECTION, Distance, Ignore)
  594. end
  596. function turnto(position)
  597.,VT(position.X,RootPart.Position.Y,position.Z)) *, 0, 0)
  598. end
  600. function CreateRing(SIZE, DOESROT, ROT, WAIT, CFRAME, COLOR, GROW)
  601. local wave = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0.5, BRICKC(COLOR), "Effect", VT(0, 0, 0))
  602. local mesh = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", wave, "FileMesh", "559831844", "", SIZE, VT(0, 0, 0))
  603. wave.CFrame = CFRAME
  604. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(PART)
  605. for i = 1, WAIT do
  606. Swait()
  607. mesh.Scale = mesh.Scale + GROW
  608. if DOESROT == true then
  609. wave.CFrame = wave.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, ROT, 0)
  610. end
  611. wave.Transparency = wave.Transparency + 0.5 / WAIT
  612. if wave.Transparency > 0.99 then
  613. wave:remove()
  614. end
  615. end
  616. end))
  617. end
  619. --//=================================\\
  621. --\\=================================//
  623. local PRT = CreatePart(3, Character, "Fabric", 0, 0, "Really black", "Hood", VT(1,1,1),false)
  624. PRT.Color = C3(0,0,0)
  625. local HoodWeld = CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Head, Head, PRT, CF(0,0.2,0), CF(0, 0, 0))
  626. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", PRT, "FileMesh", "76062497", "", VT(1,1,1)*1.05, VT(0,0,0))
  627. local PRT = CreatePart(3, Character, "Fabric", 0, 0, "Really black", "Scarf", VT(1,1,1),false)
  628. PRT.Color = C3(0,0,0)
  629. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Torso, Torso, PRT, CF(0.05,0.4,-0.1) * ANGLES(RAD(-3), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  630. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", PRT, "FileMesh", "99856331", "", VT(1.1,1,1.1), VT(0,0,0))
  631. for i = 1, 16 do
  632. local FACE = CreatePart(3, Character, "Fabric", 0, 0+(i-1)/16.2, "Dark stone grey", "FaceGradient", VT(1.01,0.65,1.01),false)
  633. FACE.Color = C3(0,0,0)
  634. Head:FindFirstChildOfClass("SpecialMesh"):Clone().Parent = FACE
  635. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Head, Head, FACE, CF(0,0.45-(i-1)/25,0), CF(0, 0, 0))
  636. end
  637. local LASTPART = Head
  638. for i = 1, 20 do
  639. local MATH = (1-(i/25))
  640. if LASTPART == Head then
  641. local Horn = CreatePart(3, Character, "SmoothPlastic", 0, 0, "Dirt brown", "Horn", VT(0.25*MATH,0.25,0.25*MATH),false)
  642. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", LASTPART, LASTPART, Horn, CF(0.3, 0.7, -0.35) * ANGLES(RAD(-55), RAD(15), RAD(-15)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  643. LASTPART = Horn
  644. Horn.Color = C3((i*3-3)/255,0,0)
  645. else
  646. local Horn = CreatePart(3, Character, "SmoothPlastic", 0, 0, "Dirt brown", "Horn", VT(0.25*MATH,0.25,0.25*MATH),false)
  647. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", LASTPART, LASTPART, Horn, CF(0, Horn.Size.Y/1.8, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(6), RAD(-0.3), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  648. LASTPART = Horn
  649. Horn.Color = C3((i*3-3)/255,0,0)
  650. end
  651. end
  652. local LASTPART = Head
  653. for i = 1, 20 do
  654. local MATH = (1-(i/25))
  655. if LASTPART == Head then
  656. local Horn = CreatePart(3, Character, "SmoothPlastic", 0, 0, "Dirt brown", "Horn", VT(0.25*MATH,0.25,0.25*MATH),false)
  657. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", LASTPART, LASTPART, Horn, CF(-0.3, 0.7, -0.35) * ANGLES(RAD(-55), RAD(-15), RAD(15)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  658. LASTPART = Horn
  659. Horn.Color = C3((i*3-3)/255,0,0)
  660. else
  661. local Horn = CreatePart(3, Character, "SmoothPlastic", 0, 0, "Dirt brown", "Horn", VT(0.25*MATH,0.25,0.25*MATH),false)
  662. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", LASTPART, LASTPART, Horn, CF(0, Horn.Size.Y/1.8, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(6), RAD(0.3), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  663. LASTPART = Horn
  664. Horn.Color = C3((i*3-3)/255,0,0)
  665. end
  666. end
  667. local Hair = CreatePart(3, Character, "Fabric", 0, 0, "Really red", "Hair", VT(1,1,1),false)
  668. local HairWeld1 = CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Hair, Head, Hair, CF(0,0.1,-0.25) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  669. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", Hair, "FileMesh", "873651376", "", VT(0.025, 0.025, 0.02), VT(0,0,0))
  670. local Hair = CreatePart(3, Character, "Fabric", 0, 0, "Really red", "Hair", VT(1,1,1),false)
  671. local HairWeld2 = CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Hair, Head, Hair, CF(0,0.2,-0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  672. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", Hair, "FileMesh", "873651376", "", VT(0.03, 0.015, 0.01), VT(0,0,-0.1))
  674. local BODY = {}
  676. for _, c in pairs(Character:GetDescendants()) do
  677. if c:IsA("BasePart") and c.Name ~= "Handle" then
  678. if c ~= RootPart and c ~= Torso and c ~= Head and c ~= RightArm and c ~= LeftArm and c ~= RightLeg and c ~= LeftLeg then
  679. c.CustomPhysicalProperties =, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  680. end
  681. table.insert(BODY,{c,c.Parent,c.Material,c.Color,c.Transparency})
  682. elseif c:IsA("JointInstance") then
  683. table.insert(BODY,{c,c.Parent,nil,nil,nil})
  684. end
  685. end
  687. for e = 1, #BODY do
  688. if BODY[e] ~= nil then
  689. local STUFF = BODY[e]
  690. local PART = STUFF[1]
  691. local PARENT = STUFF[2]
  692. local MATERIAL = STUFF[3]
  693. local COLOR = STUFF[4]
  694. local TRANSPARENCY = STUFF[5]
  695. if PART.ClassName == "Part" and PART ~= RootPart then
  696. PART.Material = MATERIAL
  697. PART.Color = COLOR
  698. PART.Transparency = TRANSPARENCY
  699. end
  700. PART.AncestryChanged:Connect(function()
  701. PART.Parent = PARENT
  702. end)
  703. end
  704. end
  706. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, LeftBarrel, Part, CF(0, 2.415, 0.15) * ANGLES(RAD(180), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  707. local LeftHole = CreatePart(3, Character, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Eye", VT(0.2,0,0.2),false)
  708. MakeForm(LeftHole,"Cyl")
  709. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, LeftBarrel, LeftHole, CF(0, 2.5, 0), CF(0, 0, 0))
  710. local Eye = CreatePart(3, Character, "Neon", 0, 0, "Really red", "Eye", VT(0.6,0.1,1)/2,false)
  711. MakeForm(Eye,"Ball")
  712. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Eye, Head, Eye, CF(0,0.2,0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-18), RAD(15)), CF(0, 0, 0.4))
  713. local Eye = CreatePart(3, Character, "Neon", 0, 0, "Really red", "Eye", VT(0.6,0.1,1)/2,false)
  714. MakeForm(Eye,"Ball")
  715. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Eye, Head, Eye, CF(0,0.2,0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(18), RAD(-15)), CF(0, 0, 0.4))
  716. local Eye = CreatePart(3, Character, "Neon", 0, 0, "Really red", "Eye", VT(0.1,1,1)/2,false)
  717. MakeForm(Eye,"Ball")
  718. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Eye, Head, Eye, CF(0,0.15,0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-18), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0.4))
  719. local Eye = CreatePart(3, Character, "Neon", 0, 0, "Really red", "Eye", VT(0.1,1,1)/2,false)
  720. MakeForm(Eye,"Ball")
  721. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Eye, Head, Eye, CF(0,0.15,0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(18), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0.4))
  722. local A = IT("Attachment",Torso)
  723. A.Position = VT(1,1.3,0)
  724. A.Orientation = VT(-0.098, -89.999, 0.227)
  725. local B = IT("Attachment",Torso)
  726. B.Position = VT(-1.3,-0.6,0)
  727. B.Orientation = VT(-88.911, -68.808, 158.782)
  728. local ChainLink = IT("Beam",Torso)
  729. ChainLink.Texture = "rbxassetid://73042633"
  730. ChainLink.Color =,0,0))
  731. ChainLink.TextureSpeed = 1
  732. ChainLink.FaceCamera = true
  733. ChainLink.Width0 = 1
  734. ChainLink.Width1 = 1
  735. ChainLink.TextureLength = 3
  736. ChainLink.Attachment0 = A
  737. ChainLink.Attachment1 = B
  738. ChainLink.CurveSize0 = 1.6
  739. ChainLink.CurveSize1 = 1.6
  740. ChainLink.FaceCamera = true
  741. ChainLink.Transparency =
  742. local ChainLink = IT("Beam",Torso)
  743. ChainLink.Texture = "rbxassetid://73042633"
  744. ChainLink.Color =,0,0))
  745. ChainLink.TextureSpeed = 1
  746. ChainLink.FaceCamera = true
  747. ChainLink.Width0 = 1
  748. ChainLink.Width1 = 1
  749. ChainLink.TextureLength = 3
  750. ChainLink.Attachment0 = B
  751. ChainLink.Attachment1 = A
  752. ChainLink.CurveSize0 = 1.6
  753. ChainLink.CurveSize1 = 1.6
  754. ChainLink.FaceCamera = true
  755. ChainLink.Transparency =
  756. local A = IT("Attachment",Torso)
  757. A.Position = VT(1.3,-0.85,0)
  758. A.Orientation = VT(-0.098, -89.999, 0.227)
  759. local B = IT("Attachment",Torso)
  760. B.Position = VT(-1,2,0)
  761. B.Orientation = VT(-88.911, -68.808, 158.782)
  762. local ChainLink = IT("Beam",Torso)
  763. ChainLink.Texture = "rbxassetid://73042633"
  764. ChainLink.Color =,0,0))
  765. ChainLink.TextureSpeed = 1
  766. ChainLink.FaceCamera = true
  767. ChainLink.Width0 = 1
  768. ChainLink.Width1 = 1
  769. ChainLink.TextureLength = 3
  770. ChainLink.Attachment0 = A
  771. ChainLink.Attachment1 = B
  772. ChainLink.CurveSize0 = 1.3
  773. ChainLink.CurveSize1 = 1.3
  774. ChainLink.FaceCamera = true
  775. ChainLink.Transparency =
  776. local ChainLink = IT("Beam",Torso)
  777. ChainLink.Texture = "rbxassetid://73042633"
  778. ChainLink.Color =,0,0))
  779. ChainLink.TextureSpeed = 1
  780. ChainLink.FaceCamera = true
  781. ChainLink.Width0 = 1
  782. ChainLink.Width1 = 1
  783. ChainLink.TextureLength = 3
  784. ChainLink.Attachment0 = B
  785. ChainLink.Attachment1 = A
  786. ChainLink.CurveSize0 = 1.3
  787. ChainLink.CurveSize1 = 1.3
  788. ChainLink.FaceCamera = true
  789. ChainLink.Transparency =
  791. local A = IT("Attachment",RightBarrel)
  792. A.Position = VT(0,-2.5,0)
  793. local B = IT("Attachment",RightBarrel)
  794. B.Position = VT(0,2.5,0)
  795. local Trail = IT("Trail",RightBarrel)
  796. Trail.Attachment0 = A
  797. Trail.Attachment1 = B
  798. Trail.Lifetime = 0.2
  799. Trail.Color ="Really red".Color)
  800. Trail.Transparency =, 1)
  801. Trail.Enabled = false
  803. local Particle = IT("ParticleEmitter",nil)
  804. Particle.Enabled = false
  805. Particle.Transparency ={,0.3),,0),,1)})
  806. Particle.LightEmission = 0.5
  807. Particle.Rate = 150
  808. Particle.ZOffset = 0.2
  809. Particle.Rotation =, 180)
  810. Particle.RotSpeed =, 180)
  811. Particle.Texture = ""
  812. Particle.Color =,0,0),C3(0.4,0,0))
  814. --ParticleEmitter({Speed = 5, Drag = 0, Size1 = 1, Size2 = 5, Lifetime1 = 1, Lifetime2 = 1.5, Parent = Torso, Emit = 100, Offset = 360, Enabled = false})
  815. function ParticleEmitter(Table)
  816. local PRTCL = Particle:Clone()
  817. local Speed = Table.Speed or 5
  818. local Drag = Table.Drag or 0
  819. local Size1 = Table.Size1 or 1
  820. local Size2 = Table.Size2 or 5
  821. local Lifetime1 = Table.Lifetime1 or 1
  822. local Lifetime2 = Table.Lifetime2 or 1.5
  823. local Parent = Table.Parent or Torso
  824. local Emit = Table.Emit or 100
  825. local Offset = Table.Offset or 360
  826. local Acel = Table.Acel or VT(0,0,0)
  827. local Enabled = Table.Enabled or false
  828. PRTCL.Parent = Parent
  829. PRTCL.Size =,Size2)
  830. PRTCL.Lifetime =,Lifetime2)
  831. PRTCL.Speed =
  832. PRTCL.VelocitySpread = Offset
  833. PRTCL.Drag = Drag
  834. PRTCL.Acceleration = Acel
  835. if Enabled == false then
  836. PRTCL:Emit(Emit)
  837. Debris:AddItem(PRTCL,Lifetime2)
  838. else
  839. PRTCL.Enabled = true
  840. end
  841. return PRTCL
  842. end
  844. local Handle = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.2,0.6,0.2),false)
  845. local RightArmGrasp = CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, LeftArm, Handle, CF(0,-1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0.21, 0))
  846. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.2,0.5,0.2),false)
  847. MakeForm(Part,"Wedge")
  848. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.3, 0.2) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(180), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  849. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.2,0.3,0.2),false)
  850. MakeForm(Part,"Wedge")
  851. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.4, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(180)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  852. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.3,0.3,0.3),false)
  853. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.5, 0.2) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  854. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.3,0.5,0.5),false)
  855. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  856. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.4,0.4,0.4),false)
  857. MakeForm(Part,"Cyl")
  858. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  859. for i = 1, 8 do
  860. local Piece = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Eye", VT(0,0.35,0.41),false)
  861. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Part, Piece, CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD((360/8)*i), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  862. end
  863. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Eye", VT(0.38,0.41,0.38),false)
  864. MakeForm(Part,"Cyl")
  865. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  866. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.37,0.5,0.37),false)
  867. MakeForm(Part,"Ball")
  868. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  869. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.2,0.7,0.4),false)
  870. MakeForm(Part,"Wedge")
  871. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.7, 0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(180), RAD(180)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  872. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.3,0.4,0.2),false)
  873. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.7) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  874. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.35,0.35,0.35),false)
  875. MakeForm(Part,"Cyl")
  876. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.7) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  877. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.5,0.1,0.5),false)
  878. MakeForm(Part,"Cyl")
  879. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 1) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  880. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.5,0.1,0.45),false)
  881. MakeForm(Part,"Cyl")
  882. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 1.1) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  883. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.2,0.5,0.2),false)
  884. MakeForm(Part,"Wedge")
  885. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.55, 0.2) * ANGLES(RAD(-135), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, -0.3, 0))
  886. local LASTPART = Handle
  887. for i = 1, 10 do
  888. if LASTPART == Handle then
  889. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.1,0.2,0),false)
  890. LASTPART = Part
  891. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.1, 0.2) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  892. else
  893. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.1,0.05,0),false)
  894. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, LASTPART, Part, CF(0, 0.025, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, -0.025, 0))
  895. LASTPART = Part
  896. end
  897. end
  899. local Barrel = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.15,2,0.15),false)
  900. MakeForm(Barrel,"Cyl")
  901. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Barrel, CF(0, -0.6, 1.8) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  902. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.25,1,0.25),false)
  903. MakeForm(Part,"Cyl")
  904. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Barrel, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0), CF(0, 0, 0))
  905. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0,0.1,0.2),false)
  906. MakeForm(Part,"Wedge")
  907. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Barrel, Part, CF(0, 0.945, 0.1) * ANGLES(RAD(180), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  908. local Hole = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Eye", VT(0.125,0,0.125),false)
  909. MakeForm(Hole,"Cyl")
  910. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Barrel, Hole, CF(0, 0.98, 0), CF(0, 0, 0))
  911. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0,0,0),false)
  912. local GEARWELD = CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.7), CF(0, 0, 0))
  913. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", Part, "FileMesh", 156292343, "", VT(0.8,0.8,1.5), VT(0,0,0.2))
  914. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0.5, "Mid gray", "Eye", VT(0,0,0),false)
  915. local GEARWELD2 = CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.7), CF(0, 0, 0))
  916. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", Part, "FileMesh", 156292343, "", VT(0.9,0.9,0.3), VT(0,0,0.2))
  917. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  918. while wait() do
  920. GEARWELD2.C0 = GEARWELD2.C0 * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-5))
  921. end
  922. end))
  924. local Handle = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.2,0.6,0.2),false)
  925. local RightArmGrasp = CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, RightArm, Handle, CF(0,-1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0.21, 0))
  926. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.2,0.5,0.2),false)
  927. MakeForm(Part,"Wedge")
  928. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.3, 0.2) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(180), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  929. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.2,0.3,0.2),false)
  930. MakeForm(Part,"Wedge")
  931. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.4, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(180)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  932. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.3,0.3,0.3),false)
  933. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.5, 0.2) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  934. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.3,0.5,0.5),false)
  935. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  936. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.4,0.4,0.4),false)
  937. MakeForm(Part,"Cyl")
  938. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  939. for i = 1, 8 do
  940. local Piece = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Eye", VT(0,0.35,0.41),false)
  941. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Part, Piece, CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD((360/8)*i), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  942. end
  943. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Eye", VT(0.38,0.41,0.38),false)
  944. MakeForm(Part,"Cyl")
  945. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  946. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.37,0.5,0.37),false)
  947. MakeForm(Part,"Ball")
  948. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  949. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.2,0.7,0.4),false)
  950. MakeForm(Part,"Wedge")
  951. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.7, 0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(180), RAD(180)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  952. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.3,0.4,0.2),false)
  953. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.7) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  954. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.35,0.35,0.35),false)
  955. MakeForm(Part,"Cyl")
  956. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.7) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  957. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.5,0.1,0.5),false)
  958. MakeForm(Part,"Cyl")
  959. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 1) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  960. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.5,0.1,0.45),false)
  961. MakeForm(Part,"Cyl")
  962. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 1.1) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  963. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.2,0.5,0.2),false)
  964. MakeForm(Part,"Wedge")
  965. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.55, 0.2) * ANGLES(RAD(-135), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, -0.3, 0))
  966. local LASTPART = Handle
  967. for i = 1, 10 do
  968. if LASTPART == Handle then
  969. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.1,0.2,0),false)
  970. LASTPART = Part
  971. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.1, 0.2) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  972. else
  973. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.1,0.05,0),false)
  974. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, LASTPART, Part, CF(0, 0.025, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, -0.025, 0))
  975. LASTPART = Part
  976. end
  977. end
  979. local Barrel = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.15,2,0.15),false)
  980. MakeForm(Barrel,"Cyl")
  981. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Barrel, CF(0, -0.6, 1.8) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  982. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0.25,1,0.25),false)
  983. MakeForm(Part,"Cyl")
  984. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Barrel, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0), CF(0, 0, 0))
  985. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0,0.1,0.2),false)
  986. MakeForm(Part,"Wedge")
  987. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Barrel, Part, CF(0, 0.945, 0.1) * ANGLES(RAD(180), RAD(0), RAD(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  988. local Hole = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Eye", VT(0.125,0,0.125),false)
  989. MakeForm(Hole,"Cyl")
  990. CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Barrel, Hole, CF(0, 0.98, 0), CF(0, 0, 0))
  991. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0, "Mid gray", "Part", VT(0,0,0),false)
  992. local GEARWELD = CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.7), CF(0, 0, 0))
  993. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", Part, "FileMesh", 156292343, "", VT(0.8,0.8,1.5), VT(0,0,0.2))
  994. local Part = CreatePart(3, Weapon, "Metal", 0, 0.5, "Mid gray", "Eye", VT(0,0,0),false)
  995. local GEARWELD2 = CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", Handle, Handle, Part, CF(0, -0.6, 0.7), CF(0, 0, 0))
  996. CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", Part, "FileMesh", 156292343, "", VT(0.9,0.9,0.3), VT(0,0,0.2))
  997. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  998. while wait() do
  1000. GEARWELD2.C0 = GEARWELD2.C0 * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-5))
  1001. end
  1002. end))
  1004. ParticleEmitter({Speed = 0.2, Drag = 0, Size1 = 0.1, Size2 = 0, Lifetime1 = 0.3, Lifetime2 = 0.5, Parent = Hole, Emit = 100, Offset = 360, Enabled = true, Acel = VT(0,5,0)})
  1005. --ParticleEmitter({Speed = 0.5, Drag = 0, Size1 = 0.2, Size2 = 0, Lifetime1 = 0.3, Lifetime2 = 0.7, Parent = Dangle, Emit = 100, Offset = 360, Enabled = true, Acel = VT(0,5,0)})
  1007. for _, c in pairs(Weapon:GetDescendants()) do
  1008. if c.ClassName == "Part" and c.Name ~= "Eye" and c.Parent ~= Effects and c.Parent.Parent ~= Effects then
  1009. c.Material = "Glass"
  1010. c.Color = C3(0,0,0)
  1011. elseif c.ClassName == "Part" and c.Name == "Eye" then
  1012. c.Color = C3(1,0,0)
  1013. c.Material = "Neon"
  1014. end
  1015. end
  1017. Weapon.Parent = Character
  1018. for _, c in pairs(Weapon:GetChildren()) do
  1019. if c.ClassName == "Part" then
  1020. c.CustomPhysicalProperties =, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  1021. end
  1022. end
  1024. local SKILLTEXTCOLOR = C3(1,0,0)
  1025. local SKILLFONT = "Antique"
  1026. local SKILLTEXTSIZE = 7
  1028. Humanoid.Died:connect(function()
  1029. ATTACK = true
  1030. end)
  1032. local SKILL1FRAME = CreateFrame(WEAPONGUI, 1, 2, UD2(0.1, 0, 0.90, 0), UD2(0.26, 0, 0.07, 0), C3(0,0,0), C3(0, 0, 0), "Skill 1 Frame")
  1033. --[[local SKILL2FRAME = CreateFrame(WEAPONGUI, 1, 2, UD2(0.63, 0, 0.90, 0), UD2(0.26, 0, 0.07, 0), C3(0,0,0), C3(0, 0, 0), "Skill 2 Frame")
  1034. local SKILL3FRAME = CreateFrame(WEAPONGUI, 1, 2, UD2(0.215, 0, 0.90, 0), UD2(0.26, 0, 0.07, 0), C3(0,0,0), C3(0, 0, 0), "Skill 3 Frame")
  1035. local SKILL4FRAME = CreateFrame(WEAPONGUI, 1, 2, UD2(0.525, 0, 0.90, 0), UD2(0.26, 0, 0.07, 0), C3(0,0,0), C3(0, 0, 0), "Skill 4 Frame")
  1036. local SKILL5FRAME = CreateFrame(WEAPONGUI, 1, 2, UD2(0.365, 0, 0.90, 0), UD2(0.26, 0, 0.07, 0), C3(0,0,0), C3(0, 0, 0), "Skill 5 Frame")
  1037. ]]
  1038. local SKILL1TEXT = CreateLabel(SKILL1FRAME, "[Z] Banisher Bullet", SKILLTEXTCOLOR, SKILLTEXTSIZE, SKILLFONT, 0, 2, 0.7, "Text 1")
  1039. --[[local SKILL2TEXT = CreateLabel(SKILL2FRAME, "[B] Morning_Star", SKILLTEXTCOLOR, SKILLTEXTSIZE, SKILLFONT, 0, 2, 0.7, "Text 2")
  1040. local SKILL3TEXT = CreateLabel(SKILL3FRAME, "[C] Ability 3", SKILLTEXTCOLOR, SKILLTEXTSIZE, SKILLFONT, 0, 2, 0.7, "Text 3")
  1041. local SKILL4TEXT = CreateLabel(SKILL4FRAME, "[V] Ability 4", SKILLTEXTCOLOR, SKILLTEXTSIZE, SKILLFONT, 0, 2, 0.7, "Text 4")
  1042. local SKILL5TEXT = CreateLabel(SKILL5FRAME, "[X] Mercy", SKILLTEXTCOLOR, SKILLTEXTSIZE, SKILLFONT, 0, 2, 0.7, "Text 5")
  1043. ]]
  1044. function printbye(Name)
  1045. local MESSAGES = {"You cannot struggle, ","Your existance is an insult, ","Fade, ","Your existance is not desired, ","You are not permitted here, ","You are not to decide your fate, ","Be gone, ","You are already dead, ","Your live is an anomaly, ","Don't dare to return, ","Why are you resisting, ","You cannot exist here, ","Why are you struggling, ","Your fate was already decided, ","Goodbye, ","You cannot ignore my command, ","You cannot resist my command, ","You already died, "}
  1046. warn(MESSAGES[MRANDOM(1,#MESSAGES)]..Name..".")
  1047. end
  1049. workspace.ChildAdded:connect(function(instance)
  1050. for BANISH = 1, #TOBANISH do
  1051. if TOBANISH[BANISH] ~= nil then
  1052. if instance.Name == TOBANISH[BANISH] then
  1053. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1054. printbye(instance.Name)
  1055. instance:ClearAllChildren()
  1056. Debris:AddItem(instance,0.0005)
  1057. end))
  1058. end
  1059. end
  1060. end
  1061. end)
  1063. --//=================================\\
  1064. --|| DAMAGING
  1065. --\\=================================//
  1067. local Decal = IT("Decal")
  1068. function MagicRing()
  1069. local O1 = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1, "Really red", "Warphole", VT(0, 0, 0))
  1070. O1.CFrame = RootPart.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -3) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0))
  1071. local decal = Decal:Clone()
  1072. decal.Parent = O1
  1073. decal.Face = "Top"
  1074. decal.Texture = ""
  1075. local decal2 = Decal:Clone()
  1076. decal2.Parent = O1
  1077. decal2.Face = "Bottom"
  1078. decal2.Texture = ""
  1079. return O1
  1080. end
  1081. function Dolor_Pluvia()
  1082. local POWER = LEVEL
  1083. local CENTER = MagicRing()
  1084. CENTER.CFrame = CF(Mouse.Hit.p)
  1085. CreateSound("424777055", CENTER, 10, 1)
  1086. local RAIN = {}
  1087. for i = 1, 45 do
  1088. Swait()
  1089. CENTER.Size = CENTER.Size + VT(POWER, 0, POWER)
  1090. CENTER.CFrame = CENTER.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(i), RAD(0))
  1091. end
  1092. for i = 1, 35 do
  1093. Swait()
  1094. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1095. local DROP = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0, "Gold", "Raindrop", VT(POWER / 2, POWER / 2, POWER * 5))
  1096. DROP.CFrame = CF(CENTER.Position + VT(MRANDOM(-CENTER.Size.X / 3, CENTER.Size.X / 3), 200, MRANDOM(-CENTER.Size.X / 3, CENTER.Size.X / 3)), CENTER.Position + VT(MRANDOM(-CENTER.Size.X / 2.5, CENTER.Size.X / 2.5), 0, MRANDOM(-CENTER.Size.X / 2.5, CENTER.Size.X / 2.5)))
  1097. table.insert(RAIN, DROP)
  1098. particles(DROP)
  1099. MakeForm(DROP, "Ball")
  1100. local IMPACT = false
  1101. for i = 1, 80 do
  1102. Swait()
  1103. DROP.CFrame = DROP.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -7)
  1104. local HIT = Raycast(DROP.Position, DROP.CFrame.lookVector, 6, Character)
  1105. if HIT ~= nil then
  1106. IMPACT = true
  1107. break
  1108. end
  1109. end
  1110. table.remove(RAIN, 1)
  1111. if IMPACT == true then
  1112. DROP.OVERLORDAURA.Enabled = false
  1113. MagicSphere(VT(0, 0, 0), 25, DROP.CFrame, BRICKC("Gold").Color, VT(POWER, POWER, POWER) / 2)
  1114. killnearest(DROP.Position, POWER * 5, 500)
  1115. Debris:AddItem(DROP, 5)
  1116. else
  1117. DROP:remove()
  1118. end
  1119. end))
  1120. end
  1121. repeat
  1122. Swait()
  1123. until #RAIN == 0
  1124. for i = 1, 45 do
  1125. Swait()
  1126. CENTER.Size = CENTER.Size - VT(POWER, 0, POWER)
  1127. CENTER.CFrame = CENTER.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(i), RAD(0))
  1128. end
  1129. CENTER:remove()
  1130. end
  1132. function Banish(Foe)
  1133. if Foe then
  1134. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1135. --if game.Players:FindFirstChild(Foe.Name) then
  1136. table.insert(TOBANISH,Foe.Name)
  1137. printbye(Foe.Name)
  1138. --end
  1139. Foe.Archivable = true
  1140. local CLONE = Foe:Clone()
  1141. Foe:Destroy()
  1142. CLONE.Parent = Effects
  1143. CLONE:BreakJoints()
  1144. local MATERIALS = {"Glass","Neon"}
  1145. for _, c in pairs(CLONE:GetDescendants()) do
  1146. if c:IsA("BasePart") then
  1147. if c.Name == "Torso" or c.Name == "UpperTorso" or c == CLONE.PrimaryPart then
  1148. CreateSound(340722848, c, 10, 1, false)
  1149. end
  1150. c.Anchored = true
  1151. c.Material = MATERIALS[MRANDOM(1,2)]
  1152. c.Color = C3(1,0,0)
  1153. if c.ClassName == "MeshPart" then
  1154. c.TextureID = ""
  1155. end
  1156. if c:FindFirstChildOfClass("SpecialMesh") then
  1157. c:FindFirstChildOfClass("SpecialMesh").TextureId = ""
  1158. end
  1159. if c:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal") then
  1160. c:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal"):remove()
  1161. end
  1162. c.Name = "Banished"
  1163. c.CanCollide = false
  1164. else
  1165. c:remove()
  1166. end
  1167. end
  1168. local A = false
  1169. for i = 1, 35 do
  1170. if A == false then
  1171. A = true
  1172. elseif A == true then
  1173. A = false
  1174. end
  1175. for _, c in pairs(CLONE:GetDescendants()) do
  1176. if c:IsA("BasePart") then
  1177. c.Anchored = true
  1178. c.Material = MATERIALS[MRANDOM(1,2)]
  1179. if A == false then
  1180. c.CFrame = c.CFrame*CF(MRANDOM(-45,45)/45,MRANDOM(-45,45)/45,MRANDOM(-45,45)/45)
  1181. elseif A == true then
  1182. c.CFrame = c.CFrame*CF(MRANDOM(-45,45)/45,MRANDOM(-45,45)/45,MRANDOM(-45,45)/45)
  1183. end
  1184. end
  1185. end
  1186. Swait()
  1187. end
  1188. CLONE:remove()
  1189. end))
  1190. end
  1191. end
  1193. function ApplyAoE(POSITION,RANGE,ISBANISH)
  1194. local CHILDREN = workspace:GetDescendants()
  1195. for index, CHILD in pairs(CHILDREN) do
  1196. if CHILD.ClassName == "Model" and CHILD ~= Character then
  1197. local HUM = CHILD:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
  1198. if HUM then
  1199. local TORSO = CHILD:FindFirstChild("Torso") or CHILD:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso")
  1200. if TORSO then
  1201. if (TORSO.Position - POSITION).Magnitude <= RANGE then
  1202. if ISBANISH == true then
  1203. Banish(CHILD)
  1204. else
  1205. if ISBANISH == "Gravity" then
  1206. HUM.PlatformStand = true
  1207. if TORSO:FindFirstChild("V3BanishForce"..Player.Name) then
  1208. local grav ="BodyPosition",TORSO)
  1209. grav.D = 15
  1210. grav.P = 20000
  1211. grav.maxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)
  1212. grav.position = TORSO.Position
  1213. grav.Name = "V3BanishForce"..Player.Name
  1214. else
  1215. TORSO:FindFirstChild("V3BanishForce"..Player.Name).position = TORSO.Position+VT(0,0.3,0)
  1216. TORSO.RotVelocity = VT(MRANDOM(-25,25),MRANDOM(-25,25),MRANDOM(-25,25))
  1217. end
  1218. else
  1219. HUM.PlatformStand = false
  1220. end
  1221. end
  1222. elseif ISBANISH == "Gravity" then
  1223. if TORSO:FindFirstChild("V3BanishForce"..Player.Name) then
  1224. TORSO:FindFirstChild("V3BanishForce"..Player.Name):remove()
  1225. HUM.PlatformStand = false
  1226. end
  1227. end
  1228. end
  1229. end
  1230. end
  1231. end
  1232. end
  1234. --//=================================\\
  1236. --\\=================================//
  1238. function Hop()
  1239. ATTACK = true
  1240. Rooted = false
  1241. local O1 = MagicRing()
  1242. local O2 = MagicRing()
  1243. local POS = VT(RootPart.Position.X, Mouse.Hit.p.Y + 6, RootPart.Position.Z)
  1244. O1.CFrame = RootPart.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -3) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0))
  1245. O2.CFrame = CF(Mouse.Hit.p + VT(0, 6, 0), POS) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(0))
  1246. local ROOT = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1, "Really red", "Warphole", VT(0, 0, 0))
  1247. ROOT.CFrame = CF(O2.Position, RootPart.Position)
  1248. CreateSound("814168787", O1, 10, 0.7)
  1249. CreateSound("814168787", O2, 10, 0.7)
  1250. for i = 1, 75 do
  1251. Swait()
  1252. O1.Size = O1.Size + VT(0.15, 0, 0.15)
  1253. O1.CFrame = RootPart.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -3) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(i), RAD(0))
  1254. O2.Size = O2.Size + VT(0.15, 0, 0.15)
  1255. O2.CFrame = O2.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(i), RAD(0))
  1256. RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 0.25 * COS(SINE / 12)) * ANGLES(RAD(4 + 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1257. Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(5 + 6.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1258. RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.15, 0.35 + 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12), -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0 + 7.5 * SIN(SINE / 12))) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1259. LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.15, 0.15 + 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12), 0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(-45), RAD(0 + 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(45 - 7.5 * SIN(SINE / 12))) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1260. RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(-4.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8 - 5.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1261. LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(-4.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8 - 5.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1262. end
  1263. Rooted = true
  1264. UNANCHOR = false
  1265. RootPart.Anchored = true
  1266. VALUE1 = true
  1267. for i = 1, 15 do
  1268. Swait()
  1269. RootPart.CFrame = RootPart.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -0.13)
  1270. RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 0.25 * COS(SINE / 12)) * ANGLES(RAD(16 + 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(5 + 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12))), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1271. Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15 + 4.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(-5 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12))), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1272. RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5 + 0.25 * COS(SINE / 12), 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(5 + 7.5 * SIN(SINE / 12))) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1273. LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5 + 0.25 * COS(SINE / 12), 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0 + 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(-5 - 7.5 * SIN(SINE / 12))) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1274. RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(-2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1275. LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(-2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1276. end
  1277. RootPart.CFrame = ROOT.CFrame
  1278. ROOT:remove()
  1279. for i = 1, 15 do
  1280. Swait()
  1281. RootPart.CFrame = RootPart.CFrame * CF(0, 0, -0.5)
  1282. RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 0.25 * COS(SINE / 12)) * ANGLES(RAD(16 + 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(5 + 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12))), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1283. Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15 + 4.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(-5 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12))), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1284. RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5 + 0.25 * COS(SINE / 12), 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(5 + 7.5 * SIN(SINE / 12))) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1285. LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5 + 0.25 * COS(SINE / 12), 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0 + 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(-5 - 7.5 * SIN(SINE / 12))) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1286. RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(-2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1287. LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(-2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1288. end
  1289. VALUE1 = false
  1290. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1291. for i = 1, 75 do
  1292. Swait()
  1293. O1.Size = O1.Size - VT(0.15, 0, 0.15)
  1294. O1.CFrame = O1.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(i), RAD(0))
  1295. O2.Size = O2.Size - VT(0.15, 0, 0.15)
  1296. O2.CFrame = O2.CFrame * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(i), RAD(0))
  1297. end
  1298. O1:remove()
  1299. O2:remove()
  1300. end))
  1301. UNANCHOR = true
  1302. RootPart.Anchored = false
  1303. ATTACK = false
  1304. Rooted = false
  1305. end
  1307. function Morning_Star()
  1308. ATTACK = true
  1309. Rooted = true
  1310. for i=0, 1, 0.1 / Animation_Speed do
  1311. Swait()
  1312. RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0,ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 0.25 * COS(SINE / 12)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1313. Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1) - 1)) * ANGLES(RAD(15 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1314. RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-85)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1315. LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.15, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(-15), RAD(0), RAD(85)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1316. RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(-2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1317. LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(-2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1318. end
  1319. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1320. local POS = Mouse.Hit.p
  1321. local RAY = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0, "Really red", "Strike", VT(0,2000,0))
  1322. MakeForm(RAY,"Cyl")
  1323. local SPHERE = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0, "Really red", "Strike", VT(0,0,0))
  1324. MakeForm(SPHERE,"Ball")
  1325. local SHIELD = CreatePart(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0.5, "Really black", "Strike", VT(0,0,0))
  1326. MakeForm(SHIELD,"Ball")
  1327. SHIELD.CFrame = CF(POS)
  1328. RAY.CFrame = CF(POS)
  1329. SPHERE.CFrame = CF(POS)
  1330. CreateSound(440145570, SPHERE, 10, 0.8, false)
  1331. CreateSound(415700134, SPHERE, 10, 0.8, false)
  1332. for i = 1, 200 do
  1333. Swait()
  1334. WACKYEFFECT({Time = 15, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(0,0,0), Size2 = VT(SPHERE.Size.X*1.2,5+(i),SPHERE.Size.X*1.2), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = SPHERE.CFrame*ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(i), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = i, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(1,0,0), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil})
  1335. RAY.Size = RAY.Size + VT(0.05,0,0.05)
  1336. SPHERE.Size = SPHERE.Size + VT(2,2,2)
  1337. SHIELD.Size = SPHERE.Size + VT(3,3,3)
  1338. ApplyAoE(SPHERE.Position,SPHERE.Size.X/2,true)
  1339. end
  1340. for i = 1, 45 do
  1341. Swait()
  1342. RAY.Transparency = RAY.Transparency + 1/45
  1343. SPHERE.Transparency = RAY.Transparency
  1344. SHIELD.Transparency = SPHERE.Transparency + 1/45
  1345. end
  1346. RAY:remove()
  1347. SHIELD:remove()
  1348. SPHERE:remove()
  1349. end))
  1350. for i=0, 1, 0.1 / Animation_Speed do
  1351. Swait()
  1352. RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0,ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 0.25 * COS(SINE / 12)) * ANGLES(RAD(-35), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1353. Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1) - 1)) * ANGLES(RAD(-15 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1354. RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, -0.15) * ANGLES(RAD(65), RAD(-45), RAD(85)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1355. LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, -0.15) * ANGLES(RAD(65), RAD(45), RAD(-85)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1356. RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(-35-2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1357. LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(-35-2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1358. end
  1359. ATTACK = false
  1360. Rooted = false
  1361. end
  1363. function Banisher_Bullet()
  1364. ATTACK = true
  1365. Rooted = false
  1366. for i=0, 0.05, 0.1 / Animation_Speed do
  1367. Swait()
  1368. turnto(Mouse.Hit.p)
  1369. RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0,ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(90)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1370. Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-90)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1371. RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(90)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1372. LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.6, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-45), RAD(0), RAD(45)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1373. RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1374. LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1375. end
  1376. repeat
  1377. for i=0, 0.05, 0.1 / Animation_Speed do
  1378. Swait()
  1379. turnto(Mouse.Hit.p)
  1380. RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0,ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(90)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1381. Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-90)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1382. RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(90)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1383. LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.6, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-45), RAD(0), RAD(45)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1384. RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1385. LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1386. end
  1387. local HIT,POS = CastProperRay(Hole.Position, Mouse.Hit.p, 1000, Character)
  1388. SpawnTrail(Hole.Position,POS)
  1389. if HIT ~= nil then
  1390. if HIT.Parent ~= workspace and HIT.Parent.ClassName ~= "Folder" then
  1391. Banish(HIT.Parent)
  1392. end
  1393. end
  1394. WACKYEFFECT({Time = 25, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(1,0,1), Size2 = VT(6,7.5,6), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = Hole.CFrame, MoveToPos = Hole.CFrame*CF(0,0.5,0).p, RotationX = 0, RotationY = -15, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(1,0,0), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = nil, SoundVolume = nil})
  1395. WACKYEFFECT({Time = 25, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(1,0,1), Size2 = VT(6,6.5,6), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = Hole.CFrame, MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 5, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(1,0,0), SoundID = 904440937, SoundPitch = MRANDOM(8,11)/10, SoundVolume = 8})
  1396. WACKYEFFECT({Time = 25, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(1,0,1), Size2 = VT(6,6.5,6), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(POS,Hole.Position) * ANGLES(RAD(-90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = -5, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(1,0,0), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = MRANDOM(8,11)/10, SoundVolume = 8})
  1397. WACKYEFFECT({Time = 25, EffectType = "Wave", Size = VT(1,0,1), Size2 = VT(6,6.5,6), Transparency = 0, Transparency2 = 1, CFrame = CF(POS,Hole.Position) * ANGLES(RAD(-90), RAD(0), RAD(0)), MoveToPos = nil, RotationX = 0, RotationY = 5, RotationZ = 0, Material = "Neon", Color = C3(1,0,0), SoundID = nil, SoundPitch = MRANDOM(8,11)/10, SoundVolume = 8})
  1398. for i=0, 0.05, 0.1 / Animation_Speed do
  1399. Swait()
  1400. RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0,ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(90)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1401. Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-90)), 0.25 / Animation_Speed)
  1402. RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(130), RAD(15), RAD(90)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1403. LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.6, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-45), RAD(0), RAD(45)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1404. RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1405. LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed)
  1406. end
  1407. until KEYHOLD == false
  1408. ATTACK = false
  1409. Rooted = false
  1410. end
  1412. function AttackTemplate()
  1413. ATTACK = true
  1414. Rooted = false
  1415. for i=0, 1, 0.1 / Animation_Speed do
  1416. Swait()
  1417. RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0,ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.15 / Animation_Speed)
  1418. Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1) - 1)) * ANGLES(RAD(0 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.15 / Animation_Speed)
  1419. RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(12)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 0.15 / Animation_Speed)
  1420. LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-12)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 0.15 / Animation_Speed)
  1421. RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1 - 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12), -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.15 / Animation_Speed)
  1422. LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1 - 0.05 * COS(SINE / 12), -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.15 / Animation_Speed)
  1423. end
  1424. ATTACK = false
  1425. Rooted = false
  1426. end
  1428. --//=================================\\
  1430. --\\=================================//
  1432. function MouseDown(Mouse)
  1433. if ATTACK == false then
  1434. end
  1435. end
  1437. function MouseUp(Mouse)
  1438. HOLD = false
  1439. end
  1441. function KeyDown(Key)
  1442. KEYHOLD = true
  1443. if Key == "z" and ATTACK == false then
  1444. Banisher_Bullet()
  1445. end
  1447. if Key == "b" and ATTACK == false then
  1448. Morning_Star()
  1449. end
  1451. if Key == "c" and ATTACK == false then
  1452. Hop()
  1453. end
  1455. if Key == "v" and ATTACK == false then
  1456. end
  1458. if Key == "x" and ATTACK == false then
  1459. end
  1460. end
  1462. function KeyUp(Key)
  1463. KEYHOLD = false
  1464. end
  1466. Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function(NEWKEY)
  1467. MouseDown(NEWKEY)
  1468. end)
  1469. Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function(NEWKEY)
  1470. MouseUp(NEWKEY)
  1471. end)
  1472. Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(NEWKEY)
  1473. KeyDown(NEWKEY)
  1474. end)
  1475. Mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(NEWKEY)
  1476. KeyUp(NEWKEY)
  1477. end)
  1479. --//=================================\\
  1480. --\\=================================//
  1483. function unanchor()
  1484. if UNANCHOR == true then
  1485. g = Character:GetChildren()
  1486. for i = 1, #g do
  1487. if g[i].ClassName == "Part" then
  1488. g[i].Anchored = false
  1489. end
  1490. end
  1491. end
  1492. end
  1495. --//=================================\\
  1497. --\\=================================//
  1499. Humanoid.Changed:connect(function(Jump)
  1500. if Jump == "Jump" and (Disable_Jump == true) then
  1501. Humanoid.Jump = false
  1502. end
  1503. end)
  1505. local CONNECT = nil
  1507. while true do
  1508. Swait()
  1509. ANIMATE.Parent = nil
  1510. if Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") == nil then
  1511. Humanoid = IT("Humanoid",Character)
  1512. end
  1513. for _,v in next, Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks() do
  1514. v:Stop();
  1515. end
  1516. SINE = SINE + CHANGE
  1517. local TORSOVELOCITY = (RootPart.Velocity * VT(1, 0, 1)).magnitude
  1518. local TORSOVERTICALVELOCITY = RootPart.Velocity.y
  1519. local HITFLOOR = Raycast(RootPart.Position, (CF(RootPart.Position, RootPart.Position + VT(0, -1, 0))).lookVector, 4, Character)
  1520. HairWeld1.C1 = Clerp(HairWeld1.C1, CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0 + 1.5 * SIN(SINE / 12) - 2.5 * COS(SINE / 12)), RAD(4.5 * SIN(SINE / 12))), 5 / Animation_Speed)
  1521. HairWeld2.C1 = Clerp(HairWeld2.C1, CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0 - 1.5 * SIN(SINE / 12) + 2.5 * COS(SINE / 12)), RAD(-4.5 * SIN(SINE / 12))), 5 / Animation_Speed)
  1522. HoodWeld.C1 = Clerp(HoodWeld.C1, CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0 + 0.75 * SIN(SINE / 12) - 1.75 * COS(SINE / 12)), RAD(2.75 * SIN(SINE / 12))), 5 / Animation_Speed)
  1523. local WALKSPEEDVALUE = 6 / (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16)
  1524. if ANIM == "Walk" and TORSOVELOCITY > 1 then
  1525. RootJoint.C1 = Clerp(RootJoint.C1, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, -0.15 * COS(SINE / (WALKSPEEDVALUE / 2))) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0) - RootPart.RotVelocity.Y / 75, RAD(0)), 2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / Animation_Speed)
  1526. Neck.C1 = Clerp(Neck.C1, CF(0, -0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-90), RAD(0), RAD(180)) * ANGLES(RAD(2.5 * SIN(SINE / (WALKSPEEDVALUE / 2))), RAD(0), RAD(0) - Head.RotVelocity.Y / 30), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / Animation_Speed)
  1527. RightHip.C1 = Clerp(RightHip.C1, CF(0.5, 0.875 - 0.125 * SIN(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE) - 0.15 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE*2), -0.125 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE) +0.2+ 0.2 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0) - RightLeg.RotVelocity.Y / 75, RAD(0), RAD(76 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE))), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / Animation_Speed)
  1528. LeftHip.C1 = Clerp(LeftHip.C1, CF(-0.5, 0.875 + 0.125 * SIN(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE) - 0.15 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE*2), 0.125 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE) +0.2+ -0.2 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0) + LeftLeg.RotVelocity.Y / 75, RAD(0), RAD(76 * COS(SINE / WALKSPEEDVALUE))), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / Animation_Speed)
  1529. elseif (ANIM ~= "Walk") or (TORSOVELOCITY < 1) then
  1530. RootJoint.C1 = Clerp(RootJoint.C1, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1531. Neck.C1 = Clerp(Neck.C1, CF(0, -0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-90), RAD(0), RAD(180)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1532. RightHip.C1 = Clerp(RightHip.C1, CF(0.5, 1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1533. LeftHip.C1 = Clerp(LeftHip.C1, CF(-0.5, 1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1534. end
  1535. if TORSOVERTICALVELOCITY > 1 and HITFLOOR == nil then
  1536. ANIM = "Jump"
  1537. if ATTACK == false then
  1538. RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1539. Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-20), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1540. RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-40), RAD(0), RAD(20)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1541. LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-40), RAD(0), RAD(-20)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1542. RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, -0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-5), RAD(0), RAD(-20)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1543. LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, -0.3) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-5), RAD(0), RAD(20)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1544. end
  1545. elseif TORSOVERTICALVELOCITY < -1 and HITFLOOR == nil then
  1546. ANIM = "Fall"
  1547. if ATTACK == false then
  1548. RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1549. Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(20), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1550. RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(60)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1551. LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-60)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1552. RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(20)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1553. LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(10)), 0.2 / Animation_Speed)
  1554. end
  1555. elseif TORSOVELOCITY < 1 and HITFLOOR ~= nil then
  1556. ANIM = "Idle"
  1557. if ATTACK == false then
  1558. RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 0.05 * COS(SINE / 22)) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.15 / Animation_Speed)
  1559. Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(15 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 22)), RAD(15), RAD(0)), 0.15 / Animation_Speed)
  1560. RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1, 0.5 + 0.025 * COS(SINE / 22), -1) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0 - 7.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(-90 + 7.5 * SIN(SINE / 12))) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1561. LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1, 0 + 0.025 * COS(SINE / 22), -1) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0 + 7.5 * SIN(SINE / 12)), RAD(90 - 7.5 * SIN(SINE / 12))) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1562. RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1 - 0.05 * COS(SINE / 22), -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.15 / Animation_Speed)
  1563. LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1 - 0.05 * COS(SINE / 22), -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.15 / Animation_Speed)
  1564. end
  1565. elseif TORSOVELOCITY > 1 and HITFLOOR ~= nil then
  1566. ANIM = "Walk"
  1567. if ATTACK == false then
  1568. RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0 + 0.25 * COS(SINE / 22)) * ANGLES(RAD(25 + 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 22)), RAD(0), RAD(5 + 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 12))), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1569. Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-25 + 4.5 * SIN(SINE / 22)), RAD(0), RAD(-5 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 22))), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1570. RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5 + 0.25 * COS(SINE / 22), 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-25), RAD(0 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 22)), RAD(15 + 7.5 * SIN(SINE / 22))) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1571. LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.5 + 0.25 * COS(SINE / 22), 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-25), RAD(0 + 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 22)), RAD(-15 - 7.5 * SIN(SINE / 22))) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1572. RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, -0.01) * ANGLES(RAD(-25 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 22)), RAD(75), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8 - 5.5 * SIN(SINE / 22)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1573. LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -0.5, -0.5) * ANGLES(RAD(-2.5 * SIN(SINE / 22)), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8 - 2.5 * SIN(SINE / 22)), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 1 / Animation_Speed)
  1574. end
  1575. end
  1576. unanchor()
  1577. Humanoid.MaxHealth = "inf"
  1578. Humanoid.Health = "inf"
  1579. if Rooted == false then
  1580. Disable_Jump = false
  1581. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = Speed
  1582. elseif Rooted == true then
  1583. Disable_Jump = true
  1584. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
  1585. end
  1586. sick.Parent = Torso
  1587. sick:resume()
  1588. sick.Volume = 5
  1589. sick.Pitch = 1
  1590. sick.SoundId = "rbxassetid://924339757"
  1591. sick.Name = "BanishV3Music"
  1592. end
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