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dmc1 normal any% route

a guest
Jan 15th, 2023
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  1. Mission 1 (s rank) - buy nothing
  2. Mission 2 (s rank) - buy nothing
  3. Mission 3 (special bonus) - buy stinger 1&2
  4. Mission 4 (a rank) - buy 3 holy waters and Air Raid. Use 1 Holy Water during Nelo 1.
  5. Mission 5 (special bonus) - buy nothing
  6. Mission 6 (a rank) - buy nothing. Use 1 Holy Water on the bugs after picking up the key. Use a second holy water on the death scissor.
  7. Mission 7 (s rank) - buy nothing
  8. Mission 8 (s rank) - buy Purple Orb and Air Hike
  9. Mission 9 (s rank) - buy nothing. Pick up holy water during forest fight
  10. Mission 10 (a rank) - buy 4 holy waters. Use 1 Holy Water during the blades room. Use a second Holy Water during the kyclops room. Pick up the holy water on the ground of the kyclops room.
  11. Mission 11 (s rank) - buy nothing. Use 2 holy waters during the Nelo 2 fight.
  12. Mission 12 (s rank) - buy vortex 1&2. Pick up untouchable. *backup: if you missed a rank between missions 1-8 pick up the devil star behind the needle gun* Use 1 Holy Water against the death scythe. Use dizzy's 1 holy water strat against griffon 2.
  13. Mission 13 (s rank) - buy nothing
  14. Mission 14 (s rank) - buy nothing
  15. Mission 15 (c rank) - buy 5 holy waters *backup: if you missed a rank between missions 9-14 pick up the holy water in the starting area* Use 3 holy waters against griffon 3.
  16. Mission 16 (s rank) - buy nothing. Use 1 holy water during Nightmare 1.
  17. Mission 17 (b rank) - buy 4 holy waters and Purple Orb. Use 2 holy waters on the frosts. Use 3 holy waters during Nelo 3.
  18. Mission 18 (a rank) - buy 3 holy waters. Use 1 holy water to kill Nightmare 2.
  19. Mission 19 (s rank) - buy nothing. Use 2 holy waters to kill the nobodies.
  20. Mission 20 (b rank) - buy 2 holy waters and Purple Orb. Use 2 holy waters to kill Nightmare 3.
  21. Mission 21 (s rank) - buy nothing
  22. Mission 22 D-Star Method (b rank) - buy Purple Orb and 5 devil stars. Use 4 devil stars during mundus 1. (fire dragon, 2 dstar, fire dragon, use 2 dstar, fire dragon. Use the fifth dstar on phase 2 mundus when your DT gets low.
  23. Mission 22 Mash Method - buy Purple Orb and 2 holy waters
  24. Mission 23 - buy 2 holy waters if you didn't use mash method. Use 1 Holy water against the nobodies. Use 1 holy water against the final blades room.
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