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Dec 11th, 2021
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  1. Day 1: I have successfully secured Haachama inside a bullet proof jar. Thankfully she has knives or bombs left so she cannot cheat her way out of this situation. The container is 6 foot tall but has a small opening at the top to prevent her from suffocating; though air is still rare in there.It has been three hours that Haachama has tried in vain to break out of her jar. Because she seemed so tired, I decided to start the experiment by pouring some of my seeds (one gallon) inside the container to feed her some precious vitamins.As she powerlessly looked in horror at the small amount of liquid food that started pouring onto her, she vainly tried to cover her face to prevent the juice from getting in her eyes. Her clothes, turned transparent and half white from the fluids that came from my manhood; stuck to her frail figure. Apparently not able to assimilate the nutrients, Haachama was taken by violent gaggings and started puking on herself. The two fluids blended into a yellowish mix that was one inch deep in the bottom of the jar; splattering and sticking on Haachama's shoes like a blob of slime.
  3. Day 2: It has been 28 hours since Haachama has been imprisoned inside the cum jar. Though her eyes seem to be irritated from crying and the atmosphere of the jar, she seems to still be healthy enough to live for at least a week thanks to her cooking skills.For this day, I decided to change her food and replace it with an old sample of my semen, which dates back to three years ago. Because of it's old age, it was semi-solid; like guacamole. Opening the vent at the top of her jar, I was welcomed by the terrorized cries of Haachama, who looked dreadfully at the container I was carrying.I poured down the clumps of fermented sperm onto her, which must have amounted for a total of 10 gallons. Panicked, Haachama attempted to remove the seed pรขtรฉ from her body; but because of it's texture, it just kept on spreading on her clothes and under her fingernails. Haachama's face; twisted from the horror she was experiencing, started gagging in vain, as her spasming stomach was empty thanks to her stubbornness of not eating my fresh seeds.Feeling her strength leaving her body, she fell onto her knees into the muddy mass quicksand of semen which now reached up to the bottom of her breasts.
  5. Day 5: After leaving her to rest for three days, I came back to an unconscious Haachama with dark eyebags and dried lips; her face completely covered with a crusty layer of semen which looked like an excessively dried face mask.Not sure whether she was still alive or not; and not wanting to give her a chance to escape, I started adding a large dose of semen to see if she would react once her face was below surface. Though not reacting at first, she started opening her eyes when the gooey mass started reaching her neck.As if her instinct to live suddenly kicked in, a large dose of Adrenalin started rushing through her veins as she tried to stand up as fast as she could, only to slip up and fall head first into the sperm. Quickly, she got back up and lied on the wall of her jar, coughing because of the sudden intake of semen through her throat and nose. I kept on pouring.The level was now reaching her chin when she stood up on her toes. I decided to leave it at that, and to just observe her for the next 15 hours, as she struggled to stay awake because of her lack of sleep and food intake. Finally, she found a way to stand up and lie on the wall of the jar to sleep, leaving only her mouth underneath the sea of sperm.
  7. Day 6: I decided to make a surprise to Haachama for hanging on for so long without eating any of my semen. Her lifeless eyes greeted me, while her head kept tilting backward and forward; indicating that she was shortly falling asleep for a few seconds out of exhaustion.I opened the top of the jar, knowing full well that she wasn't in condition to escape from the jar. Tied to a thin rope, I carefully let down a piece of raw meat to the level of her face, making sure it was intact from my semen. Haachama's eyes lit up, as raw meat was a godsent in this situation for her. She violently started tearing parts of the raw meat and gulped it down in minutes.What she didn't know, however, was that it freshly came out of the body of Tsunomaki Watame; who was locked down in another room inside my mansion. Eating the raw liver of an immortal is, after all, a way to transfer one's immortality to another. Thankfully, being immortal didn't mean that she stopped feeling pain, far from it. Satisfied, I went back to pick up a barrel of sperm to fill the rest of her jar. I must admit that I giggled when I saw the sudden drop in hope on her face when she witnessed what was coming for her. As if the last bits of her sanity crumbled, she let out a chilling scream and started banging on the walls of her jar, in vain. The violence behind each one of her hits was enough to break her bones and leave blood on the wall, but the wounds on her body healed up almost instantly.She started trying to choke herself with her own hands, but while she did feel the pain of suffocating and having her throat crushed, she wouldn't die. I began pouring. As the level rose, her cries for help and mercy gradually sounded like she was talking underwater, which was actually the case, but with semen.I stopped pouring once the level was 3 inches away from the top of the jar; leaving just enough room to give her the hope of breathing air.After watching her struggle for 3 hours and 45 minutes to make sure she was immortal, I decided that my Haachama cum jar was complete, and started transporting it to my subterranean abode, where I stored my other 53 cum jars.
  9. Satisfied with the result, I let out a satisfied sigh.
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