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Jan 21st, 2018
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  1. #1 IGN - ThatsOptimusFine
  2. #2 Age -21
  3. #3 Timezone –Pacific TImezone
  4. #4 Position you are applying for -Mod/Helper
  5. #5 What time are you most often on? (your time) - 1pm to 9pm Pacific timezone
  6. #6 Are you multilingual (Speak more than one language)? -Spanish/German (Can Converse Moderately)
  7. #7 When did you first play Minecraft, how often do you play? -I first played Minecraft, when it was 1.5.2 and multiplayer on servers was lacking. I tried it in the alpha and sought to wait until the game developed more to pick it up again. when i saw how popular it become i Got back into it on 1.5.2. i play the game 6 times a week depending on school/work but mostly 1-9 when i'm off work!
  8. #8 Have you ever been banned or temp banned on another server? - Honestly I've been banned on Hypixel and Mineplex for a Compromised account. In regards to that my email and password have been changed henceforth related to the account. i have been also been temp muted once on devil craft for 2 days for arguing for the sake to prevent someone from getting banned from an admin. My friend Dan was using Optifine , and Shaders mod'(s) on the server. And it wasn't against the server rules it was on the list of approved mods. Those are the only times i've been banned/muted
  9. #9 What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? – i have been a mod/helper on some small mine craft servers, such as PM craft, and Devil-craft i also help my friend Jack manage a private call of duty dedicated server for PC,Which we are both admins! in my experience moderation is a network and it takes more than one person with perms to make a decision on a ban or a mute. it takes a team and people constantly communicating with each other to make something final or not. i didn't get paid to moderate and i didn't take a part of the servers profits. i did however do it because i had fun interacting with other players and making the experience enjoyable
  10. #10 How many hours can you contribute per day? - 4 to 6 hours a day is the most a can contribute in my leisure time after work, as of now!
  11. #11 What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them? -
  12. Think of them as your younger brother... your family. theirs always going to be annoying people in your life you just need to know how to intend and deal with them its a part of life. people are going to try to push you over the edge... I've been there. and being 21 i can tell you life isn't always easy. Relate to them and find their soft spot and connect. Don't argue with them, it will feed their case to annoy you. Then they get what they want. be as mature and professional as possible!
  13. #12 Do you have any skills/experience in the following (CSS, HTML, PHP, Java, Linux, ect.) –
  14. I have an associates in cyber security, and have a compita A+ certification in information systems, currently my job is an A/V production position for the institution I am contracted for. As a side hobby i produce music, and DJ on the side. I am also working on a degree in Music Production as well! i am learning how to code in python and c++ currently, with a working knowledge of html and minecraft plugins!
  15. #13 How did you find this server? -
  16. I found it through the discord chat
  17. #14 Anything else we should know? – My name is Bryan Stark, i am 21 and hail from Florida. i currently live in Idaho with my cousin, and a couple friends. Not to turn this dark, but when i was 18 my uncle succumbed to cancer. since then most of my life has been dedicated to helping other people less fortunate then myself. i like to spread my passion for giving into my leisure time as well which is the reason i am applying for this position. i always wanted to get my work noticed and hopefully now it will. i want to help others make friends. And ultimately find a niche where i fit in the online community
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