
iM@S Quest dice & play options

Aug 3rd, 2013
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  1. Sometimes I'll ask for a dice roll (typically 1d20, sometimes more than one) to determine how events play out. If you're new to /tg/'s dice tool, put "dice+1d20" in the email field and the roll will show up with your post. Low rolls are good, high rolls are bad.
  3. When I ask for a dice roll, the result that will be used is the median result of the first three rolls. For example, if the first roll is a 5, the second a 12, and the third a 2, the result that will be used is 5. The exception is if there are any 1s or 20s in the first three rolls. These will automatically override the usual method of taking the median; if there's a 1, that will be the result taken (a critical success), and same if there's a 20 (which would be a critical failure). If there's both a 1 and a 20 in the first three rolls, they cancel each other out.
  5. You get one reroll per thread. If you really don't like the result of a roll, you can call for a reroll, in which case everyone should post voting for or against the use of the reroll at this time. Once it looks like everyone's had their say, I'll tally the votes and if the yeas outweigh the nays, I'll make the reroll myself. The result of my reroll is final, even if it's as bad as or worse than the original.
  7. Alternatively, you can use your reroll to cancel a 20 without actually redoing the roll. This means if there's a 1, it will no longer be cancelled out by the 20 and you'd get a critical success! If there's no 1, I'll take the median of the first three as if the "automatically use 1s and 20s if present" rule didn't exist. Since 20 is the highest result possible, this means the higher of the remaining 2 rolls will be the median and thus the result used.
  9. Which course of action is taken never has anything to do with the dice; I select a course of action based on player consensus (ie, what has the most support). For open-ended decision points (and when there are write-ins for a list vote) I do my best to synthesize multiple suggestions together as best as possible, favoring the most popular, clever, and/or interesting ones.
  11. You have one special option always available to you in combat: Berserk mode. By harnessing your anger and righteous fury, you can greatly increase your physical capabilities, making it a near-certainty that you'll succeed on most everything. This state will also make your successes more dramatic, and letting you do things that would ordinarily be simply beyond your capabilites. However, there is a risk involved. While in berserk mode, there is a chance you might fall under demonic possession, causing you to go into a bloodlust frenzy and most likely attempt to harm your allies. Also note that even if you avoid possession, extensive use of berserk mode will wear you out.
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