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Jan 16th, 2022
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  1. Despite almost 3 years of battling COVID, our government has fumbled the response and demonstrated its extreme disdain for the well-being and even the lives of their constituents. We are nothing but disposable fodder for the ultra-rich and the politicians who bow to their every beck and call, and people become more aware of this every day- lets hope its not too late. The fires of rebellion and revolution have been utterly quelled by a massive repressive apparatus that seeks nothing more than to maintain the liberal status quo. Revolutions tear through nations on a near monthly basis, mass movements form across the world to oppose both repressive government mandates and incompetent lack of responses to the global disaster that faces us all. Partisan politicking surrounding an unprecedented natural disaster has demonstrated that people will absolutely not band together in the face of adversity, that people will let the sun crash into them so long as they can say "I sure made the other side mad" at the end of the day. Oh fuck it I should drop all pretenses, it is the dreadful brain rot cesspool of the American Right Wing (and frankly that includes all of the impotent corporate lapdogs in the Democratic party too) that has driven this nation into an irredeemable trajectory where misinformation, prioritization of profit over lives, and just a general sense of petty contrarianism are driving this nation to perhaps a well deserved oblivion, collapsing under the weight of its own failures and contradictions. The far right is brainless reactionaries that pose a threat through their tendency towards targeted unpredictable acts of extreme violence. They openly ally with law enforcement, creating a mechanism for civilians to carry out the state's dirty work with less accountability. This is often a prelude to many of the world's most cruel and vicious far right regimes. The centrist/conservative liberals dress everything up in rainbows and vote stickers but don't do shit, and its very much on purpose, because doing shit would mean betraying their corporate donors. The message is clear from every side in America- "Die. Fuck you. You're poor and I'm rich and if you die I won't be losing any money or sleep." The cruelty and the poverty is on purpose, and the democratic party has told us outright that we should shut up and stop whining and that everything is okay because Trump is gone. infuriating bullshit. They will happily retire to their ivory towers and continue to live off their fossil fuel donors while the rest of us drown in the storm ravaged world below as the climate continues to collapse. They do not give a shit about you. They do not give a shit about justice. They don't even seem like they give a shit about staying in power or competently holding office. As long as they can secure their big fat paycheck. The republicans are doing the same thing but at least they're up front about it. These people do not care about whether you live or die and they never will, unless they can squeeze one last penny from your cold, dead, hands. The left is kneecapped, incompetent beyond small local victories, and perpetually being shattered in a cycle of infighting and petty squabbles. It is not poised to seriously pose any threat to the powers that be, both within the state and without.
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