
Jasnah’s Secret

Jul 9th, 2020
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  1. Jasnah Kholin snuck out of her chambers in Urithiru disguised as one of her handmaidens. As Queen of Alethkar, she could go anywhere and do just about anything she pleased, but she knew that no one would approve of her little excursion tonight if they knew the reason for it. It wasn’t something she did very often, but once every now and then she’d get this urge that needed to be satisfied. Were she a typical woman her age, she’d have a husband to take care of that “urge.” But as nearly everyone on Roshar knew, Jasnah had no husband. Some had their theories as to why she hadn’t married, but the true reason was a well kept secret, *and* why she was slipping away under disguise tonight. Jasnah was in search of a young, dark eyed woman to take to bed. A practice strictly forbidden by the Vorin church.
  3. She made her way down the smooth stone passageways of the former city of Radiants, keeping her disguise on until she was in the market. Once surrounded by the common folk of Urithiru, she doffed the plain handmaiden’s dress, revealing a proper light eyed woman’s gown. It was a dark violet color that complimented the lighter shade of her eyes, but it wasn’t overly extravagant. She tried to hide the fact that she was the queen, yet still wanted people to know she was light eyed. When she finally reached her destination, she pushed open the door and confidently strode in.
  5. The bar was bustling at this late hour, and Jasnah took a seat by herself at a table in the corner of the room. A dark eyed serving girl quickly approached, and Jasnah ordered a blue wine. She wanted something strong, but didn’t want to get *too* drunk tonight. As she waited for her drink, Jasnah spotted a young woman on a stool at the bar, drinking what appeared to be horneater lager. Instantly the Queen was intrigued, never having seen a woman drink that powerful stuff so easily, not to mention the girl was very attractive. A few times, the young girl looked over and Jasnah, and noticed the attention she gave her. It seemed to make her a little uncomfortable having a light eyed woman eye her in such a lustful way. Eventually, Jasnah beckoned her over with a finger the next time they made eye contact.
  7. “Is there something I can do for you, Brightness?” The girl said as she approached.
  9. “What is your name, my dear?” Jasnah asked, gesturing for her to sit with her.
  11. “My name is Veil, Brightness...”
  13. * * *
  15. Hey there! And thank you for reading my prompt! If you’re a fan of Brandon Sanderson’s books like I am, you might know that he frustratingly leaves out any sort of romance or intimate moments in nearly all of his books. I intend to remedy that with this prompt. If you’re familiar with Stormlight Archives, you know the whole deal with Jasnah being unmarried, and there’s tons of fan theories about why. Well my fan theory is that she’s secretly a lesbian, and she has a penchant for taking dark eyed women into her bed. I would love to expand upon this idea in this prompt. However, the dark eyed woman she unwittingly chooses tonight happens to be the one and only Shallan Davar under the guise of Veil. I’m also open to replacing Veil with an original character if you want to do that too.
  17. Now for those of you men who came here because of the F4A tag, I have something alternative for you. I’d prefer to play the above prompt with a woman, but if you’re a guy I’m open to doing anything that involves characters from Stormlight, Mistborn, Elantris, Warbreaker, or even a crossover between books. Want to play as Shallan and Adolin? Sure! Vin and Elend? Hell yeah! Siri and Susebron? Definitely! Whatever you want to do, tell me the character pairing and let’s see if we can come up with a good scenario for them.
  19. Because this is a prompt based on an EU, I’d really like to keep things as close to canon as possible, but I know that sometimes we may have to fudge things a little. Also, I’d prefer if the RP contained a good deal of plot development to go along with the inevitable smut. Please be a good, detailed writer willing to write a handful of paragraphs with each response. I have a busy schedule sometimes, so there may be days when I cannot write, but I make up for it by writing lengthy responses.
  21. PM me if this interests you!
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