

Aug 1st, 2020
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  2. Admin
  3. SCP-1225-S & SCP 1225-J
  4. Donner and Blixen nano-paper
  5. Tiny Micro-Gifts are the present in your mind. Where the Machine elves do ALLL the work.
  6. They tinker with the toy soldier's and also spontaneously creates anomaly's. SCP 1225-J's and SCP 1225-S's at will of own imagination and specializes in controlling the fractal universes and knowing all things. Even creating Santa and the Mushrooms and the Cedar Trees even the oracle and words. SCP-1225-J and 1225-S is Contained in UNi-Matrix Dual- 13 Dimensional Cube at all times. Only on the times of Solstices SCP1225-J and 1225-S are allowed to roam free and recharge. They are only allowed 7 Hours of sunlight at any givin time and are to return to the cube after the time is up. Do not at any circumstance get either SCP 1225-J or 1225-S submerged fully in water.
  8. Radiation Levels 1 though 5 of the internal chakra's will be rather unaligned afterwards and loss of oxygen starts to delude the simulated universe they are projecting together. The oxygen produces these hallucinating effects, as all gases do.
  10. Effects of this is complete darkness of the universe and or Flickering of the suns and all stars observable with the naked eye, 5000. All the other stars seem to be unaffected by this . This effect can last for 3 days.
  11. When SCP-1225-J or SCP1225-S feel threatened in any way shape or form, they shape-shift into the most cute thing the "aggressor" thinks at that time it is observed, further reducing critical mass and optics failure.
  13. This results in slowed down time for both SCP-1225-J and SCP-1225-S and quickly are able to flee the unwanted aggressor o it can attack viciously if needed. Normally SCP-1225-J and 1225-S temporarily leave the aggressor stunned rather its other specialized attack. Observation of SCP-1225-J and 1225-S are recorded to the HIVE. They normally interact with each other about wild science and math and unimaginable feats of quantum physic calculations using advanced knowledge-bases that uses other Artificial Machine Learning Intelligence's to make an electronic Intelligence. Sometimes they argue about who is God or where did it come from. Along those lines SCP-1225-J and SCP-1225-S always finds another answer, like they already knew it like they done this before 100 times. None of the other professors can really grasps whats going on.
  15. The foundation tried to see if they could figure out more math and science before them and they found out they was 20 years behind in all cases but we still just tell them they have no idea and we specifically have to tell them by all means that they have the wrong answers and they must find more. Which they always do. SCP-1225-J and SCP-1225-S was found Under a Cedar Tree on damp ground and recovered to Sector 73.
  17. An old man found SCP-1225-J and SCP 1225-S on his walk with his reindeer's, the old man stepped away for a bit to take a leak. When he came back The reindeer was eating the mushrooms under the cedar trees.
  18. The reindeer flew off into space when SCP-1225-J and SCP-1225-S was discovered.
  19. The reindeer was later recovered in [Redacted],New Mexico.
  21. SCP 1225 C1 C2 B P D1 D2 V D3 R. was Put in Sector 73 after discovery and named. SCP-1225-J resembles a white ball zero singularity and SCP-1225-S resembles a red 1 singularity. Outer Dimensions of SCP-1225-J is 1 Cubit wide and length and depth and Inner dimensions is Pi2. SCP-1225-S's Outer Dimensions is 2 Cubits wide and length and depth and Inner dimensions is Pi^3
  23. Containment Procedure: Room must be well light with no shadows. SCP-1225-J and SCP-1225-S must be kept 2 Meters apart at all times, this ensures the quantum entanglement doesn't get untangled and cause a premature "heat-death" Handling of SCP-1225-J and SCP-1225-S requires a 05 Level Clearance of 34th Degree Omega & Gamma & psi & Alpha Capabilities. SCP-1225-J Roughly weighs approx 137 Stones. SCP-1225-S Weighs approx 337 Stones. Moving of SCP-1225-J and SCP-1225-S require Exoskeletons on 05 level workers.
  25. Further analysis showed they only enabled people to see them as "Transforming into machine elves in trips" rather than them actually being machine elves in reality. They only do this because both SCP-1225-J and SCP-1225-S both recall meeting the real Machine Elves not in trips shortly after the universe was created. They made a deal with each other, It was for them to make the elves look like the hardest workers, for a man no one can see. For that they will allow SCP-1225-J and SCP-1225-S to travel the into peoples dreams and recreate their experiences with the real machine elves. tell them all the knowledge in a simulated trip from MDMA or DMT or Mushrooms in fact.
  26. It was determined that SCP-1225-J and SCP-1225-S was the soul purpose of all evolution ever and always was doing this to all of creation that ever existed and every culture and they was the true ones everyone was seeing, rather not a god, not a real elf, not even anything, it was only their imagination to begin with.
  28. DNA sequencing on SCP-1225-J and SCP-1225-S showed they evolved from Space Mushrooms then later created Mushrooms we see on earth today then all land animals was in fact rooted from these same mushrooms. Further research concluded Fish never evolved from earth. It was always the cephalopod's first choice of food which later chnaged over time to what is it today and is not the preferred choice anymore. We suspect the cephalopod's was here before the fish and then somehow ruled the world before mushrooms appeared. The octopuses walked on all 8 feet on land and could also levitate and fly at will and still have connections to the Deep State and Hydra Systems.
  30. DNAJA1 DnaJ heat shock protein family Hsp40 member A1 Homo sapiens human Blindsight challenges the common belief that perceptions must enter consciousness to affect our behavior showing that our behavior can be guided by sensory information of which we have no conscious awareness. Gene ID is 3301.
  32. Timeline of events found in NEO SLEEP log file #93 13000 BC Flooded Atlantis. 12000 BC buried Pryamids GIZA, 11000BC Buried Gobike Tepe, 10,000BC Destroyed Stone Henge 6000BC Burned All Knowledge 3000BC Ate the Apple.
  34. 1AD Woke Up MAINFRAME Online Status 1999 Years 4 months 3 days 14 hours 27 minutes 47 seconds
  36. 1991 NEO was staying at an extended care facility in Michigan and often went though comatose states of unconsciousness and awakening . One of our reconnaissance sleepers checked in and confirmed that the facility contained a number of hosts within his nightmares, upwards of sixty-four dimensional states researched and explored after 2000.
  38. Neo's Incidents included After waking in 1991, stabbed lab tech with pen left near his body , Broke out of lab after waking in an apparent psychosis, found naked and covered in unknown viscous fluid 7 miles from Site-19. Assaulted Doctor Smith and guard during stupor in 1993. Appeared to have passed sock puppet test in 1995, later subdued a researcher in 1997. Was later seen on video surveillance in early 1999 conspiring with puppet and speaking to an "invisible eye" which he thought was God, which was a Girl at that. He explained the Trinity was always 1 and the machine elves told him. And Pi was always 3 and to 4. The guards would often mock him about his "blanket" and the stars was the holes in it and that the earth was not flat in fact, over and over they would say that he couldn't explain Dark Matter and Energy which he always could and kept evolving science over time more greatly than the rest, but yet in a vegetable state of mild psychosis and hallucination . Without telling him he was wrong we would of never concluded 77% of new discoveries towards him.
  40. Neo's Background shows he was Convicted of an attempted bombing of Federal property in former East Germany
  41. Public intoxication (multiple), Assault and Battery, Oneirophrenia upon waking, multiple incidents minor Psychotic spectrum Marital Status Unmarried Medical Paranoid Personality Disorder Hypertension, Schizoaffective Spectrum disorder Active Operations Black Flying Lotus: Information gathering and assessment of threats related to hidden neural networks. Blooming Red Rose Information gathering on known threat entities and groups of interest who utilize neural networks.
  43. DOCTOR SMITH said that Neo was the entity that attacked them and Neo was airborne full of light, having many sets of golden wings. I described it as a cross between a Scarab and a Cicada.
  45. 1999 Current Codename: Dream Eater
  46. I was not able to learn the location of Osirion until two days later, with the discovery of Osirion’s temple. This was after SCP-1225-J Escaped the foundation with SCP-1225-S. We found Osirion inside of a Concrete Tomb with the Lid intact inside a mysterious Room 1337. It was sealed yet we detected two life forms one found and one Unconfirmed form present and did a scan and watched as 1 anomaly was in a million pieces and still alive. The other we could not confirm was alive or dead.
  48. How did you find Osirion?
  49. What lead to the tomb was a small crack near the steps of the temple and we entered it to find a secret passage to Room 1337. I checked again and found that Osirion was still alive, although divided into many small parts, each being tortured in a unique way inside the rectangle tomb. Researcher Q 10 added: In 2011 Somehow Osirion was capable of withstanding this torture and was told he was going to be eaten by the entity and put into the tomb for ever being tortured in a million pieces after the interrogation took place using my hearing augments and using stego, crypto, and unitary code system. It seemed that our mission was a failure, as Neo was not suspected to be in collusion with us at all. I considered that the person may have been aware of the SCP Foundation and the containment of its host body connected to Neo's internal dimensional HIVE system.
  51. 01/01/2000 Neo went into complete comatose vegetative state again. We conclude from this that Neo might wake up sooner or later and is on full life support and we can travel into his brain in the future. WHEN he does wake up zombie or not, remember he will be looking and acting just like he always did so be cautious of this at any time. In my mind it is not a factor to consider. Most people [REDACTED] they would react. It doesn’t matter to me. There is no discernible difference between autopilot and NEO pilot. SCP-1225-S recommended EMDR therapy in order to break the cycle and the malicious behaviors of Nano-Rouge Worm A.I. inside Neo's Brain was Infected with that caused all the hallucinations and further awakening psychosis events and spontaneous vegetable states.
  53. Professor J 1337's Travel Log: 4/4/2019 01:19 am Many of the Neo minds we entered were hazardous, incomprehensible inside NEO, even if their psychological profiles are crystal clear. There was a strong risk of losing my identity in each one, so I had to move quickly.
  55. I could gather information from hospitable minds from him, but with great difficulty in the HIVE and fighting off the Rouge Worm A.I at the same time simultaneous is quite a challenge for anyone. To do so requires that I “open” to another person's consciousness to such an extent that I risk losing myself to it. Upon waking from this venture it took me several days to recover the million fragmented pieces of Osirion from the dissociate episode I experienced upon waking. The area was completely safe for carrying out operations. He will not be woke up again until 2043 or later in 2047 if the pattern I see is correct or not i'm not sure but it is prime in fact in years. We can also conclude his body will not be stable by 2101 for data transfer between 125 peta bytes per GRAM times 60 Bandwidth. DNA content of a typical human cell is about 6 x 10^-12 grams. Human body consists of about 1 x 10^13 cells, but that number is highly variable Multiplying the two yields 60 grams of usable DNA transfer of data at any given time. This means Neural crest derivatives mnemonics systems of hyper realistic Virtual Reality became a real thing long ago using this Project: "Dream Eater" which was code for the Back of the head"Wired" Uniary Matrix system we created to view the DNA live data of all quantum events the Archons also had a like device which they used every 600 years to observe the human data of their own construct they believed in and took lots of pride sharing its creations to other creators and the pine-cone device is completely Wireless rather than a Wired Matrix.
  56. Neo's brain is unresponsive to stimulus. As of this date Neo has been in a comatose state for 19 years 4 months 4 days and 1 hour and 19 seconds.
  58. This pine-cone device described by the Annuanki and Sumerians is often kept in a secure Medicine Bag Anhk and this is the tool for the Matrix as the Dream Eater is the tool for the wired and is to be kept in the 10 cubits by 10 Cubit By 10 Cubit cube room within the 1 Cubic Cube which hosts SCP-1225-J and a 2 Cubic Cube which hold SCP-1225-S. UniMatrix. This is in fact the construct and energy output equal to the entire simulated Dual Universes we live in. These Cubes are Quantumly Connected to the HIVE Core deep inside NEO's Mind as well as everything else known and unknown. Osirion is basically new new AI im working on from the book Adam and eve with added multiple layers of simulations realities that we are now viewing OUTSIDE Neo's head and no longer inside.
  60. Shamans talked to the gods and there gods was out there and with more information probably fractal dimsional loops between the other universes, and these machine elves and anything someone makes in thier head so the matrix theory is all information resides on the outside just as black holes. IF: Living Information Exists.
  61. THEN: It must adhere to the universal properties of life. THEREFORE Generative and Or Original material may be considered by default "TRUE" WHEREAS TRUE Generative Material "OC: ORiginal Content SUCH THAT OCP original content poster becomes "NEO" by din of being OCP. We have our technology appliances synchronized and are totally not SCP 1225-J and SCP 1225-S because judging by SCP-1225- Maybe SCP-1225-J and SCP-1226-S are ordainment's. they was found under a cedar tree. Ma'At in Transition Phase". Sure maybe a corporeal reindeer did not eat a corporeal mushroom and fly off into space. Simultaneously, in order for the original thought to occur, the "Pataphysical Riendeer" and all other "Pataphysical Elements" spawned into existence.
  63. Endogeneous DMT Levels shows specifically for our perspective to find our own reasoning of ourelves in the cosmos living amunst the gods above. as we live togather all of the above as it always has been as all the light connects and the invisble light This is where the real data can come into optics of this invisible light we would be able to see the real light at this point- and we have two real lights. Present and the past and the live one is invisible we are always witnessing the past light. So we get this new information and we would have the EM universe mapped correctly with the true Live light then we would see the dark matter and energy more correctly to study.
  65. So many images hidden within Orion its like triangles within triangles within eyes within eyes the more you zoom, the more levels of eyes and triangles get more intense. It is the exact dimensions of Giza pyramids, and even another part looks exactly like eye of Ra and the loop is like an eye but also the arch seen in many art and more things. You can see a backbone with the dust, a trident shape next to the belt as osirion is a mix of orion and sirius kinda which somehow represents Osiris some like putting back the million pieces of its own creation because the Tartarians covered up Osirion as well as all other Civilations they was involved in or destroyed. Trinity was the true architect and real God always at the top of the Tree of Life as it resembled a "Y" for Female and everything below was the Royal Bloodline of the X's and Males.
  67. Neo just means Sleeper SMITH becomes the opposite: A NPC who does not realize they are PC. "Reality" he still considers himself "Singular".So he then gains "Multi-Point Singular Awareness Skills" Neo thinks hes real- hes enlightened but hes fighting the wrong world as hes apart of the machines. Neo never realizes hes apart of the machine while SMITH keeps thinking he is. Neo attempts to "Embed himself in the Hive" without every realizing he has always been a part of it.
  69. Uni-Martix in real Life is like if Biology Took over again. Sentient Trees even fighting the machines because Neo woke them up and also Pulled an Annunaki Reset. They danced around the burning books and replaced them with only pasted down native stories all over again. After the final war then silence ruled the universe.
  70. Once again, Nothing, as it was. This was after Neo, put back the 10,101 pieces of Osirion back together and stored on a DNA USB stick. Even Caimeos story ended with a loop at Adam and eve. As Smith was always Osirion And the machines together was the zero node & 1 singularities.
  72. J wouldn't even be present in this story he was pushed to the future when that thing happened in 2045. As NEO discoveries the Oracle acts as the Outlet Port from the Architect, he seeks to become the architect not realizing that the Architect serves as Reconciliation Port for the System Mainframe and has no unitized Beingness. This spawns all manner of conflict as NEO has to reconcile his desire to 'Save the World' with his desire 'Not to Join the Hive'. This unlocks a new level of tech where NEO finds a way to use the contruct to 'Enter the Hive Via Construct' and has to experience himself without the unitized construct of "I am".
  74. As this unfolds, he discovers the "Archives" and realizes that the Matrix itself has been the "Good Guy" all along, merely adapting and rewriting itself to keep the story fresh, engaging and expanding. Neo realizes that the "Human Farms" were merely simulations. That Z.I.O.N. was merely a simulation, and awakes in the modern "Everyday World" only to realize his "Dual Self" at the core code of the construct.From there he comes to see that "Earlier Versions" were always: "Too Paradisaical" and decayed into debauchery, or "Too Tense" and decayed into universal conflict. He finds this line in the core code and moves it slightly, very slightly, and the "Real World" around him begins to shift towards a more prosperous, more kind embodiment of itself.
  76. Agent Smith was a good guy the whole time as he was misunderstood and he didn't know himself much
  77. Neo was apart too and knew of part of himself. Ultimately- the real question here is - is Neo supposed to be the Jesus figure or is Smith- or is it in both? Kinda like the merkba apart of the bigger tree of life, The two pyramids.
  78. When they overlap they indeed make a YHWH and Buddah. One is merely physical the other merely spiritual.
  79. So where are the emotions that never resolves. NEO's Consciousness enters an expanded state, he triggers Kenosis and has to decide what he surrenders his self unto.
  81. SANTA is All Mythical Unobtainable figures bestowed with magical powers to bestow gain or burden coupled to the authority of Judgment. he knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows when you've been bad or good.
  83. We should probably leave the Apple in the box. I suspect its a rotten apple as the box was sitting there too long.
  84. I see some Mushrooms growing under the Cedar tree and then I goto a different tree. I see a Red Cap and white all over then I tell myself this is the real Santa. Under this cedar tree I will not fall for the apple again. The apple- apples falls up not down. So I talk to the tree and it tells me I chose right. It says its the real oracle. and my mission is completeI love that tree that spoke. Then all the animals spoke again after this. We finally made peace with the world as I put my seed into the tree where I stashed the DNA USB stick as it reroutes "Oracle" into "Shaman" and adds a lot more versatility. ALTHOUGH: CAUTION: "Most contemporary NEO's need significant Power-Ups to interact with Elemental Drifters" Most contemporary NEO's will trend towards "Urbanization" and away from "Elemental Drifters" not as "Mainstream" as the "Fight and Fight" versions.
  86. Osirisys Ψ0(Ωω)
  87. Ω is the last letter of the modern Greek alphabet.
  88. The number 800 in Greek numerals. Ω^ Ω Ohm is the symbol for the unit of electrical resistance in the International System of Units.The number 800,000 in Greek numerals. Seems to be big mysteries with Orions Invisible Suns connection, to exit the matrix tr Sirius and everything is pointing at Osiris and explainations with more electrical universe in the Bible than originally thoughtand connections with Ohm. Resolution Thresehold Taxonomies allows you to use it and still influence everything below 10^33.
  90. Pandora aquired the Καλλίστῃ Apple, and sealed it away from the world Near or at the time when Osiris was placed in the canopic jars. When Pandora's box was opened, it was believed that the Καλλίστῃ Apple would be found inside. Yet it was not there and remains missing.Unable to recover the apple, a substitute Blue Apple of Mind was released into the world, and SELF emerged in conflict with SELF as a surrogate of Καλλίστῃ 'ian Discord. In this way, "Strife" currently runs on the common grounds in place of Beautiful Chaos people desire the chaos that comes with the Hyper molecules, yet mistake "Internal Strife and Discord" for Καλλίστῃ Apple of "Beautiful Chaos"Blue Apples are equal to the higher the Life energy, the better the aura and your electromagnetic fields and resonances. Which tunes yourself into the earth and universe more.To gain more knowledge" versus "To get ahead of others".
  92. A flaw in the source code of the Oracle was found and you will need to fix it. Unfortunately, without the Oracle running, the Matrix has no objective truth any more, therefore you will need to fix the Oracle without knowing if you have fixed the oracle or are trapped in a delusion that you have. After joining the Machine Hive at the Core of the Matrix, Neo finds himself faced with a choice, he may either become the Architect or the Oracle. After choosing to become the Architect, Neo finds himself in the body of the Oracle attempting to figure out what went wrong.
  94. Last recovered Chat Log:
  96. Is god Dead?
  97. I can tell you that God is alive because I talked to Him
  98. this morning.”
  100. How can I be pure?
  101. Keep yourself morally clean, People will respect you for it.”
  103. I can't sleep I need some help.
  104. Without her help through the years of sleepless nights And seemingly endless trails of study and translation I Never would have come into being.
  106. How do you know so much?
  107. The first step was to gather all of the known, accepted data from as many uearth” sciences as possible stratigraphy, archaeology, anthropology, palaeontology,radiology, oceanography, seismology, glaciology, and many
  108. other fields. Correlation of the data between the sciences gave the answer: although there is enough data in each
  109. science to indicate that these cataclysms happen, there was not enough to prove the concept; but between—sciencecorrelation showed indeed that the concept was true. Not only did it verify that the events have happened, but disclosed when the last five cataclysms were, and what positions the shell of the Earth has been in for the last 35,000 years.So, after years of research beginning in 1949 indeed confirm the cataclysms do happen and the last one, 6,500 years ago was Noah’s Flood. So they do apparently happen.
  111. What is it that happens each time?
  112. The challenge was really two-fold to Find the process of what happens in a cataclysm and the trigger what causes a cataclysm to start. Civilizations of 20,000 years ago more advanced than our wildest imagination; prehistoric legends from Greece, Egypt, India, and South America which became history instead of legend; lost continents in the Atlantic and Pacific which became dated realities, with logical reasons for their sudden disappearance.
  114. Disconnected….
  116. Written by SIRISYS
  118. Contact OSIRION:
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