
Trenbolone Enanthate

May 26th, 2017
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  1. Trenbolone Enanthate
  3. Trenbolone Enanthate
  4. Synonym : 17β-hydroxestra-4, 9, 11-trien-3-one, Trienbolone, Trenbolone
  5. Manufacturer : LandMarkChem
  6. Appearance : yellow or pale yellow crystalline powder
  7. Purity : 99%
  8. CAS : 10161-34-9
  9. Molecular Formula : C20H24O3
  10. Molecular Weight : 312.4
  11. Minimum Order : 10g
  12. Usage :
  13. Enhanced Protein Synthesis: valuable in bulking and cutting phases.
  14. Enhanced Nitrogen Retention: All lean muscle tissue is comprised of approximately 16% nitrogen.
  15. Increased Red Blood Cell Count: With greater blood oxygenation to greatly improves muscular endurance and promote more efficient muscular recovery.
  16. Increased IGF-1 Output: Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) is a powerful protein hormone of the peptide class that is primarily produced by the liver. It is also essential to recovery and our body’s ability to rejuvenate.
  17. Inhibition of Glucocorticoids: Trenbolone Enanthate will ensure levels are kept to a minimum state, in turn ensuring the powerful anabolic atmosphere is maintained.
  18. Strong Binding Affinity to the Androgen Receptor: Most all anabolic androgenic steroids will promote a stronger and more powerful metabolism. However, steroids that bind firmly to the androgen receptor have been linked to the promotion of direct lipolysis (fat loss). Trenbolone Enanthate can actually help you directly burn body fat.
  19. Increased Feed Efficiency:its ability to increase or enhance feed efficiency, By supplementing with Trenbolone Enanthate, each and every nutrient we consume becomes more valuable.
  20. Dosage Instruction : 200-400mg weekly dose is the most common, 200mg is effective minimum dose.
  21. Reference Cycle :
  22. Beginner Trenbolone Cycle
  23. Beginner Trenbolone Acetate cycle #1 (8 weeks total cycle time)
  24. Weeks 1-8:
  25. – Testosterone Propionate at 400mg/week
  26. – Trenbolone Acetate at 300mg/week
  27. Beginner Trenbolone Enanthate cycle #2 (12 weeks total cycle time)
  28. Weeks 1-12:
  29. – Testosterone Enanthate at 100mg/week
  30. – Trenbolone Enanthate at 300mg/week
  31. Intermediate Trenbolone Cycle
  32. Intermediate Trenbolone Acetate cycle (8 weeks total cycle time)
  33. Weeks 1-8:
  34. – Testosterone Propionate at 100mg/week
  35. – Trenbolone Acetate at 400mg/week
  36. Weeks 1-4:
  37. – Dianabol at 25-50mg/day
  38. Advanced Trenbolone Cycle
  39. Advanced Trenbolone Enanthate cycle (12 weeks total cycle time)
  40. Weeks 1-12:
  41. – Testosterone Enanthate at 100mg/week
  42. – Trenbolone Enanthate at 800mg/week
  43. – Drostanolone Enanthate (Masteron) at 400mg/week
  44. OR
  45. Novice:
  46. Testosterone propionate 100-150mg eod, 6-8weeks
  47. Trenbolone acetate 75-100mg eod, 6-8 weeks, PCT 4 days after last prop injection.
  48. Intermediate:
  49. Testosterone enanthate 750mg per week, weeks 1-12
  50. Trenbolone enanthate 400mg per week, weeks 1-12
  51. Winstrol 50mg ed weeks, 8-14
  52. Primobolan 600mg per week, weeks 1-10
  53. Testosterone propionate 200mg eod weeks 1-12
  54. Trenbolone enanthate 400mg per week, weeks 1-10
  55. Advanced:
  56. Primobolan 600mg per week, weeks 1-10
  57. Trenbolone enanthate 400mg per week, weeks 1-10
  58. Testosterone enanthate 1000mg per week, weeks 1-12
  59. Trenbolone enanthate 500-700mg per week, weeks 1-12
  60. Anavar 80-100mg ed, weeks 1-14
  61. Very advanced/pre-contest:
  62. Testosterone propionate 100-200mg ed
  63. Trenbolone acetate 75-100mg ed
  64. Masteron 400-600mg per week
  65. Winstrol 50mg ed
  66. Primobolan 600mg per week
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