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May 14th, 2017
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  1. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]TheGoveta> Red, you've broken the rules enough shouldn't even have access/let alone be in the clan.
  2. <[DA]MakeMyDay> * MurderMachine sets mode: +v [DA]2BeTheMan
  3. <[DA]MakeMyDay> * MurderMachine sets mode: +vvv Recon YankeeGamer5 {MD}Dragez
  4. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <~MurderMachine> Bradley, drop it.
  5. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]MakeMyDay> Goveta
  6. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]2BeTheMan> red your trying to make urself seem higher than me and disrespecting me in the way you talk down to me.
  7. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]MakeMyDay> were not talking to you.
  8. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]MakeMyDay> and josh
  9. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]MakeMyDay> no im not
  10. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]2BeTheMan> yes you are
  11. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]MakeMyDay> you went out of line
  12. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <~MurderMachine> red, I never involed you int eh first place.
  13. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]TheGoveta> I'm standing up for Josh, so quiet.
  14. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]MakeMyDay> i requested you be kicked
  15. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]MakeMyDay> Jack
  16. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]MakeMyDay> i was already involved
  17. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]2BeTheMan> you have no right to do that
  18. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]TheGoveta> ^
  19. <[DA]Laure> I know I see it
  20. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <+HandzOffMahWafflez> meow
  21. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]TheGoveta> Red, just stfu and let the thing die.
  22. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]MakeMyDay> actually i did
  23. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]MakeMyDay> i had every right to request a fellow op be punished for his actions.
  24. <[DA]Laure> you want me to pastebin?
  25. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <+BreezZy> SHUT UP SNOWFLAKE.
  26. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]TheGoveta> red,'re an idiot...
  27. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <%[DA]Jared> SHUT THE FUCK UP... take it to a PM
  28. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <+HandzOffMahWafflez> dammit
  29. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <+HandzOffMahWafflez> D:
  30. <[DA]MakeMyDay> <+HappyDragonxD> goodnight ppl cya tomorrow
  31. <[DA]MakeMyDay> * +HappyDragonxD (Brai.armed@Almighty.Dragon.from.the.Land.of.Delaware) Quit (Quit: )
  32. <%[DA]MakeMyDay> I didnt do anything
  33. <%[DA]MakeMyDay> and it bothers me you jump to the conclusion that its my fault mooty
  34. <%[DA]M00TY> I just see "Red this ectect"
  35. <%[DA]M00TY> -_-
  36. * DA-Guest503 ( has joined #DracoAlliance
  37. <%[DA]M00TY> No surprise.
  38. <%[DA]TheGoveta> ...
  39. * DA-Guest503 is now known as [DA]dukefan5
  40. <+HandzOffMahWafflez> I'm hungry.
  41. <%[DA]TheGoveta> quit making yourself seem like the victim red...
  42. <%[DA]MakeMyDay> how am i doing that
  43. * ArmedDragon (Brai.armed@Almighty.Dragon.from.the.Land.of.Delaware) has joined #DracoAlliance
  44. <&Dratini> [ArmedDragon] <+RuneScript> *** [ URBAN ]: Definitions: 6 | "PTS" 1. Acronym for porn torrent syndrome
  45. * Dratini sets mode: +v ArmedDragon
  46. * [DA]dukefan5 ( has left #DracoAlliance (Rejoining because of user@host change)
  47. * [DA]dukefan5 (DA-Guest50@Duke.Basketball.Pwns.All) has joined #DracoAlliance
  48. * Dratini sets mode: +v [DA]dukefan5
  49. <%[DA]TheGoveta> "and it bothers me you jump to the conclusion that its my fault mooty"
  50. <%[DA]MakeMyDay> Gov you just said let the thing die
  51. <+YankeeGamer5> here have a samwich
  52. <%[DA]MakeMyDay> your keeping it alive
  53. <%[DA]MakeMyDay> please stop.
  54. <%[DA]TheGoveta> you're*
  55. <%[DA]Jared> ...
  56. <%[DA]TheGoveta> no, I'm telling you quit acting like a bitch and man up
  57. * MurderMachine sets mode: -vh+b [DA]TheGoveta [DA]TheGoveta ~q:*!*@End.Of.Hope
  58. * MurderMachine sets mode: -vh+b [DA]MakeMyDay [DA]MakeMyDay ~q:*!*@Full.Moon
  59. <~MurderMachine> Alright.
  60. * Dratini sets mode: +h [DA]MakeMyDay
  61. * [DA]TheGoveta (Goveta@End.Of.Hope) Quit (Quit: )
  62. * MurderMachine sets mode: -b ~q:*!*@*
  63. * Dratini sets mode: +h [DA]MakeMyDay
  64. <%[DA]MakeMyDay> -.-
  65. <+HandzOffMahWafflez> Yankee, how was your day?
  66. * MurderMachine sets mode: -h [DA]MakeMyDay
  67. <~MurderMachine> Right.
  68. <~MurderMachine> Multi, will you apologise for acting without cause?
  69. <+[DA]dukefan5> seems like i missed something...
  70. <@[DA]Multi> yeah
  71. <@[DA]Multi> ill pm josh
  72. <+YankeeGamer5> excellent, I caught a butterfly and ate a cupcake
  73. <~MurderMachine> Thank you.
  74. <~MurderMachine> Multi, I must ask you
  75. <+HandzOffMahWafflez> Sweet, what breed of butterfly?
  76. <~MurderMachine> If you intend to keep your AOp
  77. <~MurderMachine> Figure out why you're being asked to do something
  78. <~MurderMachine> By an INFERIOR ranked member
  79. <+YankeeGamer5> A monarch, those buggers are tricky
  80. <~MurderMachine> Before acting.
  81. <%[DA]Sol64> Hack is back.
  82. <%[DA]Sol64> Jack is back.
  83. <%[DA]Sol64> *
  84. <@[DA]Multi> of course
  85. <+HandzOffMahWafflez> True, I caught a big one yesterday.
  86. <~MurderMachine> Good.
  87. * [DA]TheGoveta (bwk90@58EBCFAF.812B9F61.1CA84083.IP) has joined #DracoAlliance
  88. * [DA]TheGoveta (Goveta@58EBCFAF.812B9F61.1CA84083.IP) has left #DracoAlliance (Rejoining because of user@host change)
  89. * [DA]TheGoveta (Goveta@End.Of.Hope) has joined #DracoAlliance
  90. <&Dratini> [[DA]TheGoveta] <~[DA]Taylor_Rain> my penis has drizzle
  91. * Dratini sets mode: +h [DA]TheGoveta
  92. * %[DA]TheGoveta (Goveta@End.Of.Hope) has left #DracoAlliance
  93. <+BreezZy> That's what she said @ wafflez.
  94. * Dratini sets mode: +h [DA]MakeMyDay
  95. <+YankeeGamer5> and I found a squirrel and named it dustbuster
  96. * MurderMachine sets mode: -bb ~q:*!*@Full.Moon ~q:*!*@End.Of.Hope
  97. <+HandzOffMahWafflez> :O
  98. <+[DA]dukefan5> wth did i miss
  99. <%[DA]MakeMyDay> Jack
  100. <+HandzOffMahWafflez> You missed me catching a butterfly
  101. <+YankeeGamer5> and me naming a squirrel
  102. <%[DA]MakeMyDay> that muteban and dehop was uncalled for
  103. <+HandzOffMahWafflez> And other shenanigans.
  104. <~MurderMachine> red, I don't give a shit what your personal feeling are. If you have an issue with the conduct of an equally ranked member, take it to a QOp.
  105. <~MurderMachine> Do not take it to an AOp.
  106. * [DA]TheGoveta (Goveta@End.Of.Hope) has joined #DracoAlliance
  107. <&Dratini> [[DA]TheGoveta] <~[DA]Taylor_Rain> my penis has drizzle
  108. * Dratini sets mode: +h [DA]TheGoveta
  109. * %[DA]TheGoveta (Goveta@End.Of.Hope) has left #DracoAlliance
  110. <+YankeeGamer5> Who here likes bacon?
  111. <~MurderMachine> It is not their job to intervene in member-member disputes.
  112. <+BreezZy> Josh does.
  113. <+HandzOffMahWafflez> I like bacon.
  114. <+YankeeGamer5> what kind?
  115. * {UA}NarutoHeartGold ( has joined #DracoAlliance
  116. <+HandzOffMahWafflez> Canadian.
  117. * {UA}NarutoHeartGold ( Quit (Quit: {UA}NarutoHeartGold)
  118. * MurderMachine sets mode: +v [DA]MakeMyDay
  119. <+YankeeGamer5> omg me too!
  120. <+HandzOffMahWafflez> *hugs*
  121. <+YankeeGamer5> best buds for life!
  122. <+HandzOffMahWafflez> <3
  123. <+HandzOffMahWafflez> Wanna go catch butteflies?
  124. <+HandzOffMahWafflez> *butterflies
  125. <+YankeeGamer5> sure I'll go get my net
  126. * +HandzOffMahWafflez and Yankee skip to Yankee's house to get his net.
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