
Brad gives no fucks

Apr 23rd, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Brad sat at his computer, his phone lying flat on the desk with his earbud stuck into one ear, his hands typign quickly over the keyboard in front of him as he spoke. "We could easily get that effect by a revolving room. You could do it in post, but the gravity would never look quite right with the shifting of her weight so it might be more money up front, but that's why I put that as my first choice. Considering everything else is going to be CG around her, you don't want to make that a post effect also."-
  2. Covet: Kelsey had finished tucking Connor in for the evening and made her way over to Brad's room where he was working. She heard him speaking to someone over the phone then raised an eyebrow, listening to him as he spoke about the video effects. She gave him a wave and walked over to sit on his desk, lifting herself up then leaned over on her knees, listening in on his call.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -He exhaled deeply and rubbed his fingers over his eyes, pausing for a long moment now that Kelsey was in the room, he desperately wanted to finish this call. Not that he didnt want to end the call before. "Right. Exactly. So... that's why I sent it like th-" He paused, chewing on the inside of his cheek when she interrupted him again. "Uhuh, so if you're looking at the layout in front of you, you'll see-" He stopped again, shooting a look up to Kelsey because his frustration with being cut off was making his patience grow thin.-
  4. Covet: Kelsey gave him a soft smile and slid back of the desk, and walked around him to put her arms around his shoulders to lean into his neck, close enough he could hear her whisper. "It's okay, just let them ramble then tell them. If it's something you already did, then don't stress on it."
  5. Alexithymiaa: -He rolled his eyes at her words, still frustrated regardless. "Awesome. Yes. Great. Then I'll resend it to you in the morning and we'll discuss tomorrow. Okay good talking to you, byeeee." He said very quickly, reaching forward to end the call before letting out an exasperated sigh. "Jeez, she wouldn't even let me talk! She asks a question and then talks over me when I try to answer her."-
  6. Covet: Kelsey leaned back, "Maybe you should actually get firm with her. It seems at this point she's just telling you how to do your job, something you already know how to do." She told him walking back over to the desk to lean back against it.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "She's a pitbull of a producer. If I went back at her, she'd probably fire me. And let's be honest here, Anna is huge and getting fired from her video would be pretty damaging to my career. I can't do that." He leaned back in his chair, bringing his hands roughly down his face.-
  8. Covet: "True, but Anna also likes you as a director, which is why she chooses you. And at the end of the day, She kind of has the end all say all on her videos. Seeing as her dad owns the label, and her producer works for the both of them. Maybe you could talk to Anna about it?" Kelsey suggested looking at him with a hopeful smile.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "I guess I could do that..." He trailed off, thinking on it for a moment. "Okay, tomorrow I'll call Anna and see what she can do about this. Because I might kill her producer." He started to laugh despite his joke being in horrible taste, especially given recent events.-
  10. Covet: "Exactly. You want to work for Anna and make this her video. Not her Producer's video. And Anna trusts you, other wise she wouldn't keep hiring you." Kelsey said then pursed her lips shaking her heard, "Too soon Bradley."
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Whaaaat?' he whined, not even fullly making the connection since he had no remorse whatsoever about poor Javier.-
  12. Covet: "Don't you what me. You know exactly what. Just because you don't feel bad about Javier, doesn't mean everyone else doesn't
  13. Covet: [noooo!]
  14. Covet: *everyone else feels the same way." She told him with a more serious look.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Feel bad about what?" He asked with a bit of annoyance in his voice. "There's nothing to feel bad about. For the millionth time, we didnt do anything wrong."-
  16. Covet: "Okay, that might be true, but people can still feel bad for the loss of life. That's only human." Kelsey told him with a look.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "But he had nothing to do with me. How can I feel bad for the loss of someone's life when I didnt even know him?" He asked casually, pushing up from his seat at the desk and pushing his computer closed because he was done working for the night.-
  18. Covet: "I'm not asking you to feel bad, I'm just asking you to be respectful. And seeing as you well... did what you did, I figured you of all people would get that." Kelsey said watching him.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "What exactly did I do? Save all of our asses?" He shot back, because he genuinely saw nothing wrong with their actions. He moved his hands to the front of his shirt, beginning to unbutton it. "I just don't see what the big deal is."-
  20. Covet: Kelsey sighed and shook her head. "Of course you don't." She mumbled softly and made her way to the door, "I'm going to go get changed and get in bed. See you shortly?"
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Uh, yeah sure." He said quickly, brushing off her small comment as he pulled his shirt off and tossed it onto the floor with his other clothes he hadnt bothered to pick up.-
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