

Dec 14th, 2017
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  1. Mods list:
  2. minecraft - Minecraft - 1.12.2
  3. mcp - Minecraft Coder Pack - 9.42
  4. FML - Forge Mod Loader -
  5. forge - Minecraft Forge -
  6. crafttweaker - CraftTweaker2 - 4.0.10
  7. mtlib - MTLib - @VERSION@
  8. modtweaker - Mod Tweaker - 4.0.5
  9. jei - Just Enough Items -
  10. abyssalcraft - AbyssalCraft -
  11. ctm - CTM - MC1.12-
  12. chisel - Chisel - MC1.12-
  13. mantle - Mantle - 1.12-
  14. tconstruct - Tinkers' Construct - 1.12-
  15. acintegration - AbyssalCraft Integration - 1.6.2
  16. actuallyadditions - Actually Additions - 1.12.2-r125
  17. baubles - Baubles - 1.5.1
  18. actuallybaubles - Actually Baubles - 1.1
  19. additionalbanners - Additional Banners - 1.1.40
  20. alt - Additional Loot Tables - 2.0.2
  21. biomesoplenty - Biomes O' Plenty -
  22. botania - Botania - r1.10-352
  23. craftstudioapi - CraftStudio API - 1.0.0
  24. immersiveengineering - Immersive Engineering - 0.12-75
  25. natura - Natura - 1.12-
  26. codechickenlib - CodeChicken Lib -
  27. redstoneflux - Redstone Flux - 2.0.1
  28. cofhcore - CoFH Core - 4.3.7
  29. cofhworld - CoFH World - 1.0.2
  30. thermalfoundation - Thermal Foundation - 2.3.7
  31. thermalexpansion - Thermal Expansion - 5.3.7
  32. betterwithmods - Better With Mods - ${version}
  33. quark - Quark - r1.4-120
  34. animania - Animania - 1.4.3
  35. applecore - AppleCore - 3.1.0
  36. appleskin - AppleSkin - 1.0.9
  37. astralsorcery - Astral Sorcery - 1.8.4
  38. autoreglib - AutoRegLib - 1.3-15
  39. basemetals - Base Metals - 2.5.0-beta3
  40. baseminerals - Base Minerals - 2.5.0-beta2
  41. bdlib - BD Lib -
  42. bedbugs - Bed Bugs - @VERSION@
  43. betterwithaddons - Better with Addons - @VERSION@
  44. betteradvancements - Better Advancements -
  45. bibliocraft - BiblioCraft - 2.4.3
  46. modernmetals - Modern Metals - 2.5.0-beta3
  47. mmdbuckets - MMD Buckets - 0.0.1-alpha2
  48. ceramics - Ceramics - 1.12-1.3.3b
  49. chameleon - Chameleon - 1.12-4.1.3
  50. chattweaks - Chat Tweaks - 5.1.8
  51. chesttransporter - Chest Transporter - 2.8.7
  52. chickens - Chickens - 6.0.2
  53. chunkpregenerator - Chunk Pregenerator - 1.5.1
  54. cookingforblockheads - Cooking for Blockheads - 6.3.17
  55. ctgui - CT-GUI - 1.0.0
  56. crafttweakerjei - CraftTweaker JEI Support - 2.0.0
  57. cucumber - Cucumber - 1.0.3
  58. cyclopscore - Cyclops Core - 0.10.24
  59. debarkedlogs - Debarked Logs - ${version}
  60. densemetals - Dense Metals - 1.0.2
  61. diethopper - Diet Hopper - 1.1
  62. dirt2path - Dirt2Path - 1.7.0
  63. earthworks - Earthworks -
  64. eleccore - ElecCore - 1.8.433
  65. elevatorid - Elevator Mod - 1.3.5
  66. logicaldrops - Logical Drops - 0.9.4
  67. embers - Embers - 0.230
  68. enderstorage - EnderStorage -
  69. endmetals - End Metals - 1.2.0-beta1
  70. evilcraft - EvilCraft - 0.10.42
  71. evilcraftcompat - EvilCraft-Compat - 1.0.0
  72. exchangers - Exchangers - 1.12-2.5.2
  73. exnihilocreatio - Ex Nihilo Creatio - 1.12-0.1.5
  74. excompressum - Ex Compressum - 3.0.11
  75. extrautils2 - Extra Utilities 2 - 1.0
  76. zerocore - Zero CORE - 1.12-
  77. bigreactors - Extreme Reactors - 1.12-
  78. fastleafdecay - Fast Leaf Decay - v14
  79. foamfix - FoamFix - 0.8.0-1.12
  80. forgeendertech - Forge Endertech - 1.12.1-
  81. forgelin - Shadowfacts' Forgelin - 1.6.0
  82. silentlib - Silent Lib - 2.2.10
  83. funores - Fun Ores - 1.5.7
  84. tesla - TESLA - 1.0.63
  85. advgenerators - Advanced Generators -
  86. gravestone - Gravestone - 1.0.12
  87. gravestone-extended - GraveStone-Extended - 1.2.6
  88. grimpack - Grim Pack -
  89. guideapi - Guide-API - 1.12-2.1.4-57
  90. helpfixer - HelpFixer - 1.12.1-1.5.18
  91. hopperducts - Hopper Ducts - 1.5
  92. waila - Waila - 1.8.23
  93. immersivepetroleum - Immersive Petroleum - @VERSION@
  94. teslacorelib - Tesla Core Lib - 1.0.11
  95. industrialforegoing - Industrial Foregoing - 1.12.2-1.12.2
  96. lunatriuscore - LunatriusCore -
  97. ingameinfoxml - InGame Info XML -
  98. initialinventory - InitialInventory - 2.0.2
  99. mysticalagriculture - Mystical Agriculture - 1.6.6
  100. mysticalagradditions - Mystical Agradditions - 1.2.7
  101. oreberries - Oreberries - 0.4.0
  102. integrationforegoing - Integration Foregoing - 1.12-1.3.1
  103. inventorytweaks - Inventory Tweaks - 1.63+release.109.220f184
  104. ironchest - Iron Chest - 1.12.2-
  105. itemscroller - Item Scroller - 0.11.0
  106. jaopcaadditions - Just A Ore Processing Compatibility Attempt: Additions - 1.12.2-
  107. jaopcacustom - Just A Ore Processing Compatibility Attempt: Customized - 1.12-
  108. jaopca - JAOPCA - 1.12.2-
  109. oredictinit - OreDictInit - 1.12.2-
  110. jaopcaoc - Just An Ore Processing Compatibility Addon: Ore Chunks - 1.0.9
  111. jehc - Just Enough HarvestCraft - 1.3.1
  112. jeiintegration - JEI Integration -
  113. jepb - Just Enough Pattern Banners - 1.2.1
  114. journeymap - JourneyMap - 1.12.2-5.5.2
  115. jeresources - Just Enough Resources -
  116. wizardry - Wizardry - 0.6.2
  117. librarianlib - LibrarianLib - 3.4
  118. lostcities - The Lost Cities - 1.0.2
  119. malisiscore - MalisisCore - 1.12.2-6.3.0
  120. malisisblocks - Malisis Blocks - 1.12.2-6.0.3
  121. malisisdoors - MalisisDoors - 1.12.2-7.2.1
  122. radixcore - RadixCore - 1.12.x-2.2.1
  123. mca - Minecraft Comes Alive - 1.12.2-5.3.1
  124. mcmultipart - MCMultiPart - 2.3.3
  125. meecreeps - MeeCreeps - 1.0.1
  126. megaquarry - Mega Quarry - 1.4.1
  127. mikedongles - Mike Dongles - 0.5.7
  128. missing_pieces - Missing Pieces - 4.3.0
  129. storagedrawers - Storage Drawers - 1.12-5.2.5
  130. refinedstorage - Refined Storage - 1.5.28
  131. morechickens - More Chickens - 3.0.0
  132. moreoverlays - MoreOverlays - 1.13
  133. nex - NetherEx -
  134. nethermetals - Nether Metals - 1.2.0-beta1
  135. netherportalfix - NetherPortalFix - 5.3.13
  136. recipehandler - NoMoreRecipeConflict - 0.9
  137. neid - NotEnoughIDs -
  138. orespawn - OreSpawn - 3.2.0
  139. harvestcraft - Pam's HarvestCraft - 1.12.2a
  140. plustic - PlusTiC -
  141. randomthings - Random Things - 4.0.8
  142. reborncore - Reborn Core -
  143. rebornstorage - RebornStorage - 1.0.0
  144. redstonearsenal - Redstone Arsenal - 2.3.7
  145. refinedstorageaddons - Refined Storage Addons - 0.2
  146. xreliquary - Reliquary - 1.12.2-
  147. roost - Roost - 1.2.0
  148. roots - Roots 2 - 0.103
  149. ruins - Ruins Mod - 16.9
  150. rustic - Rustic -
  151. signpost - Sign Post - 1.06.1
  152. solcarrot - Spice of Life: Carrot Edition - 1.2.0
  153. sparkshammers - Spark's Hammers -
  154. spiceoflife - The Spice of Life - 1.3.11
  155. stevescarts - Steve's Carts 2 - ${version}
  156. stg - SwingThroughGrass - 1.12.2-1.2.3
  157. storageboats - Storage Boats Mod - 1.6
  158. storagedrawersextra - Storage Drawers Extras - @VERSION@
  159. thermalcultivation - Thermal Cultivation - 0.1.2
  160. thermaldynamics - Thermal Dynamics - 2.3.7
  161. tinkersaddons - Tinkers' Addons - 1.0.7
  162. tcomplement - Tinkers' Complement - ${version}
  163. tinkertoolleveling - Tinkers Tool Leveling - 1.12-1.0.3.DEV.56fac4f
  164. toastcontrol - Toast Control - 1.2.0
  165. torchmaster - TorchMaster -
  166. twilightforest - The Twilight Forest - 3.5.263
  167. unlimitedchiselworks - Unlimited Chisel Works - 0.1.9
  168. wailaharvestability - Waila Harvestability - 1.1.12
  169. wanionlib - WanionLib - 1.12.2-1.3
  170. wawla - What Are We Looking At - 2.5.247
  171. waystones - Waystones - 4.0.17
  172. xtones - Xtones - 1.12-1.0.6-9
  173. adchimneys - Advanced Chimneys - 1.12.1-
  174. hungeroverhaul - Hunger Overhaul - 1.12.2-1.3.0.jenkins131
  175. librarianliblate - LibrarianLib Stage 2 - 3.4
  176. teslacorelib_registries - Tesla Core Lib Registries - 1.0.11
  177. wrapup - WrapUp - 1.12-1.1.3
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