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- Background:
- Op facebook began several months ago, and had between 10 and 20 members. At its conception it had one goal:
- To bring attention to the fact that facebook stored the data of user accounts.
- This later developed into a second goal:
- To develop an ethical, anonymous facebook alternative.
- Development began on the site (albeit slowly), and all was well for a few days. Then came news of anonplus, an anonymous social network, similar to the one that was being developed at #opfacebook. The site in development by #opfacebook was slowing to a halt and so i decided to offer the source to the team at anonplus. This cam as a relief as i was growing tired of the project. I expected them to accept my offer of free source code and a mostly functioning site that would have reduced the embarresment they subjected themselves to with the epic fail of anouncing a site before they started coding. Unfortunately however, the "leader" (i lol'd) was a bit of a bitch, and i was subjected to a number of attempted doxes and then kickbanned.
- Without anyone to take over or any interest remaining in the project, it was eventually scrapped, and with the media attention of facebooks policies #opfacebook should have died gracefully. Obviously however, this was not the case.
- Nobody ever removed the channel, and so at some point rumours began as to what #opfacebook was. The plan before it was scrapped had been a mass deletion of facebook accounts, however it was decided that a mass deletion of facebook accounts would occur on november the 5th, however this was decided to be a bad idea and so it was removed from the pad. Unfortunately, this left only the draft of a message to facebook, warning that they would "never forget" the 5th of november. At some point, somebody saw the near-empty channel and joined it. Rumours were spread ranging from 0-day exploits in facebook to physical attacks on the server. Soon #opfacebook gained around 40 people who expected an attack on facebook.
- The sudden growth of the channel, and the rumours of an attack on facebook brang swarms of mediafags, and then everything turned into a mess similar to the one you'd expect if shit his a fan. And not hard shit - kind of soft and sticky shit.
- People started joining really fast, partially because of the media but mainly because of a particularly awesome and lulzy op who didn't afraid of nothing and secretly wanted to kick 200 users because he/she thought it would be funny whhen they all got mad. Unfortunately rum removed his/her op status because he was jelly, and that fucked things up even more because he was left with an embarresing op and nearly 200 people.
- Anyway, the whole thing is a massive clusterfuck and i feel responsible, so can someone sort that shit out?
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