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a guest
Oct 20th, 2018
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  1. core.cooldown = {p} &bCooldown: &f{cooldown}s
  2. core.list_crates = {p} &bCrates: &e{crates}
  3. core.player_insufficient_balance = {p} &4Error: You do not have enough money.
  4. core.player_successful_transaction = {p} &aTransaction Complete! You have {money} left.
  5. core.player_crate_is_not_for_sale = {p} &4Error: &f{crate} &4is not for sale.
  6. core.player_given_crate = {p} &eYou have been given {number} {crate}.
  7. core.invalid_crate = {p} &4You do not have a {crate}.
  8. core.invalid_crate_name = {p} &4No crate matching {name} was found.
  9. core.invalid_crate_item = {p} &4Error: The item is not a valid crate.
  10. core.invalid_crate_key = {p} &4Error: The crate, {crate}, is not a valid key type.
  11. core.invalid_crate_use = {p} &4You may not use {crate} here.
  12. core.invalid_crate_craft = {p} &4You may not craft {crate}.
  13. core.invalid_crate_reward = {p} &4Error: Was not able to find the reward.
  14. core.invalid_block_set = {p} &4Error: Was not able to set {crate}.
  15. core.invalid_block_remove = {p} &4Error: Was not able to remove {crate}.
  16. core.invalid_npc_set = {p} &4Error: No NPC was changed.
  17. core.invalid_npc_remove = {p} &4Error: No NPC was changed.
  18. core.invalid_npc_id = {p} Error: NPC ID, {number}, was not found.
  19. core.invalid_action = {p} Error: &4You may not perform this action.
  20. core.invalid_action_creative = {p} &4Error: You may not perform this action in creative.
  21. core.invalid_action_shulker = {p} &4Error: You may not perform this action with shulker boxes.
  22. core.invalid_action_frame = {p} &4Error: You may not place this item onto the item frame.
  23. core.successful_block_set = {p} &eYou have set {crate}.
  24. core.successful_block_remove = {p} &eYou have removed {crate}.
  25. core.successful_npc_set = {p} &eYou have registered a NPC.
  26. core.successful_npc_remove = {p} &eYou have unregistered a NPC.
  27. core.inventory_insufficient_space = {p} &4Error: Your inventory does not have any more space.
  28. core.claim_offline_player = {p} {player} is not online. They may claim their crate via '/cr claim'.
  29. core.claim_inventory_full = {p} You were unable to receive a crate. It may be claimed via '/cr claim'.
  30. core.claim_successful = {p} You have claimed {item}.
  31. core.claim_failure = {p} You have already claimed that reward.
  32. core.claim_hold = {p} Hey {player}! You have &c{number} rewards&e. Type /cr claim to get them!
  33. core.claim_none = {p} You do not have any rewards to claim.
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