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May 6th, 2018
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  1. 2018-05-06 23:58:33.687 INFO 6036 --- [main] c.udp.server.VertxUdpServerApplication : Started VertxUdpServerApplication in 15.391 seconds (JVM running for 38.873)
  2. 2018-05-06 23:58:33.844 INFO 6036 --- [MLog-Init-Reporter] com.mchange.v2.log.MLog : MLog clients using slf4j logging.
  3. 2018-05-06 23:58:34.000 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] com.mchange.v2.c3p0.C3P0Registry : Initializing c3p0- [built 08-December-2015 22:06:04 -0800; debug? true; trace: 10]
  4. 2018-05-06 23:58:34.485 INFO 6036 --- [vertx-jdbc-service-get-connection-thread] c.m.v.c.i.AbstractPoolBackedDataSource : Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireIncrement -> 3, acquireRetryAttempts -> 30, acquireRetryDelay -> 1000, autoCommitOnClose -> false, automaticTestTable -> null, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, contextClassLoaderSource -> caller, dataSourceName -> 1fl7y5e9vf5fpps1q6avlv|1b97899f, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> false, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, extensions -> {}, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, forceSynchronousCheckins -> false, forceUseNamedDriverClass -> false, identityToken -> 1fl7y5e9vf5fpps1q6avlv|1b97899f, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 0, initialPoolSize -> 3, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 15, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 0, minPoolSize -> 3, numHelperThreads -> 3, preferredTestQuery -> null, privilegeSpawnedThreads -> false, properties -> {user=******, password=******}, propertyCycle -> 0, statementCacheNumDeferredCloseThreads -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, userOverrides -> {}, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false ]
  5. 2018-05-06 23:58:35.500 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] com.udp.server.verticles.JdbcVerticle : On startup last matchid is : 2209
  6. 2018-05-07 00:07:02.861 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-1] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:161788215 connected
  7. 2018-05-07 00:07:02.968 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-1] o.h.h.i.QueryTranslatorFactoryInitiator : HHH000397: Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
  8. 2018-05-07 00:07:03.656 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-2] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:234116359 connected
  9. 2018-05-07 00:07:06.656 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-3] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:0:140481961 connected
  10. 2018-05-07 00:07:07.046 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-4] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:80549856 connected
  11. 2018-05-07 00:07:26.968 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-5] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:0:90588682 connected
  12. 2018-05-07 00:07:33.077 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-6] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:122863347 connected
  13. 2018-05-07 00:08:05.859 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-7] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:82788748 connected
  14. 2018-05-07 00:08:11.578 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-8] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:197138810 connected
  15. 2018-05-07 00:08:38.312 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-9] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:125463604 connected
  16. 2018-05-07 00:08:49.687 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-10] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:0:197639961 connected
  17. 2018-05-07 00:09:00.031 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-11] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultMatchService : Match with id [2210] is started
  18. 2018-05-07 00:09:07.687 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-12] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultMatchService : Match with id [2210] is started
  19. 2018-05-07 00:09:11.390 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-13] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultMatchService : Match with id [2210] is started
  20. 2018-05-07 00:09:16.812 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-14] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultMatchService : Match with id [2210] is started
  21. 2018-05-07 00:09:20.640 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-15] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultMatchService : Match with id [2210] is started
  22. 2018-05-07 00:09:24.156 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-16] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultMatchService : Match with id [2210] is started
  23. 2018-05-07 00:09:26.906 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-17] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultMatchService : Match with id [2210] is started
  24. 2018-05-07 00:09:47.765 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-18] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:161788215 connected
  25. 2018-05-07 00:09:48.203 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-19] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:122863347 connected
  26. 2018-05-07 00:09:48.749 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-0] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:234116359 connected
  27. 2018-05-07 00:09:48.890 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-1] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:125463604 connected
  28. 2018-05-07 00:09:48.906 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-2] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:80549856 connected
  29. 2018-05-07 00:09:51.641 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-3] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:0:90588682 connected
  30. 2018-05-07 00:09:51.718 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-4] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:82788748 connected
  31. 2018-05-07 00:09:52.812 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-5] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:0:140481961 connected
  32. 2018-05-07 00:10:00.593 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-6] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:197138810 connected
  33. 2018-05-07 00:10:10.827 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-7] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:0:197639961 connected
  34. 2018-05-07 00:12:01.000 WARN 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-9] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:122863347 is disconnected Time : [Mon May 07 00:12:00 ALMT 2018]
  35. 2018-05-07 00:12:41.156 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-10] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:161788215 connected
  36. 2018-05-07 00:12:59.359 WARN 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-11] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:82788748 is disconnected Time : [Mon May 07 00:12:59 ALMT 2018]
  37. 2018-05-07 00:13:34.234 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] com.udp.server.verticles.JdbcVerticle : Job to end matches is started
  38. 2018-05-07 00:14:05.140 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-13] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User with steamId STEAM_1:1:82788748 connected
  39. 2018-05-07 00:14:05.375 WARN 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-13] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultUserService : User STEAM_1:1:82788748 will be banned by UDP
  40. Time : [Mon May 07 00:14:05 ALMT 2018]
  41. 2018-05-07 00:18:45.781 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-14] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultMatchService : Match with id [2210] is ended by udp
  42. 2018-05-07 00:18:45.843 INFO 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-14] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultMatchService : Users to be unhandled from match with id 2210 : STEAM_0:0:140481961,STEAM_0:0:197639961,STEAM_0:0:90588682,STEAM_0:1:122863347,STEAM_0:1:125463604,STEAM_0:1:197138810,STEAM_0:1:234116359,STEAM_0:1:80549856,STEAM_0:1:82788748,STEAM_1:1:161788215
  43. 2018-05-07 00:18:45.859 WARN 6036 --- [vert.x-worker-thread-14] c.u.s.service.impl.DefaultMatchService : User STEAM_0:1:122863347 will be banned by UDP when match is end
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