
Doug's real test

Dec 2nd, 2017
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  1. High in the German sky a flight of B-17 bombers thunders forward to Berlin. Doug is in her P-51 escorting the bombers. This mission feels different from the others she flew. Where are the enemy planes. They must have given up. They should have been here a long time ago. Doug takes a look around of the sky around her. Cloudless except for a streak of cloud. Sky is empty she thought to herself so she went back to her mission. She was right to be worried. On closer inspection the streak of clouds have dots in front of them. Those dots are not in a random pattern, there in formation. These clouds are not natural, there man made.
  3. Those dots are a squadron of ME-262s, the world first fighter jet. 100Mph faster than the p-51 and armed with 4 30mm cannons. Its easily better than the p-51. The Me-262s start to dive towards the bombers. Doug hears a wining sound that she remembers from when she had to do training missions with a Gloster Meteor. She shouts on into her radio “Jets! We got jets!”. Just as she says that a jet flies over her with only feet to spare. A loud “womp” sound fills the skies as the jets unload on the bombers.
  5. The crews of the bombers are confused as to what is hitting them. Another jet targets a fighter, shredding it with its cannons. Doug calls all fighters to attack the jets. As her squadron weaves through the bomber formation Doug got on the tail of a lone jet. The pilot of the jet starts to climb. Doug follows but alas the 262 is too fast. Doug radios that the jets are too fast. Doug levels out and out of the corner of her eye spots something.
  7. A lone 262 is flying level, and its in her line of fire. Doug gave the plane a “squirt” and something happened the Doug did not expect. The right wing caught fire. Doug watched as the 262 spiraled out of control and then the canopy blew off and the pilot tumbled out. “Bomber group to fighters did you just see that” said a crew member of a nearby bomber. The fighter group leader asked what the bomber crew has seen. “That coyote just bagged herself a jet!” said the bomber crew member.
  9. With that another fighter downs a 262. Doug gets an idea. She radios all fighters climb. Doug pulls her plane straight up. She flies through the bomber formation. She then rolls over. She is pushed into her seat. She grunts to keep from blacking out. She puts her plane into a dive. The wings buzz as her speed increases. She spots a 262. Doug levels out and opens fire on the 262. The 262’s right wing ripped off. The captain of a nearby bomber exclaims “Now that’s how its done!”.
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