

Jan 16th, 2015
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  1. Chillsau (8:30:43 PM) nice work firing your gun one time in the ELC
  2. Chillsau (8:30:54 PM) Maybe you should considering actually playing the game instead of chatting :D
  3. bob40000 (8:35:43 PM) maybe you should do the same
  4. Chillsau (8:35:47 PM) I did
  5. Chillsau (8:36:00 PM) I did 2400 damage, twice second place on our team. The only reason we won is because I was on the team
  6. Chillsau (8:36:08 PM) If I were not on the team, we easily lose.
  7. bob40000 (8:36:10 PM) DefeatMurovanka WZ-131 Experience received:359 Credits received 12,993 Repairs: -7 066 Ammunition: -2 400 Consumables: -11 500 Total: -7 973 WN8: 3 460 (100) everyone has bad games bud
  8. Chillsau (8:36:18 PM) what
  9. Chillsau (8:36:22 PM) why are you posting a bad game
  10. bob40000 (8:36:23 PM) just had that
  11. Chillsau (8:36:25 PM) ANOTHER bad game
  12. Chillsau (8:36:34 PM) 359 base xp is literally worthless
  13. Chillsau (8:36:37 PM) and you should be ashamed
  14. bob40000 (8:36:37 PM) lol 3460 win8 lol k
  15. Chillsau (8:36:47 PM) 3460 is not a good game in the WZ-131
  16. bob40000 (8:36:47 PM) no prem moron
  17. bob40000 (8:37:06 PM) top exp in a t9 game so stfu
  18. Chillsau (8:37:16 PM) uh
  19. Chillsau (8:37:21 PM) like
  20. Chillsau (8:37:27 PM) the expected damages of the lights is really low
  21. bob40000 (8:37:35 PM) not everyone is as good as you also no you shouldnt bash other players AT THE START OF THE FUCKING MATCH]
  22. Chillsau (8:37:36 PM) 3460 wn8 is what, ~1600 damage?
  23. Chillsau (8:37:42 PM) Ahahahahha dude
  24. bob40000 (8:37:46 PM) 2500
  25. Chillsau (8:37:49 PM) Do you really think it's a coincidence
  26. Chillsau (8:37:54 PM) that shitty players get shitty stats?
  27. bob40000 (8:38:11 PM) my xvm was not activated so i didnt see how bad the rest of the team was
  28. Chillsau (8:38:24 PM) I'm not talking about the rest
  29. Chillsau (8:38:26 PM) I'm talking about me
  30. Chillsau (8:38:27 PM) and you
  31. Chillsau (8:38:32 PM) I'm good. VERY good.
  32. Chillsau (8:38:34 PM) You are not
  33. bob40000 (8:38:41 PM) and dude youve only been playing stat pad tanks
  34. Chillsau (8:38:43 PM) you don't even average TWO FUCKING SHOTS in your ELC
  35. bob40000 (8:38:47 PM) your not even that good
  36. Chillsau (8:38:52 PM) I was just solopubbing a goddamn SU-100
  37. bob40000 (8:39:03 PM) 835 games in a hellcat
  38. bob40000 (8:39:10 PM) 588 games in a su 122
  39. Chillsau (8:39:24 PM) Compare our stats in tanks you play, and tanks I play
  40. bob40000 (8:39:25 PM) stat pad much i could keep going or do you get your just a stat padding shitter
  41. bob40000 (8:39:34 PM) you just stat pad moron
  42. Chillsau (8:39:38 PM) Do you believe you are good?
  43. bob40000 (8:39:55 PM) if you have 12k battles of your 19k on a sub 5 fps comp then you can talk
  44. Chillsau (8:39:56 PM) Do you believe you're good in a particular tank?
  45. Chillsau (8:40:10 PM) Name a tank you play that you think you overperform in
  46. bob40000 (8:40:17 PM) im not that good but im better than the average of the server which is a 47% wr
  47. You have been suspended from sending messages for 0.5 s.
  48. Chillsau (8:40:22 PM) lol
  49. Chillsau (8:40:28 PM) you can't even name one tank you think you're good in
  50. Chillsau (8:40:33 PM) nice work shitlord
  51. bob40000 (8:40:37 PM) su 122 44
  52. bob40000 (8:40:43 PM) bitch t110e5
  53. bob40000 (8:40:45 PM) e-100
  54. bob40000 (8:40:52 PM) t110e4
  55. Chillsau (8:40:54 PM) 1246 average damage in 122-44, 54% winrate
  56. Chillsau (8:41:07 PM) I have 1498 average damage, 65% winrate
  57. bob40000 (8:41:13 PM) now your a shitter that just stat pads so if i were you id shut the fuck up and stop padding like a shitter
  58. Chillsau (8:41:17 PM) lol
  59. Chillsau (8:41:24 PM) I've just proven that I'm better than you in teh SU-122-44
  61. Chillsau (8:41:47 PM) My tier 10 games are all clan wars so that's unfair for you, but let's take the ELC
  62. bob40000 (8:41:51 PM) so shut the fuck up
  63. Chillsau (8:41:59 PM) Dude I have a 71% winrate in it
  64. bob40000 (8:42:00 PM) played it with 5 fps bud
  65. You have been suspended from sending messages for 0.5 s.
  66. Chillsau (8:42:02 PM) that's all clan wars
  67. Chillsau (8:42:08 PM) from the days of PURPL
  68. bob40000 (8:42:20 PM) i remember that XD
  69. bob40000 (8:42:27 PM) the qqing in chat when it happened
  70. Chillsau (8:42:39 PM) So, you average 365 damage in the ELC, 51% winrate, 213 games
  71. bob40000 (8:42:50 PM) a sad thing is im the best t110e5 player that was in narwal
  72. bob40000 (8:42:55 PM) 5 fps man
  73. bob40000 (8:43:03 PM) you play it with that
  74. Chillsau (8:43:03 PM) I have 832 damage average in the ELC, 57% winrate, 101 games
  75. Chillsau (8:43:09 PM) So what you're saying
  76. Chillsau (8:43:13 PM) is you're intentionally sabotaging your team
  77. bob40000 (8:43:16 PM) good for you did you play it with a shit computer?
  78. bob40000 (8:43:19 PM) no you did not
  79. Chillsau (8:43:22 PM) and blaming it on your computer because you're poor?
  80. bob40000 (8:43:27 PM) so shut the FUCK UP and go die and a fire
  81. Chillsau (8:43:36 PM) I played on a geforce 240 GTX for my first....17k games?
  82. You have been suspended from sending messages for 0.5 s.
  83. Chillsau (8:43:53 PM) What exactly are you running
  84. bob40000 (8:43:55 PM) lol dude your an ignorrant little american whorebag that thinks everyone has AMAZING COMPUTER
  85. Chillsau (8:43:57 PM) because a 240 GTX is 30$
  86. bob40000 (8:44:00 PM) AND NOT EVERYONE DOES
  87. Chillsau (8:44:18 PM) You can get a graphics card for free that's better than a 240 GTX
  88. bob40000 (8:44:21 PM) i had a computer with integrated graphics stock HP Pavilion
  89. Chillsau (8:44:32 PM) And you're subjecting your team to that?
  90. bob40000 (8:44:33 PM) which i know for a fucking fact is worse than that
  91. bob40000 (8:44:42 PM) like i could do anything moron
  92. Chillsau (8:44:43 PM) Nice work being poor and inflicting it on your teammates
  93. Chillsau (8:44:48 PM) Maybe get a job?
  94. bob40000 (8:45:01 PM) lol nice work being a little bitch that thinks everyone is ruch
  95. bob40000 (8:45:04 PM) rich
  96. bob40000 (8:45:09 PM) get a fucking brain moron
  97. bob40000 (8:45:13 PM) honestly
  98. Chillsau (8:45:16 PM) lol
  99. bob40000 (8:45:18 PM) you need to grow the FUCK UP
  100. Chillsau (8:45:29 PM) I went 25 years on hands-me-down computers
  101. bob40000 (8:45:33 PM) and remember ITS A FUCKING GAME NOT EVERYONE HAS GREAT SHIT LIKE YOU DO
  102. Chillsau (8:45:37 PM) I got a job
  103. Chillsau (8:45:39 PM) I saved up money
  104. bob40000 (8:45:44 PM) DO I CARE?
  105. Chillsau (8:45:45 PM) and bought an actual computer
  106. bob40000 (8:45:47 PM) HONESTLY
  107. Chillsau (8:45:49 PM) You can do the same brother!
  108. Chillsau (8:46:03 PM) Just try dude
  109. You have been suspended from sending messages for 0.5 s.
  110. Chillsau (8:46:05 PM) Same as in game
  111. Chillsau (8:46:08 PM) you can try to improve in game
  112. Chillsau (8:46:13 PM) and you can try to improve in life
  113. bob40000 (8:46:16 PM) im done talking to you if your going to be ignorrant
  114. Chillsau (8:46:16 PM) but it's on YOU to try
  115. bob40000 (8:46:34 PM) if you wont be ignorrant ill stay and talk
  116. Chillsau (8:47:07 PM) uh
  117. Chillsau (8:47:11 PM) Dude
  118. bob40000 (8:47:11 PM) i honestly agree my performance in the elc that match was shit
  119. Chillsau (8:47:15 PM) are you a literal child?
  120. bob40000 (8:47:22 PM) but everyone has bad games
  121. Chillsau (8:47:23 PM) like, can you work
  122. bob40000 (8:47:26 PM) are you a moron
  123. bob40000 (8:47:30 PM) ?
  124. Chillsau (8:47:34 PM) Often!
  125. Chillsau (8:47:54 PM) Do you have the ability to save money and buy a computer for ~600 bucks
  126. bob40000 (8:48:27 PM) im using a 1200$ laptop atm because i travel the world XD thats where most of my money goes
  127. bob40000 (8:48:38 PM) 25k for 5 ppl to go to australia ]
  128. Chillsau (8:48:40 PM) ....
  129. Chillsau (8:48:43 PM) lol
  130. bob40000 (8:48:47 PM) i pay for that
  131. bob40000 (8:48:49 PM) XD
  132. Chillsau (8:49:10 PM) nice work being a fucking bourgeois asshole
  133. bob40000 (8:49:14 PM) lol
  134. Chillsau (8:49:27 PM) So, you currently don't have FPS troubles?
  135. bob40000 (8:49:42 PM) but just on a side note thats sad that i was the BEST t110e5 player in narwal
  136. Chillsau (8:49:52 PM) grats, I was the best caller in VOLT
  137. bob40000 (8:49:53 PM) somewhat it can drop randomly
  138. Chillsau (8:49:57 PM) now we're both awful
  139. bob40000 (8:50:10 PM) like its usually 25-30
  140. bob40000 (8:50:20 PM) and then it suddenly drops to 10 or 5
  141. bob40000 (8:50:26 PM) dippending on the map
  142. Chillsau (8:50:42 PM) were you having fps issues on that Airfield match?
  143. bob40000 (8:50:57 PM) yup also ping
  144. Chillsau (8:51:11 PM) probably shouldn't ELC with ping issues
  145. bob40000 (8:51:13 PM) it dropped from 25 to 10 multiple times
  146. bob40000 (8:51:23 PM) and ping 90-500 twice
  147. bob40000 (8:51:30 PM) both times when shooting -_-
  148. Chillsau (8:51:43 PM) So, if you're lagging, having packet loss, and play poorly, perhaps you should consider not deigning yourself worthy of giving advice to vastly superior players?
  149. Chillsau (8:52:06 PM) I was typing more than the entire rest of the match combined
  150. Chillsau (8:52:12 PM) and STILL did twice as much damage as anyone else
  151. bob40000 (8:52:23 PM) XD i left after my ping exploded and fps died lol
  152. bob40000 (8:52:33 PM) but yea honestly how bad was the rest of the team
  153. Chillsau (8:52:40 PM) it was fine outside of you
  154. Chillsau (8:52:48 PM) pretty sure you were the shithead who said for me to stop chatting and play
  155. bob40000 (8:52:49 PM) i didnt see any stats in the match because i forgot to activate my xvm
  156. bob40000 (8:53:05 PM) that was the type 64 bud......
  157. Chillsau (8:53:20 PM) preeeeeetttty sure it was the 304 and elc
  158. bob40000 (8:53:35 PM) nope i dont remember typing it lol
  159. bob40000 (8:53:35 PM) nope i dont remember typing it lol
  160. Chillsau (8:53:51 PM) welp
  161. Chillsau (8:53:58 PM) good luck ignoring the rest of your problems in life I guess
  162. bob40000 (8:54:04 PM) wow the mission for light tanks number 4 is so sad
  163. bob40000 (8:54:11 PM) track a tank.....
  164. bob40000 (8:54:45 PM) i get to see the world id much rather do that thanks man :P
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