

Jun 7th, 2016
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  1. Thegoldnguy
  3. (Explode)
  4. 3:41
  5. LSDKama
  6. (Ultraman Noa) *Cracks his neck.*
  7. 3:41
  8. Flaredragon00
  9. (DR Neptune) <( [b][i]Fuck.[/b][/i] )
  10. 3:42
  11. LSDKama
  12. (Ultraman Noa) *Turns to Neptune.*
  13. (Ultraman Noa) <{[i]I'd run if I were you[/i].}
  14. (Ultraman Noa) *Right arm begins glowing.*
  15. 3:44
  16. DrGodzilla120
  17. what the fuck did i walk into
  18. 3:44
  19. GarudaGoji
  20. * GarudaGoji listening to Lost by Haji's Kitchen*
  21. 3:46
  22. Gallibon the Destroyer
  23. derp
  24. Welcome to WZRP Chat!!!! (mot) <(hai)
  25. An important notice regarding ChatTags can be found here
  26. 3:48
  27. GarudaGoji
  28. Hi
  29. 3:48
  30. Fr0stfur
  31. hi o/
  32. 3:48
  33. DrGodzilla120
  34. o/
  35. 3:49
  36. Gallibon the Destroyer
  37. o/
  38. 3:50
  39. Thegoldnguy
  40. *Meanwhile...*
  41. *On... Mars?*
  42. 3:51
  43. Gallibon the Destroyer
  44. Hey guys look what I made:
  45. Zarkorr
  46. Garuda is the one got me the gif.
  47. Thanks Garuda.
  48. 3:51
  49. HerokraShadowgem
  50. Reaper mah boi
  51. 3:51
  52. GarudaGoji
  53. np
  54. 3:52
  55. Thegoldnguy
  56. *Along the dry, waterless plains of the planet Mars, a creature emerges from the rocky ground*
  57. (Gudis) *Whips at the ground, crawling out of his hole*
  58. 3:53
  59. HerokraShadowgem
  60. Andnowiwanttousefuckingxenobladechroniclesxcharactersnow
  61. 3:53
  62. Thegoldnguy
  63. (Gudis) *His two front tendrils whip about, and his insect-like mouth opens and closes*
  64. 3:54
  65. HerokraShadowgem
  66. Is there a way we could incorperate Mira into the RPverse
  67. 3:54
  68. Thegoldnguy
  69. (Gudis) *He looks up at the darkened sky, noticing a small, bright blue orb: Earth*
  70. (Gudis) *Screeching, he readies for departure. His body begins to dissolve into green spores, but he is interrupted by a kick to the face.*
  71. (Gudis) *Falls over, desperately searching for his attacker.*
  72. 3:56
  73. HerokraShadowgem
  74. When ye be trying to find a good Picture of Elma for ye profile picture
  75. 3:56
  76. Thegoldnguy
  77. *A giant, red and white humanoid in a fighting pose stands beside Gudis*
  78. 3:57
  79. Flaredragon00
  80. (DR Neptune) <( Eh. Whatever. Everyone else here is probably dead anyway.) *jumps out the window*
  81. 3:57
  82. Thegoldnguy
  83. (Ultraman Great) <(SHUWA!) *He kicks Gudis again, sending Gudis to roll along the hard ground*
  84. 3:57
  85. Flaredragon00
  86. (DR Neptune) ooo( Shitshitshiiiitwhatifhefollowsshiiiit)
  87. 3:57
  88. Thegoldnguy
  89. Oh hey we have an emote for him.
  90. (Gudis) *Hitting a rock formation, he gets up, furious at the Ultra.*
  91. 3:58
  92. HerokraShadowgem
  94. pls
  95. Actually no
  96. Dont
  97. Spoilers
  98. 3:58
  99. Thegoldnguy
  100. (Gudis) *Fires a steady stream of energy bullets at Great*
  101. 3:59
  102. HerokraShadowgem
  103. Spoilers will attack you when you look up Elma
  104. 3:59
  105. LSDKama
  106. (Ultraman Noa) <{I won't follow, I have better things to do.}
  107. 3:59
  108. Thegoldnguy
  109. (Ultraman Great) *Easily maneuvers out of the path of the bullets*
  110. 3:59
  111. Flaredragon00
  112. (DR Neptune) ooo( ...Wait, does that mean he can read my-) *CLANG!*
  113. (DR Neptune) *hit a steel beam, falls over*
  114. 3:59
  115. Thegoldnguy
  116. (Ultraman Great) <(CHOO!) *Responds with a thin blue beam. It hits Gudis in the torso*
  117. 4:00
  118. Flaredragon00
  119. (DR Neptune) <( ...Mind?)
  120. 4:00
  121. LSDKama
  122. (Ultraman Noa) <{What?}
  123. 4:00
  124. Thegoldnguy
  125. (Gudis) *Tanking the hit, he squirms forward, his tendrils lashing about*
  126. (Ultraman Great) *Taking a defensive stance, he readies for the attack*
  127. 4:01
  128. LSDKama
  129. (Ultraman Noa) <{I just know by the fact you were freaking and not running you'd expect me to follow.}
  130. 4:01
  131. Thegoldnguy
  132. (Gudis) *Lunges forward, slashing at Great*
  133. 4:01
  134. LSDKama
  135. (Ultraman The Next)
  136. ...
  137. 4:01
  138. Thegoldnguy
  139. (Ultraman Great) *Stumbles back and falls to the ground*
  140. 4:01
  141. LSDKama
  142. (Ultraman Nexus)
  143. 4:02
  144. Flaredragon00
  145. (Ultraman Cosmos)
  146. 4:02
  147. Thegoldnguy
  148. (Gudis) *Grabs Ultraman by the neck and torso and swings him around, eventually throwing the Ultra a giant rock formation, which crumbles and falls on top of the Ultra*
  149. *into a
  150. (Ultraman Great) *He breaks through the rubble with an energy blast. After dusting the debris off, he fires several energy shots at Gudis*
  151. 4:04
  152. LSDKama
  153. (Ultraman Noa) <{Neptune, I know you lost your brother.}
  154. 4:04
  155. Gojiran103
  156. (Ultraman X)
  157. 4:04
  158. Thegoldnguy
  159. (Gudis) *Blasted back, roaring in pain as bits of his body are blown off*
  160. (Ultraman Great) *Jumping up, a blue sphere of energy begins to form in his hands*
  161. 4:05
  162. Flaredragon00
  163. (DR Neptune) <( Yeah. I lost my brother, and I have a job to do. Might as well take care of two birds with one stone, then drown one of said birds.)
  164. 4:05
  165. LSDKama
  166. (Ultraman Noa) *Stops charging up, reabsorbing the energy.*
  167. 4:05
  168. Fr0stfur
  169. what happened before i happened?
  170. 4:06
  171. Flaredragon00
  172. what year were you born
  173. 4:06
  174. Fr0stfur
  175. oops i meant before i got here
  176. 4:06
  177. Thegoldnguy
  178. (Ultraman Great) *Fires a giant sphere of energy at Gudis, blasting the alien to pieces.*
  179. 4:06
  180. Fr0stfur
  181. I saw DR Neptune say Fuck. but i didn't see what happened before that
  182. 4:06
  183. DrGodzilla120
  184. Fr0st was born in 696969696969696969.
  185. 4:06
  186. Fr0stfur
  187. ^
  188. 694201337
  189. 4:06
  190. Thegoldnguy
  191. BC or AD?
  192. 4:06
  193. LSDKama
  194. Noa showed up.
  195. 4:06
  196. DrGodzilla120
  197. BC.
  198. 4:07
  199. Fr0stfur
  200. FU.
  201. 4:07
  202. DrGodzilla120
  203. XD
  204. 4:07
  205. Thegoldnguy
  206. Fun Underground.
  207. 4:07
  208. DrGodzilla120
  209. Fapping Unicorns.
  210. 4:07
  211. Fr0stfur
  212. Fapping to Un-that works too
  213. 4:07
  214. DrGodzilla120
  215. They take their horn and they-*shot*
  216. 4:07
  217. Thegoldnguy
  218. *Suddenly, the pieces from Gudis' destroyed body dissolve into green spores that fly upward.*
  219. *They take off towards earth*
  220. 4:08
  221. Flaredragon00
  222. (DR Neptune) <( Anyway, I should get back to what I WAS doing.) [NEPTUNE, MAXIMUM DRIVE!]
  223. *a heavy fog rolls in, as Neptune vanishes*
  224. (DR Neptune) <( Getting my revenge.)
  225. 4:08
  226. Thegoldnguy
  227. (Ultraman Great) *Looking up at the blue orb in the sky, he takes off after Gudis, hoping to stop him once he gets to Earth*
  228. 4:08
  229. Flaredragon00
  230. *the fog rolls away, as Neptune starts laughing*
  231. GarudaGoji has been slashed by Gigan!
  232. 4:10
  233. Fr0stfur
  234. Is there a DR (uranus)
  235. 4:11
  236. DrGodzilla120
  238. Read the Google reviews.
  239. 4:11
  240. LSDKama
  241. (Ultraman Noa) *Flickers, disappearing.*
  242. bbl
  243. 4:11
  244. Fr0stfur
  245. ohhhh Thailand
  246. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  247. 4:12
  248. Fr0stfur
  249. More like...uh....pornsak land????? (shrug)
  250. LSDKama has been slashed by Gigan!
  251. 4:15
  252. DrGodzilla120
  253. Did you see one review?
  254. "My Pornsak never felt better"
  255. And the best part?
  256. I read a description, and it said, "A clinic that conducts HIV,VD & STD tests."
  257. 4:17
  258. Gojiran103
  259. wow
  260. 4:17
  261. DrGodzilla120
  262. Looks like I killed chat with the Pornsak.
  263. 4:20
  264. Gallibon the Destroyer
  266. ARREST HIM!
  267. 4:27
  268. DrGodzilla120
  269. you cannot arrest me
  270. i have the power
  271. the power of the pornsak
  272. 4:28
  273. HerokraShadowgem
  274. Can we have planet Mira in the RPVerse?
  275. 4:28
  276. Thegoldnguy
  277. Sure.
  278. 4:30
  279. DrGodzilla120
  280. Planet Mira?
  281. 4:31
  282. Thegoldnguy
  283. It's a Xenoblade thing.
  284. 4:31
  285. DrGodzilla120
  286. Oh.
  287. GarudaGoji has been slashed by Gigan!
  288. 4:35
  289. HerokraShadowgem
  290. Yee
  291. 4:39
  292. DrGodzilla120
  293. RP?
  294. someone
  295. anyone
  296. 4:41
  297. Gallibon the Destroyer
  298. Me.
  299. Sure, I'll RP.
  300. 4:43
  301. DrGodzilla120
  302. yy
  303. could you start us off
  304. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  305. 4:43
  306. HerokraShadowgem
  307. Im playing overwatch
  308. So i kinda cant
  309. 4:43
  310. DrGodzilla120
  311. o/
  312. 4:44
  313. Gallibon the Destroyer
  314. K
  315. I'll start then.
  316. ('Kraa') *soaks himself in the water some more after yesterday's fight*
  317. (Zarkorr) *heads Kraa's way*
  318. (Zakorr) <(HEY KRAA! What are you doing?)
  319. 4:45
  320. Thegoldnguy
  321. test
  322. 4:45
  323. Gallibon the Destroyer
  324. ('Kraa') *putting out the atomic flame burns from yesterday.)
  325. (Zarkorr) <(Still? I'm pretty sure their out by now.)
  326. ('Kraa') <(Whatever, I;m not taking any chances. Also I'm pissed off.)
  327. (Zarkorr) <(What's wrong with ya now?)
  328. ('Kraa') <(I'm mad that I can't see my own emote.)
  329. (Zarkorr) <(Tough luck.)
  330. (Zarkorr) *blasts his laser eye beams at a log*
  331. *Nearby, (Gamoni) comes out of the waters*
  332. (Gamoni) *walks out of the waters, still a little beat from her fight with Frankenstein*
  333. (Gamoni) *about Kraa and Zarkorr* <(Better be careful, I don't want to get their attention...)
  334. (Gamoni) *lies low to the ground*
  335. 4:52
  336. DrGodzilla120
  337. Hold on, where are they?
  338. 4:52
  339. Gallibon the Destroyer
  340. ('Kraa') and (Zarkorr) *walk around*
  341. I dunno, I didn't say
  342. Whoops.
  343. 4:52
  344. DrGodzilla120
  345. Ugh, BRB.
  346. 4:52
  347. Gallibon the Destroyer
  348. See ya...
  349. 4:57
  350. HerokraShadowgem
  351. Mum brings in mushroom soup, puts extra shrooms in there
  352. I respond "Thank"
  353. 4:58
  354. Gallibon the Destroyer
  355. Heh
  356. 5:02
  357. DrGodzilla120
  358. Back.
  359. So where are they?
  360. 5:03
  361. Flaredragon00
  362. (DR Neptune) *reforms in Albany, New York, appearing in a dark alleyway*
  363. 5:05
  364. Gallibon the Destroyer
  365. WB
  366. Some island I least that's what I imagined them to be at.
  367. 5:07
  368. DrGodzilla120
  369. Alright.
  370. *another figure is flying through the air, and sees the creatures on the island*
  371. (??) Who are... Strange.
  372. (??) *lands near the others, currently in human-size, ducking behind a tree, listening*
  373. 5:08
  374. Gallibon the Destroyer
  375. BRB
  376. Back
  377. (Gamoni) *lies down*
  378. ('Kraa) and (Zarkorr) *walk around*
  379. *Somebody else flies down to (Gamoni) *
  380. (Gamoni) <(Hm?)
  381. (Hardshell) <(There you are.)
  382. (Gamoni) <(Hardshell? Where have you been?)
  383. (Hardshell) <(I can ask you the same.)
  384. (Gamoni) <(Keep it quiet though, I'm waiting for these guys to leave.)
  385. (Hardshell) <(Whom?)
  386. 5:11
  387. Thegoldnguy
  388. I'm going to try to upload a Zone Fighter clip. Knowing Toho, they'll take it down within seconds, lol.
  389. 5:11
  390. Gallibon the Destroyer
  391. (Gamoni) *points* <(Them.)
  392. (Hardshell) *sees Kraa and Zarkorr*
  393. (Hardshell) <(Who are they?)
  394. 5:12
  395. GarudaGoji
  396. How many seconds will it be until they take it down?
  397. 5:12
  398. Gallibon the Destroyer
  399. (Hardshell) <(Besides the obvious fact that their monsters.)
  400. (Gamoni) <(It's Kraa and Zarkorr.)
  401. (Gamoni) <(Two dangerous giant monsters from space.)
  402. 5:13
  403. Thegoldnguy
  404. Perhaps it will be during the uploading process.
  405. 5:14
  406. Gojiran103
  407. playing sonic Axiom.
  408. 5:14
  409. Thegoldnguy
  410. Who knows.
  411. Hopefully they won't take it down. Youtube needs more Zone Fighter.
  412. 5:14
  413. Gallibon the Destroyer
  414. Zone Fighter is on YouTube?
  415. This is news for me.
  416. I would be more surprised to see Assault Human! on there though.
  417. ('Kraa') and (Zarkorr) *take off*
  418. (Gamoni) <(Oh thank goodness, they've left.)
  419. (Gamoni) and (Hardshell) *get up*
  420. (Hardshell) <(I didn't know you were scared of those two, Gamoni...)
  421. (Gamoni) <(Am not.)
  422. (Gamoni) <(I just didn't want to deal with them. I mean, would you?)
  423. 5:17
  424. Thegoldnguy
  425. I said Youtube needs more Zone Fighter. As in, there's very little of it.
  426. 5:17
  427. Gallibon the Destroyer
  428. I know, but still.
  429. (Gamoni) and (Hardshell) *wander*
  430. 5:21
  431. DrGodzilla120
  432. i just found something on youtube
  433. this is
  434. uhhh
  435. disturbing
  437. what the fuck am i watching
  438. 5:22
  439. Gallibon the Destroyer
  440. ......
  441. Thegoldnguy has been slashed by Gigan!
  442. 5:24
  443. DrGodzilla120
  444. omg it killed goldn
  445. 5:25
  446. Gallibon the Destroyer
  447. dun dun dunn
  448. BRB
  449. Thegoldnguy has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  450. Thegoldnguy has been slashed by Gigan!
  451. 5:31
  452. Gallibon the Destroyer
  453. Back.
  454. Thegoldnguy has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  455. 5:31
  456. Gallibon the Destroyer
  457. o/
  458. Guess that RP is done now.
  459. Thegoldnguy has been slashed by Gigan!
  460. 5:33
  461. Gallibon the Destroyer
  462. Oh well.
  463. Thegoldnguy has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  464. 5:34
  465. Gallibon the Destroyer
  466. Hi?
  467. (Gamoni) and (Hardshell) *exit RP*
  468. Thegoldnguy has been slashed by Gigan!
  469. 5:39
  470. Gallibon the Destroyer
  471. .......
  472. DrG?
  473. Nvm, I take it your busy.
  474. Thegoldnguy has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  475. 5:40
  476. Gallibon the Destroyer
  477. Hi.
  478. BBL, work
  479. o/
  480. Thegoldnguy has been slashed by Gigan!
  481. Thegoldnguy has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  482. Thegoldnguy has been slashed by Gigan!
  483. 5:49
  484. HerokraShadowgem
  486. Cuz i felt leik et
  487. 5:50
  488. GarudaGoji
  489. kay
  490. 5:58
  491. DrGodzilla120
  492. Still don't know why her last name is fucking Lacroix.
  493. Thegoldnguy has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  494. 6:02
  495. Thegoldnguy
  496. Holy crap it worked.
  497. 6:02
  498. GarudaGoji
  500. 6:02
  501. Thegoldnguy
  503. 6:02
  504. GarudaGoji
  505. Vegeta just being Vegeta.
  506. 6:02
  507. Thegoldnguy
  508. Hopefully Toho doesn't find it and put me in jail.
  509. 6:04
  510. DrGodzilla120
  511. XD
  513. 6:04
  514. Thegoldnguy
  515. ...
  516. 6:05
  517. GarudaGoji
  518. Toho knows
  519. Toho is everywhere. They watch even the deepest parts of the internet.
  520. 6:05
  521. Thegoldnguy
  522. Does it say that for you, garuda?
  523. StayPuftMarshmellowMan has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  524. 6:06
  525. DrGodzilla120
  526. o/
  527. 6:06
  528. Thegoldnguy
  529. XD
  530. 6:06
  531. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  532. Hi
  533. 6:06
  534. Thegoldnguy
  535. I got a copyright claim!
  536. My first one!
  537. 6:06
  538. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  539. First of many.
  540. 6:06
  541. GarudaGoji
  542. No, but i'm just saying that because they block things.
  543. 6:07
  544. Thegoldnguy
  545. Alrighty. I deleted the video.
  546. 6:07
  547. GarudaGoji
  548. I mean, seriously, those in Toho have hawk eyes!
  549. 6:07
  550. Thegoldnguy
  551. Oh well. It was worth a shot.
  552. 6:07
  553. DrGodzilla120
  554. Do they hire people to actively look for copyright on Youtube?
  555. 6:08
  556. GarudaGoji
  557. I bet they do.
  558. 6:08
  559. Thegoldnguy
  560. But y'know what? Maybe we wouldn't resort to such "dirty" uploading if Toho OFFICIALLY RELEASED THE FUCKING SHOW.
  561. 6:08
  562. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  563. This is Goldn right now.
  564. 6:08
  565. Thegoldnguy
  566. Even the Japanese don't have an official DVD or Blu-Ray release!
  567. All we have are VHS Rips and Bootlegs!
  568. 6:08
  569. GarudaGoji
  570. Yeah.
  571. 6:09
  572. Thegoldnguy
  573. Anyways, you can view the video I ripped it from here. Dailymotion is safe from the copyright claims.
  574. 6:10
  575. DrGodzilla120
  576. RP?
  577. 6:10
  578. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  580. 6:10
  581. Thegoldnguy
  582. I'm still baffled by the fact that Toho has copyright claims for Zone Fighter, yet they refuse to officially release the damn thing.
  583. 6:11
  584. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  585. Best death was defiantly by Blanka Minion.
  586. 6:11
  587. Thegoldnguy
  588. Like, are they TRYING to prevent us from seeing it?
  589. Or is there some rights issues with their own show?
  590. 6:13
  591. GarudaGoji
  592. (shrug)
  593. 6:14
  594. DrGodzilla120
  595. Anyone?
  596. 6:14
  597. HerokraShadowgem
  598. Toho are jackasses
  599. First they take good movie concepts away
  600. Then they do this
  601. 6:14
  602. Thegoldnguy
  603. Tsuburaya had issues with releasing Ultraman on DVD in other regions because some jerk (who, as they later found it, didn't even own the rights) said he owned the rights to all the Ultra-Shows pre-1975
  604. 6:15
  605. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  606. Doc.
  607. We can do Overwatch RP if you want.
  608. 6:15
  609. Thegoldnguy
  610. To be fair, herokra, they have every right to take down the clip legally. Morally, though? No. Because the show hasn't been officially released and they need to get to releasing it on DVD or something.
  611. 6:15
  612. DrGodzilla120
  613. yy
  614. How would that work, though?
  615. 6:16
  616. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  617. Improvise.
  618. 6:16
  619. DrGodzilla120
  620. I mean, the characters don't have health bars and ways to logically decide whether a character got hit or not like in the game.
  621. 6:17
  622. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  623. Y'know what?
  624. 6:17
  625. HerokraShadowgem
  626. Fun fact, Mercy's Imp and Devil skins have Signigicantly Smaller breasts than all the other skins
  627. I just noticed that
  628. *Significantly
  629. 6:18
  630. DrGodzilla120
  631. oh god d. va without her suit
  632. i'm in love
  633. 6:18
  634. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  635. Watch all these first then come back.
  636. 6:18
  637. DrGodzilla120
  638. Oh.
  639. 6:18
  640. HerokraShadowgem
  641. Heres the Imp Skin
  642. Theres classic Mercy
  643. See the difference?
  644. 6:20
  645. Thegoldnguy
  646. I'll RP later.
  647. Anyways I'll bbl
  648. 6:20
  649. DrGodzilla120
  650. Why didn't Reaper just shoot that Gorilla fucker Winston in the head?
  651. o/
  652. Thegoldnguy has been slashed by Gigan!
  653. 6:21
  654. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  655. BECAUSE
  658. 6:21
  659. HerokraShadowgem
  660. Reaper: "Give me a break"
  661. 6:21
  662. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  664. 6:21
  665. HerokraShadowgem
  666. Reaper isnt a Psycopath\
  667. Reaper is a high functioning psycopath
  668. 6:22
  669. DrGodzilla120
  670. You realize I use Reaper in RP, right?
  671. 6:22
  672. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  673. Reaper is a talon agent.
  674. 6:22
  675. DrGodzilla120
  676. "Die."
  677. 6:22
  678. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  679. Talon is a terrorist company.
  680. 6:22
  681. DrGodzilla120
  682. That quote.
  683. 6:22
  684. HerokraShadowgem
  685. I was making a Joke\
  686. 6:22
  687. DrGodzilla120
  688. Most relatable quote 2016.
  689. 6:22
  690. HerokraShadowgem
  691. To his Quote
  692. 6:22
  693. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  694. So... Reaper is a terrorist.
  695. 6:22
  696. DrGodzilla120
  697. Still my favorite Overwatch character.
  698. 6:22
  699. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  700. He isn't as relatable as you think Doc.
  701. 6:23
  702. DrGodzilla120
  703. I know. I'm not a terrorist who hunts down former members of an organization, and I can't turn into black smoke.
  704. Well, the shadow isn't really black smoke.
  705. 6:26
  706. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  707. In a way, Reaper could be considered either 76 or Winston's arch nemesis. 76 because the two had a strong rivalry back in the Overwatch days as well as the fact Reyes was one of the main causes for Overwatch's downfall. Winston because Reaper's main goal now is to kill every Overwatch member (possibly excluding McCree and Widowmaker) and the two have fought on few occasions.
  708. 6:28
  709. HerokraShadowgem
  710. I seriously need this skin for Widowmaker
  711. 6:29
  712. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  713. I have this one.
  714. 6:30
  715. HerokraShadowgem
  716. You fucking showoff, lucky for you...i....really dont like any of Widowmaker's Legendary Skins
  717. 6:31
  718. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  719. I got it in a lootbox XD
  720. 6:31
  721. HerokraShadowgem
  722. GG
  723. 6:32
  724. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  725. I want that D.Va voiceline.
  726. 6:32
  727. HerokraShadowgem
  728. I want either the Ifrit or Sunyatta Zenyatta skin
  729. 6:32
  730. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  731. Btw
  732. Mei is the fucking biggest piece of shit ever
  733. 6:34
  734. DrGodzilla120
  735. XD
  736. She's rather unattractive.
  737. 6:34
  738. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  739. How does China get represented in Overwatch?
  740. A fat annoying Eskimo who's attacks are really annoying.
  741. 6:35
  742. Flaredragon00
  743. i come back to this
  744. 6:35
  745. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  746. go back flare
  747. 6:36
  748. DrGodzilla120
  749. Exactly.
  750. She's the ONLY character of Chinese descent.
  751. I heard there were Japanese characters, and Genji and Hanzo are pretty badass.
  752. I was like, "Are there Chinese characters?"
  753. I look them up...
  754. To find Mei.
  755. And I'm like, "FML".
  756. 6:37
  757. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  758. Well Doc.
  759. For Texas.
  761. 6:37
  762. DrGodzilla120
  763. LOL
  764. McCree reminded me of Erron Black when I first saw him.
  765. Thegoldnguy has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  766. 6:38
  767. DrGodzilla120
  768. o/
  769. 6:38
  770. Thegoldnguy
  771. back
  772. 6:38
  773. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  774. wb
  775. 6:38
  776. Gojiran103
  778. 6:38
  779. HerokraShadowgem
  781. ALREADY!
  782. Didnt we used to have a (Operator) emote?
  783. (Slenderman) I know we have him
  784. 6:39
  785. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  786. Gojiran.
  787. 6:39
  788. Flaredragon00
  789. who even gives a shit about marble hornets anymore
  790. 6:39
  791. Gojiran103
  792. ?
  793. 6:40
  794. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  795. I heard Rhino, Shocker, Mysterio and Vulture were going to be in Sam Rami's fourth movie.
  796. 6:40
  797. HerokraShadowgem
  798. For your information i like Marble Hornets\
  799. Still
  800. 6:40
  801. Flaredragon00
  802. "Shocker"
  803. 6:40
  804. Gojiran103
  805. Yeah, I heard that too. It's apparently true.
  806. 6:40
  807. Flaredragon00
  810. 6:40
  811. GarudaGoji
  812. shock me
  813. 6:40
  814. Gojiran103
  816. 6:40
  817. Flaredragon00
  819. 6:40
  820. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  822. 6:40
  823. Gojiran103
  825. 6:40
  826. Flaredragon00
  828. 6:41
  829. HerokraShadowgem
  830. *At the ends of the earth*
  832. 6:41
  833. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  834. I think Black Cat, Carnage and Lizard were supposed to be there too.
  835. 6:41
  836. DrGodzilla120
  837. Can we RP now?
  838. 6:41
  839. HerokraShadowgem
  840. *explosions*
  841. 6:41
  842. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  843. Sure.
  844. 6:41
  845. Gojiran103
  846. Lemme link that video
  847. watch from 6:19 to 6:35
  848. 6:42
  849. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  850. Herokra, what characters do you use from Overwatch?
  851. 6:42
  852. HerokraShadowgem
  853. Widowmaker As of right now
  854. Im interested in using more
  855. I just dont know who
  856. 6:42
  857. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  858. Soldier 76 and Tracer.
  859. 6:43
  860. HerokraShadowgem
  861. Wait you mean RP wise?
  862. Or in the game
  863. 6:43
  864. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  865. I use the two I just mentioned.
  866. 6:43
  867. HerokraShadowgem
  868. Who the HECK invented Sticky Keys anyway
  869. 6:43
  870. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  871. flare
  872. 6:44
  873. Gojiran103
  874. brb
  875. 6:44
  876. GarudaGoji
  877. Oh god, gums that affected keys!
  878. 6:44
  879. Gojiran103
  880. back
  881. 6:45
  882. GarudaGoji
  883. That or it could be glue.
  884. Or it could be.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  885. 6:46
  886. Thegoldnguy
  887. Imma start an RP.
  888. 6:46
  889. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  890. Goldn.
  891. 6:46
  892. Thegoldnguy
  893. It's all inclusive, but try not to make it cluttered if you plan on joining. Yeh?
  894. 6:47
  895. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  896. What did you think of the Spider-Man 4 reveal?
  897. 6:47
  898. Thegoldnguy
  899. the what?
  900. 6:47
  901. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  902. Apparently, Rhino, Lizard, Shocker, Black Cat, Vulture, Carnage and Mysterio were going to be in it.
  903. 6:48
  904. Thegoldnguy
  905. The cancelled Sam Raimi one?
  906. 6:48
  907. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  908. Yes.
  909. 6:48
  910. Thegoldnguy
  911. Wow. History repeats itself. Spider-Man 3 and Amazing Spider-Man 2 were considered the worst in their series, and both their sequels would've involved the sinister six!
  912. *both of
  913. 6:49
  914. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  916. THIS
  917. 6:49
  918. Thegoldnguy
  919. HISTORY
  921. 6:49
  922. GarudaGoji
  924. Lord Ghetsis has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  925. 6:50
  926. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  927. Hi.
  928. 6:50
  929. Thegoldnguy
  930. o hai Ghetsis
  931. 6:50
  932. Lord Ghetsis
  933. Hi
  934. 6:50
  935. Thegoldnguy
  936. Anywhoozle...
  937. Krazar77 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  938. 6:50
  939. DrGodzilla120
  940. o/
  941. 6:50
  942. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  943. Apparently, Vulture is going to be the villain of Spider-Man: Homecoming.
  944. 6:50
  945. GarudaGoji
  946. Hi hi
  947. 6:50
  948. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  949. Hi
  950. 6:50
  951. Krazar77
  952. and not everyone is on
  953. god dammit
  954. i swear to god
  955. 6:50
  956. Thegoldnguy
  957. *Meanwhile, in Australia's Outback, there are tremors...*
  958. 6:51
  959. Krazar77
  960. Freaking shodai isnt here
  961. LSD isnt here
  962. seriously
  963. were is shodai
  964. 6:51
  965. DrGodzilla120
  966. (Australian Citizen) FML. Even MORE shit.
  967. 6:51
  968. Thegoldnguy
  969. Shodai hasn't been on at all today.
  970. 6:51
  971. Gojiran103
  972. His internet has been bothering him today and yesterdayt.
  973. 6:51
  974. Krazar77
  975. then if he doesnt show up tommarow
  976. 6:51
  977. Thegoldnguy
  978. *Cracks begin to form in the ground. Wildlife run for safety*
  979. 6:51
  980. Lord Ghetsis
  981. Awww
  982. 6:51
  983. Krazar77
  984. its happening
  985. 6:51
  986. Lord Ghetsis
  987. That means no (koDeibu) in PM
  988. ;-;
  989. 6:52
  990. Krazar77
  991. lsd i know will be here
  992. 6:52
  993. Thegoldnguy
  994. *A creature emerges from the ground...*
  995. 6:53
  996. Krazar77
  997. Im seriously getting a little agitated
  998. 6:53
  999. GarudaGoji
  1001. 6:53
  1002. Thegoldnguy
  1003. *It vaguely resembles Megalon, but it has some green substance wrapped around its horn. Its drills are slightly bigger and malformed.*
  1004. Gudis (Megalon) *Let's out a screeching roar. It echoes throughout the plains*
  1005. 6:54
  1006. DrGodzilla120
  1007. Is this a solo RP, BTW, or can anyone just join in?
  1008. 6:54
  1009. Thegoldnguy
  1010. It's all inclusive, but you should all know when it's getting cluttered.
  1011. 6:54
  1012. DrGodzilla120
  1013. Alright.
  1014. 6:54
  1015. Thegoldnguy
  1016. Like, three users max.
  1017. 6:55
  1018. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1019. Gojiran
  1021. 6:55
  1022. Gojiran103
  1023. ?
  1024. 6:55
  1025. Krazar77
  1027. 6:55
  1028. Lord Ghetsis
  1029. *Suddenly several giant kangaroos bound up and kick it before it gets steamrolled by a giant echidna. The outback of Australia was not a friendly place to be.*
  1030. 6:55
  1031. Krazar77
  1032. look what i found garuda
  1033. 6:55
  1034. Lord Ghetsis
  1035. Jk
  1036. But thats the truth in a sense
  1037. 6:55
  1038. Gojiran103
  1039. Oh yeah I remember that ending
  1040. 6:55
  1041. Thegoldnguy
  1042. Gudis (Megalon) *It unleashes a thick green fog from its mouth, gassing the wildlife with poisonous chemicals*
  1043. 6:55
  1044. Gojiran103
  1045. It was really cool
  1046. 6:55
  1047. Krazar77
  1048. hey goldn
  1049. 6:55
  1050. Flaredragon00
  1052. 6:55
  1053. Thegoldnguy
  1054. Aussie is dangerous enough.
  1055. 6:55
  1056. Krazar77
  1057. mind if i jump in
  1058. 6:56
  1059. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1060. Spider-Man, Captain, Punisher and Daredevil playing cards,
  1061. 6:56
  1062. Thegoldnguy
  1063. Sure.
  1064. 6:56
  1065. Lord Ghetsis
  1066. I live in Australia
  1067. I would know
  1068. 6:56
  1069. Krazar77
  1070. k
  1071. 6:56
  1072. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1073. Never thought I'd see it.
  1074. 6:56
  1075. Thegoldnguy
  1076. I didn't know that.
  1077. 6:56
  1078. Krazar77
  1079. *a loud clank is heard a few meters away from the megalon*
  1080. 6:56
  1081. Thegoldnguy
  1082. I take it you live along the shoreline, away from the dangerous part?
  1083. 6:56
  1084. DrGodzilla120
  1085. Ghetsis lives in Australia, Stay lives in the U.K.
  1086. 6:56
  1087. Gojiran103
  1088. lol
  1089. 6:56
  1090. DrGodzilla120
  1091. I think the rest of us live in the U.S.
  1092. 6:57
  1093. Thegoldnguy
  1094. Gudis (Megalon) *Turns around, immediately blasting whatever's there with a greenish horn beam*
  1095. 6:57
  1096. DrGodzilla120
  1097. o/
  1098. 6:57
  1099. Thegoldnguy
  1100. o hai Galli
  1101. 6:57
  1102. Lord Ghetsis
  1103. Thats right
  1104. 6:57
  1105. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1106. Hi.
  1107. 6:57
  1108. Lord Ghetsis
  1109. I live several states away from the Outback areas
  1110. 6:57
  1111. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1112. Thinking about changing my avatar.
  1113. So anyways, hows it been going here?
  1114. 6:58
  1115. Thegoldnguy
  1116. I actually really like Australia's wildlife. It's very diverse.
  1117. 6:58
  1118. Lord Ghetsis
  1119. Well....
  1120. Goro might not be coming on
  1121. 6:58
  1122. Krazar77
  1123. (Mecha-Gamera)*absorbs the energy of the blast*
  1124. 6:58
  1125. Lord Ghetsis
  1126. Which means no (koDeibu) ;-;
  1127. 6:58
  1128. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1129. YAY!
  1130. 6:58
  1131. Thegoldnguy
  1132. Gudis (Megalon) *Screeches, its drills spinning*
  1133. 6:59
  1134. Lord Ghetsis
  1135. But when he does come on
  1136. >:3
  1137. More (koDeibu)
  1138. 6:59
  1139. Thegoldnguy
  1140. Gudis (Megalon) *Dives downward and drills into the ground*
  1141. 6:59
  1142. Krazar77
  1143. (Mecha-gammera)*glares at Gudis (megalon) and roars a sinister mechanical roar of Gamera*
  1144. (Mecha-Gamera)*thrusters activate and flies into the sky*
  1145. 7:00
  1146. Thegoldnguy
  1147. *Mecha-Gamera can see a trail of dirt moving up, showing Megalon's position*
  1148. *moving north
  1149. 7:00
  1150. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1151. Hows this?
  1152. 7:00
  1153. DrGodzilla120
  1154. *a human-sized figure is walking through the streets of Manhattan*
  1155. Umm... What's that?
  1156. 7:01
  1157. Krazar77
  1158. (Mecha-Gamera)*follows it*
  1159. 7:01
  1160. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1161. A ghost.
  1162. Too much?
  1163. 7:01
  1164. DrGodzilla120
  1165. No?
  1166. 7:01
  1167. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1168. I've used this avatar before.
  1169. 7:01
  1170. Thegoldnguy
  1171. Gudis (Megalon) *Emerges out of the ground at a blinding speed, rocketting upward at Mecha-Gamera and ramming into it*
  1172. 7:02
  1173. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1174. Just never around WZRP.
  1175. 7:02
  1176. GarudaGoji
  1177. sp00py
  1178. 7:02
  1179. Lord Ghetsis
  1180. (tank) arrive out of nowhere followed by (jet)
  1181. 7:03
  1182. Krazar77
  1183. (Mecha-Gammera)*falls through the sky before sliding his arms and legs and head into his mechanical body*
  1184. 7:03
  1185. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1186. Meh, I'm changing it back.
  1187. 7:03
  1188. Lord Ghetsis
  1189. (tank) "Eat this motherfucker!" *Fires Ceoxal's legendary antimatter grenade which moved at the speed of sounds*
  1190. Jk
  1191. 7:03
  1192. Krazar77
  1193. *his thrusters ignite as he begins flying*
  1194. 7:03
  1195. Thegoldnguy
  1196. Gudis (Megalon) *Lands, waving its arms around maniacally*
  1197. 7:03
  1198. DrGodzilla120
  1199. "*his thrusters ignite as he begins flying*"
  1200. 7:03
  1201. Krazar77
  1202. (Mecha-Gamera)*in flying mode and spins around, sharp small blades pop out of his shell as he spins around*
  1203. 7:03
  1204. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1205. There.
  1206. 7:03
  1207. DrGodzilla120
  1208. That's me every single day.
  1209. 7:04
  1210. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1211. What?
  1212. 7:04
  1213. Krazar77
  1214. (Mecha-Gamera)* slams into Megalon, the small blades and heat of his thrusters being a very will mix*
  1215. 7:04
  1216. DrGodzilla120
  1217. "*his thrusters ignite as he begins flying*"
  1218. This.
  1219. 7:04
  1220. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1221. Oh.
  1222. 7:04
  1223. DrGodzilla120
  1224. "(Mecha-Gamera)* slams into Megalon, the small blades and heat of his thrusters being a very will mix*"
  1225. 7:04
  1226. HerokraShadowgem
  1227. my top 8 characters i use Stay
  1228. 7:04
  1229. DrGodzilla120
  1230. Okay, THIS is just WRONG.
  1231. 7:05
  1232. Lord Ghetsis
  1233. (fire dragon) (web) (huehue)
  1234. 7:05
  1235. DrGodzilla120
  1236. Oh, I see you like D. Va?
  1237. D. Va's quite hot.
  1238. 7:05
  1239. Thegoldnguy
  1240. Gudis (Megalon) *Screeches as its green blood splatters everywhere. It leaps to the side out of desperation and looks at the massive gashes in its torso*
  1241. 7:05
  1242. DrGodzilla120
  1243. Back off, buddy. She's mine.
  1244. 7:05
  1245. Gojiran103
  1246. the small blades and heat of his thrusters being a very will mix*
  1247. 7:05
  1248. HerokraShadowgem
  1249. Very much s- REALLY NOW
  1250. Nah you can have her
  1251. 7:05
  1252. DrGodzilla120
  1253. You can have Widowmaker.
  1254. 7:05
  1255. HerokraShadowgem
  1257. 7:05
  1258. Krazar77
  1259. Tracers my bitch
  1260. 7:05
  1261. Thegoldnguy
  1262. Whoa
  1263. 7:05
  1264. DrGodzilla120
  1265. Really? Do you have Mei as well? XD
  1266. 7:06
  1267. Krazar77
  1268. in friend
  1269. 7:06
  1270. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1272. 7:06
  1273. Krazar77
  1274. stay
  1275. 7:06
  1276. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1277. BUT SHE'S MINE >:D
  1278. 7:06
  1279. Krazar77
  1280. did you play the beta the day it came out
  1281. i know i did
  1282. 7:06
  1283. Gojiran103
  1284. bbl
  1285. o/
  1286. 7:06
  1287. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1288. o/
  1289. 7:06
  1290. DrGodzilla120
  1291. o/
  1292. Stay has the game.
  1293. 7:06
  1294. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1295. Yes.
  1296. 7:06
  1297. GarudaGoji
  1298. Bye Gogeta
  1299. Gojiran103 has been slashed by Gigan!
  1300. 7:07
  1301. Lord Ghetsis
  1302. Now we only have Vegito left
  1303. 7:07
  1304. Krazar77
  1305. (Mecha-gamera)*transformers back and lands*
  1306. 7:07
  1307. DrGodzilla120
  1308. Also.
  1309. Who's Elma?
  1310. 7:07
  1311. Lord Ghetsis
  1312. * Lord Ghetsis removes his earrings
  1313. 7:07
  1314. Krazar77
  1315. (Mecha-Gamera)*turns towards Megalon*
  1316. 7:07
  1317. Lord Ghetsis
  1318. :3
  1319. 7:07
  1320. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1321. I wonder why Goro hasn't come on today or yesterday.
  1322. 7:07
  1323. DrGodzilla120
  1324. Internet issues, likely.
  1325. 7:07
  1326. HerokraShadowgem
  1327. (Huehue)
  1328. 7:07
  1329. Thegoldnguy
  1330. Gudis (Megalon) *In retaliation, it unleashes a plum of thick gas from its mouth on Mecha Gamera. It's highly corrosive.*
  1331. Herokra at it again with his Elma.
  1332. 7:08
  1333. DrGodzilla120
  1334. The name "Mei" translates to "Beautiful" in Chinese, ironically.
  1335. However, it can also mean "Sister".
  1336. Though the third meaning is the most accurate.
  1337. "Mold".
  1338. 7:08
  1339. Thegoldnguy
  1340. Mei translates to "Shinji Ikari", actually.
  1341. 7:08
  1342. HerokraShadowgem
  1343. Dont make me start getting the pictures of her in the "Light Armor" Sets (Huehue)
  1344. 7:08
  1345. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1346. Nice CGI, I'm totally not be sarcastic.
  1347. *being
  1348. shit
  1349. 7:08
  1350. Krazar77
  1351. (Mecha-Gamera)*It begins to eat away at his armor. His tusks glow Orange. Mouth drops down as he fires a plasma fireball*
  1352. 7:09
  1353. DrGodzilla120
  1354. Nah, fam. Shinji Ikari translates into "The Largest Pornsak in the World".
  1355. 7:09
  1356. HerokraShadowgem
  1358. 7:09
  1359. DrGodzilla120
  1360. Once again, Pornsaks succeed at killing chat.
  1361. 7:09
  1362. Thegoldnguy
  1363. *The gas mixed with the fire creates and explosion that sends both Megalon and Mecha Gamera flying back*
  1364. 7:09
  1365. DrGodzilla120
  1366. Pornsak 2 op pls nerf
  1367. 7:10
  1368. Lord Ghetsis
  1369. *Another figure walks through Manhattan, carrying a katana in its sheathe and a sword on his back*
  1370. 7:11
  1371. HerokraShadowgem
  1373. 7:11
  1374. Krazar77
  1375. (Mecha-Gamera)*skids to a stop*
  1376. you know
  1377. 7:11
  1378. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1379. ?
  1380. 7:11
  1381. Krazar77
  1382. somebody should draw mecha gamera
  1383. well my version anyway
  1384. 7:11
  1385. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1386. I see.
  1387. Hey StayPuft
  1388. 7:11
  1389. Thegoldnguy
  1390. *When the smoke clears, Megalong is facedown on the ground.*
  1391. 7:11
  1392. DrGodzilla120
  1393. MEGALONG
  1394. OH MY GOD
  1396. 7:11
  1397. Thegoldnguy
  1398. *Megalon
  1399. Fuck
  1400. 7:12
  1401. DrGodzilla120
  1402. MEGALONG
  1403. MEGALONG
  1404. 7:12
  1405. Krazar77
  1406. (Mecha-Gamera)*scans Megalong to see if hes dead*
  1407. 7:12
  1408. DrGodzilla120
  1409. XD
  1410. 7:12
  1411. Krazar77
  1412. :3
  1413. *Megalon*
  1414. 7:12
  1415. Thegoldnguy
  1416. Please don't pick it up..
  1417. 7:12
  1418. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1419. Who would win a battle? Mer-Ray or Kraa?
  1420. Lol
  1421. 7:12
  1422. Thegoldnguy
  1423. Gudis (Megalon) *Weakly gets up, quietly screeching.*
  1424. 7:12
  1425. DrGodzilla120
  1426. My favorite character is Megalong. :3
  1427. 7:12
  1428. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1429. oh no
  1430. 7:12
  1431. DrGodzilla120
  1432. Because he's the most relatable.
  1433. 7:12
  1434. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1435. power debate
  1436. 7:12
  1437. Thegoldnguy
  1438. Gudis (Megalon) *It unleashes the gas again, but this gas is tinted red...*
  1439. 7:13
  1440. DrGodzilla120
  1441. I assumed it would be tinted white.
  1442. 7:13
  1443. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1444. Don't worry Stay, I only jest.
  1445. 7:13
  1446. DrGodzilla120
  1447. Okay, I'm sorry.
  1448. 7:13
  1449. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1450. Herokra
  1451. 7:13
  1452. HerokraShadowgem
  1453. Yes?
  1454. 7:13
  1455. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1456. When Junkrat's rip-tire sends you flying
  1457. 7:13
  1458. DrGodzilla120
  1459. (??) *looks at the other figure*
  1460. Lord Ghetsis has been slashed by Gigan!
  1461. Lord Ghetsis has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1462. 7:14
  1463. Thegoldnguy
  1464. *The red gas engulfs the nearby wildlife, and their eyes turn red.*
  1465. *The wildlife all simultaneously head towards Mecha Gamera*
  1466. 7:14
  1467. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1468. oh god
  1469. Imagine if Overwatch had gore
  1470. 7:15
  1471. Thegoldnguy
  1472. Gudis (Megalon) *Screeches, firing its horn beam at Mecha Gamera*
  1473. 7:15
  1474. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1475. NERF DIS
  1476. *Several body parts are seen flying*
  1477. 7:15
  1478. Krazar77
  1479. (Mecha-Gamera)*turns around, his shell deflecting the beam and slamming down towards the wildlife*
  1480. 7:15
  1481. Lord Ghetsis
  1482. (???) *Keeps walking, paying no mind*
  1483. 7:15
  1484. Thegoldnguy
  1485. *The wildlife are easily crushed by the giant mech*
  1486. Gudis (Megalon) *Suddenly, Megalon stops firing its beam.*
  1487. Gudis (Megalon) *Its eyes turn yellow again, its drills shrink, and the green substance on its horn disappears.*
  1488. 7:17
  1489. Krazar77
  1490. (Mecha-Gamera)*turns back around*
  1491. 7:17
  1492. DrGodzilla120
  1493. If Overwatch had gore, every single time I killed D. Va, I would be fa-*shot*
  1494. JK
  1495. JK
  1496. 7:17
  1497. Thegoldnguy
  1498. Seatopian (Megalon) *Falls flat on its face, having been released from Gudis' control*
  1499. 7:18
  1500. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1501. Also.
  1502. 7:18
  1503. GarudaGoji
  1505. 7:19
  1506. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1507. I love Reaper and Pharah seem to die a lot when activating their ultimates.
  1508. 7:19
  1509. Krazar77
  1510. (Mecha-Gamera)*catches him*
  1511. 7:19
  1512. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1514. 7:19
  1515. DrGodzilla120
  1516. XD
  1517. 7:19
  1518. Krazar77
  1519. (Mecha-Gamera)*helps him stand a bit, his eyes being green instead of red*
  1520. 7:20
  1521. Thegoldnguy
  1522. Seatopian (Megalon) *Is unconscious, falling over on its back*
  1523. 7:20
  1524. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1525. Goldn
  1526. Would you deny the return of the king?
  1527. 7:21
  1528. Thegoldnguy
  1529. Lord of the Rings?
  1530. 7:21
  1531. Krazar77
  1532. (Mecha-Gamera)*scans him*
  1533. the king of the monsters
  1534. Godzilla
  1535. 7:21
  1536. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1537. yes
  1538. 7:22
  1539. Thegoldnguy
  1540. But he isn't relevant at the moment...
  1541. 7:22
  1542. HerokraShadowgem
  1543. I have 160 coins and i dont know what to do with them
  1544. 7:22
  1545. Thegoldnguy
  1546. He's kinda sorta stuck in the limbo that is MIW3.
  1547. 7:23
  1548. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1549. Save your money.
  1550. For maybe an emote or legendary skin.
  1551. HerokraShadowgem has been slashed by Gigan!
  1552. 7:23
  1553. Thegoldnguy
  1555. 7:23
  1556. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1558. 7:24
  1559. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1560. I tell him to save his money.
  1561. he dies.
  1562. 7:25
  1563. GarudaGoji
  1565. 7:25
  1566. DrGodzilla120
  1567. "Save your money!" "Then how will I pay for the henta-" "wut" "wut"
  1568. jk
  1569. jk
  1570. 7:26
  1571. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1572. XD
  1573. 7:29
  1574. DrGodzilla120
  1575. ...
  1576. 7:29
  1577. Thegoldnguy
  1578. ...
  1579. 7:29
  1580. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1581. ........
  1582. 7:29
  1583. DrGodzilla120
  1584. Why is it that all of my comments kill chat?
  1585. 7:30
  1586. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1587. lol
  1588. anyways
  1589. gtg
  1590. o/
  1591. GarudaGoji has been slashed by Gigan!
  1592. 7:30
  1593. DrGodzilla120
  1594. o/
  1595. 7:30
  1596. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1597. o/
  1598. StayPuftMarshmellowMan has been slashed by Gigan!
  1599. Fr0stfur
  1600. i am an here
  1601. HerokraShadowgem has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1602. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1603. 7:31
  1604. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1605. ....
  1606. 7:31
  1607. Thegoldnguy
  1608. o hai Herokra
  1609. 7:31
  1610. HerokraShadowgem
  1611. Oy
  1612. 7:31
  1613. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1614. StayPuft left and Herokra came back to life. XD
  1615. 7:32
  1616. HerokraShadowgem
  1617. You realize im already dead right?
  1618. Im do you keep forgetting that?
  1619. 7:32
  1620. Thegoldnguy
  1621. Omae wa mou shindeiru
  1622. 7:32
  1623. DrGodzilla120
  1624. Fool. You cannot kill what is already dead.
  1625. 7:32
  1626. HerokraShadowgem
  1627. And you cant bring them back to life either
  1628. 7:32
  1629. DrGodzilla120
  1630. Technically, you can...
  1631. 7:33
  1632. HerokraShadowgem
  1633. No, no you cant
  1634. If their already dead
  1635. 7:33
  1636. DrGodzilla120
  1637. Ever watched DBZ?
  1638. 7:33
  1639. HerokraShadowgem
  1640. Yes i have\
  1641. But WZRP dosent ABIDE by dem laws
  1642. now does it?
  1643. 7:33
  1644. DrGodzilla120
  1645. Snowman?
  1646. 7:33
  1647. HerokraShadowgem
  1648. Snowman smokes too much weed
  1649. 7:33
  1650. DrGodzilla120
  1651. RP?
  1652. 7:34
  1653. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1654. Maybe
  1655. You didn't do anything the previous two attempts though. :P
  1656. 7:34
  1657. DrGodzilla120
  1658. I didn't really know what to do. XD
  1659. I have a new character to properly introduce.
  1660. 7:34
  1661. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1662. So do I.
  1663. Well, soon anyways.
  1664. 7:35
  1665. Lord Ghetsis
  1666. Well
  1667. 7:35
  1668. Thegoldnguy
  1669. brb
  1670. 7:35
  1671. Lord Ghetsis
  1672. I've already introduced (???)
  1673. 7:35
  1674. HerokraShadowgem
  1675. I want to RP
  1676. I want to have a alien species invade earth
  1677. We gotta introduce Mira somehow
  1678. And i have no idea how to do it
  1679. 7:36
  1680. DrGodzilla120
  1681. Ah, shit. BRB.
  1682. 7:36
  1683. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1684. See ya.
  1685. 7:36
  1686. DrGodzilla120
  1687. 10 to 20 minutes.
  1688. 7:38
  1689. Thegoldnguy
  1690. back
  1691. 7:39
  1692. GarudaGoji
  1694. 7:42
  1695. Flaredragon00
  1697. 7:42
  1698. Thegoldnguy
  1699. FISTman
  1700. HerokraShadowgem PM
  1701. See, it wasn't exactly "Herokra PM", so I'm not guilty!
  1702. 7:47
  1703. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1704. Hehe.
  1705. 7:48
  1706. Flaredragon00
  1708. 7:48
  1709. DrGodzilla120
  1710. Alright. Daddy's back.
  1711. 7:48
  1712. Thegoldnguy
  1714. 7:49
  1715. DrGodzilla120
  1716. And apparently, almost nothing happened while I was gone.
  1717. 7:49
  1718. Flaredragon00
  1719. dr if you can never say that again, thanks
  1720. 7:49
  1721. DrGodzilla120
  1722. Fine. I'll do a rephrasing.
  1723. Daddy's rear.
  1724. 7:49
  1725. Flaredragon00
  1726. boy...
  1727. 7:50
  1728. Fr0stfur
  1729. dad's ass
  1730. 7:50
  1731. Krazar77
  1732. sugar daddys hee
  1733. *here*
  1734. 7:50
  1735. Thegoldnguy
  1736. Bodacious Brother is here too.
  1737. 7:50
  1738. Krazar77
  1739. god im such a horrible person
  1740. 7:51
  1741. DrGodzilla120
  1742. Sexy Sister is here as well.
  1743. 7:51
  1744. Thegoldnguy
  1745. ew
  1746. Salty Sister.
  1747. 7:51
  1748. DrGodzilla120
  1749. Saggy Sister.
  1750. I'm talking about the way she wears her pants. Get your mind out of the gutter.
  1751. 7:52
  1752. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1753. Okay now THIS is better.
  1754. 7:53
  1755. Thegoldnguy
  1756. Facepalming Zilla Jr
  1757. 7:53
  1758. Flaredragon00
  1759. honestly i relate to gallibon's avatar more than i should
  1760. 7:53
  1761. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1762. Double Facepalming Zilla Jr
  1763. 7:54
  1764. DrGodzilla120
  1765. I relate to Fr0st's avatar more than I should.
  1766. 7:54
  1767. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1768. Lol
  1769. 7:56
  1770. GarudaGoji
  1771. (expand dong)
  1772. 7:57
  1773. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1774. (derp)
  1775. Huh. No emote for derp...
  1776. GarudaGoji has been slashed by Gigan!
  1777. 7:59
  1778. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1779. I killed chat.
  1780. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1781. 8:00
  1782. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1783. Wb
  1784. 8:01
  1785. Krazar77
  1786. chat died
  1787. along with hope
  1788. 8:02
  1789. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1790. i cry every time
  1791. 8:03
  1792. Flaredragon00
  1794. 8:04
  1795. Lord Ghetsis
  1796. But Gallibon
  1797. You know what will revive chat?
  1798. 8:04
  1799. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1800. No
  1801. no
  1802. no
  1803. 8:04
  1804. Flaredragon00
  1806. 8:04
  1807. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1808. no
  1809. no
  1810. 8:04
  1811. Lord Ghetsis
  1812. (koDeibu) "shiddy shwabe ead mishter pwoo pwoo!"
  1813. 8:04
  1814. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1815. Don't even.
  1816. Goddamit.
  1817. My avatar sums it up.
  1818. 8:05
  1819. Flaredragon00
  1820. *The KoDeibu's heart is set on fire, killing it instantly*
  1821. 8:05
  1822. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1823. XD
  1824. 8:05
  1825. Thegoldnguy
  1826. Baby you choose me baby you lose me.
  1827. 8:05
  1828. Lord Ghetsis
  1829. (koDeibu) *Has no heart*
  1830. (koDeibu) *Looks at Vlady smugly*
  1831. 8:05
  1832. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1833. Vlady is here?
  1834. 8:06
  1835. Lord Ghetsis
  1836. Wait oops
  1837. Normally Vlady is a Deibu killer
  1838. (koDeibu) *Looks at Flare smugly*
  1839. 8:06
  1840. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1841. Either him, me or Kama.
  1842. Brb, food
  1843. 8:10
  1844. Flaredragon00
  1845. Ho ho ho.
  1846. HOHOHO/
  1848. *drops a nuke on the Deibu*
  1850. 8:11
  1851. Krazar77
  1852. * Krazar77 jumps on a kodeibu and holds his palm to its mouth
  1853. eat shit
  1854. * Krazar77 stabs it with his energy sword*
  1855. 8:11
  1856. Lord Ghetsis
  1857. *The Deibu is vaporized from the nuke*
  1858. 8:12
  1859. DrGodzilla120
  1860. eat dick
  1861. 8:13
  1862. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1863. back
  1864. 8:13
  1865. Krazar77
  1866. k
  1867. HerokraShadowgem has been slashed by Gigan!
  1868. HerokraShadowgem has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1869. 8:19
  1870. DrGodzilla120
  1871. WB
  1872. 8:19
  1873. HerokraShadowgem
  1874. That which dosent kill you, makes you stronger...
  1875. 8:19
  1876. DrGodzilla120
  1877. You said you wanted to introduce an alien race?
  1878. We can do that RP now, if you want.
  1879. 8:20
  1880. Thegoldnguy
  1881. o hau agaun
  1882. 8:20
  1883. HerokraShadowgem
  1884. I said i wanted too, but i dont know how we can introduce Mira into the universe
  1885. In the Xenoverse lore, Earth is blown up and i colonization space ship is what escapes and Finds Mira
  1886. *Xenoblade
  1887. Why the FUCK did i say Xenoverse
  1888. 8:20
  1889. DrGodzilla120
  1890. I had an idea.
  1891. 8:21
  1892. HerokraShadowgem
  1893. And we probably would have space ships, i imagine, sinc humans have been around aliens for a while
  1894. 8:21
  1895. DrGodzilla120
  1896. A GDF, Voidian, or some other sort of ship goes on an expedition to find new planets.
  1897. They find Mira.
  1898. Mira traces them back to Earth.
  1899. 8:21
  1900. HerokraShadowgem
  1901. Mira is the name of a planet
  1902. 8:22
  1903. DrGodzilla120
  1904. Well, the inhabitants of Mira.
  1905. 8:22
  1906. HerokraShadowgem
  1907. Ye silly goose
  1908. The inhabitants dont have space ships
  1909. 8:22
  1910. DrGodzilla120
  1911. Apologies. I don't know much about the Xenoblade universe.
  1912. 8:22
  1913. HerokraShadowgem
  1914. and the ones who did are extinct
  1915. 8:22
  1916. DrGodzilla120
  1917. Umm... Maybe they hijack the other race's gear?
  1918. 8:23
  1919. HerokraShadowgem
  1920. This is Mira
  1921. 8:23
  1922. Thegoldnguy
  1923. test
  1924. 8:24
  1925. DrGodzilla120
  1926. Theoretically, what if the Prone hijacked the GDF/Voidian/etc ships and took them to Earth?
  1927. 8:24
  1928. HerokraShadowgem
  1929. That would be interesting
  1930. Prone arent native to Mira
  1931. so it would make sense as well
  1932. I was originally thinking the Ganglion
  1933. GarudaGoji has been slashed by Gigan!
  1934. 8:26
  1935. DrGodzilla120
  1936. I suppose either could work.
  1937. 8:28
  1938. HerokraShadowgem
  1939. Interestingly, the Ganglion are both a Race and a Organization, the Ganglion organization is a Crime Syndicate from the Samaar Federation
  1940. The race are....uhh.....whats the word im looking for
  1941. Does this explain it?
  1942. 8:29
  1943. DrGodzilla120
  1944. Somewhat.
  1945. 8:29
  1946. Thegoldnguy
  1947. Looks like a Twi'lik fro Star Wars.
  1948. 8:30
  1949. DrGodzilla120
  1950. So should we begin the RP?
  1951. 8:30
  1952. HerokraShadowgem
  1953. Its a very diverse species apparently
  1954. This is another Ganglion
  1955. Oh, then theres Frog Man
  1956. 8:32
  1957. Krazar77
  1958. (derp)
  1959. 8:32
  1960. Flaredragon00
  1961. that frog man.....................................................................................................................
  1962. 8:33
  1963. DrGodzilla120
  1964. uhhh
  1965. should we start
  1966. 8:33
  1967. HerokraShadowgem
  1968. I love the Skells though
  1969. Giant Alien Mechs
  1970. Who can hate that
  1971. Noiremi has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1972. 8:34
  1973. Thegoldnguy
  1974. o hai
  1975. 8:34
  1976. DrGodzilla120
  1977. o/
  1978. 8:34
  1979. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1980. o/
  1981. 8:34
  1982. Flaredragon00
  1983. frog man........................................................................................................
  1984. 8:34
  1985. DrGodzilla120
  1986. Herokra, should we start?
  1987. 8:35
  1988. HerokraShadowgem
  1989. Yes we should
  1990. I also plan on introducing Mimeosomes, which are Robots which humans cannot tell the difference between real ones
  1991. 8:36
  1992. DrGodzilla120
  1993. Alright.
  1994. 8:36
  1995. HerokraShadowgem
  1996. prime example
  1997. Yep, thats a Mimeosome
  1998. They can feel and everything
  1999. They even have emotions
  2000. 8:37
  2001. Thegoldnguy
  2002. they're humans? *Zing*
  2003. 8:37
  2004. HerokraShadowgem
  2005. Humans but robots
  2006. ...Literally
  2007. They have distinct rings in the iris of the eyes, which can be used to differentiate them from actual lifeforms.
  2008. 8:38
  2009. Krazar77
  2010. i has to go
  2011. if shodai doesnt come on tommarow
  2012. 8:38
  2013. HerokraShadowgem
  2014. Mimeosomes do have some critical weaknesses. They are not fully independent, as they rely on human data to function. If the second method mentioned above for controlling Mimeosomes is used, the Mimeosome will shut down if the original body is destroyed. In the first method, the Mimeosomes require an external power source, such as the Lifehold Core. If this power source is cut off, the Mimeosome will shut down, effectively killing the human it is simulating.
  2015. 8:38
  2016. Krazar77
  2017. ill wait one more day
  2018. 8:38
  2019. Thegoldnguy
  2020. k
  2021. Krazar77 has been slashed by Gigan!
  2022. 8:38
  2023. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2024. o/
  2025. 8:41
  2026. HerokraShadowgem
  2027. But lets begin
  2028. 8:41
  2029. Thegoldnguy
  2030. *Wind blows*
  2031. Yaranaika
  2032. 8:41
  2033. HerokraShadowgem
  2034. Also, Skells are fucking MASSIVE
  2035. 8:41
  2036. Noiremi
  2037. * Noiremi peeks in
  2038. 8:41
  2039. HerokraShadowgem
  2040. Especially Goetias
  2041. Hey Dragon
  2042. 8:42
  2043. DrGodzilla120
  2044. ?
  2045. 8:42
  2046. HerokraShadowgem
  2047. how about BOTH a GDF AND Voidian ship?
  2048. 8:42
  2049. DrGodzilla120
  2050. That works..
  2051. 8:42
  2052. HerokraShadowgem
  2053. I mean they would have a close partnership, regarding its space, which humans have very little knowledge of, realisticly
  2054. 8:42
  2055. DrGodzilla120
  2056. Do we start the RP off on Mira, or Earth?
  2057. 8:44
  2058. HerokraShadowgem
  2059. Realisticly, Earth, but If you wanna do Mira
  2060. I can do that
  2061. 8:44
  2062. Thegoldnguy
  2063. yare yare daze
  2064. 8:44
  2065. DrGodzilla120
  2066. Alright.
  2067. And do we begin with them discovering the planet, or the attack?
  2068. 8:45
  2069. HerokraShadowgem
  2070. Them Discovering the planet
  2071. 8:46
  2072. Flaredragon00
  2073. guys i just got an
  2074. 8:47
  2075. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2076. ?
  2077. 8:48
  2078. DrGodzilla120
  2079. Alright.
  2080. You start us off.
  2081. ShodaiMeesmothLarva has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2082. 8:48
  2083. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2084. Hi
  2085. 8:49
  2086. Thegoldnguy
  2087. o hai
  2088. 8:49
  2089. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2090. o/
  2091. 8:49
  2092. Thegoldnguy
  2093. Meesmoth
  2094. 8:49
  2095. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2096. ?
  2097. 8:50
  2098. HerokraShadowgem
  2099. Waifu wars in a nutshell
  2100. 8:51
  2101. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2102. Still waiting for Part III, or it happened earlier?
  2103. 8:51
  2104. Thegoldnguy
  2105. It hasn't happened yet because Shodai wasn't on.
  2106. 8:51
  2107. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2108. ah, ok
  2109. 8:52
  2110. DrGodzilla120
  2111. *A GDF ship is currently in space, alongside a Voidian ship*
  2112. (GDF Scout) Sir, we've located a nearby planet.
  2113. (GDF Commander) Have we, now?
  2114. (GDF Commander) I trust we're on course?
  2115. (GDF Scout) ...Yes... sir...?
  2116. 8:55
  2117. HerokraShadowgem
  2118. (Voidian Commander) <(Yes, the planet appears to be reading some....unusual careful in aproach)
  2119. 8:55
  2120. DrGodzilla120
  2121. (GDF Commander) Right.
  2122. (GDF Commander) Shall I have my men arm themselves?
  2123. (GDFScout) Isn't that normal protocol, sir?
  2124. GDF Scout*
  2125. (GDF Commander) Just making sure.
  2126. (GDF Scout) ...
  2127. *the ship soon enters the planet's atmosphere, beginning to descend*
  2128. 8:58
  2129. HerokraShadowgem
  2130. *They land in Oblivia, complete with man-made structures*
  2131. (Voidian Commander) <(Strange)
  2132. 9:00
  2133. DrGodzilla120
  2134. (GDF Commande) Strange indeed.
  2135. Commander*
  2136. 9:00
  2137. ShodaiMeesmothLarva
  2138. I am pretty busy at Zilla Fanon Wiki in the past few hours, and brb
  2139. 9:00
  2140. DrGodzilla120
  2141. (GDF Commander) Men, search the area for any lifeforms.
  2142. (GDF Commander) Be prepared for hostile organisms.
  2143. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2144. 9:01
  2145. HerokraShadowgem
  2146. (Voidian Commander) <(Well, scan the surrounding area, soldiers, see if any organi- you just beat me too it, didnt you?)
  2147. 9:01
  2148. Lord Ghetsis
  2149. Gtgbye
  2150. 9:01
  2151. GarudaGoji
  2152. bye ghetsis
  2153. 9:02
  2154. Thegoldnguy
  2155. o/
  2156. Lord Ghetsis has been slashed by Gigan!
  2157. 9:02
  2158. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2159. o/
  2160. 9:03
  2161. DrGodzilla120
  2162. *the soldiers exit the ship*
  2163. 9:04
  2164. HerokraShadowgem
  2165. *3 Voidian Prototype Mechs come out of the Voidian Command ship*
  2166. (Voidian Soldier) <(Dont worry, if anything attacks, we will protect you)
  2167. 9:05
  2168. DrGodzilla120
  2169. *the soldiers begin to search the area*
  2170. 9:07
  2171. HerokraShadowgem
  2172. *Something roars massivly above them*
  2173. (Voidian Soldier) <(eh?)
  2174. 9:07
  2175. DrGodzilla120
  2176. *The soldiers look up, aiming their guns*
  2177. 9:07
  2178. HerokraShadowgem
  2179. its this
  2180. And its fucking MASSIVE
  2181. 9:07
  2182. DrGodzilla120
  2183. *they open fire*
  2184. 9:07
  2185. Fr0stfur
  2186. what's going on in-RP now?
  2187. 9:08
  2188. DrGodzilla120
  2189. GDF and Voidian soldiers on the planet Mira.
  2190. 9:08
  2191. HerokraShadowgem
  2192. (Voidian Soldier) <(HOLD YOUR FIRE!)
  2193. *Commander
  2194. 9:08
  2195. Fr0stfur
  2196. GDF is?
  2197. 9:08
  2198. DrGodzilla120
  2199. *the soldiers immediately stop*
  2200. ?
  2201. 9:08
  2202. HerokraShadowgem
  2203. (Voidian Commander) <(It hasent even showed any hostility, besides, what if this thing is much stronger than we are?)
  2204. 9:08
  2205. Fr0stfur
  2206. Peucoman?
  2207. 9:08
  2208. DrGodzilla120
  2209. No...
  2210. 9:10
  2211. HerokraShadowgem
  2212. *The creature dosent attack, instead, it flys to its home in Noctilum*
  2213. 9:10
  2214. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2215. ....
  2216. 9:11
  2217. DrGodzilla120
  2218. (GDF Soldier) What in the name of Hell was that?
  2219. (GDF Soldier 2) Please don't tell me this planet is filled with beasts like those...
  2220. 9:12
  2221. HerokraShadowgem
  2222. (Voidian Commander) <(....Send the OP
  2223. *Planetary Scanner into the air)
  2224. *The Voidian Command ship launches a small probe into the atmosphere, which then attempts to scan the planetary life forms*
  2225. 9:15
  2226. DrGodzilla120
  2227. (GDF Soldier) What does it say?
  2228. 9:17
  2229. HerokraShadowgem
  2230. (Voidian Commander) <(Apparently, The amount of life on this planet is SO Diverse, the probe can BARELY comprehend it!)
  2231. ShodaiMeesmothLarva has been slashed by Gigan!
  2232. 9:18
  2233. Thegoldnguy
  2234. Yare yare dawa
  2235. ShodaiMeesmothLarva has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2236. 9:18
  2237. DrGodzilla120
  2238. (GDF Soldier) Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  2239. 9:19
  2240. HerokraShadowgem
  2241. *It attempts to list the 986 individual species of lifeform on the planet, not counting the Tyrants, and this is the list
  2242. Just noticed this list also contains the Probe and Mechanoid enemys, whoops
  2243. Oh well
  2244. Tengen Toppa Lazengann has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2245. 9:20
  2246. GarudaGoji
  2247. Hi
  2248. 9:20
  2249. DrGodzilla120
  2250. o/
  2251. *the soldiers march out to continue exploring*
  2252. ShodaiMeesmothLarva has been slashed by Gigan!
  2253. ShodaiMeesmothLarva has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2254. 9:21
  2255. Thegoldnguy
  2256. o hai tengen
  2257. 9:21
  2258. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2259. o/
  2260. 9:21
  2261. HerokraShadowgem
  2262. (Voidian Commander) <(There are other species of creature that are THAT large, and some are dangerous others arent, that specific one is apparently called a Tyrant, and we certainly arent the first species here, as you can see by the Ruins)
  2263. (Voidian Commander) <(Mostly because this probe recieved DATABASES of these creatures)
  2264. ShodaiMeesmothLarva has been slashed by Gigan!
  2265. 9:24
  2266. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2267. o/
  2268. so what did I miss?
  2269. 9:24
  2270. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2271. Nm really
  2272. 9:25
  2273. HerokraShadowgem
  2274. this is the basic explimation of how enemys work
  2275. 9:25
  2276. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2277. Also, I cahnged my avatar.
  2278. *changed
  2279. 9:25
  2280. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2281. did you guys get around to doing the MI3?
  2282. 9:25
  2283. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2284. I really like this one.
  2285. Nope.
  2286. 9:25
  2287. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2288. Cool
  2289. 9:25
  2290. GarudaGoji
  2291. nope
  2292. 9:25
  2293. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2294. Goro didn't come.
  2295. 9:25
  2296. DrGodzilla120
  2297. *the soliers continue exploring*
  2298. soldiers*
  2299. *Especially looking for any intelligent lifeforms*
  2300. 9:27
  2301. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2302. k
  2303. 9:27
  2304. HerokraShadowgem
  2305. (Vodian Commander) <(Holy crap.....apparently, that Giant Creature we encountered, is said to be Mira's Guardian, apparently, this planet has a title too, and Mira is it's name)
  2306. ShodaiMeesmothLarva has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2307. 9:28
  2308. DrGodzilla120
  2309. (GDF Soldier) Mira?
  2310. 9:28
  2311. HerokraShadowgem
  2312. (Voidian Commander) <(Like i said, this probe RECIEVED the data, like someone GAVE it to us)
  2313. (Voidian Commander) <(On a different subject though, how are those Mims holding up?)
  2314. 9:30
  2315. DrGodzilla120
  2316. (GDF Soldier) Mims?
  2317. 9:31
  2318. HerokraShadowgem
  2319. (Voidian Commander) <(Your Mimeosomes....the Robots your piloting Right now, your bodys(
  2320. 9:33
  2321. DrGodzilla120
  2322. (GDF Soldier) Decent, I suppose...
  2323. 9:33
  2324. Thegoldnguy
  2325. i gtg gus, g'night
  2326. 9:33
  2327. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2328. o/
  2329. 9:33
  2330. DrGodzilla120
  2331. o/
  2332. Thegoldnguy has been slashed by Gigan!
  2333. 9:35
  2334. HerokraShadowgem
  2335. (Voidian Commander) <(Well i guess thats how we know their doing their job, your not suppost to be able to tell the difference between the Mimeosome and a real body)
  2336. (Voidian Commander) <(Well they should be working exponentially, seeing how their suppost to be stronger than a human body)
  2337. 9:36
  2338. DrGodzilla120
  2339. (GDF Soldier) *looks around for any organisms*
  2340. ShodaiMeesmothLarva has been slashed by Gigan!
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