
Mellow/Fate Lewds 1

Jul 4th, 2018
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  1. Stress was a killer, even more so in times of war.
  3. It was built-up pressure that would break the camel's back the moment a straw touches it, the microscopic cracks in metal that would eventually lead it to snap, the whisper of wind that would bring down a house in the aftermath of a hurricane. It was insidious and subtle, like creeping venom or residue pile-up; unnoticeable until it was too late.
  5. Fortunately, there were ways of managing stress to keep it from getting to that point. They ranged from physical exertion to mental exercises to enjoyable hobbies or even basic social interaction between. Different spokes for different folks, as the saying went.
  7. For Mellow Proudmoore, his favored method of relieving stress involved copious amounts of violence on an acceptable target and sleep.
  9. For Fate Testarossa Harlaown, her favored methods of relieving stress were either exercise, reading a good (smut) book, or a long nap.
  11. When the subject of stress relief came up after a particularly grueling mission, the two realized that they both shared the same preferences in relieving stress. And when that particular piece of info came up, Mellow had propositioned Fate for a good time. In bed.
  13. She slapped him in pure reflex for asking such a question so blatantly and ignored him for a week, with a face redder than her eyes.
  15. But after encountering a tribe of Minotaurs and exposed to their toxic breaths, a flushed and extremely turned on Fate had all but thrown herself onto Mellow once their mission had concluded, groping and kissing him like a sailor would lap up fresh water after weeks at sea. Mellow resisted at first, but with his own pent up frustration threatening to overwhelm even his own ironclad self-discipline, it took only one lustful look from Fate before he threw caution to the wind and captured her lips with his.
  17. Then they both reappeared before Ayanear in a flash of light, limbs locked mid-motion just as they were about to deepen the kiss. The two pulled away and glared at whomever was responsible for disturbing their much needed stress relieving-session.
  19. The young divine being initially flew towards them, hoping to make sure they were fine. But she too froze at the sight of their flushed faces, panting visages, disheveled clothing, and lustful gazes.
  21. Fate rolled her eyes and continued her assault on Mellow, trying to satisfy her newly awakened carnal needs. Mellow, not as affected by the aphrodisiac as his partner, managed to force himself out of a lip lock long enough to give their summoner an abridged version of their mission report.
  23. "So" Mellow bit his lip Fate unzipped his tactical vest and pulled up his shirt, her hands wandering over Mellow's developed physique. "Uh, we encountered those poison breathing Minotaurs on our last mission and Fate got hit with a really big dose of their a-aphrodisiac."
  25. Mellow stumbled in his words as Fate leaned down and caressed his nipples with her teeth.
  27. "S-She's been in denial a-about it, but I-I think the aphrodisiac's just l-loosened her enough to a-act on what she really wants." he went a little cross-eyed when Fate unbuckled his belt and groped as his hardening manhood. "D-Do you have a room for me and her Ayanear? Not to sound crude, but I've got a little of that gas in me too and... I'm starting to pitch a tent."
  29. The divine moved and Mellow had the impression that it was fidgeting and somehow rubbing her thighs together. Parts of the cloud might have been her face turned a darker shade of green, and Mellow would have sworn that it was blushing.
  31. "I... I... eh... I could just remove... well... yeah... so that's how it looks like... huh... I mean... I guess." It said with clear embarrassment in the voice. A moment later, both began to glow like before when they were transported. "Just... think about what you want it to... look like and it will appear around you once you arrive there... just... do it quickly. W-we have missions to do."
  33. Just before the light overcome his vision, Mellow thought of all the places he'd been to in his life and randomly chose the most suitable for a quick fuck.
  35. The light became overwhelming and both Magical Girl and Bastard Hero reappeared in an entirely different place.
  37. It was an apartment, small and cramped and smelling of cheap air freshener. Various pictures lined the walls and the furniture decorating the apartment's interior was worn but possessed the look of quiet sturdiness.
  39. Mellow quirked his lips in a smile as Fate wrapped her arms around her neck and wrapped her toned legs around his waist. His old apartment. How fitting.
  41. Kicking off his boots, the young man lifted the lustful magical girl off the floor and carried her to the kitchen table. He sat her down and locked lips, his tongue dueling hers for total domination as Fate clawed at his shirt and worked his manhood to full mast with deft hands and grinding hips. Mellow reached up to the front of Fate's Barrier Jacket, gripped the lapels of her uniform shirt, and pulled.
  43. Fate gasped her the front of her Barrier Jacket's top tore off, and part of her marveled at her partner's sheer physical strength even as her back arched in response to Mellow groping her breasts, unclasping her bra, and kissing her neck.
  45. "You have no idea" Mellow spoke between kisses. "How much" a kiss on the curve of her jaw. "I've wanted" another on the hollow of her throat. "To fuck you" grazing teeth over her collarbone. "Ever since we've met."
  47. "Mmmmmph..." Fate mewled through a bit lip, stocking-clad legs wrapping tighter around Mellow's waist. "Nnngh..."
  49. "Can't even talk, huh?" Mellow chuckled as his hands wandered to her hips, gripping her skirt. "And I've only just started..."
  51. Another strong tug and the skirt tore off, leaving Fate in her black lace panties. She squirmed and gripped her partner's shoulders as he knelt before her, trailing kisses from her neck, planting one on each hardened nipple, down her toned stomach, over her navel, and finally on her soaked womanhood. Fate moaned as he ran his tongue over panties before hooking his teeth on the top hem of the lace undergarment.
  53. He met Fate's eyes with his own and never once strayed from them as he tugged down, pulling the article of cloth down to expose her womanhood. He breathed in the scent of her arousal and let his exhalation wash over her, watched her squirm and fidget a bit more at such an erotic action even as he tugged the panties down the rest of the way.
  55. Mellow lunged forward, burying his face in Fate's womanly folds and attacking her core with his mouth. The blonde cried out in surprise, then in ecstasy, as she felt her partner probe her outer folds with tongue and teeth. Her legs wrapped around his head and her hands balled in his brown locks as he delved deep in his efofrts to satisfy her.
  57. "Mellow... Mellow..." Fate chanted under her breath, eyes fluttering from the pleasure she felt. Liquid fire pooled in the bottom of her stomach and her limbs locked up further as she near her climax. "I'm... I'm so close... Oh Kaiser, I'm so... Mellow--!"
  59. The fire pooling in her stomach shot upwards, through her spine and locking up her muscles as pure bliss suffused her entire being. Stars burst in her vision, her tongue lolled out of her open mouth, her voice rang out in a loud and drawn out moan, and her juices flooded out in a great rush of musk and arousal that would have drowned lesser men caught between her muscled thighs. With his superhuman endurance and vitality, Mellow lapped up most of the gushing fluids and swallowed what he could whilst keeping enough of it in his mouth.
  61. When her orgasm finally passed, Fate slumped onto the table and breathed heavily as she tried to recover her thoughts through the haze of lust and pleasure. She did not notice her surroundings until Mellow put his mouth on hers and she tasted herself when Mellow depositing what juices he didn't swallow back into her own mouth.
  63. She blushed and grew more aroused at the discovery, and ground herself against Mellow's hardened member. Kaiser, she was so wet.
  65. "More..." Fate panted, hands clawing at Mellow's chest. "I... want more..."
  67. "Do you now?" Mellow smirked down at her, gripping her shoulder with a large, calloused hand while the other teased his tip against her entrance. "Hm... I can see you're certainly lubricated enough for it..."
  69. "Mellow pleaaaaaassseee," Fate pleaded, almost desperate. "Please, just... just..."
  71. "Just what?" Mellow leaned close and nibbled her earlobe as he rubbed the tip of his manhood against he clit. The action damn near made her lose her mind, and she bucked her hips upwards for more friction. "Ooh, getting desperate already?"
  73. Fate whined when he pulled his manhood away and she dug her nails into his chest deep enough to draw blood. Mellow ignored the pain, his smirk growing, and he breathed in her ear.
  75. "I want to hear you say it, Fate." he told her, voice deep as sin. "I want you to beg."
  77. "P-Please..." Fate groaned, a hand slipping to her womanhood and spreading it wide.
  79. "Please what?" Mellow teased the opening and ground the underside of his length against the pliant flesh, and Fate bit her lip hard.
  81. "P-Please fuck me..." Fate breathed and she saw Mellow's eyes glint under the low light as he positioned himself for a proper insertion.
  83. "With pleasure."
  85. He thrust forward into her yielding folds, and Fate Testarossa Harlaown's everything turned into white hot passion and mind numbing ecstasy.
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