

Nov 18th, 2018
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  1. command /helpop [<text>]:
  2. trigger:
  3. if arg-1 is not set:
  4. message "&4Mythian &c» &c/helpop Message"
  5. stop
  6. if {HelpOP::%player%} >= 1:
  7. message "&4Mythian &c» &cYou can HelpOP in %{HelpOP::%player%}% seconds"
  8. stop
  9. if arg-1 contains "apple":
  10. first character of arg-1 is not "!"
  11. if arg-1 contains "rate":
  12. message "&4Mythian &c» &cApple rates are %{Config::Apple Rates}%%%"
  13. message "&4Mythian &c» &cNot the answer your looking for? add ! at the front of your question"
  14. else if arg-1 contains "drop" or "tree":
  15. message "&4Mythian &c» &cApple drops from all trees is %getConfigStatusText(""Apple drops from all trees"")%"
  16. message "&4Mythian &c» &cNot the answer your looking for? add ! at the front of your question"
  17. stop
  18. if arg-1 contains "shear":
  19. first character of arg-1 is not "!"
  20. message "&4Mythian &c» &cShears are %getConfigStatusText(""Shears"")%"
  21. message "&4Mythian &c» &cNot the answer your looking for? add ! at the front of your question"
  22. stop
  23. if arg-1 contains "horse":
  24. first character of arg-1 is not "!"
  25. message "&4Mythian &c» &cHorses are %getConfigStatusText(""Horses"")%"
  26. message "&4Mythian &c» &cNot the answer your looking for? add ! at the front of your question"
  27. stop
  28. if arg-1 contains "absorption":
  29. first character of arg-1 is not "!"
  30. message "&4Mythian &c» &cAbsorption is %getConfigStatusText(""Absorption"")%"
  31. message "&4Mythian &c» &cNot the answer your looking for? add ! at the front of your question"
  32. stop
  33. if arg-1 contains "strip" or "stair" or "sound" or "nether":
  34. first character of arg-1 is not "!"
  35. message "&4Mythian &c» &cWe believe your question is within /uhc"
  36. message "&4Mythian &c» &cNot the answer your looking for? add ! at the front of your question"
  37. stop
  38. if arg-1 contains "final heal" or "pvp" or "meetup" or "border":
  39. first character of arg-1 is not "!"
  40. message "&4Mythian &c» &c/timers for times"
  41. message "&4Mythian &c» &cNot the answer your looking for? add ! at the front of your question"
  42. stop
  43. if arg-1 contains "level" or "lvl":
  44. {Scenarios::InfiniteEnchanter} is true
  45. first character of arg-1 is not "!"
  46. message "&4Mythian &c» &c69 level is just for visual its actually infinite"
  47. message "&4Mythian &c» &cNot the answer your looking for? add ! at the front of your question"
  48. stop
  49. set {_code} to "%random integer between 1 and 9%%random integer between 1 and 9%%random integer between 1 and 9%%random integer between 1 and 9%"
  50. message "&4Mythian &c» &dSent HelpOP ""%arg-1%"" &7[&d%{_code}%&7]"
  51. discordLog("Helpop", "%player% helpoped %arg-1%")
  52. HelpOPMessage(player, "%arg-1%", "JSON", "%{_code}%")
  53. set {HelpOP::Reply::%{_code}%} to true
  54. set {HelpOP::Reply::%{_code}%::sender} to player
  55. set {HelpOP::%player%} to 10
  56. loop 10 times:
  57. wait 1 second
  58. set {HelpOP::%player%} to ({HelpOP::%player%} - 1)
  60. command /helpopreply <text> <text>:
  61. trigger:
  62. player has permission "uhc.staff"
  63. set {_sender} to "%{HelpOP::Reply::%arg-1%::sender}%" parsed as player
  64. if {HelpOP::Reply::%arg-1%} is true:
  65. send "&4Mythian &c» &d%player%&7: &d%arg-2% &7[&d%arg-1%&7]" to {_sender}
  66. discordLog("Helpop Reply", "%player% replied to %{_sender}%'s helpop with %arg-2%")
  67. play sound "note_bass" to {_sender} with volume 1 and pitch 5
  68. HelpOPMessage(player, "replied with ""%arg-2%"" to %{_sender}% [%arg-1%]", "normal", "%arg-1%")
  69. set {HelpOP::Reply::%arg-1%} to false
  70. set {HelpOP::Reply::%arg-1%::sender} to player
  71. set {HelpOP::Reply::%arg-1%::reply} to "%arg-2%"
  72. else if {HelpOP::Reply::%arg-1%} is false:
  73. message "&cHelpOP &c» &c%arg-1% was already answered by %{HelpOP::Reply::%arg-1%::sender}% with ""%{HelpOP::Reply::%arg-1%::reply}%"""
  74. else if {HelpOP::Reply::%arg-1%} is not set:
  75. message "&cHelpOP &c» &cNo HelpOP's assosicated with that ID"
  78. on skript load:
  79. delete {HelpOP::*}
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