
Potential Conflict - Op4l / Silvy Dean. IMs

May 7th, 2019
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  1. [14:36] Silvy Dean points. "You. :F"
  2. [14:37] Silvy Dean: that is a very pretty dress
  3. [14:37] OPAL (Op4l Resident): looks around.. "me"
  4. [14:37] OPAL (Op4l Resident): thank you :)
  5. [14:37] Silvy Dean: but also i needs you. :F
  6. [14:37] OPAL (Op4l Resident): okies
  7. [14:37] Silvy Dean: is this the harbor office even? i just assumed considering it's on the docs <.<
  8. [14:37] OPAL (Op4l Resident): yes indeedy
  9. [14:37] Silvy Dean: perfect \o/
  10. [14:38] Silvy Dean: got time to RP?
  11. [14:38] OPAL (Op4l Resident): sure. give me a sec.. just loading still
  12. [14:40] OPAL (Op4l Resident): it is soooo laggy
  13. [14:41] Silvy Dean: yeah ._. took me near 15 mins to get down here. i should really make lms to specific places so i can visit more.
  14. [14:41] Silvy Dean: mostly don't come here out of "i don't wanna fight lag"
  15. [14:42] OPAL (Op4l Resident): lol right
  16. [14:42] OPAL (Op4l Resident): i will post
  17. [14:43] Silvy Dean: okies
  18. [16:01] Silvy Dean: :F i kinda hate this. playing an evil char always seems to put me at odds with the people I like to RP with.
  19. [16:12] OPAL (Op4l Resident): :P
  20. [16:13] Silvy Dean: you're going to have to roll for the cat.
  21. [16:15] OPAL (Op4l Resident): why am i rolling for cat? we have not entered a battle
  22. [16:17] Silvy Dean: oh no we were in battle the moment she tried to step out the door.
  23. [16:18] OPAL (Op4l Resident): ? how is that
  24. [16:18] Silvy Dean: because she made it very clear she wasn't going to let the woman step out the door without a refund.
  25. [16:18] OPAL (Op4l Resident): and she was not trying to leave.. she was opening the door to usher you out lol
  26. [16:19] Silvy Dean: as for the punch she just got. <.< that was for sending the cat for guards.
  27. [16:19] Silvy Dean: and the words she spoke was enough for them to want to stop the cat.
  28. [16:19] OPAL (Op4l Resident): less i roll a 96 :P
  29. [16:20] Silvy Dean: would be nice if you had XD
  30. [16:42] OPAL (Op4l Resident): when did i fall on the floor.. lol :P
  31. [16:42] OPAL (Op4l Resident): oh wiat that was his post..
  32. [16:42] OPAL (Op4l Resident): nvm.. w.e. lol
  33. [16:43] Silvy Dean: XD i told him to wait for yours
  34. [16:47] OPAL (Op4l Resident): :)
  35. [16:47] Silvy Dean: love it. :3
  36. [16:47] OPAL (Op4l Resident): lol
  37. [16:48] Silvy Dean: ty for the RP
  38. [16:48] Silvy Dean: lol
  39. [16:48] Silvy Dean: wish it could have been a more pleasant scene but.. :\ sticking IC sucks sometimes
  40. [16:48] OPAL (Op4l Resident): indeed.. thank you
  41. [16:48] OPAL (Op4l Resident): no worries.. that is how a customer would react.. well outside punching me
  42. [16:48] OPAL (Op4l Resident): lol
  43. [16:48] Silvy Dean: yeah of all the people Kara doesn't take stuff like that in stride XD
  44. [16:50] OPAL (Op4l Resident): LOL
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