
Things I Despise

Sep 29th, 2017
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  1. - when people use "art" instead of "are" in Old English
  2. - when someone says a sarcastic joke without being sarcastic
  3. - the words "nutritious", "nourishing" and "meal"
  4. - standing in one place for a long period of time
  5. - pulling a muscle in my neck
  6. - anything cringy
  7. - dying at 96-98% on a level
  8. - when you open a bag and it's only half-full with chips
  9. - being told to throw away paper
  10. - stubbing my toe
  11. - when Google says "1 hour left" on a 1MB download
  12. - when you school blocks their own website
  13. - when u r to lazy 2 send messages w/ gud grammer, speling and punctuashin
  14. - when you eat a ton of food, but then you're hungry 10-15 minutes later
  15. - when you start in first but finish in last
  17. **List will more than likely get bigger when I think of more to add**
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